Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 2)

Chasing Us: Chapter 25

I run my fingers along the intricate beading and the fine lace designed so beautifully down the sleeves.

My eyes gaze at the soft pattern of the fabric, so delicate and unique, yet a timeless classic design. Adriana really outdid herself. She stands beside me waiting impatiently for some sort of reaction from me, but I’m literally speechless. My dream has somehow morphed into reality, and I need to pinch myself to make sure it is real.

Unfortunately, Adriana does that for me.

“Okay, you haven’t spoken for like ten minutes. You hate it, don’t you?” Adriana sulks.

I motion for her to be quiet as I continue to stare at the dress.

“She’s having second thoughts, I know it,” Nikki complains.

I ignore their comments, my eyes fixated on this exquisite creation. I’m not the type of girl who has her wedding all planned out since I was five, nor do I go to sleep at night imagining the dress I will wear. The truth be told, when Lex and I got married the night in The Hamptons, I was somewhat happy to skip the formalities. It isn’t until five minutes ago that the desire to wear this perfect dress, walk down the aisle, and say the ‘I do’s’ in front of everyone has consumed me.

I want it, I want him, and I want every woman in the world to know Lex belongs to me. Call me a selfish bitch, but when God hands you the smartest, most delicious and unbelievably caring guy in a box with a giant red bow, you say thank you and take it with the utmost appreciation. I should wrap a bow around his beautiful cock too. Mmm, great thinking.

Lost in my perfect little Lex’s cock-bubble fantasy, I haven’t noticed Nikki is still rambling on about me getting cold feet. Please, my feet are boiling hot. That’s how sure I am.

“Paciencia, let her take in this moment.”

The voice is oddly familiar, a voice I’ve heard a million times before. I turn around slowly to see my mom standing behind me with her hands cupped to her heart.

“Mom?” I break out of my moment and run into her arms, the overwhelming familiarity of the warmth of her embrace comforts me more than I thought I needed.

I don’t dare to let go, holding onto her tight, not realizing the tears are streaming down my face. When I gather myself enough to pull away, I wipe my eyes able to see her clearly. My mother has always been a beautiful woman, and I have to admit as a child, I used to be jealous. I wanted to look exactly like her, and I remember scrutinizing the features I inherited from my dad.

My mother was born and bred in Cuba, a hot-tempered Latina as my dad would say. Her skin was nicely tanned all year round, and her frame naturally toned, but I would say that was because of her love of dancing, especially salsa. She has these mesmerizing hazel eyes, eyes her mother once told her were full of wisdom from the moment she was born. She hasn’t aged one bit—her secret papaya and something-or-other concoction clearly isn’t bullshit.

“Mi corazon,” she pauses, lifting my face to meet hers.

I’m met by her concerned stare, the one I witnessed several times when she would do readings for her friends.

“Estas con niño?” she asks, shocked.

Fuck, she asked if I’m with a child. I can’t hide the pregnancy any longer, especially since everyone knows besides her.

“Mom, please, we need to talk, and before you ask, no, I’m not marrying Lex because I am pregnant.”

She continues to examine me, taking her time to study my face. I know what she’s doing, trying to get some sort of insight as to what the hell is really going on. I remember what she once told me, so I stand still, smiling and reminiscing about all the happy times Lex and I shared—the past, the present, and to the future. Like an open book, she reads me. I see the look of concern fade, and once again, I can see that slight sparkle in her eyes, along with the shimmer of hope.

Placing her hands on mine, she squeezes them, and so much of me just wants to curl up in her embrace all night long as I did numerous times in my childhood. It used to be because I was scared of the tales she told, the ones without a book in her hands. They were stories she spoke from her heart, like a glimpse into a diary, and finally, in this moment, I understand. They were her tales. I look into her eyes, and I can see an aura of gray surrounding her, a dark cloud hovering over her beautiful soul. My mind’s on rewind, frantically trying to remember the stories. The dark angel, how he came in the night and took her to the woods where he stole what she was holding onto. Sometimes she called him the big bad wolf, depending on her mood.

But standing in front of her as an adult, I finally understand the ending of her story. Her heart had been stolen, by who, I have no idea.

“Mom… we need to talk. Who was he?”

“Corazon, we will. First, we have to celebrate your last night as a single woman.”

As soon as she says the words, Nikki pulls us along onto the back porch of Finn and Jen’s house. Colorful lanterns hang from the patio roof, above a long table decorated with hot pink flowers. But on closer inspection, they aren’t flowers, they are penis-shaped candies, and as my eyes dart to the tableware, I notice penis-shaped straws which sit in the glasses alongside penis-shaped plates. Where on earth did they get this from? I look above and hanging from the beams of the patio is a penis-shaped piñata. Oh, dear Lord.

“Um, Nik, there’s a hell of a lot of dick in here,” I complain.

“Woman, please, there can never be enough dick in here, at least for now. Here’s to the best bachelorette party ever.” She grabs her penis straw and takes a sip of her Long Island iced tea. “Ooh… nice.”

