Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 108 Death Rains As True Colors Show! The Pivotal Climax!

At that crucial moment, the mighty Kailion abandoned its evasion tactics and boldly confronted the barrage of bright, powerful spells hurtling toward it at a rapid pace. Its majestic wings unfurled, enveloped in a mysterious, dark aura that exuded an air of malevolence.

With one impressive flap, it unleashed the dark energy toward the onslaught of spells. Propelled forward by the tremendous force generated by its wings, the dark blast tore through the concentrated beam of spells, resulting in a colossal explosion of various elemental forces. Chaos erupted as everyone swiftly scattered, seeking safety from the storm of destruction.

"Damn it! The beam got canceled that easily!?" Silas exclaimed, his frustration palpable as he ran away from the scene of the explosion.

Arthur wore an even deeper sense of disappointment on his face, mirroring his friend's sentiments. "All that effort and we achieved nothing..." he lamented.

However, Lyrain's keen mind perceived the situation differently. He was absorbed in analyzing the Kailion's abilities, recognizing that its wings played a crucial role in both its swiftness and its ability to channel its enigmatic dark magic.

"It's those damn wings," he thought, his face displaying a mixture of determination and concern. "They not only grant it incredible speed but also seem to act as catalysts for its weird dark powers."

Suddenly, a searing surge of pain jolted through Lyrain's body, radiating from his core to his neck, causing him to lose control over his limbs and tumble to the ground. Clenching his teeth in anguish, he desperately gripped his neck, trying to comprehend the unexpected torment.


[The lethal substance stored in your body: Molten Essence, requires attention soon]

As abruptly as it had started, the excruciating pain subsided, allowing Lyrain to regain his footing with Leon's timely assistance. Despite the lingering discomfort, Lyrain's resolve remained unshaken. "That golden crap I ate...," he uttered, and Leon immediately understood what he was talking about.

With unwavering focus, Leon asked, "Can you still fight, Lyrain?"

Lyrain, wiping his mouth slightly, replied with determination, "Of course, I can."

Without hesitation, Leon declared, "Good. Let's take down this beast."

"Absolutely," Lyrain agreed, the fire of determination burning bright in his eyes as Leon rushed ahead. Lyrain's mind raced, contemplating various strategies to defeat the formidable Kailion.

"The main issue is with those wings," Arthur interjected, sharing the same concern as Lyrain. The rest of the group joined the discussion, brainstorming possible solutions to the formidable challenge before them.

Lyrain's thoughts fixated on the Kailion's elevated position near the ceiling. Then, a spark of inspiration lit up his mind as he remembered the sharp stalactites hanging above them. "The ceiling," he thought, his eyes widening with newfound ideas. "The stalactites could be the answer we're searching for."

As he envisioned it, a powerful cavequake would render flight impossible for the Kailion. He recalled a past experience surviving a cavequake while waiting for Brokkr, during which stalactites had fallen like raindrops, spaced only a few feet apart. If they could replicate such an event, the Kailion's aerial advantage would crumble. contemporary romance

The idea seemed both sensible and far-fetched, akin to hoping for an oasis in the middle of a desert and miraculously stumbling upon one. However, another memory resurfaced in Lyrain's mind. Igniel had mentioned that the increased number of exam participants entering the Flatstone Mountains had led to a spike in cavequakes. Could they potentially manipulate the timing of a cavequake to their advantage?

A triumphant smile spread across Lyrain's face. "It's almost as if this was fated all along," he mused.

Gathering everyone's attention, Lyrain cried out, "Focus your attacks on the ground! Together, we'll try to create a cavequake and bring that Kailion down to our level!"

Initially puzzled, the others soon grasped the brilliance of his plan. Arthur interrupted his confusion with a nod of approval, acknowledging Lyrain's genius.

With the newfound strategy in mind, the group united, each member contributing their unique skills and abilities to execute Lyrain's plan flawlessly. Together, they worked as a synchronized force, their attacks combining in a symphony of power, aimed precisely at the ground beneath the Kailion.

The tension in the air was palpable as the ground trembled beneath the relentless assault. Dust and debris filled the cavern as the Kailion noticed the growing seismic disturbance. The stalactites hanging precariously from the ceiling seemed to sense the commotion below, quivering ever so slightly.


As the ground quaked beneath the relentless assault, the Kailion's wings faltered, its aerial prowess compromised. Lyrain's audacious plan was unfolding before their eyes.

A moment of truth arrived as the earth's rumblings intensified, and the stalactites above began to waver ominously. The group held their breaths, witnessing the culmination of their efforts. The air crackled with energy as the stalactites, one by one, began to dislodge from the ceiling.

As he saw this Lyrian was happily surprised, "It worked!" He shouted.

Finally, all of the large and small stalactites began to fall like a deadly rain, forcing the Kailion to swoop toward the ground to avoid the spikes.

Seeing this, an image of glory flashed across everyone's eyes. There it came, the golden-tiered creature that they had all sought for so long. The culmination of all their hard work was before them.

This was the part of the entire challenge that no one had spoken about, this was the part where the most important question of all arose: WHO WILL TAKE THE GOLDEN CORE!?

Time seemed to slow down as faces filled with serious determination. Many moved toward the falling beast. True colors were now going to be shown, as it was everyone for themselves to get this core.

Teammates pushed their group members back as they dashed forward, their eyes locked onto the target. Zoldith and his group also quickly stormed in, while Lyrian and Arthur's group was a little father behind.

'Storming right in? It doesn't seem like the best idea...' He thought as the Kailion landed in a thunderous impact, causing the ground to shake even more.

Out of the 19, 10 had jumped into the impact of where the beast landed--through the cloud of dust--to kill it first. It seemed that everyone naturally expected that the one who killed it first was the one who got the core, so they all rushed to do just that.

However, as the smoke of dust around them cleared, the examinees now only mere meter's away from the Black Kailion, were suddenly met with a giant sphere of dark magic...

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