Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Twenty

I picked up the nearest box, placing it on the desk.

A sudden spell of utmost fear and dread almost overwhelmed me.

“Sensaii?” I asked into the silence of the room.

No answer, no sight or feeling of this traitorous new entity.

Great, pushed in the deep end with no swimming instructor in sight.

Despondent, I closed the office door.

*It’s okay,* the words sounded in my head.

I turned around. Sensaii stood next to my desk.

*This is a great opportunity to practice and grow your newfound skills. Come, sit,* he invited.

*One file at a time,* he cautioned. *I’ll guide you through whatever happens. You’re quite safe. Before we start, I think it best for you to provide yourself with some brain energy food – chocolate will also help with fatigue as your body is not used to this work yet.*

Great for telling me now. I’ve been literally living off chocolate the last few months.

Suddenly a lot of things fell in place.

Could it be that Tucker was right? That I really was coming into my skills only now?

My thoughts were interrupted by a message on my comm. It was from Jack, thanking me for the payment of the repairs on his Rogue. I distinctly remembered not paying him anything.

The missing piece of conversation when Slick was giving me my winnings suddenly played in my head. He had paid Jack out of my winnings! Alright. So one less item to worry about.

I contacted the cafeteria and ordered a dozen dough cakes.

Again Sensaii cautioned me.

*Before we start. Become the observer. Do not get involved personally. This did not happen to you. Detach yourself from whatever you see or may experience. Be the Professional.*

I did not answer, opening the first file.

It was on a woman found strangled in her apartment. There was no sign of breaking and entering. The front door was open.

I scanned the report.

Nothing happened.

I looked at the photos.

Still nothing happened.

I glanced over at Sensaii who encouraged me to continue with a flick of his wrist.

The word ’essence’ came to me.

I needed to concentrate on the essence of an entity to find that entity.

Placing the photo of the deceased woman in front of me, I closed my eyes and touched the picture with the fingertips of my left hand . . .

Immediately images started forming – and my headache started up too.

I suddenly found myself transported, more like sucked, to the apartment, back in time to also approximately ten minutes before the woman’s demise.

Strangely, this time, the images were presented in black and white.

A man was at the door. The woman knew him and opened up. They talked. I could not hear any sound. Only the black and white ‘film’. The man suddenly went livid and grabbed the woman by the neck. The rest is history.

I was pulled back into real-time by a knock on the office door . . .

The girl from the cafeteria brought my sweets over.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” she told me. “You did not answer, so I assumed it was alright if I came in.”

I paid for the dough cakes.

“Thanks for bringing it all the way to the Dungeon,” I told her.

She laughed at my comment. It was a happy sound in this dreary environment.

“I’ve never heard that description of Homicide before. I think it is great.” She closed the door behind her.

I devoured two dough cakes and felt instantly better.

Returning to the report, I scanned it to see who else was under investigation. The woman had an ex-husband but there were no pictures of him in the file, so no help there.

*Sensaii, why was this so different from yesterday’s vision?* I wanted to know from my spirit guide.

*Today you are working with indirect contact. The response differs from one psychic to the next. No psychic has the exact same response. You might be able to relate to others with your gift in a sense that some of you experience visions similarly, but every vision is unique. It also depends on how old the energy trail is.*

*Energy trail?*

*Everything in the Universe leaves a trail of energy or particles, like footprints. If you can pick up on some-one’s energy or particle trail, you will be able to find any living or ‘dead’ entity on this Planet. You could even follow their trial to the Recording Halls.*

So there you have it. I have now been promoted to a sniffer dog.

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