Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Ten.

The Move.

Alan from the moon base looked at the screen before him.

“Elaine, I have news for you.” Elaine turned to face the viewing screen.

“Alan it is good to talk to you again; what news do you have for me?”

Elaine was already aware of the news that Alan was now about to divulge, but with politeness and respect she gracefully allowed Alan, to enlighten her as to their progress.

“One of the Mars crafts arrived yesterday, they had not been aware of what had been happening on earth.”

He paused for some seconds, and then continued.

“Once they had become aware of the destruction and of our troubles, they sent the craft for your personal use.”

Elaine had deliberately instructed all communication with the Mars base to be intercepted, and for a radio black out to be instigated. It was not until she was ready, that she instructed Seth to inform the station commander. He in turn communicated directly with Elaine, then under her instructions placed the military under house arrest and took full control of the complex.

Like on the moon when Seth had taken the lives of those that it was felt were a direct threat.

From their Elaine knew it would be only a matter of time before the specially constructed crafts would reach the moon base and await her further instruction. “Thank you, Alan, I want you to treat the crew with the greatest care, they will be needed to bring your families safely to the moon base.”

Her words were understood and acted upon immediately. As she finished talking to Alan, a section of the viewing screen revealed two hover cargo pods leaving the base to go to the aid of Robert and his family.

From below the upper levels of the Bear-Ridge Mountain complex, Peter, talked to his sister.

“Sis, how are you?” She viewed Peter, who now looked handsome and stood proud before the viewing screen.

“Peter I am safe, as are the remaining institutes, however we are still unable to leave the premises, the bio-neuro magnetic fields prevent anything from entering, but also prevent us from leaving. The air filters and oxygen makers are working sufficiently, but it’s not like the real thing.”

“Honestly sis, from what I have seen from the viewing screen you really do not want to be out there.”

She laughed at the thought, and of her brother’s humour.

“Is there any sign yet of the water subsiding?”

“Yes, according to the science team, levels have dropped by over a hundred and seventy feet, if this keeps up; it may not be long before the ground is dry again.” The sound of her voice brought joy into Peter’s heart.

“How is Catherine your friend?”

“She is in the shower at the moment, we have been working in one of the labs, we might be under water, but that does not mean work or life must come to an end.”

Alex walked into view of the screen.

“Alex, how are you and your family?”

“We are well, it’s just we have discovered that the Retrovirus has further mutated, I know it’s kind of pointless now, but if we are to survive, then we must find a way of destroying this virus.”

Christine was silent for some seconds,

“Have you had any further thoughts in finding a way of communicating with this virus?”

Her question seemed to open a furnace within her brother. Since his miraculous new life, he had honestly put it out of his mind.

“Sis you are a true genius, oh how I wish you were here.”

As he spoke, Catherine stepped from the shower and walked into the room. From the viewing screen Peter and Alex watched her walk over to Christine and wrap her bath sheet around her companion’s body.

“Hay you hunks, I have a claim on this little beauty, you both find your own partners.”

Her words brought a sense of light laughter into their lives.

“Ok sis we will talk again, mother will contact you later, she is handling some more important matters at the moment.”

They said there parting words and the screen went blank, Elaine smiled, from the semi darkness of her office she had been listening in and watching her children.

As Juliet led the way, Ginning called out to Jamie.

“Jamie, Jamie I know where we are, just a bit further there is a small lake, it’s not very deep, some hundred paces from there the roof has a big hole in it.” Juliet could already see flashes of light illuminating the area; she realised that from Ginning’s words they were not far from finding a way out. As they rounded one of the bends, there before them was a huge cavern, which was partly lit by crystals that kept reflecting light from the above storm. As they approached the water Juliet carefully touched it.

“It is warm, but not too hot to cross.” Ginning interrupted her.

“But it was not warm when we first crossed it; Pa said it was bitterly cold.”

Juliet realised that the eruptions had altered the surrounding area and in places had moved the lava closer to the surface. Undressing to her under clothing, Juliet carefully walked into the water trying to keep the gun dry.

“Jamie you and the children stay there, I will see if it’s passable.”

