Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Four.

The Virus.

Deep within Cheyenne Mountain, the United States president had relocated his family and secured selected personnel into places of safety. He had been informed only thirteen hours before the asteroid had hit the earth, it was realized by then, that no amount of warnings would prevent loss of life and only cause mass panic. There had also been a contingency plan for such a scenario, in placing the President and his family along with the military and scientific personnel for protection and safety.

Various friendly nations had been informed of the impending doom, giving their leaders and military personnel time to re-locate to safety. Consequently, now it was the worlds various military that had now the greatest chance of survival. It was Seth who informed Elaine of their prior knowledge, and of their deliberate action of not informing her and her family.

“It would seem our beloved U.S. president and the Canadian Prime Minister chose not to include us on their priority list.” Said Elaine. Peter could visibly see the distress that this news had brought to his mother.

“Those back stabbing idiots, all I can say, is that they have a very short memory.”

Elaine was referring to her personal intervention, in ensuring that the United States President and the Canadian Prime Minister, had received immediate vaccines, when the retrovirus had first mutated from Peters laboratory and had infected a baby, only to further mutate, and killing a large percentage of the world’s population.

“I think it’s time that I introduced to them, my new abilities.” Murmured Elaine, her son could see that she was far from happy in their stupid over sight.

Since Elaine’s genetic transfer, her newly created abilities had given her the capacity of using over 98% of her brain functions; and leaving her with a capability to even out think and outperform the most advanced version of Seth, or any military bio-genetic computers.

Lifting her hair, she removed an apparently innocent looking hair comb, and slid the top section to one side, revealing an aerial and a miniaturized connector. Lowering her hand to the base of her skull, Elaine placed the connector into a female socket, which had been concealed, just above the rear and top part of her neck.

Within seconds Elaine had over-ridden the direct neuro function of Seth and was accessing her own mind direct into the heart of Cheyenne Mountain.

“Soon they will be discovering that there is more than one kind of virus.” Said Elaine.

The sinister smile sent a shudder through Peter’s spine, he knew his mother could be ruthless; however, he had not just realized how far she would go to protect her family.

“Good morning Mr. President…if that’s what it is.” Elaine paused as the video link, showed the president and other military personnel within his secured room deeply embedded in Cheyenne Mountain.

“With this constant darkness it is difficult to tell what day it is, no matter what time of day.”

The president looked momentarily embarrassed.

“Christine…I thought you and your mother were killed in the New Mexico institute.”

His words were hollow and untrue; also, he had not realized it was Elaine that he was talking with.

“Oh I think your intelligence agencies informed you of our location, and that you knew where we were, especially when you consider the debt that your family and nation owes to my family…yet you chose to not even have the courtesy, to warn me or my family of the asteroid,” replied Elaine.

The president momentarily remained silent; he carefully thought over her words and then spoke. “Listen Christine, I know this nation is in debt with its life, to your mother and your family. However, if you check with Seth I did enquire as to your location, once I knew you were safely established deep within that mountain, I knew then that nothing could harm you.”

He lifted a glass of water, and then took a sip, lowered the glass, and then continued talking. “My scientists had already established where the asteroid was going to hit, what we had not known was the consequences of its impact.”

Elaine thought over his words.

“I will grant you that, Seth has just informed me of your earlier actions. However, you lied to me, you knew full well that I was alive and that had you warned me in time, then I could have secured more of my employees and facilities.”

Unknown to the presidential team, every Nano second that the line was kept open, enabled Elaine deeper penetration into the military’s bio - genetic computer.

“Christine, honestly I am sorry for your loss, but shouldn’t this conversation that we are having be between your mothers and…”

He was interrupted. “Check with your scientists, this bio-link will confirm through your Seth, that I am Elaine.”

The president looked momentarily stunned, as one of his advisors handed him confirmation of her true identity.

“Look Elaine…I do not know what type of game that you are playing.”

“Games Mr. President, you should know me better by now, when it comes to my family, I never play games.”

By now the presidential scientists had re-confirmed to the president, that the person speaking to him through a bio-neuro link was in every way Elaine, only for some unknown reason her appearance was now at least Forty years younger.

“Elaine I am confused, my advisors have checked twice now, and have confirmed you are exactly who you claim to be; yet my eyes tell me a different story.” Elaine smiled.

“Why thank you Mr. President, I will accept that as a complement, however that still does not let you off the hook.”

