CJ Fisher Finds Love

Chapter 3

CJ dropped by Parker and Dakota’s place later that night, he was sorry he missed the kids as they had already gone to bed. The three of them sat outside, each with a beer in their hands.

“You’re kind of quiet tonight CJ, what’s wrong?” Parker asked. He knew his friend, they go way back and he was never this silent.

“I met a girl.”

“That’s nothing new for you pal,” Parker said, laughing. “So who is she and where did you meet her?”

“She works at the diner, her name is Samantha Cain.”

“Cain, any relations to the Cains who passed away?”

“Yeah Parker, she’s their granddaughter. Apparently, they left the farm to her and she decided to move here.” He smiled and shook his head when he looked at Parker. “She thinks she can repair the fence and put a new roof on the barn by herself.”

“Did you tell her we would all pitch in and help?” Parker asked.

“I mentioned it but she nearly bit my head off, said she didn’t take charity. The woman is as stubborn as a mule. But the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” He looked at Dakota and winked. “Next to you, that is.”

“So have you asked her out yet?” she asked him.

“Yeah, a couple of times but she turned me down flat.”

Parker raised his hand and placed it on his heart and made sobbing noises. “Oh no, someone turned down CJ, what is this world coming to?”

“Shut up Parker,” CJ said, getting up and pulling him down onto the ground and they started wrestling.

Dakota sat watching, her laughter rang out as they carried on like a couple of kids. She had long given up on the two of them growing up. “I’m going up to bed now.”

Parker looked up from the ground, CJ still in a headlock. “Grab us a couple more beers baby and I’ll be up soon.” He laughed. “Do you give up buddy?”

“Yeah,” CJ answered.

Getting up they wiped the dirt from their clothes and sat down to drink the beer Dakota brought out to them before heading upstairs.

“So this girl, you like her?”

“I do, she’s so different from all the other women.”

“Could it be that you just want what you can’t have? I’ve never known a woman to turn you down until now. But if she’s not interested you should forget about her and move on.”

CJ smiled. “Oh she’s interested, I can tell. That first day I saw her and we looked into each other’s eyes and I saw the sparks between us. I’m going to take it slow, get to know her. I think someone broke her heart and she’s being cautious.”

“You, take it slow,” Parker said, frowning. “You really do like this girl, don’t you?”

“I know we just met but yeah, I do. I’ll be on my way now and you better get upstairs before your wife falls asleep or you won’t be getting any tonight. See you, buddy.”

“CJ, if you’re serious about this girl don’t rush her.”

The next day: Two days later CJ was in the hardware store picking up some nails and other odd supplies when he saw Sam with one of the salespeople. He was behind her and she didn’t know he was there so he listened in.

“How many shingles do you need for the roof?”

“I’m not sure, enough to do a barn,” she said, stammering nervously.

“I really need to know Miss.”

CJ went over, he gave the man the exact amount of shingles she needed and the other supplies she needed to do the job. He turned to her. “Is there anything else you need?”

“Some lumber for the fence.”

Looking at the man CJ quoted an amount needed. The salesmen smiled. “I’ll just go add this up and we’ll have it all delivered tomorrow afternoon.”

When he was gone she looked at CJ, her heart skipped a beat. “Thank you, I really appreciated your help.” She cleared her throat, being this close to him she started feeling a tingle coursing through her. “I better go pay.” She heard his footsteps behind, she wished he’d go away. After paying she rushed out but didn’t get far when she heard CJ calling her, she stopped. “What?” she asked, turning around.

“You left the bag of nails on the counter.”

She mentally slapped herself, why was she always forgetting things around him? “Thanks.”

“No problem,” he said, moving close and handing her the bag. “You can thank me by letting me buy you a cup of coffee.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” Opening her car door she got in, putting it in gear she drives off. Looking in her rearview mirror she saw him standing there, watching her as she drove away. She was starting to think she was being too hard on him, after all, he was helpful, if it weren’t for him she’d never know how many shingles to buy. What harm would there be in having a cup of coffee with him? No, he would want more, would want to take her out, that’s what would happen and she wasn’t ready to date.

Later Sam decided to take a walk. If she remembered correctly there was a river about a mile or two down the road. It was out of the way and no one ever went there. She used to go there with her grandparents when she came to visit. It was hotter as time went on and she was relieved to have finally reached it. Sitting down she unbuttoned some of her buttons, it was so hot. She looked around, it was quiet and there wasn’t anyone around. Removing all her clothes and putting them in a pile went into the water, it was cold and she shivered but it felt good nonetheless. There was something thrilling about swimming in the nude, it made her feel a little naughty.

