Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 52

Shadow went straight for his mate and child, scooping them up to place Mera in his lap as she fed the baby. He wrapped his arms around them both, and Mera tilted her head back to accept his kiss like she had no doubt it was coming.

Lucien approached my side of the bed, and I almost died when he and lifted me as well, settling me in his lap. We’d never sat like this before, so it was a bit weird and uncomfortable at first. Then his hand wrapped around mine, pulling me back against him. At that point I relaxed into his crimson scent, wondering how the hell this was my life.

The four of us sat like that for a long time in comfortable silence, letting the baby feed in peace. Lucien stroked his hand softly across my arm, and with his scent around me and heat seeping into me, it was a struggle to keep my eyes open.

This was a dream moment, and I didn’t want to miss a second, so I forced myself to stay awake and enjoy the sensations of being surrounded by pack.

Mera and Shadow acted like this was totally normal, despite the fact that Lucien had never done this in their presence before. Their acceptance was huge, and now more than ever, I felt like I was part of their family.

It was enough to bring a girl to tears for the thirtieth time today.

Eventually though, our bubble had to burst—it was time to know what’d happened at the chambers with Hattie’s parents and the masters.

“Tell us everything,” I said, my voice seeming louder than usual after the calm silence. “How did you deal with the masters and Hattie’s family?”

Lucien wrapped his arms tighter around me, and I prepared myself for what he might say. “The masters agreed to end the selection tonight.” His voice sent goosebumps across my skin. “They scrapped the hunt’s date prize since no one returned with any kills. Therefore, it’s down to the stone’s blessing, and Carter insisted that the selected still spend time in our homes.”

My wolf reared up then, a growl rocking my chest.

Mera snorted. “You might be part vampire now, but that there was all shifter possessiveness.”

She wasn’t wrong, though I had it on good authority that vamps were equally as possessive. “I don’t want the selected in this house,” I told Lucien, attempting to sit upright. His strong arms kept me secure against him, though, as he let out a low chuckle.

“I’ve already told them that I’ve made my choice and don’t need dates.”

“Did Carter do the same?”

“No.” A short, annoyed statement. “He wants the dates to go ahead, and I can’t veto that since they already cut the selection short on my command.”

At least I could remain calm knowing that Lucien was not bringing other selected into his compound. “Thank the gods it will be over tonight.” I sighed as I let myself relax against him.

This time when his arms tightened around me, I could feel the hard length of him growing under my ass. He’d been hard since he placed me into his lap, but this was extra.

“I like your jealousy,” he murmured near my ear, and I tried not to fidget against the unfurling tension between my legs.

“What about Hattie’s parents?” I rasped out, needing a subject change. “Are they still calling for my death and your punishment?”

It was Shadow’s turn to laugh, but as always, his was a rumble filled with dark intentions. “I reminded them that their daughter tried to destroy one of my shifters. Lucien reminded them that their daughter tried to destroy the selected he intends to call as his mate. They appeared to get the message that they might be outpowered in their vengeance quest and, next time, they should return with an army of thousands.”

Mera smacked Shadow’s arm. “You know they probably will, right? You long-lived bastards don’t get over grudges; you just hold onto them until you discover a powerful stone or infiltrate a land of dead gods.”

Shadow shrugged, unconcerned as usual. It must be nice at the top of the food chain. “Let them come. Our family only grows in power and strength. We have new babies, and Simone is our first shifter-vampire hybrid, proving that when I created shifters, I truly did take from all worlds and races.”

Shadow claiming me as family would literally never get old.

“Shouldn’t you already have known that your creation was pulled from multiple worlds and races?” Lucien asked drily.

“Drunken bet, remember?” Mera piped up. “This moron has no idea what he mixed up in his magic potion. Lucky for him, it worked out okay.”

Suddenly, she jumped a foot and barely managed to stifle a moan… meaning Shadow must have sent a shock of his power into her. He caught her and the baby on the way down, and the bastard actually laughed. It was so disconcerting when he did that.

Instead of sitting back down, though, the power couple got to their feet indicating the end of our cozy bedroom scene and return to the real world.

“I’m not leaving until this is over,” Mera warned Shadow.

He shook his head. “The masters do not want me to stay. They’re worried about my interference, and to keep the peace for Lucien, we should let them finish the selection. Simone will return to the library tomorrow. I’ve got her room all set up as requested.”

