Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 2)

Chasing Us: Chapter 26

In life, we strive for perfection. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or material, and time and time again, we are reminded perfection is only momentary. Our natural instinct is to crave something greater, explore our want, our thirst, or our desire to find something superior.

As humans, our brains are programmed to think this way, but tonight at the stroke of midnight, my brain has been reprogrammed because perfection is walking down the aisle toward me like an angel of purity in all its beauty.

Charlotte’s smile radiates. A few more steps and she will finally be beside me.

Mark kisses her cheek before handing her to me and then, as I expected, as I craved, the jolt. Electrifying every single part of me, a constant reminder only she has the power to make me feel this.

I know without a single doubt she feels it too, and I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I lean in and kiss her lips, caught up in the moment.

“Charlotte, you are beautiful,” I whisper softly against her lips.

The celebrant interrupts us, and there under the pale moonlight, three minutes past midnight, I begin to say the words.

“Charlotte Olivia Mason, I promise to cherish you and love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives. I vow every breath I take and every beat of my heart belongs to you and only you.”

I slide the ring on her finger, once again kissing it before it’s her turn to speak.

“Alexander Matthew Edwards, I take you to be my constant friend and my loving partner. I promise to be faithful and devote myself to you, only you and our marriage. I give you my hand, my heart, and the air I breathe for as long as we both shall live.”

Charlotte slides the ring on my finger, again.

I don’t wait for the words, I kiss her. Five hours apart feels like a lifetime, and now in front of our family and friends, we are officially Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. There’s a roar, whistling, and clapping amongst our nearest and dearest. A soft violin piece plays in the background, and without warning, a burst of thunder rolls in on the horizon, but Charlotte doesn’t flinch one bit. She used to be terrified of the sound, never giving me an explanation as to why.

“How come the thunder didn’t scare you?”

“Because I have you to protect me.” She smiles, placing her arms around me as we continue to lose ourselves in each other, our lips unable to unlock until Rocky tells us to stop because it’s bordering on pornographic.

We pull away as the music starts, and right here, on our spot, we dance to what was once our song.

“I love this song.” Charlotte rests her head on my shoulder.

“I know… I wasn’t sure if—”

She interrupts me by placing her finger against my lips. “I don’t care what happens after. No one can ever erase the moment in time when we sat side by side playing the piano and singing. Whatever the hell happened after, I don’t care. That moment stuck with me, that song stuck with me, and, Lex, it is our song. It’s not tainted, and thank you for choosing it today for us to dance to.”

Charlotte is eerily calm, a perfect calm, and I feel my body relax, allowing myself to enjoy this dance with my wife.

The girls planned a simple ceremony followed by an even simpler reception here on the cliff top. Our loved ones surround us as they talk to each other and dance beside us. It’s to be followed by cutting the cake, my speech, then straight to our honeymoon where I get to enjoy Charlotte for a month. A month of fucking my beautiful wife all day, all night. Now that is heaven.

During our dance, people congratulate around us, but I manage to hold onto Charlotte tight because my fucking boner is standing out like an eyesore. Eric, the fucking idiot, is obviously amused by it all. I have the right mind to kidnap him and have women rub their pussies all up in his face just to teach him a lesson. The throbbing pain is unbearable, and I need a release, but how awful it would be if I was caught jerking off at my own wedding? For some reason, the others don’t have a problem. In fact, I can’t spot the others apart from Rocky, who looks pretty smug. I suspect he’s had his release already.

I motion for Charlotte to come with me. Without asking a thousand questions, she lifts the hem of her dress in her hands so it won’t get caught on the ground. With her hand in mine, I take her down the path, but along the way, we hear rustling in the bushes followed by a giggle. I stop and place my fingers against my mouth, motioning for Charlotte to be quiet, so we could hear who it is.

“Andrew… right there…”

Oh, fuck, no!

I grab Charlotte’s arms with force as she covers her mouth unable to contain her laughter, knowing all too well the idea of my parents having sex is the biggest nightmare of all time. Yet, somehow, the general is so pumped with Viagra that his saluting is relentless. As I continue to lead her down the path, I find the isolated cave and pull her inside.

Against the rock wall, I smash my lips against hers.

“Lex, we have everyone waiting…”

“Don’t worry about them, Rocky has it covered. I need to fuck you now as my wife. I promise to make sweet love to you when we get back to our hotel room, but right now I need to fuck you.”

There is no objection as I lift her dress and plunge into her, the sound of her small cry echoing in the cave.