“Elaine I can only ask you to understand, we had a greater picture to consider.” Replied the President.

“Yes Mr. President…saving your ass and that of your family.”

There was a moment’s silence.

“Elaine…I can understand you been upset, but please try and look at the greater picture, I have responsibilities, and others to consider… and from where you and your family are located, you occupy by far, a greater living standard than the remaining millions who are slowly dying, without food, or through contaminated water.”

He took another sip of water, and then continued talking.

“As it is Seth informs me, that you have provisions for your family, scientific personnel and the large contingent of military personnel in your service.”

Although his words were true, Elaine could still feel the betrayal in his voice.

“Mr. President, cut the crap; you made a conscious choice to abandon my family, when you knew full well, that even a single hour’s prior warning would have enabled me to have saved life’s and secured more provisions.” She paused only momentarily.

“As it is, I have learnt that you had just less than thirteen hours warning, and that you instigated operation Alpha, placing yourself and others above that of your nation.”

“I am sorry you feel that way Elaine, up until now I had regarded you and your family as a friend, it would seem from your choice of words that no longer implies.”

Elaine had reached her goal.

“Well Mr. President, I only ask you to remember that it was by your own choosing, that you left my family out of the loop, and that I feel a courtesy phone call, could have prevented a far greater loss of life and provisions. As it is, I have no wish to terminate our friendship.” She paused as if thinking what to say next.

“As I was saying, I have no wish to lose or terminate our friendship, however I only ask that you remember it was your actions that detached the umbilical cord, which my family had given to this great nation. It was your actions that kept us out of the loop, and it will be your actions that will have to find a way to correct your mistake.”

The president and his team were unsure of the meaning behind her words.

“I am unsure, exactly just what it is, that you are implying Elaine.” Replied the president.

“All I am saying is that from this moment in time, you are now on your own and will have to survive without me or my families’ help.” Said Elaine, and at that she terminated the bio-link, and looking towards her family Elaine spoke,

“It will be another fifty-two hours before they realize anything is wrong, and by my guess a further thirty-six hours before they panic enough to call our Seth and asking for help.”

Elaine paused only momentarily. “Seth, ensure that no military technicians, scientists or any family members have any form of access to communicating with the President, or any of his team.”

Elaine knew instinctively, that the president would instruct his military advisors to communicate immediately with the military serving within her base.

Peter looked at his mother, wondering what it was that drove her forward with such tenacity and determination. “Mother…where do you think this action of yours will take us?” Elaine smiled. “To the moon my son, and if I get my way even to Mars.”

Peter gulped, “But the Mars base is only in its infancy, with automated terraforms trying to produce an atmosphere.”

Elaine bit her lower lip then smiled. “Son while you ran your base in New Mexico, I gave you almost total free control without once preventing you from reaching your desired goals.”

Peter nodded in agreement.

“Well some years ago, in fact, in around 2004, the then President of the United States made a presidential pledge to start a program to build an operational base on the moon, it was finished in 2015, by then he could accommodate some two hundred personnel.”

So far, Elaine had told him nothing that was not already common knowledge.

“I can see you are growing impatient son, so I shall disperse with the crap. In 2007 one of my associated companies, won the contract to supply and build the base on the moon. However, it had come with a price.”

Peter now knew he was in new waters, never before had anyone other than Elaine and two others been privy to this knowledge. “Well the then president requested that once the basic construction was in place, that a secondary team set up a platform for NORAD and NASA, to launch top secret spacecraft on a similar mission to Mars.”

Elaine paused breathing in; Peter was too intrigued to interrupt her. “For the last thirty years, sections of our technology have been establishing a military and scientific base on Mars.”

Elaine again paused, allowing her words time to take effect, and then continued talking. “As far as the public were aware, it was many years later that the Mars project started, however what they do not know, or are aware of. Is that part of the old moon base has been, and still is, making hydrogen from frozen lakes found deep in sub-terrain caverns on the moon; it is this very fuel that has enabled the Mars mission to succeed.”

Peter was momentarily speechless. “Are you saying there is an operational base on Mars?” enquired Peter. Elaine could see the sheer disbelief on her son’s face, she smiled and answered him. “In a way…yes, not as advanced as that on the moon; but none the less yes, there is also a version of the Eden Project there, and it is staffed with my scientific teams, using and running my technology.”

Peter remained silent, and it was then that Alex walked into the room.

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