
Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Why are you still here? 

*5 Free Cons 

“They were rude for not greeting me. I was only disciplining them for you! Keziah felt wronged. Previously, Keira would never interfere whenever Kezials picked on the children. 

Is she reacting so strongly because she caught me in the act? No, that’s not right. When has the ever cared about these children? 

Keira sneered, “Am I dead that you have to discipline my son for me?” 

Keziah pressed her nails into her palm and forced herself to smile. I’m sorry, Sis. I shouldn’t have overstepped my boundaries. I only wanted to get closer to the boys 

Since Keira wanted to see her vulnerable, she would play the part. As long as she placated this fool and secured what she wanted, there would be plenty of opportunities to deal with her later. 

Keira looked at Keziah’s submissive act and could not help bur sigh. She had been blind before, thinking Keziah was innocent and weak. 

“Why are you still here?” Keira had just started to improve her relationship with her children and did not want this annoying woman to disturb their time together. 

Keziah panicked. She did not expect Keira to disregard her explanation 

“Sis, I was wrong. Please don’t be angry.” She shed tears pitifully and wanted to hold Keira’s hand. However, she feared Keira would strike her again. So, she could only lower her voice, saying, “I’m here to deliver a message on behalf of Joseph.” 

She was sure Keira would be interested in matters concerning Joseph 

Although Keira had blocked Joseph’s numbers and did many harsh things to him, Keziah believed Keira still had feelings for him. After all, Keira had liked Joseph for many years and followed him since they were kids. How could she suddenly change her mind

“If it’s about compensation, you can save your breath.” Keira sneered. “Every penny must be paid. Otherwise, prepare to receive a court summons

Keziah did not expect Keira to be so stubborn about this matter. For the first time, she felt uneasy. She had believed Keira had changed completely, despite what Joseph had said. Suddenly, she was unsure if she could obtain what she had come here for. 

“Is there anything else?” Keira asked impatiently after checking that Lucien and Landon were not injured. If she had not suddenly remembered something from her past life, she would probably have kicked Keziah out of the house. 

Keziah appeared apologetic. Her eyes were brimming with guilt. “Sis, I’m here to ask for your help” 

It was what Keira had expected. She sneered inwardly but appeared calm, “Sure, wait for me downstairs.” 

Keziah nodded meekly. Seeing no trace of sympathy in Keira’s face, she had to swallow her pride and go downstairs. 

Behind Keira, Lucien furrowed his brows, and Landon became anxious. Will that woman deceive Mommy again? 

On the other hand, Luna pushed Landon aside and ran to Keira’s side. She hugged Keira’s thigh and pouted unhappily. “She’s a bad person, Mommy. Don’t listen to her!” 

Keira was worried that her children might misunderstand. She warmly embraced Luna and kissed her cheek before saying with a smile, “You’re so clever. How do you know she’s a bad person?” 

Luna thought for a while but did not know how to explain. She could only wave her hands anxiously, repeating. I don’t like her She bullied Lucien and Landon!” 

Keira patted Luna’s head before smiling at Landon and Lucien. I understand your concern, and I don’t like her either. I promise I won’t let her bully you anymore!” 

Then, she put Luna down and pulled Landon and Lucien closer. “Can you two take care of Luna for a while! I have to deal with something now” 

After a moitient’s hesitation. Lucien nodded. “Luna has been out for too long. I should take her back to get some

Chapter 18 Why are you still here? 

+5 Free Coins 

Seeing her older brother’s approval, Landon also nodded. He fidgeted nervously as he reminded, “Then make sure you don’t fall for her tricks” 

After Keira reassured them and promised to play with them once she resolved the matter, Luna left obediently with her two older brothers. 

Once the children left, Keira’s face turned stern. She turned around and walked towards the hall. 

Keziah was carefully rubbing her painful and swollen face. When she saw Keira, she instinctively smiled but winced at the pain in her wounds. 

“Sis!” She looked at Keira sadly. “Did Victor bully you again? Are you upset?” 

Keziah had pondered about Keira’s behavior for a long time and could not think of any other reason that could drastically change her temperament. 

“Victor has always been wild and ruthless. Even his parents don’t like him. Sis, you must be careful!” Keziah anxiously pulled Keira aside and warned her, looking like a caring younger sister. She had frequently warned Keira about this in her previous life, causing Keira to regard Victor as a ferocious beast. 

“Get to the point. Say what you have to say and then leave.” Keira’s expression darkened when Keziah spoke badly about Victor. Keira would have made her leave if it weren’t for verifying Keziah’s purpose for coming today. 

As Keira’s mood was unpredictable, Keziah decided to cut the chase. She took a document from her bag, placed it on the table, and said softly, “Sis, this talent show is finalizing its mentors. Can you ask Mr. Byrom to help me.” 

Keira casually flipped through the document. The bold letters on the cover stated. ‘Our Dreams. She turned to Keziah and arched her eyebrow. “Help you? How?” 

“I need you to help me secure this opportunity.” Keziah frowned and gritted her teeth. “Sis, you know our group disbanded after you were forced to marry Victor. With new talents emerging. I’m struggling to compete with them. This opportunity is 

crucial for me.” 

She looked at Keira with a pitiful expression, hoping to guilt trip her, emphasizing the problematic situation Keira after she left the group. 

put her in 

“But, as you mentioned earlier, Victor is ruthless and difficult to deal with. Even if I talk to him, he might not listen. Keira lightly tapped on the back of the couch, calmly observing Keziah’s expression. 

long as you do your best to persuade Mr. Byrom, he will agree. Even if he doesn’t care about you, he will care about those three children.” Keziah gestured towards the upper floor, clearly implying her intentions. She meant if Victor refused to help. Keira could use the children as leverage, pressuring him until he agreed. 

Keira hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. 

Keziah had been suppressing her anger as she persuaded Keira and was relieved to see her finally agreeing to her request. However, she did not have the energy to ponder why Keira suddenly became distant towards her. At this moment, her only thought was that her grievances were not in vain

Although Keziah was a little uncertain when she left, she still carried herself with the pride of a female celebrity. 

Once she secured this significant opportunity, she planned to stir up a few trending topics and bring down a few rivals targeting her. 

Meanwhile, Keira’s lips curled into a smile as she watched Keziah striding away confidently. Keziah, the show is about to begin. 

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