Choices of the Moon Book 2 : the human and the wolf

Chapter 5


I invited the girls to go to this show together, and Clair already knew the club, we were getting ready to go and I convinced my father to let me go out one more time to the city, and I was grateful that he didn't know that I had come back completely drunk the night before.

I was already getting ready when Clair called me to tell she had a date and wasn't going anymore. I went to Jaque's room and found her in bed, lying down and suffering from some flu.

"I can't believe you two are going to give me a hard time. I can't go out without company, my father won't let me."

"Don't tell him, goes as if we were together, I won't tell."

"Jaque, we live in the same house." I said knowing the plan probably wouldn't work.

"But if he only finds out after you've already left, it's okay."

I wasn't supposed to do that.

I was always daddy's little girl, I always obeyed his orders, I respected his decisions.

But it was Louis.

He had a strange effect on me, I didn't even know exactly what it was, I just knew that I wanted to be with him again.

I didn't think much, I said goodbye to my parents and left.

I didn't go to the city much, but I callea cab and arrived at my destination, and at the door of the nightclub I could already feel my heart racing.

I took the card to send him a message, letting him know I was there.

I arrived, where are you?

Go to the door and I will meet you.

He responded right away, and I followed to the door of the club, before I arrived I already saw Louis, tall, wearing a formal shirt that hugged his biceps, his brown hair combed and his hazel eyes that shone in the yellowish light.

I lost the ground.

"Ellie, where are your friends?" He asked, extending his hand to me, as the security guard opened the restraint tape, and his touch already made my heart race.

"One got sick and the other got a date." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"But the one who really mattered came." He said, but it was so quietly that I don't know if he intended for me to hear. "And Mr. Scherer didn't mind?"

"He does not know..."

When we entered the place it was different from what I had imagined, it was much more intimate, it looked like a chic restaurant with a presentation stage and a dance floor.

"The food here is great, I hope you haven't had dinner yet, I reserved a table for us." He said pointing to the room with the tables, we walked there and he pulled out the chair for me to sit.

"This is more like a date than a night out." I said trying to look at him, but Louis just shrugged and smiled at the same moment the waiter arrived.

"The best Cabernet in the house, please." He said to the waiter and took the menus. "So you mean your father owns the Moonhowl company?"

For humans, we had done the Pack's paperwork as if it were a large company, a business condominium.

"Yes." I answered simply, I couldn't give many details.

"Do you work with them?"

"Yes, I work in administration with them and we all live within the complex. And you, do you work with your father on time?"

"I never wanted another career, when I left college I went straight there."

"You must look like your mother, because you don't look much like him."

Louis smiled and sighed.

"I'm adopted, I don't look like either of them. But I owe my life to them, they raised me since I was 3 years old." Louis said and at the same moment the waiter brought the wine.

I ordered a steak and he chose pasta, we talked the whole dinner, and it was bizarre how it felt like I'd known him my whole life, how even with all the sexual tension, I felt comfortable around him, in a way I didn't want to leave anymore.

I drank the last sip from my glass, and was waiting for Louis to pour it back to me just like he did throughout dinner, but he just didn't add anything.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but before I asked he got up, picked up his chair and placed it next to me, sitting down.

"I just want to make sure it's not the alcohol this time." He said now, placing a strand of my hair behind my ear and the touch of his skin on mine gave me chills, and my breath caught, I was afraid to breathe and break the moment, but Louis approached slowly, almost too slowly, I almost took my breath away when our lips touched and the same feeling as when we kissed the first time hit me, but now, I was sober and it was even stronger.

It was as if an electric shock ran through my body, at the same time that my heart was filled with a good feeling, a feeling as if I felt like I belonged.


His hand went to my neck and he pulled me closer, opening space for his tongue to invade my mouth, and it was as if we had already kissed a thousand times, it was as if our bodies spoke to each other in a language of their own. My hands went to the back of his head and I could never get enough of him, our touch was crying out for each other and when I was almost climbing onto his lap, Louis stopped kissing me and said, still against my lips.

"It's definitely not just the alcohol." He said smiling and lightly bit my lower lip.

I shook my head as I couldn't stop looking at him.

"I wanted to see you dance here today, but now I just want to take you to my apartament..." I wanted too, but I had never thought about doing that, about going to a stranger's house, about maybe having sex on the first date .

For humans it was so different, when you are a wolf you know who your life mate is, and that's it.

But I was so tired of just thinking about it, of putting all my expectations on it.

Louis noticed my hesitation…

"It's okay if you don't want to go, I…"

"I want to." I replied in a whisper and it was much more of my body than my brain, and I just saw Louis widen his eyes and smile, before kissing me again.

He wasted no time, he stood up, offering me his hand, I stood up with him, and Louis grabbed me by the waist and led me out.

"Tell Klaus to send me the bill later." Louis said to what he looked like the house manager and received a nod before leaving.

I saw him lead me to the car, the same one I saw him get into yesterday after carrying me drunk on his arms.

And I tried to understand what was happening.

But then he opened the door for me, and then he entered, and there, the two of us alone, I understood.

It was like it was natural and instinctive and right to be with him, and that's what I was doing, I was following my heart.

In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty that my brain made my life feel like, worried about so many things, there I just followed my heart.

I enjoyed the view of the city and the easy conversation I had with Louis, until we arrived at a residential building not far from where we met in the morning. He parked the car and we got into the elevator and he pressed on the 18th floor, a middle-aged lady got in with us and pressed on the 4th floor, making me take a step back and making my body collide with Louis's, the heat of his body made me shudder, I thought about moving away, but I just didn't want to, I felt the bulge of his pants on my ass and that made my body light up even more, he first hugged my body close to his. But that was when his fingers slipped to the hem of my dress, the warm touch of his fingers on my bare skin sent shocks throughout my body, and he slowly increased his touch, making me forget how to breathe, his fingers went to my panties and I moaned softly. Louis leaned his face forward, brushing his lips against my ears.

"Shhh." The sound of his voice made me vibrate inside, as his fingers pushed the wet fabric of my panties away from under my dress, and when his finger slipped over my clit I bit my lip to keep from moaning.

Then the doors opened and the sound made him quickly remove his hand, the lady left without noticing anything that was happening behind her, and I anxiously waited for the doors to close again, but I didn't even have time to turn around, when I realized, Louis was covering his body with mine, turning me around and pressing me against the elevator wall, my leg wrapped around his hip, pulling him closer, while my lips cried out for his.

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