Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 223 Levels Of The Ancient Library

Chapter 223 Levels Of The Ancient Library

Lyrian made sense of what Granweid, his teacher, was talking about. 'Nine levels of the library, and nine levels of the abyss which the library levels are based on? I guess that makes sense.' He mused, looking around as he tried to feel the pressure on him from 'Hell', the first abyss.

Lo and behold, upon thinking about it, he did feel a slightly odd feeling deep within his stomach that gave him slight unease.

'This must be it... the spiritual pressure that's 1 percent of Hell.' He thought to himself. This gave him a pretty straightforward idea of how the library worked now, but there was one question that he wanted a confirmation of.

"Since the levels of the Ancient Library make it harder to enter, I assume that there are greater books as one goes farther, right?" He inquired to the teacher with a curious tone, as others turned to face him as he spoke. contemporary romance

Granweid quickly replied to the students' questions, happy to answer. "Indeed, young man," he smiled, "Each level allows you to take a look at more profound and powerful books valued far more than those of the lower levels. Know, however, that even books in the first level are of great value."

He walked over to one of the shelves made of dark stone nearby, taking out a thick book before turning around and presenting it to the class. "Here is a book written by none other than Ephiras Varant himself," Granweid began to speak, as Lyrian noticed the name. 'Oh? Varant huh?' His curiosity about the man had been slightly piqued in the first period. 'Maybe I'll get it...' He pondered.

"This man held great knowledge, and he's highly revered by many. His words alone changed the course of the history of this continent, and this book represents his entire being. His way of life, his path to greatness. I myself am quite a fan of him and his ideals... although, they may seem quite harsh and even sometimes impossible to reach..." Granweid continued, as Lyrian's interest in the book grew. 'He wrote it himself? A book by the most powerful man of the Mortal Plains continent... I wonder what types of information he has to offer.' He began to imagine the nearly impossible standards that Granweid was talking about.

To him, it wasn't just a dreadful task, as Granweid was implying, but more of a challenge. One that made him slightly eager just to think about it. 'Such a book is in the first level...' Lyrian thought to himself in slight astonishment. Others in the class also let out sounds and quiet gasps of amazement on hearing about Varant's book.

"I know what you all are thinking, and your thoughts are valid. Why is such a powerful book in the first, weakest level? Well, it is because of what I said before. Even the lowest levels have books of high value." As he paused, a few ahs and ohs reverberated through the crowd of students.

"Of course, as the levels go up, so does the value of the books. You will find books of utmost value as you climb the library, but know that you will also face much stronger spiritual force, which may permanently damage your core constitution."

Granweid's expression and tone suddenly became more serious. "Please, do not make me repeat these words." He paused, allowing the stern atmosphere to settle in, "This library is not a joke, so do not take it as one. If you go too far and mess up your core constitution by going into a level you can't handle, then your core will be destroyed. Your ability to cultivate and conjure mana will be killed. It starts from your meridians, and then your core, all will implode with far too much force. Do not strain yourselves."

The students took in deep breaths, understanding the severity of Granweid's uncommon tone. Clearly, even a jolly person such as him was serious, and they had better listen. Some, of course, weren't paying attention. Others already knew what Granweid was talking about, so they didn't care as much.

"And finally, know that information books, such as this," Granweid put Ephiras' book up in the air to show, "are on the lower floors. Books with cultivation, however, start from only the second floor and up. Remember, you don't need to be the greatest. Even books from level four are enough for great nobles of this continent. For normal books, you may get any, but for cultivation techniques, you are only permitted to take one."

He ended with a smile, as kids quickly started to spread around, searching for books as they communicated among each other. Lyrian, however, first walked directly towards Varant's book and picked it up before storing it in his storage ring.

That's also when he checked the space left in there and saw that he only had space for one more book since he had eaten the leftover meat jerky that he stored in place of his treasure. 'I gotta find a place to put this treasure. I can't just keep it in there forever.' He mused for a moment, walking over to the large red stone in the middle of the circular room. Below the stone on the floor were large letters that read "Hell Stone."

'Granweid said that you don't have to be the greatest? What kind of nonsense is that? I wouldn't assume it to be things taught in such a grand school. He said he was a fan of Varant right? I'm sure such a man wouldn't endorse one not to aim for the highest goal.' He firmly stated in his mind as he attempted to read the inscriptions on the stone. 'I don't understand a single word. It's all gibberish.' He said in his mind after only a few seconds.


┏━━━Item Scan━━━┓

Name: Hell Stone Description: A stone infused with the magia of Hell. Holds ancient inscriptions of powerful words. (Unrecognized by the system.)

Special: #####--


Lyrian's eyes squinted slightly, a disappointed look on his face. 'Not very effective Scan... I need to up my proficiency in this skill.' He thought to himself. At that moment, he heard his name from behind.

"Lyrian... taking a look at the Hell Stone huh?" Granweid asked, walking closer.

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