
Chapter Con 117


Jules POY

ED’s words


id, each region like a stab to my

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eering vele beech at everything I did….

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The coin was unbearable both physcenden selves being de ont accept it wouldn’t accept outwardly, had nothing more to say collegued onto his shoulder, my wars socking though he shie

Elijah wagged beams around me, holding me rohy as /ored. We were on the foot, surrounded by the debris of my shattered dream

His embrace was waren, comforting yet it felt like a mockery of the love Tyearned for.

*Juls, Im so sorte murmured into my hair, his voice heavy wh

I couldn’t speak only ory harder. I felt his hand gently stroking my back each touch a mixture of solace and tormen

“Shhh, it’s okay “he whispered. “Let it out

Eventually, my sobs began to subside leaving me feeling hollow and exhausted. Elijah helped me up, his hands steadying me as I shared on unsteady legs. He led me to the couch and sat me down, his eyes full of pity. I hated that look

You deserve someone who can really love you, Julia. Someone who can give you everything you need. I can’t be that person.”

I nodded mechanically, not trusting myself to speak. His words were empty, meaningless. There was no point in becoming Sabrina if Elijah didn’t want me as his wife.

The only way to have ham is to get not Sophie Perm

of what i couldn’t have


Elijah sighed and sat down beside me his presence a pairdi

know its had, but you will find som Julia. The right person who can love you the way you deserve

Llooked at him, my vision blurry from the tears. “Just stay with me tonight, I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper “Please, Elijah Don’t leave me alone”

He shook his head gently, his expression sorrowful. “1 cart, Julia.fl see you at work tomorrow, okay?

i wanted to scream, to beg him to stay, but I knew it was pointless. So, gave in, nodding weakly. Elijah stood up and walked to the door, casting one last glance at me before he left.

The silence that followed was deafening. I sat on the couch, my heart aching with a mix of rage and despair, Elijah didn’t understand. He couldn’t see how much I needed him. How much I was willing to do to keep him. Unlike Sophia who did not want him anymore.

As I sat there, my mind racing, a dark resolve began to take shape. There’s no other way. Sophia has to be removed from the picture. Only then can Elijah see that we are meant to be together. Only then will he realize that I’m the one who truly loves him.

The following day, I refused to cry any more tears. I’m done crying. It’s time to show them what I’m really capable of, I thought with


I went to the Bakers that morning to see Chris. He was eagerly waiting for me.

“Julia! It’s so good to see you!” he exclaimed, pulling me into a warm hug. His enthusiasm was contagious, but my heart wasn’t in it



“Hey, Chris. It’s good to see you too,” I replied, forcing a smile. He really treated me like I was Sabrina, but I couldn’t see him in the same way. He was just another pawn to me. To me, Henry was my only brother.

“Come in, come in. How have you been? How was the New York trip and the design conference?”

I stepped inside, the scent of baked cookies and vanilla filling the air.” Oh, it was amazing! I learned a lot and we also had fun there. I just dropped by to see how you’re doing, but I’ll be busy again at work soon.”

Chris nodded, his eyes shining with genuine warmth. “I’ve missed having you around. Maybe we could watch a movie or hang out, catch up like old times?”

My stomach twisted at the thought. “I’d love to, but I have some work I need to finish up. Maybe next time?”

“Sure, sure. No worries,” he said, though I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

We chatted for a bit in the living room, Chris casually flipping through TV channels. I waited until his attention was fully absorbed in a show before excusing myself to go to the bathroom.

I slipped down the hallway where our bedrooms were located, my heart pounding in my chest. Instead of going to my own bathroom, I headed to his.

I closed the door softly behind me and glanced around. The counter was cluttered with typical guy stuff: shaving cream, aftershave, and a toothbrush. I scanned the area thoroughly for signs of his hair. Then I caught sight of some in the shower, sticking to the wall.

With shaky hands, I plucked a few strands of hair from the wall and quickly placed them in a small plastic container I had hidden in my bag. I made sure everything looked undisturbed before taking a steadying

breath and heading back to the living room.

“Hey, Chris, I just got a text from work, I need to head to the office right away,” I said, hoping my voice sounded convincing

Chris looked up, his brow furrowing in concern. “Everything okay?””

“Yeah, just some urgent stuff I need to take care of. Maybe we can go out some other time?*

He smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Sure, Julia. Anytime.”

As soon as I was far away from the Bakers‘ house, I pulled out my phone and dialed Henry’s number. He picked up after a few rings.

“What’s up, Jules?” His voice was warm and familiar, instantly calming

my nerves.

“I need a favor,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I need you to

run a DNA test for me.”

There was a pause on the other end. “Sure, anything for you. Whose


“Sophia and Chris,” I replied. “I need to know for sure if they’re related. I

have this hunch…”

“Got it,” Henry said. “That’s easier than replacing the results of your DNA test before. Anything else?”

“Yes,” I added quickly. “I need you to find out about Sophia’s parents. Anything you can dig up.”

“Consider it done,” he assured me. “When can you send the hair


“I’ll visit you this afternoon,” I told him.

“Alright, see you later, Jules,” Henry said before we hung up.


+25 BOWS

I’m grateful to have a brother like Henry, always willing to help me, no questions asked.

Two days passed quickly. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, but my mind was far from the peaceful morning scene.

As I reached for my phone on the nightstand, I saw a message from my brother, Henry. My heart skipped a beat as I opened it. The DNA results are ready, he wrote, along with a link.

I took a deep breath and clicked on the link, my hands trembling. The page loaded slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. When the results finally appeared, I gasped in shock.

The truth was right there, staring back at me.

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