Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Five.


It was Isaiah who became ill; at first he slowly lost feeling within his limbs, it was bitterly cold, with blinding winds and acid rain, and making it difficult for the party to continue with their journey. Having taken shelter, the team had lit a fire, posted century watch, and prepared some food.

It was only when Isaiah stood up, that he suddenly dropped his rifle. When Jamie turned to face and tease him, he stopped himself, and stared at his younger brother.

“Robert please come it is Isaiah, I think he may be unwell.” Cried out Jamie.

Robert and his family stopped what they were doing and turned to see what it was that had caught Jamie’s attention. Isaiah had sunk to his knees and was grasping at his chest, as he lifted his head it was clearly evident from his eyes that he was bleeding internally and struggling to breathe.

Isaiah tried to look at his brother as he spoke, “I’m going to die, and I know I am. When the sickness killed my Paa and Kin, I somehow also became ill, yet managed to survive. This time I can feel it is different, yet in some ways the same, I can’t explain what it is, but…” Before he could say another word, he collapsed blacking out.

Robert came to Isaiah’s side, and he took one look at Isaiah and called to his wife. “Quick Juliet, look to see if he has a pulse, Adrian took out the medical kit and set up a transfusion unit.” His words were decisive and with meaning.

“I don’t think the Alligators blood, or your antibiotics will save him this time.” Replied Jamie, he was selective in his choice of words; however, everyone within the group could feel the truth in what the young man was saying. Isaiah’s eyes had become sunken with deep dark rings, blood was seeping from the ears and bruising was seen under the skin.

“I don’t understand; he seems to be haemorrhaging internally.”

Juliet looked at Jamie.

“Listen son, I really do not think we have it within our power to help him, we have limited facilities, and only basic provisions,”

Jamie knew full well the circumstances; the cave that offered them shelter was far from hygienic or sterile. At the very best he realized that Isaiah would live no more than another day.

“Listen, some time ago when Paa became ill, me and my family, well we kind of made an agreement like. It was an understanding, that for the safety of the others, that if it was felt one was not going to recover, that their life should end.” Replied Jamie, as he bit his lip, while holding tightly to his brothers’ hand.

Isaiah had gone into a coma and his breathing was intermittent and shallow. “Are you asking us to terminate his life son?” enquired Robert, Jamie raised his head and looked into Robert’s eyes. “No sir, that is my place, he’s my kin.”

He was unable to form any further words; silently he took out his hunting knife and thrust it into his brothers’ heart. There was stunned silence from within the cave.

“We will have to burn his body, if it is left here, then the animals will eat the flesh and contract whatever it was that was killing him.” Said Jamie.

Juliet positioned one of her arms over Jamie’s shoulders. “Son what you did then, took great courage, I promise you no animal will desecrate his body, we will use some of your Pars home brew to kindle the flames.”

Jamie left his knife where it was; as he knew that to remove it could risk further contamination. “At least with the fire, he will keep us warm for a few hours.” He bit his lower lip and allowed a tear to flow from an eye, and then to the amazement of the others, Jamie started to hold his brothers hand, as he looked into his dead brother’s eyes, and started to chant a song which all male members of his family sang at the death of a male warrior; to them it was their rite of passage into the next life.

“Hells troops are all around, and we are born of the cruellest of winters, and yet onwards we must go.

We will fight for those whose rights, they feel to sleep at night, and safely wrapped in loving arms, and in death we will fight to only survive, as all of Hells troops in anger they come, only to die in our hands.

How many will perish? I cannot say, our only aim is to travel onwards, even in endless pain, as the bullets fly.

Its dark in here within my mind, and all I see is pain and screams, in blood and sacrifice, yet in love I’ll fight to the end. As freedom is a right, a war on terror, I’ll fight to the end, I’ll fight to the end.

Hells army is vast; will it ever end? I know not the answer, only that we will fight and fight, and fight day and night, until the end, so we can sleep at night, and in our homes and lover’s arms, the family must live on.

A war is upon us, a war we deem necessary, and been forced to fight to survive, this and every night, so our children can grow, in safety and in peace, and to grow and love without fear.

Rape and torture and bathed in blood. The Dragon is beyond large, killing all it sees. From Hell it came, and to Hell it will go, for fear is in my name, and killing is my music, and my mind is switched on. As I fight and fight, fight and smile, singing my songs. Kill, kill, and kill the enemy of truth and love.

