Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter One

“So, He-Who-Knows-In-Advance, what do you say to a wager on our first day at work.”

That was Jack. He was my so-called friend. He actually just looked out for himself, like most people did these days.

We were preparing for the graduation parade of the New Haven Security Forces Academy. Only five candidates succeeded in finishing this gruelling three month course.

“Let Han be, you always lose to him anyway!” Stacey stood up for me. She had stepped out of the showers, water still glistening on her copper skin, a scant towel wrapped around herself.

There was almost no shyness on Creata and ablution facilities were shared. She had her locker two down from mine.

Jack was adjusting the tie of his new NHSF parade uniform.

After today we will be Student Officers for another three months before receiving full officer status and the pay that goes with it.

Not that I needed money. I had a lucrative business in the gambling industry. I thought that I might actually make a difference in innocent New Haven lives by joining the Security Forces.

I struggled into my restrictive uniform.

Sighing, I thought to myself that I would have to get used to this, or move up to detective ASAP.

“So, what odds will we set? Two to one? Three to one? Come on!” Jack nagged. “I really want you to get something wrong for a change and there is no way you will be able to get this right.”

Jack always nagged. He was annoying, and it was working.

“Slick!” I called out to a sandy mop of hair trying to get the buttons of the uniform done.

“Yeah,” Slick responded, looking up through fogged over spectacles. It was not going to help wiping them yet.

“Let’s make it at least five to one, as we are five, what do you say?” he said, taking out a small notepad and pen. He acted as bookie and we all adhered to it. Not betting himself, he always received a percentage of my winnings.

Ryan came over from his locker. He was the professional one. His locker was already cleaned out and his travel bag ready to go. “I’ll accept five to one. There is no way Han can possibly get this one right. One of us will be able to get our money back.”

Jack stood in front of me, as if it would help activate my pre-sight.

“Okay, so what do you see, what will my Sergeant in Charge look like?” he demanded from me.

It took a few seconds before I could answer. “Large man, mid forties, salt-and-pepper. Stacey. Black man, open face, laughs a lot. Ryan. Sorry to say, but it looks as if you’re in for it. Solid, old timer with beard. Very particular and, wait . . . perfectionist! Slick. Plains person, yellow skin, strange eyes, can’t get anything more. So, is the bet on?”

“No!” Jack was adamant.

We all stared at him. “You said five to one. You only gave us four. We need your own as well,” he insisted.

O-kay. Now, it was one thing telling other people’s futures. It was a totally different ball-game telling my own.

I wanted this bet. It was easy money and I’ve never been wrong before. Should I chance on myself?

Yes, I really wanted this.

Turning from the expectant group, I fiddled with my own tie, watching my reflection in the mirror on the inside of the locker door.

Looking into my violet-black eyes, I allowed myself to get lost in them, then spoke to the students as if from afar.

“Old guy, balding, near retirement, genuine smile.”

I kept fiddling with a perfectly good tie. More was coming through. This was one of those strange, real-seeming daydreams I sometimes had.

He was called Tucker. He had the utmost respect for me. He knew I was different. I felt love and compassion from him, as if he had known me all my life, as if he was my dad. As if he knew we were meant to be partners.

Wanting to pursue this dream/vision, I took a step towards the mirror, bumping my nose. Everyone burst out laughing.

“All bets confirmed?” Slick wanted to conclude business, adjusting his glasses. He was so far-sighted, he needed those to see up close. He had wonderful natural vision on the shooting range, never missing a bull’s-eye.

“Yes,” “Uh,” “Yip,” “Definitely,” came the replies while I rubbed my sore nose.

“You’ll all see who will be laughing come First Day,” I remarked sourly at them.

“Now, do not get all hot-headed about good banter,” Slick told me. “You’ll have your money soon. That should be revenge enough.”

Ryan departed with his bag and the rest of us rushed to clear our lockers. Then we followed him outside, leaving Stacey to finish up in peace.

I never understood why she was always behind with everything. It was a miracle that she made the grades required.

Luckily we did not have long to wait. Jack was just starting to pick his teeth when she joined us. We left our bags in the passage and headed over to our Commanding Officer.

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