Chronicles of Han: Preserving Creata: Part 1: Learning Curve

Chapter Chapter Five

“Bloody Hell! What did you do to my Rogue?!”

It was Jack screaming me awake.

Now how did he get in?

I could swear I had locked the door. Well, maybe not in my intoxicated state.

“Now just hold on,” I cautioned as he lunged into the bedroom. “What are you talking about?”

“There’s blood all over the front and the light is broken. Did you kill anyone last night?” he accused.

“It was only a sick cat. I put it out of its misery by accident,” I defended myself.

“A cat! You hit a cat with my Rogue! How could you?”

“You were passed out and I had to drive. I’m not used to alcohol either, you should remember that.”

Jack calmed down. “Okay, but I do not have insurance. Are you going to pay for repairs?”

“I will go half on it. If you had been drinking responsibly, your vehicle would still be in roadworthy condition.”

He took a seat on the chair by the window. Opening the curtain, he stared out into the mid day sunshine. We had slept the morning away.

“I know now why you stay here,” he commented, more to himself. “You have a wonderful, clear view of New Haven. I can even see the ships in the harbour. There’s my parent’s house up on Maine, directly behind the airport. It’s also nice and quiet here.”

I was up and dressed by the time he stopped staring out of the window.

“I will take your offer,” he continued. “I will run the Rogue by a repair shop on the way home and get back to you on a price. That okay?”

“Perfect. Now, did you want some breakfast? I was thinking of having some fat bacon and oozing boiled eggs.” I knew the reaction to that would be instantaneous.

Jack’s face turned ashen as he stood up. “No, thank you. I have to be off. The parents want their children home before dark and all that.”

I laughed at his discomfort and saw him to my apartment door. “Drive safe.”

I made sure the door was locked before starting on breakfast.

It was really fun cooking for myself. The food came out exactly as I wished and I enjoyed a hearty breakfast.

Not planning on going out again, I loafed around reading adventure novels and watching home movies.

I still could not get reception from the local broadcasters. This had started about a month before I went to the academy.

All the equipment had been tested, but there was nothing wrong with it. The repair person said it might be some disturbance in the building. The neighbours were also complaining about this.

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