In battle they come, Hells troops never ending, only to see me in their wildest of fearsome dreams, and nightmares, knowing I will fight to the end, fight to the end.

While angels call my name and showing me my way home.”

The group looked in stunned silence, and they could hardly believe what they had just witnessed. As Robert walked over to Jamie’s side, he placed an arm over his shoulders.

“Tell me son, was that your families’ rite of passage?” he asked.

Jamie looked upwards at his friend, “yes sir, my family have sung that song for hundreds of years.” He paused for a few seconds as a tear trickled from his eyes, and then he continued explaining to Robert the meaning behind the song.

“For hundreds upon hundreds of years the families within this mountain range, were at one time all inter related, and they descended from a group of warriors, who fought those who tried to take our land, and who were killing our kin, kidnapping our women and children and torturing all those they captured. Then as we kept rebuilding our life’s and families, then others kept coming, as you see we have gold in some of these hills, well there was, it has all gone now, but we were forced to act as hired soldiers to protect the innocent from invading forces. Over the years the families were killed or invaded, and the song kind of developed as society changed, yet in all of that time, we have tried to live our lives in peace and protect those who could not defend themselves from others, and protect what is legally our homes and land.”

Alan had taken possession of the remaining two deliveries; only this time the escorting shuttle had nowhere to return. Word had soon reached the exchange crew, and all had been updated as to the situation on earth. Seth had been instructed, through Elaine’s neuron bio link, to ensure her trusted staffs were fully aware of her instructions.

Any military on base, which were not under her direct control, were to be taken into custody. “What do you mean, I am relieved of duty?” enquired the base commander. A member of Elaine’s employee’s; had intercepted the base commander and fifteen of his immediate staff.

“I am sorry sir, but it has been reported to our station manager that you and your staff are unfit for command, and that orders have come straight from the President’s office, and you are all to be placed under immediate arrest.”

The base commander spoke directly to the moon bases bio computer.

“Seth is that correct, has such an order been instigated by my Commander and Chief?”

Unknown to him Seth was under the direct control of Elaine.

“Order issue: 357/11197 was given this very hour by the United States Presidency, for the immediate arrest of Moon Base Commander Ralph Phillips, and his staff.”

“Thank you, Seth that will be sufficient,” said Alan Grieves. “You are no longer to take instructions, orders or requests from Commander Phillips or his team; without firstly directly running it past me, is that understood Seth?” said Alan Grieves as he had walked into the room and taken control.

“Commander Phillips, please accept my most sincere apologies, but I had no other course of actions. The orders came direct from your very Chief of Staff, had I not acted on them, I would have myself been arrested.”

He looked at the commander, keeping a poker like face, and continued talking.

“I have instructed my staff that you and your officers are to be kept in comfortable quarters, I assure you I will do everything in my power to sort this out.”

At that, the commander and his team were led away, but unknown to them, their fate was already sealed.

“I am sorry sir, this is...I’m sure only temporary, but until Mr Grieves manages to sort this out, we have no other choice than to follow orders.” Said one of the workers.

Been a military man, commander Phillips knew all too well the process of orders, what confused him, was what was behind the orders, and for what reasons that he and his officers had be arrested.

“Sir I am sorry but at this moment in time, this is the only facility other than the station cells where we can keep you.”

Commander Phillips looked at the room that he and his team had been escorted in, it was used as the dignitary reception area for visiting members of states or top ranking military commanders; as a result, it offered a high level of personal comfort.

“At the very least Sir, you and your staff should be able to make yourself comfortable, until Mr Grieves has resolved this.”

“Thank you, I cannot say I am happy with the situation, none the less please thank Mr Grieves for his consideration.”

“Would there be anything else that I can get you before my staff and I leave Sir?” The Base Commander looked at the man before him and the five-armed personnel standing only a few yards behind. “No son I cannot imagine what caused this order, but I am sure it will be resolved soon, thank you.”

At that the door was closed and sealed shut through a computerized lock. The military version of Seth controlled all functions on the Moon-Base, including that of the civilian population, who were under the direct control of the Portland Foundation. It was now under the direct Bio-neuron control of Elaine Robert’s, who had overridden all military commands and functions, and answerable only to her.

