Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

Molecules: Carbon based systems:

Elaine looked at the file before her; she paused for some seconds and twirled a pencil with her fingers.

“Peter, I have asked Seth to explore the new retrovirus details.”

Peter listened to his mother’s words while been some three thousand meters away from her, there telepathic link was growing stronger by the day, to such an extent that each other almost new what the other was thinking, and before they were aware of the thoughts themselves.

“Mother, are you saying that this virus is a bio-genetic molecular molecule?”

Elaine had no need to answer her son’s question, while Christine, who was still in Portland England, had joined in the conversation.

“Dear God mother, could we truly have unleashed such an evil monster?” Elaine answered immediately.

“Nano technology was our invention; we patterned it after replacing Schunner with one of our bio-genetic clones.”

She paused for a brief second, with the thought, giving her considerable reason for concern.

“I fear they have now become self-replicating and have taken on a conscious and non-human programmed intelligent, an energy or a life force of their own.”

Peter updated Alex. “Resprosights were the first bio-Nano-bots, are you saying these basic building blocks have become a life force in their own right?”

Elaine updated her extended family with data that even Seth was not entitled to know.

“One of our military contracts was to develop bio-genetic Nano-bots, which could be used for military defence, they named it Grey Goo.”

Peter, Alex and Christine now knew for sure the true depth behind the retrovirus.

“My scientific team have been developing a Blue Goo to counter the grey one; however, we fear it is too late, the Nano bots have started destroying genetic material to enable them to reproduce. The problem for us is that it has somehow acquired a mutated genetic intelligence.”

Her words had caught their full attention. “I have no need to remind you, that it was only when we took action to discredit schunners work, that we were able to develop his work on our own grounds and control what was to be made available to the world. We used the Nature contacts, to communicate this knowledge to Belltronics Research.”

Peter looked over to Alex,

“Mother just what did you use, to re-create our bodies?”

Elaine ignored his question and continued talking.

“For us it opened a new world, where we could take full development under our direct control. Little was we to realise, that by developing a bio-genetic molecule, and that it would mutate and combine itself with a natural virus and obtain an inherited life force in its own right, and like any life force, with desire to redevelop.”

Peter was becoming concerned, “Mother please have you used this technology to develop our new bodies?”

Christine breathed in deeply, held her breath for a few seconds, and then exhaled. “Yes, son...but not the same type that have mutated with the retrovirus.”

“Please mother, explain your words.”

“Our new bodies were created on a molecular scale by Nano technology from the Blue Goo strain, and they are programmed to detect the Grey strain in any form and destroy it.”

Elaine paused and took a drink of water, replaced the glass onto the table, and then continued talking.

“Our problem is that the Grey strain has had over two years of self-reproduced mutated growth, and mathematically the Blue strain will need time that the human race, may not have to eradicate it.”

There was silence; as now not a single word was spoken verbally, or telepathically. Elaine waited some seconds, and then she continued talking.

“If you cast your minds back to the time, we came aware of the outer dimensional life form, which we named the Dragon Queen,”

Elaine paused and could see she had their full attention, so she continued talking. “Well we shared knowledge and it was from her mind that I was able to advance, in this technology.”

Elaine took a further drink of water and then placing the glass back onto the table, she continued.

“Well I started an additional program of research based on a Chameleon and incorporated its bio-chemical structure into some of my own coned units.”

Elaine waited to view the reaction of her family.

“Allow me to introduce you to five of my technicians and also give you an example of the results.”

Before their eyes a group of five technicians stood next to Elaine, suddenly before they could understand what had happened, they all vanished from before their eyes.

The family looked on in stunned silence,

“Seth is Elaine and her technicians till in this room” asked Alex. Seth answered immediately, according to my sensors, their life forms are still registering, however even I sir am unable to visually know where they are.”

Alex swallowed in disbelieve, and then Elaine just reappeared before them. “Mother” cried out Peter, “How on earth did you…” he was in total shock and could not get his mind around what he had just witnessed.

Elaine smiled, “children can any of you remember what clothing my technicians were wearing?” Alex and Peter smiled in mild shock, as they realized Elaine was teasing them.

