Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 222 The Ancient Library Of Anaviotis

Chapter 222 The Ancient Library Of Anaviotis


"The Ear War, a war between both of the most powerful species in this continent we call the Mortal Plains. Now... I know that we have started with the climax! However, now that all of your attention is garnered, you will begin learning about Ephrias Varant The Legendary from the very beginning." Mister Peresal finished up his Zaryn Mythology class with those words, as several magic books floated onto the desks of every student present. Lyrian had close to no interest in Ephrias at first, but after hearing this last bit of history, he couldn't help but have a sense of admiration for him.

To be so strong and have so much power and influence, to be able to stop a war between two empires brutally going at it against each other; it was immense to behold. Lyrian smiled just thinking about how that power would feel in his hands.

As Mister Peresal walked back to his desk and sat down, he seemed to remember something. Tilting his head back up, he spoke to the class.

"Oh! And one more thing! Today is about when you guys should get access to our fabled library. If you want to learn more about Ephrias, you can do so there. Apart from that, read this book about Zaryn Mythology from pages 242 to 256. That's all!"

He actually ended this time, as the bell to the next class rang. Lyrian stood up alongside Leon as they both made their way out of the class. Eyes followed the both of them as usual. By now, Lyrian realized that this wasn't going to change for a while... probably.

It wasn't only because he was one of the three MVPs of the year, but also because he utterly humiliated Israthel on the first day; to which the boy was still mad. Yesterday, he hadn't done anything, simply lurking in the background, still more angry than ever.

This time, however, he approached the two as they entered the halls. Grabbing onto Lyrian's shoulder, he squeezed tightly, making Lyrian quickly turn to look past his shoulder.

Sensing the aggression from the bully, Lyrian gave him a serious glare. "What do you want?" Lyrian said, not willing to play any games with the boy.

"I..." Israthel paused, as a few kids nearby in the halls also noticed the confrontation between the two somewhat recognizable figures. "Want to give you a gift. Here, take this." He said, suddenly putting on what looked to be a genuine smile as he raised a canned drink in his hand.

"Huh?" Lyrian raised an eyebrow. Leon and others nearby were more confused by the gesture. For him to be so jolly all of a sudden... it was odd. 'A fake smile... and then a drink?' Lyrian mused, grabbing the can as Israthel continued to smile. Lyrian knew that the grin was fake. It was an ability of his that he only realized he had after entering Zaryn, but an ability learned on Earth.

To spot fake smiles... he thought of every time Jen smiled at him. He knew that not a single one of those was real. Before he forced himself to repress those thoughts fully, her smile would flash across his mind.

In anger, he scanned those images in his head with utmost precision. Every microfiber of movement that she made, every irk of the eyes, every quiver of the lip, and every flare of the nostrils. From this alone, he obtained a pretty useful ability to tell not just whether one was putting on a fake smile, but also whether one was lying or not.

Albeit, he wasn't as good at telling whether one was lying or not. 'He must think I'm stupid.' Lyrian said, handing the can back to the boy. "I'm alright." He turned around and began to walk away. A few astonished gasps came from the onlookers, but Israthel's smile remained intact. Leon realized the pitiful attempt to poison Lyrian as well.

But what Lyrian didn't understand was why now, so randomly. 'Surely this wasn't his plot for revenge. The guy had days to think of something...' He would be pretty disappointed if he knew that a poisoned drink could be the greatest ploy to get his vengeance that the bully could think of.

Lyrian's other classes continued on normally, and boringly. As he arrived at his Magia class, he became slightly confused as to what Mister Peresal was speaking about in the morning. 'He said that we would get access to the library today... but I'm already at my last period and there hasn't been a single word about it. Although I don't know much in detail about this academy, I know that the Ancient Library of Anaviotis is one of its most prominent aspects. I want to gain access to it as soon as possible.' He eagerly thought to himself.

After making himself comfortable in his seat, Sir Granweid entered with a frivolous and joyful strut. "Everyone up! We shall waste no time!" He suddenly shouted with a smile on his face, Lyrian looked around to see everyone else also quite excited. 'This can only mean one thing... the library.' A gentle smirk formed on his face, but he was upset that he had to stand upright as he was getting comfortable.

"Our lesson will begin in the very halls that your predecessors walked through!" Granweid proclaimed as he made his way out the door, the students following suit. The empty halls rang with his face as he continued speaking.

"You, kids, are special. Not anyone gets to simply stomp through these halls. That right only belongs to those who pass the dreaded Anaviotis Entrance exam. Have pride in yourselves!" The crowd of students behind him let out a slight cheer, laughing amongst themselves. Lyrian couldn't care less about this achievement at this point.

'Things come and go. I was happy about it at first, but I'm not going to celebrate it forever. It was a goal of mine, but now that I've accomplished it, I can only go further on to bigger and better goals.' He mused unimpressedly. contemporary romance

"Due to your hard work, you can now take part in what is known as one of the greatest libraries in the Mortal Plains itself! One that rivals even the Elven bookmanship. You see, we humans are superior to the elves in terms of knowledge and bookmaking. We store and culminate history and greater information better than any other intelligent species in the entire world. This is why we can always bounce back no matter how much trouble we are faced with." Gradweid continued to say.

"It is the specialty of humans, a specialty that not many other species have..."

Soon enough, they arrived at a large opening near the middle of the outer academy. There, they were met with a vast room, completely circular in circumference, and lined with shelves upon shelves of books. Not only were the circular walls filled with 20-foot high shelves that were filled with books, but these walls also existed further into the room, multiplying as they supplied an amazing number of books.

"Students! Welcome to the first layer of the Ancient Library; Hell!" Granweid shouted, hovering his hand freely out into the grand and spacious room that was the library. 'Hell?' Lyrian questioned for a moment, slightly confused by its name. Apart from

that, he surveyed the large room which had corridors going through and across the shelved walls. In the middle was a large red stone that had some sort of odd lettering written all over it.

Scarcely littered around looked to be some other students, seemingly picking out books.

"Now that you have all entered with permission, your bracelets have updated, and you will no longer be trespassed if you enter into here. Know that there are no guards here, yet this ancient library is guarded at all times by its own mystical powers, so don't try to do anything you know is wrong." Granweid quipped, a humorous joke mixed into his explanation.

"As some of you may have caught, I called this floor 'Hell', and I didn't misspeak. You see, there are nine levels of this library, each named after you guessed it... the nine abyss' that exist. In the outer academy, only the first 5 levels are accessible. The other four only exist within the inner academy."

This prompted some sighs from the group. Granweid laughed out loud as he heard this, however.

"Ahaha! Ah yes, the sigh, as usual. Understand this, young magicians. Even I cannot enter the 6th level of this library." These random words confused the lot, including Lyrian.

"That's correct! You see, this Ancient Library is called ancient for a reason. At the birth of this academy, the founders used this Library as the origin, a place where many magic spells are imbued. For the levels, the magic spells are based on the nine levels of the abyss. This means that each and every level of this library... holds the spiritual energy of 1 percent of the place to which it is bound. The reason why you are all able to stand here right now is that Hell is the weakest abyss or underworld."

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