Unknown to Commander Phillips, his file had been accessed, inspected and acted upon, as had the accompanying officers, who had also been arrested with him. Elaine had satisfied herself that their personality profile showed very clearly that they would take orders only from within an authorized military chain of command, and that the action she had chosen to take, gave her no other option.

“Seth,” said Elaine, “Yes Mrs. Roberts, what can I do for you?”

Elaine paused for some seconds; she valued life and did not take the decision she was about to make, lightly.

“Seth, the section designated for visiting dignitaries on the Moon Base, please remove the air from the room and decontaminate it with a neuron ray.”

“If I may Mrs Roberts my sensors show me there is human life within that room.”

No sooner had Seth spoken than Elaine showed it through the bio-link, that each human within that room was infected by the Retrovirus.

“Seth please carry out a viral scan of that area immediately.”

Her orders were acted on instantly, and within seconds it was confirmed that the virus was on board, and that action was immediately required to contain the spread of the infection.

“Your request has been acted upon; the room is now sterile and free from any form of bacterial or viral infections.”

“Thank you, Seth, please inform the military of your findings and action taken to eliminate the threat.”

Elaine turned her chair, as it remoulded itself to support her, thus ensuring perfect comfort, she looked at the view screen and then spoke. “Mr President, what an unexpected call, have you called to give your apologies?”

The president looked at Elaine, he had not instigated the connection and could not understand what was happening.

“No, it was not I who instigated the visual link.” Replied the president.

Elaine blinked as if startled by the statement. “As it was Mr. President, I was about to ask Seth to call you, as I have just heard from my construction manager Alan Grieves, He is on the Moon Base.”

The president lowered the file that he had been reading and raised his head to look at Elaine, as she continued talking. “According to Mr. Grieves your military computer has just terminated the life of the Base Commander along with some of his staff.”

The presidents’ eyes rose, as one of his advisors handed him a piece of paper.

“It would seem according to the information that I have here, that a Presidential order code Alpha Red, was acted upon and termination was direct.”

He lowered the file and looked at Elaine in silence. “I was given to understand that code Alpha Red can only be instigated under your direct command, are you saying that you never authorized such an order?” asked Elaine.

The president looked in stunned disbelief and tried to regain his thoughts. “I am not saying any such thing, only that I was not aware of this incident.” Elaine never gave him time to finish his sentence, within seconds a warning alarm had activated from within the president’s office. The fear could be seen in the president’s eyes, as he recognised the meaning behind the alarm. “Listen Elaine...I am sorry, but I will have to terminate this link, something is happening.”

As he frantically flung his hands into the air, his visual screen appeared blank, showing no image before him. Elaine on the other hand sat comfortable by her desk still watching in full-digitized colour, all that was happening from within the presidential office.

Alan Grieves wiped his lips, and then looked at the viewing screen before him.

“Elaine, I thought you would like to know, there is no longer any form of resistance to command on or off this station, and that the various crews wish to thank you, for your kind offer in securing the safety of their families. Work has started on the various instructed projects, also I am not sure if you are aware, but there were eleven container deliveries made, from earth last week, they contain supplies to be sent to Mars; do you want me to release them or shall I keep them here?”

Elaine thought for a moment. “Alan thank you, that was astute thinking are those supplies in immediate need,”

“No Mam, Sorry for interrupting you, but they are general supplies which are sent every month. They consist of material that in truth we could do with here, it would help in the construction and equipping of the additional units that you requested.”

Elaine nodded. “Very well, keep them there and ensure that full use is made of those containers, I don’t want anything wasted, now do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Mam, without question.” At that Elaine terminated the viewing screen and returned to watching the president.

Jamie turned one last time, to look at the ashen remains of his brother, the acid rain and wind had stopped; but high above the electrical storm kept lighting up the dark swirling clouds.

“Come on son there is nothing here for us now, we need to find food and clean water.” Jamie looked at Robert, then turned once again and said goodbye to his cousins and the human women and children. Two of Robert’s family had been left to take care of the group and shelter in the cave until they returned.

“The cavern that I told you about, is about another days walking from here.” He paused for a brief few seconds, as if a memory had caused a bitter pain.