“Yes mother, they were dressed as usual, in their white lab coats,” he replied. As he spoke, a technician dressed in full battle armour and carrying a bio-chemical laser rifle, reappeared, and stood beside Elaine.

“Shit” cried out Peter, as he viewed the armed hybrid standing next to his mother, as the remaining technician’s reappeared standing beside Alex and Peter, and not one single person had even seen that they had moved and changed clothing and to have also armed themselves.

“My children, I apologise if my demonstration gave you reasons for concern.” Peter shook his head, “mother… you managed this how…?”

He was almost lost for words.

“Simple my son,” replied Elaine, “In all of your hybrid clones, it occurred to me that the primary directive you gave, was to have human hybrids with attributes of their parental genes,”

Peter nodded his head indicating he understood.

“I simply reversed the order and instructed my technicians to encourage the parental genes, and to include that of humans.” The resulting experiment presented me with 75% Chameleon and 25% human. Such was their ability to blend into their background and becoming almost like a ghost, that I experimented even further, and eventually came up with a combination of Chameleon, Octopus and human.”

Elaine paused allowing her family time to catch up with these revelations, and then she continued talking.

“As you are aware, an octopus has one additional advantage, it can reshape its body, because it does not have a skeletal structure like most creatures.”

Peter was a past master in bio hybrid engineering, however he looked in utter amazement at his mother’s creations, as before his eyes, four of the technicians actually changed they body structure before his eyes.

“As you can see from this demonstration, some of my technician are truly not human, and only appear to be, in addition to these, I have another forty-seven-awaiting berth, and twenty-six directly within the presidential personnel protection team.”

Elaine had created for herself a private army of ghosts, who were all telepathically directly connected to her mind, and under her direct control, each technician created with her full knowledge and that of a highly skilled navy seal. Basically, with their abilities of regeneration, stealth and strength, and speed, as well as superior intellect, made them almost impossible to protect against.

Robert put down his hunting knife and rested, beyond a small cluster of trees he could see a few wolves. They seemed unsure of how safe it was to approach; it was then that Robert became aware of the presence of the Alpha male. He was a magnificent animal, yet a formidable sight. Robert felt for sure that the only reason it did not attack was due to the sight of the rifle by his side.

From its stance it stood at least twice as high as any of the other wolves, yet Robert could see that blood had congealed around its hind flank.

Without warning a bear broke cover and lunged at one of the wolves, in an instant the Alpha male leapt some eight meters onto the bears back. Within seconds the remaining wolves were once again functioning as a pack and had surrounded the bear attacking from all angles. In a little over three minutes the bear lay dead, with the alpha male releasing its grip on what was left of its throat. The pack tore into the bear’s flesh, with the severity of a pride of lions.

Juliet looked across to Gemma, the child stood proud showing no sign of fear. “Tell me child, how did you and your kin folk actually find your way into here.” Gemma lifted her rifle and pointed to an area some twenty meters beyond the sinkhole.

“Over that way, just a little further along, there is a way in by a slope and a rope, it is not very large and a hard climb out.” She smiled and then continued talking. “Pa said that wild animals would have to learn to use a rope if they wanted to use the safe way in.”

Juliet could see that the child’s memories of her father and kinfolk brought happiness to her face; she deduced that the families must have been very close, with strong natural maternal instincts. There was now no sign of wolves above, Juliet re-grouped the children and led them past the sinkhole, and into the area that Gemma had indicated. Just ahead of them Juliet could see the occasional flash of light, indicating that there was a small hole some twenty meters above them.

As she got closer, she could just make out a rope hanging from the ceiling, along its length had been a series of knots tied into the rope, making it easier for climbing. After a few minutes of talking, it was Jamie who first climbed the rope, as it was felt that with his ability of knowing when animals were present that it was safer for him to emerge from the cavern, and then assisting with the children, with Juliet coming out last.

Unexpectedly the air went quiet, the electrical storm ceased, Juliet and the others were immediately in contact with each other, updating as to what was happening. Miraculously the storm abated for some two hours, this gave the various rescue parties the time they needed in finding the sheltering humans in the cave, and also eventually enabled some of the group to meet up with Robert.

