
Chapter Con 118


Sophia’s POV

My heart raced as I parked the car in front of the familiar house. Reese babbled happily in her car seat, unaware of the significance of this visit. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out, the memories flooding back. This was where I had once lived, where my marriage to Elijah had slowly


The Sinclair residence loomed before me, imposing yet familiar. It was a strange feeling, like stepping into a past life. I straightened my shoulders, determined not to let the past overwhelm her. Things are different now. I’m no longer trapped in that marriage, no longer subjected to Morgana’s cruelty.

Taking Reese’s hand, I walked up to the front door. I knocked, and after a moment, Elijah opened it, a smile on his face. “Sophia, Reese, come in,” he said warmly, stepping aside to let us enter.

“Daddy!” Reese exclaimed, rushing in to give him a hug. It made me smile just a little bit. At least my daughter was here to somehow cheer me up and balance the negative feelings that were being stirred inside

  1. me.

As I stepped into the house, everything looked just as I remembered. The furniture, the decor, it was all frozen in time. Sadness and

resentment came upon me at once. This house had been a prison of sorts for me, a place of unhappiness and broken dreams.

But I pushed those thoughts aside. I was here for Reese, to let her meet her grandparents. I couldn’t let my own feelings cloud this moment. Reese was very excited about this opportunity because I didn’t have my own parents anymore.

“Hi, Mom, Dad,Elijah called out, leading us into the living room where his parents were waiting.



My heart raced. The familiar opulence of the room, with its ornate furnishings and sprawling elegance, stirred memories I had long tried to bury.

Morgana, Elijah’s stepmother, stood tall and regal, her gaze sharp as it fell on Reese and me. The years hadn’t softened her demeanor; if anything, they had made her more intimidating.

I fought the urge to shrink under that gaze, instead focusing on Reese, who was happily exploring the room.

“Welcome, Sophia, Reese,” Anderson, Elijah’s father, greeted us warmly, his smile genuine. He motioned for us to take a seat, and I obliged, my discomfort growing as Morgana’s eyes lingered on me.

Elijah stepped forward. “This is our daughter Reese,” he said proudly, indicating the bubbly little girl beside him. “She’s been looking forward. to meeting you both.”

Reese, oblivious to the tension, beamed up at Morgana. “Hi, Grandma! Hi, Grandpa!” she chirped, moving to hug Morgana.

I held my breath, watching as Morgana’s smile tightened, a flicker of something passing through her eyes before she masked it. She accepted the hug but didn’t return it, causing a pang of protectiveness to surge through me.

Anderson, on the other hand, seemed delighted by Reese’s enthusiasm. He scooped her up easily, settling her on his lap. “Well, hello there, little lady,he said, opening a storybook. “Would you like me to read you a story?”

Reese nodded eagerly, snuggling into his side as he began to read. I felt a knot in my chest loosen as I watched my daughter relax in her grandfather’s presence, the tension of the room momentarily forgotten.

Morgana, however, remained aloof, her eyes flicking between me and



Reese with a calculated gaze that sent a shiver down my spine. I could sense the woman’s disapproval, her denial of our presence here.

As Anderson led Reese out to the garden to play, I knew this visit wouldn’t be easy. But for Reese’s sake, I was willing to endure whatever came our way.

After a while, Elijah suggested taking Reese for a nap in his old room. I hesitated at first, unsure of how it would feel to be in that room again, but Reese was already nodding off, so I followed Elijah upstairs.

The room was just the same–cozy and filled with memories, Elijah laid Reese down on the bed, and I watched as she drifted off to sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling peacefully

As Elijah and I stood there, watching over her, a comfortable silence settled between us. It was a strange feeling, being alone with him like this, in a place that held so much history for us. This bed was where we’d argued and made love many times, where I’d spent hours crying and hoping he’d love me back.

I turned to say something to Elijah, but before I could speak, I felt his arms wrap around me from behind. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned around to find myself face to face with him, his eyes searching mine.

“I miss you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “I hope we can go back in time, Sophia. I hope we can start over.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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