Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 26

Stepping into the vampire ballroom was like stepping into a fairytale. A dark, delicious, possibly twisted fairytale. Heavy black and gold curtains spanned the room, the shiny marble floors reflecting their colors, which were highlighted by the many lanterns flickering around the edges. Above our heads a massive chandelier sparkled in silvers and golds, and I’d never seen anything as ornate as that piece, which spanned half the room.

Everything was lit up in a soft, romantic glow, and all I could see were shiny dresses and shinier vampires.

Along with the dozens of females in the selection, there appeared to be many other vampires in attendance as well. Couples twirled around the dance floor, while others chatted, standing near a bar and table of food.

My stomach rumbled since I’d gone at least a day without food. As a shifter, that wasn’t going to kill me, but I would need nourishment soon to build up strength.

Looking around, I saw no signs of Carter or Lucien and figured they were due to make a grand entrance at some point. That was when everyone would really flip their shit.

I wondered how Lucien was feeling as he stood in the wings, about to be part of a selection he’d never have normally signed up for. Unease filled me at the thought of him experiencing any anxiety or emotional upheaval, especially when I was the catalyst. It was hard to tell what Lucien was thinking, but I really hoped this wasn’t weighing too heavily on him.

We could get through it together, I truly believed that.

Len led us in the direction of the shiny gold bar, and I tried to ignore all the attention we were drawing. “Would you like a drink?” he asked.

“Holy fuck yes,” I said in a rush. “There’s literally no way I’m getting through this night sober.”

His laughter caught the attention of a few females nearby, and I was grateful that all the attention I’d felt earlier was now on my male bodyguard, allowing me to fade into the background.

When we reached the bar, with its gold filagree pattern across the shiny surface, Len released me. He appeared to be perusing the drinks lining the shelves on the back wall, and I did the same until I was surprised by a familiar bottle. “Crimson Heart!” I gasped. “That was my favorite sneaky beverage back in the day, but then we stopped getting it in Torma.”

Len turned in the direction I was pointing, to the bottle that was the same color as my dress with a single flower on the front. “That’s one of the vampire’s special elixirs,” he told me, raising his eyebrows as he met my gaze. “It should never have been in Torma.”

I swallowed hard. “A vampire wine?”

“Yep. They’re quite famous for it, with its hints of cherry blossom and blood.”

I stood there blinking like a crazy fucking person because it turned out I was into the blood thing after all. “Do you want a glass?” Len asked me.

I nodded. “Yes, I’d like to know if it tastes the same.”

If it was the same, it could explain why it was one of the only wines to ever get me wasted, when human alcohol was burned off fast by a shifter metabolism. But how the hell had it ended up in Torma?

Maybe someone there had been secretly banging a vampire. Weirder shit had happened.

While Len waited to be served, I turned to take in the room. It was filling up fast now. Vampires poured in through the front door, and the masters were congregating in a section of the room that was slightly elevated from the rest.

Their platform was bare of any seating, but clearly there to showcase the tier one masters.

“Here you go,” Len said, just as the lighting from above dimmed and the room started to quiet down. I took the heavy crystal wine glass, lifting it to smell a very familiar cherry-and-oak scent.

Well, slap me on the ass and call me a piñata. It was the same.

I took a sip, moaning as the rich taste burst across my tongue and down my throat. It was delicious, the cherry tart enough to bring my tastebuds to life and the oaky fire adding a unique blend; it was so damn good.

Taking a larger drink, I enjoyed the burn of whatever alcohol or magic was in this, and it didn’t even cross my mind to be grossed out by the traces of blood Len had mentioned.

When in Rome and all that, and there was a reason this wine had been my favorite for years. I’d mourned so hard when it disappeared.

Focused on my drink, it took me a moment to notice that the music was dying down. On the platform across the way, one of the masters stepped forward, and I recognized Donovan of Jade House. “Welcome,” he called, his voice projected and bouncing around the walls. “We’re pleased to see so many of you show up to support the selection.”

