Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 107 All Out Blast

Noticing the five kids that had stopped, the giant flying Kailion swooped in, sending a shockwave through the air with its wings. The shockwave struck the five examines, throwing them in the air like ants in the wind.

The shockwave was immensely powerful, its force weighing over a thousand pounds alone. The five were immediately eliminated.

Lyrian counted how many examinees they had left to try and win, 'Only 19 left... it should still be possible, but not if we lose like this.'

Then, he observed the Black Kailion doing something unusual. Instead of flying back high into the air, it flew down to the ground where the examinees were eliminated and seemingly picked up something from the ground with its mouth.

As he ran Lyrian barely caught a glimpse of what looked to be a red gem, 'Their gem? Why did he take it?' He thought confusedly.

Some others seemed to notice as well, "It grabbed the red gem!" Alten shouted.

Worried, they continued to run. Just then, the Kailion bit down on the gem, crushing it to pieces as it suddenly absorbed the red aura.

Lyrian was confused, he didn't know the outcome of this or why the beast even did such a thing. However, his doubts were quickly answered.


[You have been hit with a debuff]

[Stamina reduced by 50%]

Lyrian's eyes suddenly widened in shock, 'What?!' He yelled in his mind, noticing the dim red aura that now surrounded not only just his but everyone's body that was in the cave.

Multiple thoughts ran through his head at quick speeds, but he finally came up with something. Although his stats were lowered, this realization was almost a relief.

'That's why they got tired too quickly... the red gem decreased their stamina. Now that the Kailion ate it, he decreased ours somehow.'

With this knowledge, Lyrian didn't waste time notifying everyone, "Listen up! The gems, I think they give us different weaknesses! The red gem must have lowered their stamina! That's why we all feel more tired than we were just prior because it ate the red gem!" He shouted as everyone turned to look at him.

"Are you sure!?" Arthur yelled, wanting insurance.


Alten quickly thought of something as he heard Lyrian, "That means... the more groups that get eliminated, the more debuffs we will get!"

Han became increasingly frustrated at the thought of this, "We couldn't die before, but now, we most definitely can't die! God damn it!"

As everyone stated their problems, they also adjusted their running style to Lyrian's command, "Move smartly! Let gravity itself move you as much as possible. If we exert ourselves too much, we will face the same fate as that group!"

On hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement and quickly began following his orders. Just then, however, Lyrian noticed the beast going for the other two gems.

Irritated, he thought to himself, 'Damn it, this bastard isn't going to give us any breaks.'

The Black Kailion crushed the yellow gem in its mouth, before shortly doing the same with the blue gem.

[Warning] contemporary romance

[You have been hit with a debuff]

[Strength decreased by 20%]


[You have been hit with a debuff]

[Defense decreased by 20%]

As Lyrian heard this in his head, he could already feel weaker, 'We've been dealt some big blows. Just gotta make sure no one else gets eliminated.'

Arthur looked at the Kailion that was now already high in the air, 'How the hell do we attack that thing?' He thought, pausing for a moment before speaking, "How about we try to unleash one big attack on it? With 19 contestants, we should be able to make a deadly beam!"

As he yelled this, a few kids near him agreed, smiles forming on their faces as they thought of it as a good idea.

Lyrian on the other hand didn't know if it would work, 'It's fast... too fast our attacks... no?' He said to himself, observing how the beast flew, 'If we could trap it somehow, then that would be the only way. If we could stop its movement.'

Zoldith began to speak, also discouraging the idea, "I don't thin--" However, he was cut off by Arthur.

"Lyrian! What do you think?" Arthur shouted, looking at where he was.

Lyrian was slightly caught off guard by the question, but answered unhesitantly, "It's going to be too fast for that! There's no way it won't dodge!" He yelled.

Arthur turned his head forward. His expression darkened for a few seconds. No one knew what he was thinking, but suddenly he turned to face Lyrian once again, "We might be able to corner it!" He yelled in the same tone as before.

"We can try!" Lyrian answered.

"Split up! Half goes towards the right side of the tree, the other half on the left!" Zoldith suddenly yelled, taking advantage of the situation.

Following his command, the group of 19 split into two and went the separate directions.

"Use magic attacks so it comes to the middle of both groups!" He made sure to say before losing full contact with the other group of students around the tree.

As the Kailion flew to the middle of the two groups, those who could cast long-range spells unleashed their attacks. Fire blasts, ice spells, wind, water, earth. This created a powerful wall of elements that the Kailion swiftly avoided.

"Channel it in!" Lyrian yelled as kids began using their spells closer and closer together, forcing the Kailion to retreat to the middle.

Lyrian couldn't shoot so far, but he commanded Arthur to shoot down below it so it couldn't escape from there either. As it finally came to some sort of standstill, with nowhere left to run, Lyrian and Zolidth both finally announced at the same time, "This is it! Go for it!"

Zoldith sneered at Lyrian as he heard this, but Lyrian couldn't care less. He was too observant of the actual fight going on.

At that moment everyone channeled their biggest attacks directly at the Kailion, with powerful blasts of magic surging forth!

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