We laugh, and I make my way over to the buffet table. It had been teasing me since I arrived, more so than the penis-shaped candy. The candy is strangely satisfying, and I can’t help it if I have more than one in my mouth.

“Effing hell, there’s corndogs. I tell you what, if there’s one thing you Yanks do well, it’s corndogs.” Kate piles them onto her plate and starts talking about some American football player she is obsessed with when a group of men standing at the door catches my attention.

“Kate,” I whisper.

“Like you need to google the words ‘locker room pecker’ because I tell you what, Charlie, Eric knows where to find the…”

“Kate!” I interrupt.


I’m trying not to be conspicuous as I tilt my head to make Kate look at the men.

She bursts out laughing like a private joke plays in her head. “Oh, dear… Nikki went all out.”

“Why are they dressed like that?”

The three men are dressed only in black leather thongs, dog collars, and leather masks. Please don’t tell me they are doms. It’s fun reading about them in erotic fiction, but standing only a few feet away from us makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Nikki is aware I’m pregnant, and obviously, I can’t participate in their naughty games unless they are for her. Horny bitch. I wonder if Rocky gave her that hall pass they always joke about.

“Nikki! Your subs are here,” Kate yells.

Nikki abruptly turns, her game face in place as she walks over, and without saying a word, she pulls the chain, and the subs gets down on all fours. It so explains why she’s wearing black patent 8-inch pumps. So, I’m wrong, they are subs, and Nikki clearly is the dom and loving every second of it. Kate doesn’t hesitate either, mouthing off to one of them who just stands there tolerating her abuse.

I, on the other hand, am worried about the other guests. I rush over to where the older ladies stand chatting, hoping they will understand the hilarity of the situation. “Mom, Debbie, Emily, I’m so sorry.”

“Sweetie, it’s just a bit of fun. The one on the right looks like he may need a good spanking.” Emily giggles as she drinks her cocktail, her constant swaying hinting she’s just a teeny bit intoxicated.

Okay, yes, I’m jealous. It sucks I can’t drink.

I realize as I stand among the three of them that I haven’t really introduced Debbie and my mom. They have been chatting quite animatedly, so I assumed they know of each other. This is awkward. How do you introduce two people who have shared a lover?

OMG, did I just refer to my dad as a lover? Stop Charlie, just stop.

“Mom, this is Debbie. Have you guys met?”

“No, but I know you are Mark’s girlfriend,” Mom clarifies with a pinched expression.

Is there a hint of jealousy in that remark?

“Mom, please…”

“Hi, Maria, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Debbie smiles.

“Aren’t you going to tell me Mark has said many wonderful things about me?” Mom asks, laced in sarcasm.

This is terrible. “Mom, are you jealous? Seriously, because you are banging a hot thirty-year-old model from Brazil. Need I say more?”

Debbie and my mom laugh, smoothing over any differences.

Mom holds out her hand which Debbie squeezes. They begin chatting about doms and subs, so I decide to leave because I swear they are heading down to a conversation about my dad and his bedroom skills. Oh, I’m seriously ready to hurl.

I’m having such a great time chatting with Emma and Kate until it dawns on me as I look around the room that my sister is missing.

“Hey, Adriana, how come my sister isn’t here?” I ask, disappointed.

“She’s in Ghana doing a trek of some sort and was unable to get out of it. I’m sorry, Charlie.”

Typical Melanie. She lives such an adventurous life, and to be honest, I don’t expect anything different. Maybe a phone call now and then wouldn’t hurt considering I haven’t seen her in four years, since the last time she was on American soil.

The night is off to a great start.

We dance, sing karaoke, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company.

The subs serve us, and I have to admit it’s kind of hot. I mean, I’m not into that shit, but hell, who am I to criticize a cut-up man serving me on command? Yes, I know, maybe once or twice during the night I demand he do things. Nothing naughty because God forbid if Lex finds out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he installed video surveillance in here.

Eric makes his grand entrance two hours later, his presence drawing attention as he yells, “I feel right at home.” Enthusiastically, he grabs a drink and sucks on the straw before saying something about a small dick to Kate. I rush over to his side, wrapping my arms around him. It isn’t a party without Eric—you don’t need entertainment if you have him and his non-filtered mouth.

Adriana takes over the microphone, slurring her words as she says something about the piñata. Jen brings out a stick in the shape of a penis and explains how we play.

“So basically, we just beat the cock with a cock?” I question.

“I’m officially in party heaven! Charlie, I saw a vag… like a weird, flappy-looking vag.” He cringes, explaining what went on at Lex’s bachelor party. I listen attentively until Kate whacks me in the face with the cock stick.

“Did you just turkey slap me, Kate?”

“Please, like that’s the first time you’ve ever been slapped around the chops with a tallywacker.” She chuckles.

“Nothing like a good old turkey slap,” Emily pipes in.

“Mom! I’m not letting you drink like ever!” Adriana cries.

