Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Our back-up vehicle arrived. It was Stacey and her friendly dark-skinned sergeant.

Tucker took the sergeant to inspect the unconscious perp. We were still waiting for the emergency vehicle.

Stacey came over to my window. “You look spooked. Did you see a ghost?”

Good Universe, I thought to myself. At the rate I was going I would probably end up having to deal with those as well!

“No, we had a busy morning. For such a quiet sector, it turned out to be quite exciting,” I answered. “And you?”

“Booor-ing! We are on back-up duty this week, so we lounge around the precinct until someone needs us.”

“Bummer,” I agreed with her.

“At least you are providing some excitement on my first day.”

She looked at me closely. “Are you sure you are okay. You do not look so great.”

“I’m sure. I’m fine.”

The sergeants were returning.

“Stace, get that perp out of 23 and into ours,” her sergeant ordered.

I let her do it herself. She was strong enough to handle most men twice her size, and she would be extremely offended if I were to try and help.

She transferred the prisoner without any effort. Her sergeant beamed at her.

“See,” he told Tucker “she is as strong as any of us. Besides,” he glanced at me, “I’m more inclined to say you drew the runt of the litter.”

I was not impressed with his comment.

Stacey was to escort the unconscious perp to the hospital, so was left behind by her sergeant.

When the Emergency Vehicle arrived, the medics stabilized the unconscious man and wheeled him into their vehicle.

The head medic wanted to know what we had used on the man and, as pre-arranged, Tucker replied that it was a baton. They nodded and fiddled some more with their patient.

Stacey bent down to look me in the eye.

“I grew up in a house with professional boxers. That was a well-placed fist. That was you, was it not?”

I did not need to answer her.

“Keep your temper under control,” she continued. “You’re going to land yourself in serious trouble. Do you hear me? Do not blow this. You’ve worked far too hard to simply give this up.”

With this heartfelt advice she entered the EV, winking at me as it sped off.

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