Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Tucker sighed as they drove off.

He climbed stiffly into our vehicle.

He did not seem angry, more exasperated than anything else.

“Let’s find some coffee,” he announced and drove over to the tiny café that served this small business centre.

He sat me down at the first of the three tables on the pavement before going inside to place his order.

The tables looked pleasant with yellow and red chequered cloths over, adding warmth to a nice late-summer day. I took a few deep breaths to prepare myself for the inevitable lecture.

Tucker sat down and stared at me. It made me extremely uncomfortable. I could not face his eyes and kept my attention on the surrounding neighbourhood.

I had not been prepared for what I had experienced today. I did not know that this was going to happen and that my body would have this reaction to the pre-sight visions.

It felt as if someone had opened my psyche up to do things I could not control. I desperately wanted to understand what was going on with me.

The coffee came and Tucker thanked the waitress. I eyed the sugar-cakes covered with cinnamon that was delivered with our order.

“You may have them. I thought you might feel like something to eat.”

He was right. I was feeling hungry and the plate was cleared in no-time. The cakes were delicious. The coffee was strong, black, and piping hot. I took it a sip at a time, trying to postpone the conversation that I knew was coming.

Tucker sipped his coffee too, not taking his eyes off mine. I still could not face him.

Finally he spoke up.

“I have been an officer my whole life. I’m trained to see detail. You are an open book to me, Han Storm. I know what you are and have a notion of what you can do. Even if you try to keep it under control, you just cannot, can you?”

Incredulous relief flooded throughout me!

Now I could meet his eyes.

He knew.

He was right, no matter how hard I tried, I could not keep my psychic visions under control.

“Are you not afraid of me now that you know?” I asked him.

It baffled me that most people on Creata took psychic abilities for granted.

“No, should I be?” he questioned back.

I could not answer him, but somewhere, deep down, I suspected that he should be.

He continued and I listened attentively.

“We all know that psychics are special people with special skills. People born with psychic abilities are more open to the ancient knowledge of the Higher Worlds.

You are a very special person, Han. Untrained in your skills, I have to admit. Rough at the edges, and that is where your slip-ups happen.

But you can train yourself and grow within your skills. I feel it in my gut. I also feel that you are destined for things far greater that the Security Forces.”

He took another sip from his coffee.

I was battling a growing feeling of utmost panic. The Destiny issue was being driven home again.

“At the moment I can only support you by giving you the opportunity to learn and grow within your skills. A slip-up in front of me is no damage to either one of us. A slip-up in front of others could get you picked up by the Government.” He let that sink in for a bit before continuing.

“So, what do you say? We work together and get your skills working for us, instead of against us. Deal?”

Of course it was a deal.

“Okay, on one condition,” I answered him.

“What condition?”

“I need to work things out for myself without interference.”

“I can live with that.”

I was suddenly feeling much chirpier and confident.

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