“Isaiah and I, use to accompany Paa, on some of his hunting trips, when he knew we were to be away for a long time, he would always bring us to the underground well, as Isaiah used to call it,” as he explained to Robert.

He smiled at the thought of the silly name that his younger brother had given to the wonderful underground cavern which he was leading them towards. Jamie continued explaining as to what they were searching for.

“You have to access it through a hole in the ground; it leads you to a variety of caverns, then eventually to a beautiful crystal-clear lake.”

Juliet put an arm over Jamie’s shoulder. “It sounds magnificent; did your father ever swim in the water?”

“No Mam, he strictly forbids any kin from doing that, he said this water was bitterly cold and pure and should not be polluted or contaminated by any outside source.”

Juliet smiled. “I would have liked to have met this Paa of your son, he sounds a kindred spirit.”

Jamie smiled; he had many a fond memory of his father, and he knew that he too would have liked his new friends.

“Wait it’s that creature again.” Jamie already had his rifle by his shoulder and was aiming into the dark.

Occasionally a flash of lightning would break below the cloud cover and light up the surrounding area. There no more than twenty meters ahead of them was the female cat and one of her cubs, eating what looked like an elk. “There did you see that?” Robert had already warned his family of the danger that was around them, then an image flashed into his eyes. From a distant high rock, the appearances of two bears were seen running in their direction, suddenly the group could see themselves from the cat’s eyes, and the bears closing in behind them.

Instantly Robert and the others turned, but it was Alex’s two sons that acted the quickest. Both men stood in their own right some three meters in height and weighed in at over thirty stone each. However, they were no direct threat for the charging female bears, but between them they formed a formidable obstacle, giving the others the time needed to react.

Never before had the bears seen or met such strength from a human. They were stopped in their path and forced to stand and fight, within seconds both bears were killed in a hail of bullets. As the image remained, the group could see that every move and action had been observed.

“Why thank you, I do not know how you do it, but I wish we had that ability of yours.” Robert was going to continue when he could view the cat looking at Jamie, then towards his family, as if it was trying to understand the difference between them.

“Do you think that animal warned us of the danger, or was it playing games with us?”

Jamie looked at Juliet, as she had just asked that question.

“To be truthful Mam, I feel it realized we could see through its eyes and wanted to test how strong we were.”

Juliet looked across to Robert; those words had an element of truth within them.

“I also think it is still confused, as it understands that each of you can see it, as it in turn can see through your eyes; what confuses it, is it cannot see through my eyes. Yet it seems to know that I knew it was there and warned you before you saw it yourselves.”

Robert, Juliet and the others looked at Jamie then back to each other, they were talking telepathically between themselves. “If what you are saying is true son, and after seeing what just happened, I am inclined to agree; then we could have one very formidable and dangerous opponent out there.”

Jamie smiled. “Yes, but in another way, we can use it to our advantage.”

“In what way son?” Ask Juliet.

Jamie gripped his rifle as he sensed the cats were still close by and then he spoke. “Do you remember when you left the group, to view those three bears?” “Yes,” replied Juliet.

“Well you were some distance away from us and saw the creature seconds before Robert and the others,” said Jamie. Juliet looked at Jamie. “How did you know that son, I never spoke of it to anyone.”

Jamie gave his familiar grin. “Ahr…, it was no trick Mam. Robert had given me the military night glasses to view the valley below. When I was looking your way, I saw you look back and upwards, as if something had taken your attention away from the goings on below.”

Juliet raised an eye then looked at Robert. “It was then Mam as we came closer, that one of your kin called out and pointed in the direction that you had been looking.” Jamie paused, allowing Juliet time to think over his words.

“Go on son what were you going to tell us?” she replied. Jamie breathed in, held his breath, and then slowly exhaled. “Well Mam, as long as the group stays close together, then that cat or its kin cannot get close to us without one of us seeing it and allowing us to defend ourselves and the others in the process.”

He paused again only for a brief second. “Also, if the creature is close by, it is likely its senses are more developed than ours, and will know if danger is nearby, if so, you can guarantee that it will either take a high advantage point to view the potential prey, or hide in ambush. Either way, we will be aware of what is coming.”

Robert thought for some seconds. “Of course, that would only apply if the creature was nearby, however there is wisdom in your words, thank you for that.” Said Robert.

