Chasing Love (Dark Love Series)

Chasing Love: Chapter 41

After a quick session in the hotel gym, I pack my suitcase ready to leave for the airport.

It’s a little after nine when our flight takes off. I’m tired from the late night but still check my phone to answer work emails. Kate sits beside me tapping away on her laptop. It lasts about an hour before she shuts it down, obviously frustrated with something.

Normally, I’d ignore her, but I also can’t concentrate. Leaving New York no longer provides me with the relief I’ve grown accustomed to. And this feeling of anxiety is something I’m not comfortable with. Questions, scenarios, past reflections plague my mind. I’m leaving her behind, with him. I miss her like fucking crazy, and it will be two weeks until I see her next, and I am already counting down the days.

“Is something wrong?” I ask Kate, the sentiment taking her by surprise.

“It’s nothing, sir.”

“Look, I know I haven’t been the most pleasant person to be around, but if you need to offload something I can listen. Have you met my sister? Patience is a virtue.

Kate laughs softly, careful not to disrupt the other passengers. Placing her phone into the pocket of the seat in front of her, she wrings her hands nervously.

“It’s not like I’m your typical woman. I do believe in trust, but this long-distance thing is hard, and when people start filling your mind with things you question your judgment, especially when you know they’ve been out on the piss every night.”

Her British slang isn’t lost on me. I’m not exactly the best person to offer advice, but I’m a man and can offer a male perspective.

“So, you ask him directly if you think he’s being dishonest. Tell him that’s how you’re feeling. Only you will know if he’s telling the truth. Go with your instincts.”

“Kinda hard over the phone. I’ll wait until he comes back. I’d rather do this face to face so I can tell if he’s telling porkies.”


“Pork pies… um, lies,” she answers with a smile.

She hesitates again, wanting to say something else, but she remains silent, so I assume the conversation is over.

I close my eyes for a moment trying to gather my thoughts.

“And um… how are things with your… um… lady friend?”

I laugh quietly. I am defeated and delirious from the past week’s events, lack of sleep, and jacking off, I think of a reasonable response. “Okay, I guess.” I don’t feel like elaborating, not when I’m thousands of miles in the air traveling in the opposite direction to where she is. So, I change the subject, needing a distraction. “Do you have friends in New York?”

“A few girls and guys I met on a Contiki tour a few years back. Other than that, I haven’t really had time for a social life. I did meet this one woman on my morning run, really nice and so beautiful, but wow, she has one hell of a screwed-up love life.”

“Don’t we all,” I mumble under my breath.

The flight attendant comes around offering us refreshments. We sit there quietly eating before Kate decides to bring up the latest development on the project for Preston Enterprises. We talk for a while on how it’s progressing and the new ideas that have been implemented.

“I notice that Ms. Preston sends all meeting requests directly to you rather than via her assistant to me. Is that how she normally works?” she asks, formally.

“Victoria is one of those women who likes to control every situation.”

Much like myself, I think, which is why we clash. That, and the fact she’s always trying to get her hands on my dick.

The seat belt sign comes on, and we prepare for landing. By the time we land, get out of the gate, and into the car, I decide to send Charlotte a text but am elated to find she has beat me to it.

Charlotte: I was at lunch today, and my client ordered the lobster. I couldn’t help but remember the time we ate at that restaurant in Los Angeles where you teased me with the lobster, and I threw up on the sidewalk.

P.S. Hope you had a safe flight back.

I laugh to myself, unable to hide my grin from the not-so-fond memory. Adriana, Elijah, Charlotte, and I were having dinner at a restaurant after going car shopping for Adriana. Charlotte told us she’d never had lobster because her mother had an allergic reaction to it. Well, of course, we persuaded her to try, it seemed harmless at the time. Mine and Adriana’s arrived first, and I recall grabbing our lobsters and playing a puppet show in front of Charlotte, teasing her, saying, ‘please don’t eat me.’ When hers finally arrived, we gave her instructions on how to eat it. She sat there silently watching the lobster. Adriana and I looked at each other wondering what she was waiting for. Eventually, she found the courage and snapped the lobster in half, but instantly, she ran outside and puked all over the sidewalk.

