Cherished By Seven Sisters

Chapter 973

Chapter 973 Speed Of Swordsmanship
“Chief Xanthos hadn’t even unleashed his sword soul yet!”
“Huh? That’s odd. Sky Devourer Lord was struck with a lethal blow, yet it seems like nothing’s happened. There’s no blood, he
didn’t fall, and he even seems to be blinking?”
“What do you know? The fact that the blade is unstained by blood only proves the speed of our master’s swordsmanship. As for
why Sky Devourer Lord is still standing and blinking, it’s because he died so quickly that his brain didn’t have time to react.”
“So that’s how it is. I’ve learned something new!”
As the members of the samurai school were engaged in discussion, a teasing voice suddenly emerged from Emrys‘ lips. “You’re
fast enough, but unfortunately, a common blade is still just a common blade. Even if I stood still, you wouldn’t be able to kill me.”
Suddenly, everyone was taken aback.
They were astonished to see Sky Devourer Lord was not dead even after a lethal blow to the neck.
Only then did the crowd notice that there was no blood spurting from Sky Devourer Lord’s neck. It wasn’t because Kenneth’s
blade moved too swiftly to see the blood, but rather because he hadn’t harmed Sky Devourer Lord at all.
No matter how swift the blade was, it would still leave a trail of blood, but there was nothing áround Sky Devourer Lord’s neck,
meaning he wasn’t injured at all.
In comparison to their astonishment, it seemed as if Kenneth had anticipated that all along. Therefore, when he heard Emrys‘
voice, he didn’t react much.
Yet, there was an added hint of gravity on his face.
“Sky Devourer Lord, you’re the bravest individual from Chanaea I’ve ever met, and you certainly have some skills,” Kenneth said
as he turned to look at Emrys, speaking sincerely from his heart.
The moment his blade grazed Emrys‘ neck, he knew something was off.
Though slicing through a person’s throat with a katana required little strength when done at high speed, for someone of
Kenneth’s caliber, it was as effortless as blowing away dust.

However, even blowing off dust took effort!
The sensation Kenneth just experienced didn’t feel as if he had plunged his katana into
Emrue‘ throat and then sliced across Instead it felt more like he had shimmed amainet a
Thus, he also knew that he hadn’t really hurt Emrys.
What surprised Kenneth the most was Emrys‘ audacity because he had never seen anyone so- bold before.
Even if one were confident in their ability to defend against an opponent’s attack, surely no one would be audacious enough to
just stand there, waiting for the opponent’s blade to graze their throat, right?
After all, if things went wrong, death would be instant.
Thus, Kenneth thought Sky Devourer Lord was absolutely wild!
A glint of admiration shone in Kenneth’s eyes as he said, “Sky Devourer Lord, you’ve truly impressed me. How about joining our
Xanthos family?”
He was fond of those kind of wild people.
Emrys‘ expression turned somewhat peculiar, “So, you’re suggesting that I leave Chanaea and join Jetroina?”
“No.” Kenneth shook his head and said, “Sky Devourer Lord, your thinking is still confined within national borders, which is rather
naive. If you were to reach our level, you’d understand that national borders really aren’t that important. We immortal families
rarely meddled in the affairs between nations, and we were not bound by any nation either. No matter how prestigious your Sky
Devourer Palace is, it ultimately still has to answer to the top leader of Chanaea. However, we, the immortal family, don’t have to.
We exist outside of the confines of any nation, even the emperor himself can’t command us. Therefore, I am simply inviting you
to my family, which has nothing to do with my nation.”
Of course, Emrys understood what Kenneth was implying with his words.
Much like Mount Kushburn of Chanaea, they were solely focused on their own cultivation. Even if Chanaea were to be
destroyed, as long as their interests weren’t affected, they probably wouldn’t bother to lift a finger.

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