There was a short cheer from the crowd that died off almost immediately.

“As you all know, we have two tier one masters who wish to find a mate and bring power and prosperity to their enclaves. We have offered thirty invitations to the most eligible vampire females in Valdor.” He paused slightly, and I could have sworn his gaze drifted to me. “And one wolf shifter who was called by the gods.” Okay, yep. Definitely looking at me. He wasn’t the only one either, but thankfully, most of them turned back to face Donovan when he continued. “Let’s bring in our two masters.”

He waved his hands toward a set of double doors I hadn’t noticed on the opposite side of the room from the entrance we’d used. When the doors opened, the lights brightened above, a spotlight of sorts landing on Carter. Gasps rang out around the room, and I had no doubt that those thirty vampire females were pushing forward for their first glimpse of the eligible bachelor.

As I took another drink, I observed him over the rim of my glass. When I’d seen Carter last time, he’d seemed broad and intimidating with a lumberjack vibe. Tonight, dressed in a black tuxedo, he looked even broader. Handsome, but there was no stirring inside of me.

It was like looking at a pretty doll. I could admire the overall image, but I still didn’t want to take it home with me. In truth, I fucking hated dolls. They creeped me out.

“Master Carter,” Donovan called out. “He’s beginning his integration into Crimson City, ready to build his own powerful enclave: Silver House.”

Carter didn’t look at Donovan or even acknowledge what he was saying, instead he paused, silently scanning the crowd. Thankfully, that piercing stare never made it to where I stood in the shadows with Len, and for that I was grateful.

“The second master in the running for a mate,” Donovan called, and for some reason, a deep shiver of energy filled the space. The crowd was hanging on this announcement. Or maybe they’d done the calculations about which master was missing from the platform right now. “Is Master Lucien of Crimson House, one of our strongest and most eligible bachelors.”

The noise was near deafening, vampires losing their shit as they screamed, and when Lucien stepped out… Fuck. Me.

I didn’t realize I’d murmured that out loud until Len laughed at my side, but I was too busy devouring Lucien to even turn his way. Carter might not have stirred anything inside of me, but my entire body was on fire now that Lucien had arrived.

He wore a fancy suit, just like the others, but he’d forgone a bowtie of any description, leaving the top couple of buttons open to showcase golden muscles. The rest of his outfit was perfectly tailored, and even from over here he looked like a giant with impossibly broad shoulders. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I could guess at their piercing green taking in the room around him.

Lucien didn’t appear happy to be here. There was no welcoming smile or gracious wave; instead, that coldly still expression remained on his features as he moved through the crowd.

Guilt splashed through the arousal I’d been feeling. I’d done this. I’d forced him into this position he’d never wanted, and there was nothing I could really do to help him out. Except ensure I was the female chosen for him.

I was the only one who would respect that he didn’t want a true mate and leave him alone. No matter how delicious he was or how difficult it would be to walk away.

We were not meant for each other.

The sooner I wrapped my head around that, the better it would be for everyone.

“Holy gods above,” a female nearby groaned, jarring me from my thoughts. “Master Lucien is the second master? That’s… It’s going to be a bloodbath among the selected females.”

A quick glance told me she was chatting to a friend and was clearly not competing for the master’s hand. I got the feeling she almost wished she were by the way she hungrily stared over at Lucien.

With a shake of my head, I took another drink only to find my glass was empty. Well, that went down faster than expected. Len took the empty crystal from me and turned, hopefully to get another. He was in the running for my favorite date in months, bringing me wine on tap and no horticulture or social media talks.

But… there was also no chance of getting felt up at the end of the date, so maybe not quite perfect.

A hush grew around us, and I turned from the bar to see what had caused the commotion, only to curse in surprise when I found Carter standing practically on top of me. He was so close that if I stepped forward a foot, we would be touching.

His hungry gaze stared down at me, and no lie, I kind of wished I still held the heavy wine glass. It might be empty, but it would have made a decent weapon.

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