Me: I still remember your face, so pale waiting to crack that lobster. Look on the bright side. I actually got to play Dr. Edwards with you, and from what I recall, you were quite the naughty patient.

P.S. I don’t like leaving New York.

Charlotte: I believe the correct story is that you requested me to strip down to nothing so you could ‘examine’ me. Considering I was ill, it was very unprofessional of you to take advantage of a poor sick patient.

P.S. New York misses you too.

Me: Strictly doctor’s orders. I didn’t hear you complain once, but then again why would you when you had two orgasms in five minutes?

P.S. And you?

The rest of the day flies by, last-minute meetings and trying to acclimatize to being back in the London office again. When night falls, it hits me the hardest. Alone, in my apartment, everything feels so cold and lonely. To lay in this huge bed by myself isn’t the way I want to live my life anymore.

I need her in my arms every night, and I want to wake up with her every morning. In between, I desperately need to fuck her all night long in every way possible.

Every fantasy needing to be fulfilled involves only her.

My cock starts to ache, but what’s new? Jerking off does nothing but subside the ache for like ten minutes before it starts all over again.

It’s too late to text her. So, trying to restrain myself, I place my phone on the table beside me until the dark room lights up. Throwing my hand over, the phone slips out of my hand and onto the floor. Flicking the lamp on, I desperately search my surroundings to find it next to the foot of my bed.

Charlotte: I miss you too.

I hold onto my phone, rereading the text over and over again.

Until sleep becomes imminent, I drift off again dreaming about her.

The next few days are busy. The board meetings are mundane, nothing exciting is happening. My head clearly isn’t in the right place. I mean, how can it be? The girls in the office see a change in me, and I know office gossip is buzzing with talks of me having a girlfriend. It isn’t Kate who spilled the beans but some trashy tabloid that took a photograph of Charlotte and I dancing at the charity ball. When I start to see them look at me differently, I pull in the reins and revert back to Mr. Prick CEO. It seems to have worked and balance is restored.

The constant meetings with Preston Enterprises are becoming a drag. When possible, I send my executives over to do the dirty work, but Victoria being the bitch she is, will call me out on it. The so-called dinner work events irritate me, especially when we are having dinner with stakeholders, and Victoria acts like we are some goddamn couple always referring to we and us.

Get the fucking hint already.

She’s playing a nasty game, but I’m always one step ahead of her. You have to be when you’re dealing with a shrew with no fucking morals whatsoever.

A week later, I receive a call from Adriana.

“Well, well, well, and where have you been hiding, brother dearest?”

“Well, hello. Yes, I miss you, too, sister dearest.”

“I want to let you know that everything is in place. The date has been set. So make sure you get your arse, as you Brits say, back to the States for a fitting in early November.”

“November?” I let out an annoyed huff. “Adriana, the wedding isn’t until Valentine’s Day.”

“I kinda changed the date again. December 1st. I’ve waited nine years to marry the man I love, so why should I wait any longer?”

“Send Kate the details, and I’ll have her to schedule in all the dates.”

She rambles on for a bit longer about what they have planned, the honeymoon, and her dress. I was only half-listening until she mentions Charlotte as her maid of honor. Of course, she would be, I don’t know why it surprises me. My heart sinks for a moment.

Why can’t it be us up there at the altar?

Wait! Fuck! Is Lex Edwards talking marriage again?

“Lex, are you listening to me?”

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I was telling you that Elijah and I will be in The Hamptons next weekend. It’ll be us, Nikki, Rocky, Will, and Charlie. Eric has some festival, so he can’t make it.”

“Next weekend?”

Saturday is the annual golfing event which is being hosted by Lexed. I have to be there. Shit if that doesn’t sour my mood.

“Yes, we’re leaving Saturday night because it’s a long weekend, and Elijah has a martial arts tournament midday.”

“I’m sorry, it’s the company’s annual golfing event. We have clients and stakeholders there. I have to attend,” I answer, disappointed on missing out.

“I understand, Lex. What a shame.”

To say my mood went from ordinary to sour would be an understatement. Fucked off that I can’t go to The Hamptons, I stomp around the office slamming doors and barking orders at everyone. A few employees who were on my radar for dismissal were instantly terminated on the spot. Fuck patience and wasting my time.

