Cherished By Seven Sisters

Chapter 974

Chapter 974 Transcended The Mundane
It was because their perspectives had long since transcended the mundane world.
The immortal family was akin to the existence of something like Mount Kushburn.
Emrys understood the logic, yet he couldn’t help but scoff, “Apologies, but that’s your perspective. From where I stand, my very
bones carry the bloodline of Chanaea. You, the so- called immortal families, carry the bloodline of Jetroina in your bones. So, the
possibility of me joining you is absolutely nil. Also, none of you deserve me!”
Everyone’s expression changed when they heard that.
The status of the immortal family in Jetroina was unparalleled, so much so that even the emperor had to show utmost respect
upon meeting them. As for the so–called Hidden Fighters Alliance, they were nothing but insignificant in the face of the immortal
Of course, Sky Devourer Palace was nothing to write home about either from their eyes.
Essentially, those immortal families were too proud to stoop down and involve themselves in such mundane affairs. Otherwise, if
they casually dispatched a core member, they could have easily obliterated Sky Devourer Palace.
The power of the immortals, after all, was not something a mere mortal could match.
Thus, it was astonishing to everyone present that Sky Devourer Lord dared to say such a thing in front of so many people. It was
simply a spectacle that made him the laughingstock.
“Sky Devourer Lord, I had already given you a chance. Unfortunately, you failed to recognize the favor. Don’t blame me then for
being ruthless. I remember there were rumors before saying that you had died. It was as if the entire Chanaea was singing a
dirge and their faith collapsed. However, it turned out that this was just a well–played act of your own making. Is there any truth
to this? It seems like you’re quite skilled at manipulating people’s emotions. You’ve managed to highlight your importance
through such methods, making the people of Chanaea believe they can’t do anything without you. You really would have made a
great missionary. What a pity then that you made a grave mistake today, offending an immortal. Hence, you, the faith of
Chanaea, are destined to crumble today. This time, it’s not an act.” Kenneth was muttering to himself, seemingly conveying to
Emrys that the latter would be facing a true death at that moment and that the faith of Chanaea would be destroyed.
As he spoke, he slowly drew out the additional katana that was at his waist.

The moment the sword hilt parted from its sheath, it was as if an unseen, heart–stopping energy radiated swiftly in all directions,
casting a terrifying gloom over the surrounding space.
The members of the camurai school had their ever wide onen their faces flushed. It was leaving them breathless.
The katana, bestowed with celestial power, was finally unsheathed once again!
Emrys‘ heart gave a small jolt.
Staring at the katana in Kenneth’s hand, he felt a hint of surprise in his heart. He remarked, “It seems that this celestial power
indeed has some unique aspects.”
Before he drew his katana, Katana was not considered particularly powerful. At most, he was seen as a skilled samurai.
Yet, after he drew the sword, the celestial power hidden within the blade coursed through his body, causing a profound
transformation in an instant.
He was completely transformed!
Emrys pondered for a moment, then suddenly spoke up. “Hold on, perhaps we can discuss this further. There’s no need for
violence. It’s just so crude!”
The gazes of the people around instantly took on a peculiar shift, followed promptly by an eruption of hearty laughter.
“Hahaha, Sky Devourer Lord, you’re indeed scared, aren’t you? Is it because you’ve experienced the terror of the celestial
“Just a moment ago, you said the immortal families don’t deserve you. Surprisingly, you were proven wrong so quickly. Sky
Devourer Lord, you truly are remarkable. To think you’re the pride of Chanaea.”
“This reminds me of that Alex guy. Just like now, he was scared out of his wits when Chief Xanthos drew his sword back then. In
the end, he had no choice but to slink away, not daring to make a peep.”
“I know, right? Those overconfident fools always think they’re something special. Little do they know, celestial power is
something they could never even begin to comprehend.”

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