Lucien froze, his big body half in front of mine, blocking me from view. “What do you mean about Simone’s room?” To my surprise, he sounded upset.

Did he not want me living closer by? From the library, he could visit daily if he wanted, with almost no effort.

“Mera wants Simone to live with us,” Shadow said, “in her own wing off the library. I’ve been sprinkling some creation dust around and managed to form an area that Simone can claim.”

“It makes even more sense now,” Mera added, sounding happy. I couldn’t see her to confirm this, though, since Lucien was still blocking me from view.

“What makes more sense now?” I called, unsure what was driving Lucien’s behavior.

“Now that you’re a vampire-shifter hybrid, you’ll probably live a lot longer and will need blood. The packs can’t provide for your needs, but the library can.”

I’d learned long ago that the library could pull food from any of the worlds, which meant that everyone was able to get what they needed from its dining hall. Even those who were now kinda into crimson beverages.

“Living in the library will be almost as good as owning a bookstore,” I decided. “Do you think I can bring some of my favorite books from Earth and fill my room?”

Shadow answered. “I’ve set up a sitting room with a fireplace and shelves. At Sunshine’s request. You will have everything you need.”

Lucien made a rumbling sound so deep I would have thought it was Shadow if I hadn’t felt it pulse through the vampire’s body. Shadow’s response was to laugh again, but I’d had enough at this point. “What’s your problem,” I demanded, poking Lucien in the back and hurting my finger. “Why would you be so mad about me living in the library. I’ll be closer.”

He spun and I took a step back at the look on his face. He followed me, backing me up until he had me against the wall.

“This looks familiar,” Mera said with clear sarcasm. I couldn’t see her, but I knew the eye-rolling expression she would be wearing. “Merry band of assholes… all cut from the same cloth.”

I wanted to focus on what she was saying, but a vamped-out Lucien had my full attention. Those black eyes bored into mine, holding me completely captive. “It’s not close enough,” he said, voice a hypnotic rumble. “You’ll stay here, in my house. After the end of the selection, you will be my mate, and my mate stays with me.”

The ability to swallow… or breathe… or think was completely gone. I just stared and stared, mouth half open as my brain short-circuited. Of course, Mera stepped in again to save the day, completely unafraid of a crazy vamp as she reached his side and poked him just like I had done. “Are you claiming her truly as a mate or just this same fake mate shit to get through the selection?”

Without taking his eyes from me, he let out a low snarl that was directed at Mera, and of course, that was when Shadow’s beast came out to play. The fiery Anubis flickered across the giant’s form, but Lucien didn’t give a fuck. He didn’t back down, and thankfully Mera got the hint and moved away a few steps to give him breathing room.

“His vampire is in control when it comes to Simone,” Shadow said, sounding somewhat relaxed. “Don’t expect anything rational until he sorts himself out.”

Lucien leaned down and pressed his mouth to my throat, and as his fangs slowly extended, I moaned against the sensation. The knowledge that Mera and Shadow were in the room faded away, and I almost missed the beast dragging her out with a “They need a minute alone, Sunshine.”

She complained, but her mate won, and then Lucien and I were alone.

Lucien lifted me so I could wrap myself around him, rocking into him to ease the slow drip of need in my center. The pull of his mouth against my throat almost destroyed me in the best possible way, and as I cried out, needing to feel more of his skin, my hands scraped at his clothing.

Lucien stripped us both bare, placing me back down to pull my jeans and panties off and drop to his knees. His mouth slid across my pussy as his tongue lapped at the need dripping from me. He ate me like I was his last fucking meal, and when my clit was so engorged that a simple touch of it would have sent me into orgasm, he sucked it into his mouth, fangs piercing the blood-filled bundle.

My scream made me near hoarse as I held onto Lucien’s head. That and the wall behind me were the only things keeping me standing. The vampire, who continued to feed in a frenzy, sent one orgasm after another crashing through my body until I actually passed out for a moment, darkness taking me down into Lucien’s arms.

When I came to, he was holding me tight against him, leaning over to kiss me. I could taste myself on his tongue, blood and pleasure mingling, and my exhausted vagina spasmed again to remind me that we apparently had infinite ability to orgasm.

First, though, I wanted to be the one to feed and bring pleasure.

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