I’m on the warpath, and anyone standing in my way is bound to get hurt.

We are standing on the lawns talking with Mr. Bolton from the Bolton Group, an especially important client of ours. Victoria, again, is going on about us, how lovely it will be if she and I can go out to dinner with him and his wife. I turn to look at her, irked by the fact that she’s acting so unprofessional. As I’m about to open my mouth to say something unpleasant, her heel gets caught in the grass, and she falls into me. I hold onto her, and in true Victoria style, she brushes her hand against my cock, excusing her embarrassing fall. Stupid bitch.

Kate interrupts us, asking if she can see me in private for a moment. Inside a closed meeting room she demands I listen, much to my annoyance.

“It’s quarter past midday now. In exactly fifteen minutes, you’ll spend thirty minutes greeting the rest of our shareholders. At exactly one, we’ll be unveiling the new business plan which, according to your speech, will take exactly twenty minutes.” She takes a deep breath, reading from her phone. “You have a further thirty minutes to walk around and arrange meetings with each person. I’ll assist you with this so the clients understand our commitment.”

“Kate, I’m not stupid, I know what I need—”

“At two o’clock on the dot, a car will be outside Reception and will take you to the airport. Your flight leaves at two forty-five. You don’t need to check anything in, your sister has organized all clothes and necessities for you in New York. The flight arrives just after seven, and your sister will be waiting for you in the terminal. From there, you’ll be traveling to The Hamptons, your sister has not confirmed how.”

Raising my hand, I beg of her to stop. “Hamptons?”

“Your schedule has been cleared until Wednesday. All relevant members of the board have been notified that your attendance is required in Manhattan, and all matters are to be dealt with from the New York office. IT infrastructure has been fast-tracked and due for completion tomorrow. The Preston’s project is on schedule, and Victoria has not requested any meetings until Thursday next week for which I have flights on standby.”

My jaw drops, leaving me completely speechless. So, wait, Kate planned it so I can leave? I don’t know whether I should fire or hug her right now. I rub my chin, unable to process everything she’s just told me. The image of Charlotte in a bikini in The Hamptons is enough for me to make my decision.

“Go… be with her,” she says in a low but dominant voice.

Without any hesitation, I exit the room to be met by Victoria blocking my way. “You’re not leaving,” she hisses.

“Victoria. If you’ll excuse me, I have clients to mingle with.”

“I heard it all, Lex. So what? You almost blew a fifty-million-dollar deal for a woman?”

“My personal life is of no concern to you,” I warn her.

“Well, it kind of is, if it affects Preston Enterprises.” She softens, and for a moment, I think there might be a compassionate Victoria hidden somewhere.

She places her arms around my neck as we stand in front of the door. As she purrs my name, I reach for her hands, attempting to pull them off before she tightens her grip.

“C’mon, Lex, we could be so good together. You and me, we’d be unstoppable. I know you want me. You’ve always wanted me. You want control, and Preston Enterprises merged with Lexed would be your dream come true.

I place my hands on her hips for a brief moment. “Victoria, perhaps you misunderstand me. I’m not interested, and the next time you want to act like an overbearing shrew, I’m more than happy to inform Daddy that his precious princess fucked his best friend last year in the back of his Merc, which was the only reason Preston Enterprises won that major tender.” With a satisfied smirk, I cup her chin. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a speech to make.”

I leave her standing there, mouth wide open, stunned at my words. Yeah, it’s times like this it pays to have a private investigator on hand. Victoria is knee-deep in any dick she can get her hands on, and Daddy has no clue his princess is a little slut.

I deliver my speech and follow all the instructions Kate gives me. Two hours later, I’m sitting on the plane on my way to see her.

It may have only been ten days, but it’s the longest ten days of my life. Closing my eyes, I think about seeing her again, about being honest, and telling her exactly what I want.

No more friend’s bullshit.

It’s time to give us a chance.

The ache inside my chest can no longer be ignored. I know this ache very well. It’s telling me I’m still in love with her, but this time I’m not going to lose her.

No hidden messages, not through a song.

I want the words to leave my lips, watch her face as the words ‘I love you’ leave my mouth and maybe, if I’m the luckiest guy who walks this earth, I’ll hear those words said in return.

Three simple words to seal our fate.

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