CJ was riding on his horse when he came to the river and thought he saw something or someone in the water. As he got closer he knew who it was, it was Sam and it looked like she was swimming naked. Seeing the pile of clothes laying on the ground jumped off his horse. Going over he picked up her bra, a grin appeared on his face. This was the perfect opportunity to get what he wanted. “Want some company?” he yelled out, startling her.

Gasping she turned around, covering her breasts with her arms. “What are you doing here?” she cried out in despair.

“Just taking a ride.”

“Well go away, and put my clothes down,” she yelled when she saw her clothing in his hands.

“I will, but only if you agree to have dinner with me.”

“No, now drop them and leave.”

“Maybe I’ll take them with me,” he said, turning went to his horse.

“Wait,” she called out. “Please don’t.”

He turned to look back at her. “How did you get here?”

“I walked genius.”

“If you go out with me I’ll give you back your clothes and I’ll even give you a ride home.”

“That’s blackmail,” she shouted at him.

“Whatever, it’s up to you.”

“Oh, you are a monster. Alright, I’ll go out with you just this once and it’s not a date. Now turn around and don’t you dare look.”

Laying her clothes on the ground he turned around, crossed his arms and waited. He could hear her behind him and was tempted to sneak a peek. He could just picture her naked, her skin wet and glistening under the sun.

“You can turn around now.”

She might not be naked now but this was just as good. Still wet her shirt clung to her breasts, he could see how round and perfectly formed they were. Her nipples showed through the bra and shirt and he got aroused. He was more of a breast man, loved how they looked and felt.

“Stop staring at my breasts,” she squealed. “And wipe that smug look off your face.”

He went over to the horse and got on, holding out his hand for her to take. When she did he pulled her up behind him and felt her arms go around his waist. He made sure to take his time going back to her place. “So what prompted you to go swimming naked?” He liked the way her chest felt against his back and the way her crotch was up against him.

“I didn’t realize how hot it was when I started out and when I got to the river I couldn’t resist going in. I didn’t think anyone came out this way.” God, his body felt so taut, she could just imagine what it must look like underneath his clothes.

When they reached her place he got off and helped her down. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night around seven.”

“Like I have a choice,” she said, walking from him and up her front steps.

“Oh, and Sam.”

“What now?” she asked, turning to look at him as he got back on his horse.

“Tomorrow, and it is a date, goodbye now.”

She stood there, watching as he rode off, thinking how cocky he was but before she could answer back he was gone.

Feeling great about finally getting his way rode over to Parker’s place. He played with the kids before Dakota put them to bed. He went into their kitchen and grabbed two beers and went into the living room, handing one to Parker.

“Well, you’re in a good mood.”

“I’m on top of the world. Sam has agreed to go out with me. We have a date tomorrow night and I can’t wait.”

“How did you manage that?” Parker asked, taking a drink from the bottle, and eyeing CJ.

CJ explained how it went down, earning a frown from Parker.

“Seriously CJ, was that really the best way? You more or less gave her no choice. Better not tell Dakota about this or she’ll chew your ear off.”

“I know it wasn’t right, but hell man I had to do something. I’ll make it worth her while by taking her to the best restaurant, dancing and show her a good time. Do you remember that feeling you got when you first met Dakota? How you knew, right off that she was special and you couldn’t stop thinking about her? That’s how I feel about Sam. Parker, she’s the one. She’s the one I’ve been waiting for. I can’t think of anything else but her, my stomach is in knots and my palms get all sweaty whenever I see her.”

“Then I think it’s time we met this woman.”

“You will and I know you and Dakota will love her.”

“Does your mom and dad know how you feel?”

“Not yet. I want to wait a while and see how things go before I tell them. But I am dying for them to meet her. The last thing I want to do is scare off Sam by introducing her to my parents too soon or she might freak out and not go out with me again.”

“I have to ask you CJ, what about the other women? Can you stop playing the field and settle down to one woman for the rest of your life?”

CJ sat back and stretched. “I know I have a bad reputation around here concerning all the women I’ve been with. But yes, I can see myself with one woman.”

“I just don’t want you thinking she’s the one and then later you change your mind. You could end up hurting that girl. Be sure CJ before things go too far. You’re my best friend, more like a brother to me and I’ll always have your back, but I won’t stand by and see an innocent woman get hurt.”

“I’m not going to hurt her,” CJ said, suddenly turning serious. “I think I’ll head home now, give Dakota a kiss goodbye for me.”

It bothered him that no one thought he could be sincere, not even Parker. Well, he would have to prove him and everyone else wrong.

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