As he had been speaking, the cat had retreated out of sight; Juliet and the others had skinned the bears and set about cutting up the meat. Jamie thought for a moment, and then asked a question. “Would you mind if we only took the one bear? “Asked Jamie.

“Why son, we need all the meat that we can acquire?” said Robert.

Jamie bit his lower lip, and then looked Robert squarely in the eye.

“I know Sir, I just feel, with that creature and its family around, that it would benefit us two-fold.”

Juliet looked at her partner, then back towards Jamie.

“What are you saying son?” she asked.

“If this creature is as intelligent as we believe it to be, then it will in time realize that every time, we view through its eyes, and make a killing; then leave it a share of the food.” Replied Jamie.

He had no need to continue talking, Robert grinned. “In addition, if that be the case, it would also realize that it places itself and its family in less danger, each time there is a kill.” Replied Robert as it dawned on him in what Jamie was referring towards.

Juliet looked at Jamie. “Are you sure son, that father Peter or his mother had no way in your construction?” Jamie smiled. “No Mam I would love to have your abilities of speed, strength and talking like you do to each other, and as great as these extra abilities that Elaine gave me, I am still no comparison next to you.”

Jamey was referring to the Nano bio chemicals Elaine had used to rebuild his injured body, it had extended his life span and increased his strength, but he was still in no way as advanced as the hybrids.

The group laughed, and then proceeded to take only the meat from the one bear, leaving the other skinned and ready to be eaten.

“I never thought I would be envious of a human son, but you have gifts that we in turn would truly benefit from.”

Jamie looked upwards at Graham, one of Alex’s sons; his stature was impressive and made a daunting foe to any oppressor, as he stood at three point four meters in height and weighed in at forty-seven stone, all mussel and harder than granite. “Here son I would like you to have this.” Said Graham.

Graham handed Jamie his personal hunting knife, it had been made from the finest steel and had a titanium handle, and a blade sharper than a razor. Jamie reached out and took hold of the knife, and then looked back and upward at the man before him. “What type of response do you want Sir, A hillbilly one, or a typical city’s traditional way?” enquired Jamie.

Graham looked slightly confused and could not read Jamie’s face.

“I’m not fully sure I understand son, but there was an old human saying that I remember reading once, “When in Rome do what the Romans do.” So, I guess if it’s ok by you, then I will accept the Hillbilly one.”

Jamie gulped, and swallowed. “Are you sure Mr. I really do not mind either way, but the choice is really yours?”

His words only confused the group even more. “I have accepted the hillbilly way, now what exactly does it involve.” He had not finished speaking, when Jamie took a flying leap, stretching to the fullest of his ability and landed a punch clean on his chin.

“Ahr…, that chin of yours Mr. is harder than rock, I had hoped you would have accepted the traditional way.” There was immediate laughter. “Dear lord young man, even I would have preferred to have avoided hitting that chin, it is as hard as rock.” Replied Robert.

Jamie looked at Robert; his stature was far from small, in every way dwarfing Jamie in height, weight and strength.

“Tell me about it,” as he gripped his hand, “Paa taught us to always be polite Sir, and dam I think I nearly broke my hand.”

Meanwhile back at Cheyenne Mountain, there was total confusion; There version of Seth had somehow taken on a life of its own and was now creating havoc.

“I do not understand Sir; I can only assume that it must have acquired some kind of virus.” Replied the technician to the president.

“But I thought we were assured by the defence committee that was an impossibility, and that the bio-computer was so advanced that any person or computer found to be trying to plant a virus would be tagged and arrested immediately.”

The military advisor was at a loss for words. “I must warn you Sir, I fear that if the actions taken on the Moon Base were as a result of this virus, then there is a high probability that it could also happen here.”

Elaine swivelled her weight in the executive chair, its black leather creaked as she moved to stand. “Seth, Place into operation, Alpha code Red.” Seth immediately responded. “Where would you like to instigate the command?” Juliet smiled,

“Level two, Cheyenne Mountain, Store room three, food provisions.”

Instantly Seth instigated action, neutralizing any life forms within the room, then decontaminate with a neuron ray. Her orders were carried out with precise efficiency, moments later the president was informed of the computer’s actions.

“Seth.” “Yes Mrs. Robert’s.” “Bring into effect operation 1471-clean sweep.”

