Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 25

After Hattie promised to find me at the opening ceremony, she left for her room a few doors down, effortlessly carrying her trunk inside. I reached down to grab mine and found that I couldn’t even lift it one inch. “What the fuckery?” I snarled, pulling harder on the side handle. “What’s in here? It has to weigh ten tons.”

It wasn’t even that large of a trunk, and yet shifter strength couldn’t budge it. Len let out a low chuckle as he pushed past me and grabbed the handle. Show-off that he was, he managed to lift it with almost no effort.

“It’s the magical essence surrounding the case that’s weighing it down,” he told me as I glared. “You have to counter with your own power, but as a shifter, it’s harder.”

“I’d have figured it out,” I grumped, not liking that I was so much weaker than even the smallest vampire female. If I were really competing in this selection, I’d be in some real trouble.

Len set the trunk down near the small room that was lined in shelves and hanging space. I clicked open the two huge brass levers on the side and, thankfully, was able to lift up the lid without fae help. The contents made me blink; the weight of this beast was starting to make sense. “How the heck did they fit this all in?” I asked.

Len reached out and brushed his hand over the side. “Magic,” he said shortly. “They’ve enlarged the inside, even if the outside still looks like a normal trunk.”

Clever trick.

It took us the better part of an hour to unpack everything: puffy ballgown dresses, casual clothing, toiletries, and some items that I could only assume had been included for me as a shifter from Earth.

“Vampires don’t need tampons, right?” I asked Len, and all credit to him, he didn’t freak out at the concept of blood gushing from one’s vagina after a shifter’s heat cycle.

“I believe they do have a similar reproductive cycle to you,” he told me. “Shadow based much of the shifters’ makeup on his own knowledge, which included attributes from other races connected to the Solaris System.”

Which explained our compatibility with other worlds, including the ability to breathe their air and understand some of their languages.

“Do you think it’s formal tonight?” I asked brushing my hands over the many gorgeous dresses. Vampires had good taste, and don’t even get me started on the shoe selection. I really needed to figure out how to take these clothes with me as payment for their bullshit agenda of pulling me into this.

“Opening night is definitely black tie,” Len said. “Do you want any help choosing an outfit?”

I shook my head, having already decided on what I wanted to wear. “It has to be this dress,” I said, reaching for a crimson-red number. My favorite color. “This baby is getting worn tonight, just in case I die tomorrow or some shit.”

“Never gonna happen,” Len said with a smile. “But that’s a great choice. I’ll give you some privacy to get ready.”

I grabbed his arm as he moved past, and when he turned to meet my gaze, I smiled. “Thank you for being here, for giving up your valuable time to keep me out of the vampires’ clutches. I really appreciate it.”

He examined me for a few uncomfortable seconds, and I barely managed not to squirm. It was disconcerting how these males looked into your soul. “You’ve never had a family, have you?” he asked in a soft tone that stabbed into all my broken parts.

“I had parents,” I got out. “They were just more interested in the pack than me. Mera’s been the only one to ever truly have my back, but she’s always had so much shit to deal with that I’ve mostly kept her out of my issues.”

Dammit, why was my lip quivering? My eyes burned as I fought for the resolve to not cry in front of a gorgeous, powerful fae. “I made it on my own,” I finally choked out, hoping that ended the conversation.

Realizing I was still holding onto him, I released my grip, but Len didn’t move. “You have a pack now,” he said in his low hypnotic tone. “This is what we do for each other, no questions asked and no need to thank. We stand together so none of us will ever fall.”

Dammit. Motherfucker was definitely going to make me cry.

Thankfully, he left before I could lose my shit, and I escaped into the shower to release the few tears I wasn’t able to keep down. Hot water was amazing for washing away pain when it wouldn’t stay inside.

I considered myself an expert at compartmentalizing situations, which was how I ended up in this position without losing my mind. Selection and blood lust and possibly turning into a hybrid was no biggie when I could slot it into a box in my brain and close the lid. Somehow, though, Len had all but torn me open with no more than a few sentences.

Or maybe Lucien had started that when he devoured my body and claimed my fractured soul.

By the time I’d scrubbed myself down and used the provided toiletries on my hair and face, along with brushing my teeth, I felt much better. And definitely much cleaner.

Using a selection of hair tools and makeup, I got to work on myself and within thirty minutes had long, shiny curls, mascara and kohl on, and red, full lips.

After I ducked out in my towel to grab panties and the dress, I held it up in front of the mirror. The crimson dress was a deep, rich color, and it complemented my olive complexion nicely. There was no way to wear a bra with this style, so I pulled on a red thong and let the dress slide down over my head. Once it was on, I adjusted my middle-class boobs—C cup all the way—so they sat up nicely.

There wasn’t a ton of support in the slinky number, with no back at all and the bottom material starting just above my ass, but everything appeared to be in place. I went up on my toes to see more of my reflection. Mirrors here weren’t made from the same material as Earth mirrors, but the slight distortion didn’t bother me.

The silky skirt swished around my bare feet; it was a touch long, but add in heels and it would be perfect. Apparently vamp energy knew how to size up a shifter without even touching them. Creepy but convenient.

With a swish of my curls over one shoulder, I took a deep breath—I was as ready as I’d ever be. It was time to get my ass out there and act in the most important role of my life.

When I left the bathroom, I found a set of stunning silver heels among the many shoes I’d been provided. They had a slightly thicker heel than a stiletto, which made it so much easier for this shifter to walk in. I’d really like to not end up on my face tonight.

As I stepped into each one and straightened, I heard a low whistle. I turned to find Len in a black tuxedo, looking like a shiny god. The silvery details in his hair, skin, and eyes were highlighted by the dark suit. His shoulders looked broader, his legs longer, and even with my heels, he towered over me.

“Thought the plan was to not get yourself chosen,” he told me with a twinkle in his eyes. “You need to talk to Mera about what happened when she tempted the beast in a red dress. You should probably change.”

I laughed, feeling unexpectedly happy with his compliment. I was vain, whatever. But in truth, I knew that I would never stand out among those beauties.

“I’ve seen the vampire females,” I reminded him as my laugh dried up. “I don’t think there’s any reason to worry about me making an entrance. Mostly, though, a nice dress and makeup can be as good as armor at events like this. Tonight, I need all the protection.”

Len shook his head before he held out a hand to me. “I’ve got your back, beautiful. You just go out and show the vampires what shifters are made of. Their underestimation of your strength will be their downfall.”

I slid my arm into the crook of his elbow and said, “You’re a pretty good wingman.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask why he didn’t have a mate to protect and adore, but I was worried his story was very personal, and maybe we weren’t quite at that point of sharing yet.

Shadow and his friends had all been without mates for a very long time, each for their own reason. Two had fallen now though, so maybe they’d all soon start finding the one to tame their ancient hearts.

Or maybe I’d been reading too many romantic fantasy stories and should focus on the selection.

When we entered the hallway, only a few other vampires were leaving at the same time, and none had an escort like me. No one spoke to us, and I tried very hard to ignore the assessing looks thrown my way. Clearly, no one was surprised by the wolf’s presence, but they weren’t happy about it either. Not if their expressions were any indication.

But thanks to Len at my side, no one approached me.

Following the others out of the hall of rooms, we made it to the stairs and descended to the ground floor, where their largest ballroom was located. My heels weren’t the easiest stair attire, but under Len’s steady hold, I didn’t falter once.

I did, however, feel like there were multiple metaphorical daggers in my back by the time I got to the bottom. Thankfully, no literal ones.

At least not yet.

Let the motherfucking selection begin.

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