Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Four

I was showered and waiting in front of my building by the time Jack arrived.

“Could you not find yourself another place to stay?” Jack complained. “This is so out of the way, and primitive. Even your building seems ready to crumble down on us any minute.”

“I have been here since childhood. This is my home. Besides, now that the neighbourhood has their own Force Person, things should be safer around here from now on.”

“Yes, until you become a target with your uniform on.”

“I’m planning to get dressed at the precinct, like all of you.”

He laughed at me. “Wise.”

Jack took me to a Plains People diner near The Pikes. These yellow hued people called themselves ‘Orientals’. Traditionally named, The Orient diner was situated opposite the Airport in the Shopping district.

Jack loved their food, and, as he was paying, I helped myself to generous portions.

The academy food was not great and this was heaven after being so long without decent food. We stuffed ourselves.

Finally we sat back and relaxed. Jack ordered some more rice-wine for himself. I almost never took alcohol. I was not fond of the taste.

Jack looked at me for so long, I became uncomfortable under his steady gaze.

Finally he spoke up. “You know, you are going to have to be careful with your pre-sight on the Force. Someone will surely notice your psychic ability and then you’ll be in for it.”

“I know. I have my ways of hiding it quite successfully. And I’ve decided that First Day’s bet will be my last. I’ll be earning honest money now and would not need to gamble any longer.”

“Now, that would be a pity,” he answered jokingly.

He turned serious. “I know you think I have only my own interests at heart, but I’m serious right now. You have the makings of a great Force Person. All of us can see it. We would hate seeing you going to the Government. Okay? So please be careful. And no more party tricks either.”

I did not like his tone of voice, but I knew he was sincere.

He paid the waitress and we walked the block to The Pikes to meet our team. No vehicles were allowed in this avenue. It was reserved for pedestrians only.

This was one of the richer shopping areas. I found most of the people shopping here shallow and materialistic, looking down on anyone not ‘dressed’ to their standards.

But the restaurants were great, the gaming houses were plenty, and proprietors did not care where their money came from, as long as you paid cash upfront.

We met up with the rest of the team and were shown to a private booth where it took some doing to fit all five of us in around the same table.

I ordered my usual mixed fruit juice and the others took bottles of strong black ale.

Shifting myself slightly to the background, I listened to all their tales and wishes of what they wanted to become in their respective areas.

Stacey wanted to transfer to Forensics as soon as her three months as Student Officer was completed.

Slick was working to get into special ops, preferably as a sniper.

Ryan wanted to become the next New Haven Captain, and Jack just wanted to be an officer of Law. His whole family was on the Force and he was following in everyone’s footsteps.

I thought about what I wanted for myself. Until now I had allowed myself to go with the flow of things, making the best of what was offered to me, trying to live my life to the fullest.

This niggling feeling of Destiny threatened to overwhelm me again. It felt as if I really had no control over my life. I did not even know what I really wanted from it!

I was suddenly angry at myself for being so different from others. I did not want these …. abilities, I told myself.

Still, I knew in my heart that I loved being different, able to know and perceive things others could not.

Out of spite, I ordered a glass of ale for myself and downed it in one gulp.

BIG mistake.

It was revolting.

Everyone cheered at the expression on my face and encouraged me to have another.

I declined and they left it at that.

They were on childhood stories now, telling each other about happy times and loving parents and siblings.

It made me extremely uncomfortable as I had never known my parents, being raised within the Government foster system until I quit it at ten years old.

After that, I had lived mostly on my own. It did not take much to see where some of my issues came from. I would probably be a psychiatrist’s nightmare.

Jack was fast getting totally drunk. The others drank responsibly enough, and by the time we took our leave of each other, I was still feeling confident that they would get home safely.

Jack was another story. He could barely stand as I helped him to his vehicle after taking the keys from him. I dropped him in the passenger seat before settling behind the steering wheel.

I was not feeling so good either after that glass of ale. My head was spinning and my vision blurred. I guess it was an adverse reaction to the alcohol.

Carefully driving towards my building, I avoided the Highway, which would have been the fastest route.

We soon left the shopping area and entered the business district. Passing through several intersections, catching all the traffic lights green (which was one of my favourite bets, I never lost), we entered the residential area of Market Square.

I was just letting out a sigh of relief as we were almost home, when a shadow ran out from a yard.

Having no time to respond with my brain being fuzzy from the drink, I drove over whatever it was.

“Did you see what that was,” I asked, glancing over at Jack, bringing the vehicle to a stop.

No response came from a passed out Jack.

Walking around the vehicle, I identified the shadow as a cat.

Squatting down next to it, I touched the bleeding body, smearing blood all over my hands.

I suddenly saw, and felt, the cat’s sensations; thoughts.

The cat knew it was dying. There was not a lot of pain. It had been sick for a long time, and did not mind returning to the spirit plane.

Its spirit slipped out of its body, looking at me for a full minute before moving on.

Releasing the body, I wiped my hands as clean as I could on my shirt before heading back to Jack’s vehicle.

With shaking hands, I managed to steer the vehicle to the basement of my building. I left Jack in the vehicle, taking his wallet and the keys with me. I was not going to carry him to my apartment. He would be safe enough in the basement.

Safely in my own apartment, I scrubbed the blood off my hands and discarded the shirt in the trash container before making some strong coffee.

This was my first direct contact with death, feeling life slipping out of a living entity with the true essence revealed to me. I never fathomed having such a psychic reaction to something’s life-essence.

I was feeling shock and excitement at the same time. If this could happen when I touched an animal, what more if I could touch a human?

Shuddering at the thought, I realized that I would share the same experience as the other person. I did not know if I was strong enough for that.

I finished my coffee and retired to bed, finally giving in to the drugging effect of the alcohol.

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