Choices of the Moon Book 2 : the human and the wolf

Chapter 3


After three songs I started to feel dizzy, the alcohol had already worn off and I was happy and relaxed, and it was making me lose consciousness. But I ignored the signs, the party was too good to end, and I accepted another drink that Clair brought, and then it was too much, I felt the urge to vomit, but I managed to hold back, I tried to run to the bathroom, but I was too dizzy, I was staggering a bit and Jaque noticed, I felt her hand on my arm keeping me in place and helping me to go to the bathroom, I was retching but I couldn't vomit, Clair appeared with some water and I drank it sitting on the bathroom floor, I waited a few minutes and managed to drink the entire bottle, and only then did I start to feel a little better.

"The Alpha is going to kill me." I heard Jaque talking.

"He won't know, we'll give her a bath and put her to bed, she'll wake up better tomorrow," Clair replied, I tried to get up, but I was too dizzy for that, they helped me walk out of the bathroom, practically dragging me, and the familiar voice hit me.

"Want help?" It was Louis, and I lifted my face to look at him and smiled.

"Louis," I said, stretching out my hand to try to touch him, without the slightest reason in my movements, it was all the alcohol.

"Do you know him?" Clair asked and I nodded yes.

"He helped me when a man tried to grab me today," I said to my friend, but my voice came out completely slurred.

"Help? Earlier you said I didn't need to do that." He said crossing his arms.

“I didn’t really need it, but it helped,” I replied to him. "I don't need help, I can walk," I said, taking my arm off Jaque's shoulder, but the step I took was completely wrong and if Louis hadn't held me back I would have crashed to the floor.

"No, you can't walk." He said holding my arm and bending down to pick me up.

"Hey, you're not going to pick me up." I started to say, but I didn't have much control over my movements, he put my arm around his neck, and he put his arms around my back and the back of my knees, my other hand went to his neck to make me hold him.

"It's okay Ellie, I'll take you to the car with your friends." He said to me and it was as if his soft voice melted like warm butter inside me, and I melted into his arms, it was so comfortable, I felt safe, in a way I never felt before. "Show me where the car is and I'll take her." He said to the girls.

I saw Clair shrugging.

"It'll be much easier for him to take her than for us to drag her," Jaque said, shrugging his shoulders too, Clair led the way and Louis followed with me.

"You know you're quite handsome for a human," I said, using one of my hands to run down his face, and I felt the muscles in his face tense beneath my touch as he smiled.

"I don't know exactly what that means, but thank you," Louis replied.

"You know I would kiss you if I weren't so drunk," I confessed, and then I realized it was just the alcohol talking.

Alcohol and maybe my emotions.

"I would definitely kiss you if you weren't drunk," He said between breaths his hazel eyes went to mine and my lips parted on their own.

"Is here." Clair's voice made him look away and take two more steps to her car.

"Were you just going to kiss me?" I asked while still in his arms, while Clair opened the back door of the car.

Louis looked at me and bent down to put me in the backseat, and as my body lost contact with his hands he confessed, softly like a whisper.

"I'm scared to think about everything I would do to you..." He said and got up, leaving me sitting in the car seat.

"Thank you for bringing her," Clair said patting Louis on the back.

"Louis," I called and he bent down and poked his head into the car to hear what I had to say.

But I didn't want to say anything.

I pulled at his collar with both hands and made his lips collide with mine, and damn, they were the softest, sweetest lips I had ever tasted, my tongue invaded his mouth and when his velvety tongue intertwined with mine I felt my entire body in a trance, an electric shock ran through my body and I felt washed by a good feeling that I couldn't describe.

But Louis stopped.

He stopped and still breathing heavily placed his forehead against mine and sighed before saying.

"As you said, too much alcohol for a sincere kiss, when it's just Ellie, not the alcohol, and if you want, we can continue..." He said, running his thumb over my cheek and getting out of the car.

"See you later Ellie, see you girls." He said and left, I watched the Greek God walk back putting his hand on his neck, but instead of going back in, he took the car key from his pocket deactivated the alarm, and got into a black SUV that was parked further ahead.

The girls got into the car laughing.

"What was that Ellie?" Jaque said, putting on his belt.

"She did well, a hot human like that is not to be missed, and she probably won't see him again, she took advantage," Clair said as she left, but the phrase: she probably won't see him again, hurt me.

I tried to ignore it, but it hurt.

I made the girls stop the car twice on the way there so I could vomit, and Clair went with us to my room to try to help me get up, they bathed me and put me to bed, I don't even remember seeing them leaving my room and fell asleep.

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