Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 51

There was less pep in my step as I followed Galco through the streets to Lucien’s compound. Lost in thought and worry, I never even noticed he was picking up the pace, until he let out a booming laugh. “You’re a vampire!” he exclaimed. “I was going almost full speed, and you stayed with me.”

We reached Lucien’s gates as he said this. “It’s one of my favorite changes with this hybrid nature,” I said, feeling a touch happier.

Galco patted my shoulder. “Glad to have you in the family. Do you need any help getting inside?”

I eyed the gate that Lucien had said would open for me, even though it never had before. Stepping forward, I pressed my hand to the mechanism spanning the center of the steel frame. As soon as I touched it, there was a click as the locks disengaged and the gates opened.

Well… okay then.

“Never thought I’d see the day,” Galco said with a shake of his head.

I turned to him; one eyebrow raised“What do you mean?”

“Master Lucien doesn’t allow anyone to have unmonitored access to his inner sanctuary. You are special, Simone.”

My cheeks grew hotter, and I pressed a hand to one, wondering why I was burning up. It was as if his blood inside me enjoyed these moments too. “It’s probably only temporary,” I said with a sigh. “Don’t think too much on it, Galco.”

The security guard just smiled, flashing fang and amusement my way. “Whatever you say, shifter-vamp.”

I shook my head and walked inside, the gates closing behind me. Galco stayed until the gates were secured, and then he waved me off, presumably heading back to his job. Meanwhile, I went inside and stewed over the events of the day.

It was so frustrating that Hattie had tried to murder me, and now her family was here acting like she was the victim. While I’d have appreciated a touch more support from my parents growing up, I never could get behind parents who refused to acknowledge their children’s misdeeds.

Yes, defend and love them, but it was equally as important to teach them responsibility and consequences for actions. If your kid tries to kill someone without provocation and, in the process, gets themselves killed… well, you might just let that one go.

Since there was nothing to do until Lucien returned, I decided to take a shower and unwind, best as I could, anyways. Once I was up the stairs, I took a moment to decide which bathroom to use.

With no idea if my spare clothes were still piled on his bed or had been moved to my room, I headed for Lucien’s suite. Stepping inside, I breathed in the scent that lingered, even with the self-cleaning house. It seemed it couldn’t quite remove that hint of spice, cherry, and sex. Our combined scent, along with the rays of sunlight lighting up the floor, allowed some clarity to return to my frazzled mind.

There were no clothes on the bed, so I continued snooping—because why not—heading into the wardrobe. Inside, there were walls of Lucien’s clothing, ranging from expensive suits in multiple colors and styles to more casual army pants and shit-kicking boots.

Walking deeper into the room, I ground to a halt near the farthest wall.

It was filled with my clothing.

Not just the few that had been on the bed, but everything from the Master Chambers, including all the shoes. Opening a few drawers, I found underwear, socks, and scarves. Lucien had placed all my clothes into his wardrobe when he could have put them in the room down the hall.

He’d wanted me in this room.

He wanted me in his fucking room!

Today might be one of my favorite days ever, from Lucien’s care and attention while I was sick to the creatures being freed and his response to my statements of love.

And now this… evidence that I was more than just some casual fling to him.

It might be time to ask him again his stance on mate bonds and a forever sort of relationship because his actions these days didn’t match his previous words.

Feeling lighter, despite my continued worry that the vampire who owned my heart was being attacked at the chambers, I strolled out of the wardrobe and into the bathroom.

Stripping off my clothes, I kicked my boots free and entered the shower. The water was almost too hot, but I embraced it as I leaned against the wall and let the streams hit me. The only way this shower could be better was if Lucien were back here with me and Hattie’s parents were in a different city. Or world.

Just as I was reaching for the body wash to clean myself, the bathroom door slammed open, and I almost killed myself slipping into the wall. Wiping away the steam on the glass, a familiar person came into view, and I let out an excited scream.

My best friend, with a baby strapped to her chest, was marching across the tiled area.

“Mera!” I shouted, flinging the door open. “What are you doing here?”

Her smile beamed as she stopped just outside the water pooling on the floor. “Shadow said that Lucien was in trouble, so he hustled our asses here. He dropped me off over the gates and then left for the chambers to assist his brother.”

I snorted. “This was all Shadow’s idea? Let me guess, you’ve been just calm back at the library while I’ve been in Valdor, right? Haven’t tried to coerce Shadow into coming here even once?”

A chuckle escaped before she pressed her lips together. “His life has been hell,” she choked out as more laughter burst from her. “I swear he’s thought about killing me twenty times in the past week.”

I laughed, too, before turning off the shower and stepping out to grab a towel. Once I was dry, I moved forward to hug my sister and our new baby. “How’s she doing?” I asked as I gently wrapped my arms around them both. “Zapped you to any fun places?”

Mera squeezed me tightly, and the little girl didn’t even stir, continuing to sleep soundly against her mom’s chest. She was strapped in with a series of intricately wound scarves, and it looked super comfortable. “Nope, she’s been on her best behavior since daddy had a talk with her about boundaries and powers.”

I pulled back. “She understood him?”

Mera shrugged. “Look, I can’t discount anything, but since the chat, she’s been a pretty typical baby. I mean, when she’s not occasionally heading off to see her new bestie, Damon.”