“I saw you with the firefighters, Charlotte. It made me so fucking jealous. This, the way I’m fucking you, is to show you that you belong to me. Obsessed together forever, we said the words. I am obsessed with you, every move you make, every stare at another man, I’m watching.”

She doesn’t say a word, only pulling me in tighter and begging for more.

“And did you see me touch the firefighter? Did you see me look at his cock?” she asks, teasingly.

Oh, she fucking knows what she’s doing, allowing my jealousy to consume my raging testosterone. I grab her ass, gripping it so tightly knowing my nails are digging into her. I can’t get in deep enough. Calm the fuck down, don’t hurt the baby.

“Yes, I did, and I wanted to rip you off that stage. You are my wife, my wife…”

My words warn her in exactly five seconds I will come undone.

It rips through me brutally and with so much force, my legs begin to shake, struggling to keep my balance and gripping onto the wall for support.

Around me, she clenches while whimpering. My entire body jerks forward, sensitive to the slightest touch. We stand for a moment, catching our breaths until Charlotte admits she knows about the Viagra.

“Charlotte, I can guarantee even without it, I would have fucked you into oblivion. Oh, and have I already told you that you look beautiful tonight?”

“Yes, but only like a hundred times. I may need to hear it again to be sure.”

“Hmm… I married such a smart mouth. Charlotte Edwards, you look beautiful.”

“That’s better, and you, my husband, look like sex on a stick. I’m sorry, you know you look handsome, but this tux is making me insanely horny. There, I said it. Inappropriate for wedding speak, but hey, that’s me.”

“I think our lack of consideration for the sacred wedding celebration was displayed minutes ago, and I’m more than happy to remind you again, should you need it.”

“Now, that’s the Viagra talking.” She giggles.

We head back, and as we resume activities, Rocky is quick to pull me aside. He sniffs my collar like some fucking weirdo.

“Dude, I said ten minutes. What took you so long to blow?” Rocky complains, narrowing his eyes. “I had to do a rendition of Chicago and Barry Manilow.”

“And the crowds are still here?”

“Dude, you smell like pussy.”

I’m ready to smack him in the face when Charlotte drags her mother over to meet me. She clears her throat, and Maria waits patiently for my full attention.

“I know you’ve met before under different circumstances, but Mom, I want to introduce you to my husband, Lex Edwards, and before you start sending him bad karma or shit like that, remember he is the father of our baby as well. So there,” she says matter-of-factly.

To be polite, I lean over to kiss her hello, but exactly like the first time we met, she places her hand over my cheek. I’m trying my best to be respectful, but the resentment toward her is hard to ignore for she is the one who spun her lies about Charlotte moving on. If it weren’t for that, who knows what might have been? Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted eight years wandering the earth like a nomad.

Certain she senses my bitterness toward her, she pulls her hand away immediately. Her face looks disheartened, and she must know she fucked with the universe big time by feeding lies to Adriana and me.

Charlotte is called by Kate.

Before leaving, she whispers, “Let it go.”

How can I let it go? This woman fucking angers me.

“Cometemos errores cuando estamos tratando de proteger a la persona que amamos. We make mistakes when we are trying to protect the person we love.”

“We do make mistakes when we are trying to protect the ones we love. I should know that since I spent eight years trying to fix mine,” I answer bitterly.

“Then, you must understand how I feel.”

“I’m trying. That’s the best I can do.”

“I see things, Alex…”

“Lex,” I correct her.

“You are still Alex in her eyes. You may think you have this new persona, but Charlotte still sees you as Alex. The one she fell in love with. This ‘Lex’ you speak of, he is only capable of hurting her. He became a man lost in a world of deceit and self-destruction. Perhaps you need to look at yourself, find who you really are,” she warns.

“You think I would hurt Charlotte again?”

Who the fuck does this woman think she is! I don’t give one goddamn fuck she is Charlotte’s mother.

“I don’t think, I know,” she tells me.

“Well, you’re wrong, okay?”

“This gift has been passed down from my great aunt. Its force is strong and unbeknown to me at times. The vision is there, blinding me and warning me to inform those in its path.”

“I don’t believe your mumbo jumbo, Maria. I don’t care that you’re Charlotte’s mother. Sounds to me like you’re jealous of your daughter because she found something you haven’t. Don’t poison her mind. Leave her alone and let her make her own decisions.”

Staring blankly into my eyes, her gaze wanders to where Charlotte is standing with Kate. Charlotte is laughing, happy, and content. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever change that again.

“I’m not here to poison her mind. Her path has been decided upon. You, on the other hand, still have the chance to change yours.” They are her parting words before she walks away.