“In which designated area?” Asked Seth. “In the presidential offices at Cheyenne Mountain, however, only terminate the air, and the bio filters for ninety-two seconds. Activate the security alarms then re-instate the air, but turn off generators, preventing any further air from been manufactured.”

“Do you have a designated time frame, or is the request to be permanent?” “No…Seth, only keep it in place for twenty-seven hours.”

Elaine picked up a glass of wine then sat back in her chair and viewed the onslaught of confusion and panic, as the alarms started sounding, warning the president that the air in his room had been cut off. It was twenty hours later that the visual screen lit up in Elaine’s office.

“Why Mr. President, what would your wife say, this is the third time in as many days.”

Elaine enjoyed toying with the man. “What is it that I can do for you, or have you by some miracle decided to give my family an apology, and make an offer in amends for your careless outlook?”

Her words dug deep into the president’s pride. “Elaine I shall not insult your intelligence, but” His words were cut short when his viewing screen went down.

“Dear Lord, she cut me off.” Said the president. “No Sir, no It is Seth, he has terminated the connection.” Replied the technician.

“Then dam well re-establish it, what the hell are you paid for?”

The technician was himself confused, never before had he seen or known of such behaviour.

“Mr. President, that was rude of you to cut communication in such a manner.” Said Elaine.

“Elaine, I assure you, it was not intended, I can’t explain it, but we are experiencing a level of difficulty with Seth. He keeps acting in an uncontrolled and unpredictable ways.”

Elaine smiled then asked a question.

“Sir what model is it that you are using?”

The President looked at his advisor. “Well go on man talk to the lady.”

The confused military technician stood before the monitor. “Err with respects Mam, I do not mean to sound impolite, but we stopped using your models over five years ago, the improvements that we have made; far outstretch your older models.”

Elaine smiled. “Ok goodbye” she replied.

At that she terminated the connection leaving the technician staring at what he thought to be a blank screen, the president looked at the technician before him.

“Soldier who is your commanding officer?”

“You are Sir.” He replied. “Then please explain to me why you disobeyed a direct order and failed to carry out my request?”

The soldier raised his eyes to look at the president, and then lowered them again.

“I am sorry sir, I just thought...I thought it was a waste of valuable time to talk to her, there is no way she can know of our computers ability.”

The president looked at the soldier before him.

“Seth please inform me, are you operational?”

“Yes Mr. President.”

“Tell me then; is there another bio-computer equal to, or more advanced than you on planet Earth, Mars or the Moon?”

Seth answered immediately. “Operation code sir”

“Presidential request Blue Alpha 21476.” Replied the president.

“Yes sir, there are four such bio-computers equal to my abilities sir, and thirteen more advanced than me sir.” Replied Seth. The technician looked utterly stunned, as he genuinely thought the military had the most advanced model available.

The president looked at the technician, then back towards the viewing screen.

“Tell me Seth, where is the location of these computers?”

“All bar four are on earth within the ownership of the various Portland Institutes, the other four are in space, One on Mars one on the moon base and two in synchronized orbit.”

“Thank you, Seth.” The president looked at the man before him,

“Tell me soldier do you know who owns the Portland Institute?”

“Yes Sir Mrs. Robert’s Sir.”

“Incorrect Soldier, Mrs. Roberts is the Portland Institute, that lady has a bio-genetic IQ higher than any human on or off this planet. You can also rest assure yourself, that if Seth only knows of the computers, which he has just informed me about. That there will be over twice as many, that he or this world is unaware of, now re-establish that connection and give that lady the respect that she deserves.”

“Yes, Sir right away.” The soldier had droplets of sweat dripping from his forehead.

“Why Mr. President this is becoming a habit, owe, I see you still have that funny man in your office, well there is no accounting for taste, and what can I do for you?”

“Elaine please would you accept my most sincere…”

At that moment the alarms sounded again within the presidential office.

“Oh dear Mr. President it would seem you do have problems, if you like, you can call me later; shall we say… when you have everything sorted out.”

The president raised his hands to his ears, “Seth please shut those alarms off.”

His instructions were acted on immediately.

“No Elaine, please...please can you talk to this technician and help us with our problems?”

Elaine remained silent for some seconds, and then decided that she had been playing her little games long enough. “Again, son what model of Seth are you using?” she asked. The president glared at the technician. “It’s a base model 2847 Mam, but as I said we have instigated our own software.” Elaine looked at the president and then back towards the technician.