“How is Angel’s sweet boy doing?” I asked.

“Amazing,” Mera said, looking just as in love with him as her own girl.

I really couldn’t blame either of them. “Has there been a naming ceremony yet?”

Mera’s eyebrows drew together as she scowled at me. “What sort of bestie do you think I am? I wouldn’t have her ceremony without you. Don’t worry, she knows her name, and soon we can all use it. We just have to sort out this bullshit in Valdor so you can return to the library.”

“And Torma,” I said, even though a part of me was secretly hoping that I might have more reasons to leave Earth in the future. Like… going on some dates with a certain vampire master.

A stubborn expression crossed Mera’s face, one I was more than familiar with. “Nope. I made Shadow promise to build a section of the library for you to live in. I’m done being away from you. We need our family around us, our pack, and now that we have babies, it’s more important than ever.”

The joy I felt at the thought of having a home in the library was incalculable. “I’m going to hug you again,” I said, tears sprinkling my eyes once more. No way I could stop them this time.

Mera cried too as she pulled me into her arms. We stayed like that for a long time, until the baby started to fuss, and Mera ended up on the bed, unwrapping her child to feed her. I went into the wardrobe to get dressed, leaving the door open.

“Has the baby taken to Angel now?” I called as I dropped the towel and riffled through the underwear drawer. Pulling on a matching set in plain black, I went for comfort over sexiness. Lucien was just going to strip them off me anyway.

“They’re besties,” Mera said as I wiggled into jeans and a black sweater. “I have no idea why she never moved for her in the womb, but it must have just been a small power struggle. Which they’ve now sorted.”

When I walked out, I smiled at the peaceful picture Mera and her baby presented.

My friend had always been a bright spark dimmed by Torma. Now, she blazed like a galaxy, every part of her vibrant and brimming with energy.

“Does Shadow let Angel hold the baby?” I asked as I popped into the bathroom to quickly brush and braid my hair. A pang at Bowley’s absence hit me, but at least he was out running free.

“Not exactly,” Mera called. “But he lets her get within two feet. It’s progress, and little Au—” She cut herself off, grimacing as she shook her head. “Baby girl is always holding her arms out for Aunty Angel.”

I’d returned at this point and hadn’t missed that we had an au name. It didn’t surprise me that my secret-hating bestie was struggling to keep the name to herself for so long, and I really couldn’t wait for the naming ceremony.

“I hope she loves Aunty Simone as much,” I whispered, crawling in closer so I could rest near them. “’Cause Aunty Simone loves her, even if she also scares the crap out of me.”

Mera laughed, holding her arms steady as she did to not shake the baby. “She’s going to adore you.”

I hoped that was true.

We remained in a peaceful silence for a few minutes, before I just had to update Mera on everything that had been happening. “So, you know how Lucien used his blood to save me last time and we thought it was still inside, changing me?”

Mera nodded.

“Yeah, well, it’s gone much further than that. I’m a full hybrid of a shifter and vampire now. Like, no take backs.”

She stilled beside me. “Girl, I am going to need you to tell me everything. Right the fuck now.”

The broadest smile creased my face, and I was so grateful for Mera in that moment that it took me a beat to find my voice. But when I did, I told her everything the compulsion allowed, focusing mostly on the frustrating, confusing, absolutely breathtaking new relationship in my life.

I didn’t hold back, not about the blood or sex or my newly discovered kinks, knowing Mera would never judge me.

“This is amazing!” she shrieked, before lowering her voice when the baby stirred. “You’re my sister and sister-in-law now since Lucien and Shadow are brothers.” Her voice grew higher again as she hurried to say, “And don’t even think about the logistics of that; no one is blood related.”

I had to laugh at her obsession with reiterating that she was in no way blood related to Shadow. “Sister-in-law might be a bit much,” I said as I sobered. “Lucien hasn’t made it clear that he’s in this for anything long term. Maybe I’ve misread it all, and in the end he’ll go back to his old life.”

Every part of me hoped that wasn’t the case, but I’d been hurt by Lucien before, so it felt like self-preservation to consider the possibility that this could still all end when the selection did.

Mera pursed her lips and shook her head. “Not a hope in hell. I’ve known that vampire for years now, and never has he shown possessiveness over anything. Not food or people or items. He’s so cool, calm, and collected. Just cruising through life without a care in the world. What you’ve described sounds more like Shadow and Reece with me and Angel. When these guys fall, they fall hard, and there’s no middle ground for them.”

She looked down at the feeding child. “I hope you like kids because these dudes knock you up fast too. Overachievers have freaking virile sperm.”

More laughter escaped me, and I felt like a weight lifted from my shoulders just from being around Mera. “No kids for us, but I sure like to practice making them, if you know what I mean.”

Heat literally burned across her skin as her energy soared. “Dude, I more than know what you mean. Shadow has this new thing where he uses his energy along with his enormous dick, and there are moments I think I’m going to die. And I’d take death if I could just have that pleasure over and over.”

She went on, and I was in hysterics by the time Shadow and Lucien walked into the room, both looking unruffled and unconcerned about whatever had happened up at the Master Chambers.

The moment I saw Lucien, the mass of worry I’d been carrying eased. He was back and safe, and now we could determine the plan going forward.

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