Unable to mask my anger toward her, I’m unaware Mark is now standing beside me. He places his hand on my shoulder, patting it.

“Don’t listen to her nonsense. Nothing’s decided, what stuff like that does is implant a vicious seed in your head. I’ve had years of hearing that garbage, I should know,” he rambles.

It’s too late. Her words are seeping into my conscience, slowly planting a seed. Am I capable of hurting Charlotte again? How? I know I can’t exist without her, so the thought of pushing her away inflicts pain upon myself.

This isn’t what I want to be thinking about on my wedding day. Shake it off, Lex, jealousy is an ugly trait, and that’s all this is.

I scan the area looking for Charlotte, needing her touch to reassure me that it’s just us for a lifetime. She’s standing beside BJ and Eric, laughing and carefree as BJ drapes his arm over her. He’s a sly bastard, and without even thinking, I move toward them.

“Mate, why haven’t you introduced me to your lovely Mrs. yet? I had to hunt her down myself, and I tell ya what, this one sure is a keeper.” He laughs, holding onto her tight, too tight for my liking.

“BJ, you’re only saying that because I gave you a run for your money,” Charlotte chastises.

“You’re a top bird, Charlie. Now tell me where I can find my good friend, Kate. She did a runner on me.”

“How about you keep your dick in your pants and away from Kate?”

I burst out laughing, pulling Charlotte’s arm toward me. BJ let’s go, and with a pout, continues to ramble on about Kate being a cold-blooded bitch until Charlotte puts him in his place. Another reason why I love her.

“Kate’s never mentioned you, BJ. Surely, if she had, I’d know your length and girth by now.” Eric smirks.

“Eric…” I warn.

Our conversation is interrupted as Adriana pulls me aside. “Are you ready?”

I nod, it’s speech time. I don’t have to write anything down on a piece of paper. I’m going to wing it, that’s how much confidence is behind the words I’m about to speak. As Adriana calls for attention from the crowd, my dad whispers something in her ear, forcing her to look at me, asking me to hold on.

My dad has prepared a speech, much to my discontent.

“I’m a man of few words, but I hope the words I say carry depth. This day was inevitable for anyone who knew Charlie and Lex nine years ago.” His gaze shifts to my mother as she smiles reassuringly, and he continues, “Charlie, you came into my life as a little girl and became my daughter’s best friend. Life threw some curveballs, but here you are, standing as the strongest woman I’m honored to know. You became my daughter twenty years ago, and only today have we celebrated this milestone.”

Charlotte holds onto my mother, clutching a tissue, the two of them wiping their faces. My dad pauses, his voice quivering slightly.

“Lex, I know we have our differences. I know we don’t see eye to eye on almost anything, but, son, you have done me proud. Every day I relish in the man you have become. You fought me tooth and nail to follow your dreams, not mine, and I stand here today thanking you for challenging me and for making me see that you are your own man. I love you, admire you, and thank you for making me a better person.”

Damn, he hit that fucking spot I’ve been avoiding, the weakest part of me which yearns to be accepted by my father. He walks toward me and hugs me tight. I don’t let go for what seems like minutes. Rocky’s voice rings in my head about smelling like pussy which makes me pull away faster than the speed of light.

Everyone claps, and now I feel slightly nervous, scared I will fuck up, and she won’t believe me. C’mon, Lex, that’s impossible.

“For those of you who wonder why I call Charlotte by her full name, it’s because many moons ago I told her I wasn’t like anyone else. I was a man who saw this beautiful woman and wasn’t going to stop until she was mine. Others tried, and they have failed, and even after all the mistakes I have made, I know that when Charlotte walks into your life you can never look back.”

Reaching out for her hands, she places them in mine as I allow the warmth to spread throughout me.

“Charlotte Olivia Edwards, you are my wife, my reason for taking my breath every morning. I ache when I’m away from you, and I ache when I am near you. I see the light, and you are there, making it shine. I am complete now that I have you, and soon, you will give me the greatest gift a man can ask for.

“I promised to be your husband, but as I stand here, I promise to also be a father. I promise to cherish and love our children like I have been shown by my parents. Once upon a time, I was dying a slow death, and I will forever be in your debt for making me come alive again. Charlotte, my beautiful wife, I love you for not only who you are but for who I am when I am with you.”

As a tear falls so gracefully onto her lips, she mouths ‘I love you’ before kissing me softly and sealing the deal.

We are officially one.

In front of everyone who matters the most to us.

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