Chasing Love (Dark Love Series)

Chasing Love: Chapter 42

We brought in a new major client this week and are inundated with work.

The custody case is messy—two children, a same-sex couple, and sperm donor to add to the mix.

I’m barely functioning, juggling meetings and getting through my caseload, not to mention court hearings. When Friday rolls around I’m beyond exhausted.

As I begin shutting down my laptop and praising the Lord for it being Friday, Julian walks into my office, unannounced. “Charlie.” He doesn’t call me gorgeous, nor is his tone inviting. Meeting his gaze, I instantly notice the dark circles around his eyes and slightly unkempt hair.

“Julian,” I say with a smile.

I stand and walk over, embracing him which seems like the right thing to do. He allows me to hug him before pulling my arms off him.

“Where have you been?”

“At work, at home.”

“Why haven’t you called me?”

“You said you needed space.

“Charlie, I said you needed to think about what it is you want,” he corrects me before placing his hand on my chest. He picks up the phoenix sitting on my collarbone. “How did he know to get you a phoenix?”

“Excuse me?” I ask, my pits of my stomach are prickling with nerves.

“You have a tattoo right here,” he deadpans, pointing to where I’m inked. “How would he know that?”

My heart beats rapidly, thumping so loud and restricting my ability to breathe.

Think, and do it quickly!

“He doesn’t know that. My Facebook profile pic is of a phoenix. That’s how he knows,” I respond calmly, but my insides are screaming at my vagina to go sit in the naughty corner for fucking Lex behind Julian’s back.

“Have you fucked him?”

“You have nothing to worry about,” I lie.

I could have easily ended this right now, been honest and moved on with Lex, but I love Julian. He’s my fiancé, and Lex is nothing but an ex-boyfriend right now. I’m terrified of making the wrong decision, not wanting to lose either of them. And I hate myself for being selfish, but I don’t know what else to do.

With a straight face, I use the tactics I learned in law school. Never show emotion nor let your opponent see your weakness.

Julian pulls my hand toward him, examining the ring. After a few moments, he intertwines his fingers with mine and draws me closer to him. Placing his lips on me, he kisses me deeply, rushed, and with force. I allow him to do so, sucking on his lip gently to ward him off the trail he has been way too close to.

“Gorgeous, I love you. Let’s skip this whole wedding thing and take off to Vegas tonight. You and me.”

“Julian, don’t be ridiculous. We can’t just run off and get married tonight.”

“Why not?

“Because we aren’t ready. Our friends and family will want to be there. Please just calm down.”

“Well, this weekend I want to take you to Vermont. Just you and me.”

“I can’t, Julian. I have plans.”

He withdraws his body, creating a distance as anger smolders across his normally beautiful face. With his jaw clenched and fists tighten into balls, so much so I can almost see his body jittering.

“With Lex?”

“No, he won’t be there. I’ll be at The Hamptons. How about next weekend?”

He continues to stare at me, waiting for me to crack under the pressure. I spent years learning how not to crack, and it’s paying off right now.

With a tight grip on my arm, I’m slightly taken aback by his possessive nature. “I believe you, but you listen to me, Charlie… Lex isn’t who you think he is. He’s a ruthless man. You don’t get where he is today by playing nice. This fifty-million-dollar deal he is wrapped up in right now, there’s plenty of strings attached. You think he is the Alex you knew back in high school? Think again, Charlie. I have no doubt he won’t stop till he has you, but if you choose him, don’t expect to be the only woman in his life.”

With that said, he releases his grip on my arm and walks out the door.

Elijah and I are sitting at a coffee shop waiting for Adriana who claims she needs to grab some stuff for our weekend away. I remind her there are shops in The Hamptons, but she’s adamant she can only find what she needs in the city. I don’t ask any more questions, it’s probably some sex toy.

Nikki, Rocky, and Will drove up with a friend of theirs who’s staying a few houses away from us, early this morning. Nikki texted me saying the place is gorgeous, and so is the weather considering it’s mid-September.

I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend away, especially after what Julian said to me. I decide to push those thoughts and his threats aside. He’s jealous and wants to scare me. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. To give myself a mental break, and choose to leave my engagement ring at home. I don’t need a reminder of Julian every single time I look at my hand.

“So, basically, children from the Bronx area, the ones who normally won’t be able to afford a class, come by every Friday night. We go through the basics, but I tell you they are extremely talented kids,” Elijah mentions.