“Tell me son, why did you not use the operating software that came with that model?”

“We felt Mam that it was not up to the job, and that it could be compromised. So, we wrote our own software to ensure 100% reliability and total control Mam.”

Elaine looked at the president then back at the soldier.

“When you say we, are you referring to other individuals, or are you referring to yourself?” The technician looked confused; he could not understand how Elaine knew that it was he who had written the new software.

“Mam it was in fact me, I wrote the software.” He replied.

Elaine looked at the man standing before the viewing screen; he was no older than twenty years of age. “Impressive son, I wish some of my technicians were as creative as you, it takes considerable talent to re-write a bio genetics’ software.”

She felt he had been toyed with enough; anyway, it was the president that her fight was with.

“Tell me son, what encoder did you use, a two fifty-seven or two fifty-eight?”

Already her conversation was beyond the presidents understanding, and re-instating some of the young technician’s recognition and pride.

“It was a two fifty-eight Mam,” Elaine smiled. “I am impressed son, as I only have three technicians in my employment that can write and operate in Two fifty-eight-mode, and I employ the very best in the world.”

As she spoke, she had raised her eyes to view the president’s reactions.

“Tell me son, who was it that authorized this re-writing of the software?”

“That would be my responsibility” Stated the President. “It was felt, it that you were acquiring too much power, and I was advised by my generals that the computer could become compromised.”

The president could be visibly seen to be blushing. “Tell me Mr. President, had or have any of my computers ever once been compromised?”

The president looked at the technician wanting him to answer. “If I may Sir, No Mam, in truth I was against re-writing the software, as it was an unknown an untested variable. I expressed my concerns on record Mam but was ordered to carry out the work.”

Elaine had the president exactly where she wanted him. “Mr President, there is only one way of rescuing your computer, you will have to issue a presidential order 14 and hand the access code to this young man here.”

There was a moment of silent whispers, as various advisors talked to the president. “Soldier authorization code two six four Delta/179.” He paused, and then instigated the order to Seth. Seth Presidential order 14.” Instructed the president.

At that moment everything went silent; lights flickered and then went out, leaving the president and the entire staff in total darkness.

“What has happened son, why have the backup generators not kicked in?”

“It’s the Presidential order 14 Sir, Seth authorization code two six four Delta/179.” Said the technician.

At that moment Seth was re-activated, the lights, air purifiers, bio filters and all other systems re-booted back to their original military settings.

“Elaine does that mean we are once again operating your software?”

“Why yes Mr. President, that young man you have there is one very astute individual, I would employ him, with a salary of, a Million a week, starting today.”

The president gulped, and then swallowed as one thing he knew for sure was that Elaine Roberts; never joked when it came to business or family.

“If you value his services so highly, I cannot see him been released from military duty that easy.” Replied the president.

Elaine nodded her head. “Son...don’t listen to that bag of old wind, once this little problem with our weather is sorted out, rest assure I will be looking to acquire your skills.”

“Yes Mam, I mean, no Mam, if the president feels he needs me then I must serve my country.”

“What not even for two million a week?” replied Elaine?

She was toying with him but could not resist the cat and mouse type play.

“Two...two million Mam, I... I will have to refuse Mam.”

Elaine smiled, and then spoke directly to the President.

“That is one very fine young man that you have there, you make sure that you take good care of him, if your Seth was to start to fail because of your compromised software, well I am sure you know what I am saying.”

The President had never felt so totally humiliated and helpless in his life.

“Elaine thank you; I still do not know what it was that you did, but my advisors have just informed me that everything is working correctly, and Seth is showing no signs of been compromised.”

“Why thank you Mr. President, although my mother use to have a favourite saying, if it is not broke, then don’t fix it. I would say you need to think over the words, I will be calling on you to return the favour one day.”

At that the screen once again went blank, indicating that the connection had been terminated. “Soldier I do not know, or pretend to understand just what happened, but I have a feeling, I and the staff here owe you a debt, far greater than we can ever repay.”

“Thank you, Sir, however if I may sir, I was only doing my job.”

At that he saluted his Commanding Officer then stood to attention.

“Yes, well thank you, you may leave now, and son that was a good job,”

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