Elaine placed a large container onto a table.

“I would like you to view what is within this bottle.”

Its contents looked like a blue mist, which was constantly moving, and swirling in all directions.

“This is the substance that enabled us to re-create our bodies, it also is at this moment in time one of three sole surviving stock that I have in my possession.”

There was complete silence from within the room,

“I do have other supplies at the Portland Institute in England, but that, as you will know, is inaccessible to me at this moment in time.”

It was Peter who spoke first.

“If as you say, we are largely made by those contents, then is that why we have not ourselves become susceptible to this new mutation of the retrovirus?”

Christine picked up the bile and replaced it safely into a sterile container.

“Yes, I also exposed you all to an aerosol form, just before we arrived at our new home. Jamie also now has this substance flowing through his blood, as it was the only way that I could rebuild his damaged body. Had he not of had this, then without question, he would have died. I was aware of the debt that our family owed to the child and felt that it would justify its use.”

Alex looked at the others, and then spoke.

“Are you saying that we are all immune to the virus?”

“No, it had been my intention to expose the human family members, but events with the asteroid kind of prevented that from happening.” Alex nodded his head indicating that he understood, Elaine continued talking.

“We do not as of yet have the facilities to manufacture any further, at least not here. The only other facility capable of producing any vast quantities is the Portland Institute, and on the Moon base.”

Robert interrupted their conversation. “As this is a family meeting, may I speak?”

“Yes, please do, this involves our very survival.” Replied Elaine.

“Just how long do you envisage this Blue Goo combating the Retrovirus?” Elaine lowered her head; in truth she was far from proud of having been responsible for the release of the Grey Goo.

“In truth Robert, it may never fully eradicate it, not at least when there is an almost unlimited supply of food for it to feed from.”

It was then that she smiled. “However, we have two main factors on our side. First it will not be that long before my institute in Portland can release a new batch into the environment. This in itself would not be enough I know.” She momentarily hesitated.

“However, there is one other incredibly fortunate peace of information in our favour.” Again, Elaine held their attention leaving the very air within the room quiet.

“The Grey Goo was designed to partially feed off sunlight, now I know it has in itself mutated and combined its life force with the retrovirus. However, without sunlight, its growth rate is greatly stunted, while giving us the vital time that we need to try and eradicate it.”

Peter bit into his lower lip, “Surely though mother, the Blue Goo will have the same problem.”

“No son, we engineered the Blue strain to feed off the Grey Goo and to sustain itself from an acidic based solution, as only found in volcanic sulphur. We felt that the world could afford to share one of its most abundant products, and with the present global volcanic eruptions, the blue strain will already have increased by over a million percent.”

Peter walked over to the viewing panel; it had indicated that a message was coming through from Portland England.

“Elaine the water level has dropped to below our ground level, sadly though for most of the United Kingdom, few will have survived.”

The family watched as the viewing screen showed that the destruction, which had been made from around the Dorset coastline. The Portland institute was only itself saved, due to its internal and external defences.

“The electrical storms seem to be abating; however, the temperature has dropped, and I fear that it will not be long before we are facing another ice age.”

Meanwhile Juliet walked to the rear of the group, knowing that she had the speed, strength and agility to defend her and the children, should they be attacked. As for Jamie, he had that inherent ability to sense immediate danger, especially from wild animals. The ground had at least twelve inches of volcanic ash that was now compacted under at least two feet of snow and ice. The eruptions had lasted some twenty-five days, placing enough dust into the upper hemisphere to plunge the world into almost permanent night.

Had it not of been for the wolf lined clothing that Juliet had made, the children would have died from the intense cold. They even had to cover their faces and hands, leaving only a small opening for the eyes. The meat had given them much needed protein, Juliet had fashioned four water containers from the slaughtered animal’s stomachs, and then wrapped them in four layers of fir to prevent instant freezing.