“I admire you, Elijah, for following your dreams and passion for helping others.”

“But you do that as well, Charlie. Don’t you love what you do?”

“I do. Family law is hard and emotionally draining, though. It’s difficult not to allow emotions to cloud my judgment.”

We talk a little while longer, checking our phones to see the time. It’s a little after seven, and Adriana has been gone for forty-five minutes. Her lack of consideration for time drives me insane. Some things will never change.

“What on earth is taking your fiancée so long?”


The voice sends shivers down my spine but finds its way back up to my heart.

It’s him.

We haven’t made eye contact, but already I can’t hide my happiness. I slowly turn around, and there he stands in front of me, looking as perfect as ever. His eyes soften when he sees me, and I do the most unexpected thing by jumping up and hugging him tight.

“I can’t believe you came.”

He runs his thumb down my cheek, very un-friend-like, but I don’t push him away. I’ve missed him, and watching the smile grace his beautiful lips I know he feels the same way.

“Let’s get this show on the road. Lead the way, Char. Where did you park?”

“You have a car?” Lex asks, confused.

I ignore his question on purpose.

“Behind my building is the parking garage entrance. I’m lucky to get a car spot, but that was a bonus to my apartment,” I ramble on then stop myself as Lex gazes at me strangely.

“You have a car here in the city?”

“Yes, Lex. Why is that so hard to believe? It’s a twenty-first birthday gift to myself, although I bought it two years ago for my twenty-sixth birthday plus, it’s a tax write-off. I have many clients in Long Island, Jersey, and a few in The Hamptons as well, so I often travel out to see them.”

He chuckles like a private joke is inside his head. Well, the joke’s on him, assuming like every other man, he expects I drive some little pink hatchback with Hello Kitty stickers on the bumper or some shit like that.

As we leave the café with our belongings, we walk to the parking garage. I press the remote to the main door and motion for them to follow me.

“Bullshit,” Lex mouths.

“Oh, Char, super awesomeness. Love, love, love it!”

Adriana jumps up and down, clapping her hands.

Elijah whistles as he runs his hand along the paint job, rambling on about car stats which I already know.

“Cat got your tongue, Lex?” I tease.

“This isn’t yours,” he says adamantly.

“Would you like to check my license and registration, Officer Edwards?”

“Charlotte, how on earth did you get this car? There was only a limited number of them, and not even I could get one.”

“I don’t know… batted my eyelashes a little, showed a bit of leg. You know, the usual,” I answer, playing dumb.

Okay, I did flirt with the dealer, but nothing happened. He was a naïve, middle-aged man probably going through a mid-life crisis, and so when I worked my magic, my name was bumped to the top of the waiting list.

“But it’s a Maserati?”

“Yes, I’m well aware of what brand of car it is.”

“Give me the keys. I’m driving.” Lex holds out his hand like he expects me just to hand them over.

“Sorry, dude, no one drives my car but me,” I tell him, brushing him off.

This is fun. I play it cool, not showing how much I enjoy taunting him.

“Charlotte, come on.”

“Charlie, do you want me to move your bike?” Elijah asks.

“Wait! Back the fuck up. That’s your bike?” Lex’s eyes widen, stunned.

“Yes, Lex, these are both my toys. Now, can we please go? Elijah, do you want to take the bike?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Elijah’s eyes light up, and immediately he places the helmet on and grabs a jacket.

“What’s wrong? You wanna play with my toys, too?” I joke as Lex stands beside me, speechless.

He breaks out of his trance, trying to snatch the keys from me.

“I’ll let you drive on one condition?”

His eyes gaze at me, amused. “What’s that?”

My heart is racing, wondering if I even have the confidence to say how I truly feel.

What the hell am I doing? I have no idea.

I’m taking the biggest leap of fucking faith, free-falling again, and praying that down below the safety net is waiting for me, or maybe I won’t need one. Maybe this is what it’s like to rely on fate.

“This weekend, you and me…” I whisper in his ear. “Nothing’s off-limits.”

His eyes sparkle as the corner of his lips curve upward into a satisfied smile. Leaning in, he places his lips on mine, soft and loving, making my stomach flutter crazily.

“I missed you,” he murmurs.

I dangle my keys before him and watch him take them from me.

It’s a symbol—I’m trusting him, not just with my car, but with my heart.

Letting out a sigh, I know there’s no turning back

And when I return to the city, I know exactly what I need to do.

I will have to end things with Julian, once and for all.

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