Ginning quickly told Jamie that it was too deep to walk across, Juliet had heard her words, and then made her way to swim across, its warmth started penetrating its way into her skin, this gave her an idea. After reaching the other side, she wiped away the hair from her face then proceeded to look for a way out, after some twenty minutes she returned, only to find the children were playing in the warm water. Jamie stood guard, taking great care to protect the children; the sight before her made Juliet smile.

“I was going to suggest that you and the children have a bathe while I stand guard.”

Juliet had dragged a large tree trunk back with her, which had fallen into the huge hole that gaped above them.

“I will light a fire and cook some of the meat; you strip off and enjoy the water.” Jamie waited until Juliet had made the fire; he then removed his clothes, and placed them in a bag, gathered the children’s clothes and skins and swam on his back to the other side keeping his rifle and the clothing out of the water. Then placing them securely on to dry land he joined in with some of the games that the children were playing.

Juliet sat watching the children but keeping a close look for any approaching danger. After some fifty minutes, she called the children to her side, gave each of them a piece of cooked meat, handed Jamie a rifle, then went over to the water’s edge and soaked the children’s clothing along with hers and Jamie’s; trying to wash out as much grime as possible. Once finished she placed the clothing on various warm rocks to dry.

Walking back to the group, she could see the children were looking at her, “What is it Jamie, why do they look so confused?”

Jamie smiled. “Oh, its ok Mam, I kind of told them you were different to us and born part animal and part human.”

Juliet could see the children were unsure of Jamie’s words been true,

“Come children touch my skin, then feel yours, you will see it is different.”

As the children touched her soft velvet like skin they smiled, Jamie lifted his rifle and looked at Juliet,

“I know son I can hear it as well.”

From behind them high above on the surface, was another pack of wolves; they knew the danger before them, having seen animals fall into the vast cavern below, yet now they were hungry and could smell blood.

“Quick children retrieve our clothing and bring it here.”

No sooner had Juliet spoke than the children obeyed her instantly. As she and the children dressed, they left Jamie holding his rifle, which was aimed at the wolves. Then Juliet picked up a gun, as did Ginning and one of her brothers. Jamie then lowered his gun, reached his clothing and dressed, he could not understand why there had been so many wolves clustered within this area, he had not been aware of Elaine having instigated the bio-computer, which had sent out a distressed call, and had attracted hundreds of wild animals towards their location.

Although they were still partly wet, it felt good to put on clean clothing.

“I know son I can see from your face, that it feels good.”

Jamie smiled. “Yes Mam, Ginning fire a shot at that big wolf the dark grey one.” As she raised the gun, took aim and fired, the wolf instantly fell to the ground; the result was one of immediate effect. The remaining animals backed away from the overhang, having experienced firearms before, they knew of their power to kill.

“That should keep them away from us for a while.”

Juliet was impressed at the Child’s hunting skills.

“Tell me child how do you come to know Jamie?”

Ginning looked at Jamie and then lowered her head, but it was Jamie who answered.

“Ginning is a distant cousin; we were to be married like having known each other since babies.”

His words and descriptions made Juliet smile.

“Well just before Pa became ill, Jethro and his brothers started making it difficult for my kin to cross his land, then some of Ginning’s kin got sick, Pa also became ill and we kind of became separated.”

Jamey paused, “In truth I thought you were dead Ginning, from the sickness or from old Minstrel.” Ginning lifted her head. “I wondered why you and your Pa never came looking for us, it was not until some men with guns had entered our land, that my Pa and the others brought us here for safety.”

Juliet could see there was a true bond of friendship between them.

“Jamie it’s not uncommon in the animal kingdom for a male to have more than one wife.”

Jamie and Ginning laughed. “What is it that makes you both laugh?”

Ginning blushed. “I have already explained to Ginning that I am married to one of your daughters, I also knew of what you just told me.”

Jamie paused and grinned. “We have a similar way in this land, that’s if a person’s brother or sister loses their partner, then the brother or sister of the lost person takes that family in as his own and keeps the blood line going.”

Juliet had not been aware of this but could understand its value in such a tight community, where life was so valuable and in short supply.

“Would you like to take Ginning as a wife Jamie?”

“Yes Mam, I was betrothed to her from a child, but I also love Evolin and do not want to hurt her feelings in any way.”

Juliet smiled.

“Son, the way the world is at the moment, we will be all fortunate if we survive, under these circumstances, we all need to procreate and rebuild the population.” Jamie knew the truth in her words.

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