Incredibly it was Juliet who first sensed the approaching danger, within her mind she could see from the eyes of the big cat. It was looking down indicating it had taken to high ground. As the animal turned its head, Juliet could see Virgo and four other bears approaching down wind, and then at that very moment Jamie stopped walking and raised his rifle.

“Juliet, we have company.” Said Jamie, “I know son, I can see them approaching from the cat’s eyes.”

Replied Juliet. Jamie was momentarily confused. “Who or what can you see?” Juliet hesitated; she had also become aware of another presence approaching their group. To there right was a small rocky outcrop, and at the base of this hill, Juliet knew it was from a higher advantage point that the cat watched with interest.

As the group took shelter, the children along with Jamie and Juliet prepared themselves with rifles. Some two minutes later some twenty plus, heavily armed human adults, walked past them; they held captive eleven women and at least thirteen children.

From the shadows, Virgo lunged forward; and as he stood upright, he swung one of his mighty paws across the faces of the leading men. In an instant they were killed, from the rear of the group another three bears lunged into the group. The ambush had been conducted with speed, ferocity and military efficiently.

Jamie raised his gun and fired quickly at the bears, Gemma and Juliet did the same. In the carnage Virgo realised that the cat family was close by, he grabbed three men and left the scene. As the firing stopped three bears lay dead on the ground, another had escaped. There were over sixteen male adults that had been killed, leaving only four adult males, along with the women and children.

One of the men grabbed a child and held his gun to her head, “come out, whoever you are, or the child will be killed.”

Jamie stood up and walked into view.

“It’s only me and my sister sir. We heard you coming towards us, and hid thinking you were wild animals.”

Jamie forced himself to give the impression of submission in fear.

“Where is your sister?” demanded the armed individual, as Gemma emerged and lowered her gun, all along Juliet was aware of the cat family which had been watching them.

“Drop your guns and walk over here.” Shouted out the armed thug, as he tried frantically to gain an element of control.

Jamie and Gemma obeyed without hesitation, as Gemma approached one of the men raised his arm, and then with considerable force, he slapped her face.

“You are under our care now, so you will do as we say.”

In that instant there was three shots echoing in the air, as Jamie looked forward at the remaining alive adult male, he smiled.

“You can either live or die, the choice is yours.”

Fear was now gripping his soul. “If I am to die then you will also die with me.” At that Juliet leapt from a rock, covering over five meters, as the man looked up in bewilderment, Jamie reached forward snatching the rifle from his hands. “No” he shouted, “that was impossible, no human can leap that far.”

Juliet smiled. “Who said I was human.” With one arm outstretched she took the man by his throat and lifted him clear off the ground.

“No Juliet do not kill him; I have a far better fate awaiting him.”

At that Jamie and Juliet introduced themselves to the surviving group and freed them from their shackles.

“Come quickly, hide yourselves over there with the other children, Jamie and I have to skin these bears.”

The whole process took just over an hour; Jamie had cut up the meat from only one bear and tied in into small packages. The remaining bears he left for the cat family, along with the various dead bodies.

“These skins will be a blessing, even with the increase in our group; we should have enough meat to last for at least another three weeks.”

Juliet could see the pleasure on Jamie’s face.

“What do you have in mind for these vermin?”

Jamie gave a wicked grin,

“Gemma was that the man who hit you?”

Gemma looked him squarely in the eye,

“Yes, he is not so big and strong, now is he?”

“Sit over their Mr. In the middle of those dead bears.”

Juliet lifted him from the ground and placed him firmly between the dead bears. “Tie his arms together and one of his legs to the body of one of those bears.” Gemma took the rope off Jamie and walked over to the man, while Juliet held him firm.

“I think my Jamie has a present for you, do not worry, you will not be alone for very long.”

At that very moment there was a moment’s break in the above electrical storm. Juliet updated the family and tried to tell them where they were. But before she could continue the storm had restarted.

“Jamie, I feel we have outstayed our welcome; I can see the cat family moving towards us.”

Jamie regrouped the adults and children, and then quickly explained that they were making their way to an underground sanctuary. At that Juliet joined the group and they moved away, leaving the one human along with his dead companions and two bears for the cat family.

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