“Adriana, you have to accept the fact that your dad and I are very sexually active. In fact, just the other day we bought this—”

“Lalalala…” Adriana covers her ears.

No doubt Lex would have pulled the plug on this conversation a long time ago. I let the two of them get back to their family woes as I have a more important task ahead of me.

I whack the piñata as hard as I can, but much to my disappointment, I barely make a dent in it. Eric is up next. He whacks the piñata like a maniac until it breaks, and little white fish-shaped candy flies out. Nikki, Jen, and Adriana, in their intoxicated state, fling themselves onto the floor, fighting over the candy.

Nikki yells out, “I can swallow the most, have you seen my husband.”

I cringe. I have seen her husband. Gross.

“Okay, so I know you can’t drink, but I know what will cheer you up,” Eric tells me.

“What’s that?”

“I spiked all the ladies’ drinks with Viagra,” he admits with a proud grin.

“E! What? Is there Viagra for women?”

“Yes, kinda… well, sorta.”

“Like everyone?”

“Well, not you, silly, but yes, everyone else.”



“Emily, Debbie, and my mom?”

“Ahh, yep.”

He holds out his palm, and I high-fived him before he runs back to the dance floor and joins them like the crazed lunatic he is and wrestles the microphone off Adriana who is doing a rendition of ‘Islands in the Stream.’

Eric announces the entertainment is here, and uncomfortably, I’m forced to be the center of attention. I’m not surprised one bit when strippers strut their goods around me, these bulked-up, hot guys dressed in their fire gear. Holy shit, they are hot, not as hot as my man, but I swear I can see Eric’s drool hit the floor.

Nikki is bouncing around like she has ants in her pants. Emma’s long gone, and would often yell out comments like “Fuck you, Tate, and your mafia whores!”

Gosh, I so need to find out what the hell that’s about.

Emily is whistling really loud, enjoying herself. Debbie and my mom grab champagne, each drinking straight from the bottle.

At this point, I want to grab my confiscated phone to text Lex and say I had nothing to do with this, but knowing Rocky, there’s probably pussy galore parading in front of them right now, so I don’t feel so bad.

Eric is in gay-man heaven, groping one of the stripper’s butts, who surprisingly doesn’t flinch at Eric’s touch. Okay, so that kind of kills my buzz—they are gay. Nikki and Jen don’t seem to care, though, tugging on the G-strings trying to peek inside. They soon grow impatient, and the strippers go the full monty.

So, here’s the thing—a naked man is standing in front of you, and much like the giant elephant in the room, you can’t help but look at it. Times that by three, and I feel like I’m in a zoo. I swear they are looking at me, the penises, that is. Is that even a word? Plural penis? God, I feel so dirty.

Nikki is rubbing her body up against the blond stripper, his semi-hard cock impossible to ignore. A loud bang forces me to look away. What the hell? Rocky has fallen to the ground in the backyard outside the pink playhouse, and the shadows of what look like others disappear into the dark. He yells her name, and she laughs at a very angry Rocky. I know somewhere Lex is standing watching us. I don’t know where, but I feel him. His stare is on me, and I know he won’t show his face, but if Rocky is here, then so is he. I smile because I wish that if he is looking at me right now, he can sense how much I miss him and how the next two hours seem like a lifetime away.

Behind the big oak tree, I see him, his silhouette and gaze permanently fixated on mine. I wink and watch as the silhouette of my beautiful man relaxes.

“I wish I had what you have.” Emma sighs as she stands beside me, looking at the stars.

“What’s going on, Em? Tate giving you a hard time?”

“Nope, the opposite. He doesn’t care about anything. He has his other skanks to worry about.”

I place my arm around her, trying to ease her pain. Men suck.

“I’m sorry, Em, I didn’t realize Tate was like that. Plenty more cock in the coop.”

She giggles. “Did Eric teach you that?”

“Who else?”




“You nervous?” Adriana asks as she fixes my train.

I’m reeling from the fact that in less than twenty minutes, I will see Lex again.

“Not a single bit.” I beam.

Adriana announces she is finally done. Standing back, she watches me. Barely above

a whisper, all I hear is, “There are no words,” as I watch her wipe a falling tear from her face.

“Mascara, Adriana,” I gently scold.

She laughs, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “It’s showtime.”

According to Jen, the girls planned a simple wedding. No bridesmaids or groomsmen and a simple, short ceremony. The only thing I have to do, which I couldn’t have wanted any more at this moment, is to walk down the aisle with my dad.

My dad holds out his arm as he whispers, “Charlie, you sure about this?”

Without taking a single breath, I respond, “Never been so sure of anything in my entire life, Dad.”

He pats my arm, a slight build-up of tears in his eyes. I’m so ready. The violin begins to play ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love,’ the sweet melody prickling my skin with goosebumps.

On the cliff top, a place we had called ours, a new memory is about to begin. As I turn the corner, my eyes are immediately drawn to him. His emerald green eyes shine so bright, brighter than any light I have seen, and so without any hesitation, both my heart and feet walk toward him, finding their way to a place called home.

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