Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Two

With only the five of us, there was not going to be an official parade, merely a small ceremony of handing over our badges and our graduation papers.

We lined up in Sergeant Wilke’s office and stood to attention.

It was one of Mayor Houghton’s duties to welcome new officers to his taskforce. The Universe knew he needed them.

At the rate crime was climbing in the cities, Security Forces work was popular and well-paid employment. It simply took some doing in finishing the courses and staying alive on the job.

“I’m so glad you young people decided to serve New Haven. Congratulations to all of you” the mayor said while handing each person a badge and a rolled up certificate. His handshake was clammy and it felt like touching a dead fish.

He was perspiring by the time he had finished. Wheezing, he turned his bulk to Sergeant Wilke. “I hope these ones last a little longer than the last batch.”

To us, he smiled and said “Good luck all of you,” before gathering his two private security officers and went on his merry way.

Sergeant Wilke glared at us. “Right, now that you are officially on the payroll, let me remind you about arrangements for First Day. At the New Haven Precinct. 07h00. Captain Truman’s office. Please make me proud.”

“You know we will Sergeant,” Ryan answered for all of us. “We always give our best.”

Sergeant Wilke looked me straight in the eye. “I know, some more than others.”

I kept his gaze. He knew I had much more to give. He broke the contact. Few people could face up to my stare for long.

We trooped out of his office, glad that the three months of physical hard work and extraordinary mental input was finally finished.

Jack noticed that he had Stacey’s badge. We swapped out badges and certificates until everyone had their own.

“The Mayor did not even take the time to make sure he got that right!” Jack complained.

“He probably does not think it necessary to make friends with the new crowd that may be lost soon,” Stacey commented.

“Not to worry,” I jokingly put in. “No-one is going to die. You can take my word for it.”

They all laughed with me as we grabbed our bags and made our way down the corridor to the main doors. Our vehicles were parked outside. We were finally going home to start our new lives.

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