Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Nineteen

There were a million unanswered questions milling around in my throbbing head, when I finally discovered some commercial headache tablets at the back of my medicine cupboard.

It was quite bare as I almost never got sick. Tucker watched me swallow two tablets with his excellent coffee.

“I thought you were only picking me up tomorrow,” I commented as I prepared to start my portion of food.

“I’m afraid it is tomorrow already. Do you want to tell me you’ve slept right through?”

I froze for a second between bites, working time out for myself.

I’ve lost a whole day. This was a serious issue. I tried to hide my concern.

“It looks that way. I must say, I’m feeling much better.”

Tucker seemed relieved with this answer.

Sensaii had his own opinion and it came through as *Liar.*

Ignoring him, I concentrated on finishing breakfast. I had had nothing to eat since Stacey’s generous offer, and the breakfast that I had lost at the crime scene did not count.

We did not start patrolling our turf, as I had anticipated.

Instead, Tucker drove us straight back to Head Quarters. He felt it wiser to drive himself, until he was sure I was up to standard physical performance again.

Sensaii was no-where in my perceptions, which was just as well, for I had not made up my mind how I felt about him yet.

At the Precinct, we went straight to the Captain’s office.

Racewater was already there, his rugged face gleaming with success.

Tucker gave me an ‘I told you so!’ look as we entered.

Captain Truman pulled his hand through his hair, a definite sign of his irritation. Coming around his massive desk, he tried to smooth the creases in his tailored pants.

“Well Tucker. It came to my attention that our young Storm is quite talented. As you are all probably aware, this will be kept strictly between us, for now.”

He presented us both with badges.

“Congratulations, you are now Detectives,” he announced. “You will report directly to Lieutenant Racewater. And Tucker, you will exclusively assist Storm with anything he needs.”

Racewater continued to explain.

“Like I’ve said before, I’m not entirely new to this psychic thing. I’ve worked with some people with amazing abilities. I also know the personal toll this takes. The Captain is prepared to put an extra man on his new asset. To help give Han the chance to grow his talents.”

Turning to Captain Truman he stated “We will not disappoint you Captain.”

The Captain dismissed us all with a gruff “Humpff.”

Racewater escorted us to the basement of the building where Homicide resided.

Showing us into the last office at the end of the corridor, he announced with some pride, “This is an office I had cleared out last night.”

Pointing to a prominent paper under the directly linked comm, he continued “That is a list of important comm numbers you might need. The coroner, sketch-artist, and mobile numbers for all the Homicide Detectives. Keep it handy.

I’ve also taken the liberty to draw all the current case files we’re stuck with. I want Han to have a look at them. Maybe you can come up with fresh leads.

Tucker, I suggest you move your belongings from your desk at Uniforms while Han starts on the files.”

Both Tucker and I glanced over at the piles of files in one corner.

“Yes, it’s in the boxes on the floor,” Racewater confirmed before excusing himself to continue with his own work.

Tucker looked at me with a sad smile and commented “Well, get to it, Han. No use wasting time, allowing the bad guys to get away. I’ll go fetch our stuff.”

As Tucker’s bulk receded down the corridor, I had a look around the office.

Two desks, facing each other, were surrounded by four straight backed chairs. A direct comm was situated on the desk nearest the door, with some filing cabinets at the back of the office and two huge boxes holding case files stood on the floor next to the desk furthest from the door.

Obviously my desk, so that I would not exhaust myself too much reaching for the files, I suppose.

In total, a definite promotion from the cubby hole we had.

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