Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 4

Ally and I hit it off right away. I find it strange that she’s the only other girl that sits in the back row if the boys are in the classroom. It’s as if everyone is scared of them.

At first I was shocked by Arden’s comment, but I didn’t want to start off the day being walked all over, so I stood my ground and let some of my personality show.

It felt good to banter. It made me miss Smalls. Although, his banter is never sexual. Judging by Chase’s reaction to Arden’s comment, he knew exactly what he was doing with his comment.

It turns out Ally and I have all the same classes except Auto Shop. Her initial reaction was to ask if it was a mistake. When I told her that I love cars, she just grinned and pulled out her phone to send a message to someone.

Shop class is just before lunch and I have to get changed in the girl’s bathroom in the main building as I’m the first girl to take the class in quite some time. Ally leaves for her music lesson after pointing out which building I need to go to. She’s promised to meet me back at the bathroom to walk me to lunch.

The school’s not massive, easy enough to get around. Most of the classes are held in the main building. It’s understated and simple. I duck into the bathroom stall and change into my coveralls. As I walk over to the shop building, I send Millie a quick message.

Yasmin: Just checking in. How has your morning been? Love you.

I don’t wait for a reply because she should be in class. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I make my way across the grass and head into the Auto Shop building. Ally warned me that it was a small class. She wasn’t sure how the “horny teens” would behave around me.

The smell of oil permeates my nose. I take a deep breath and relax for the first time since I left Chase’s house this morning. The smells bring back memories of hanging out with Smalls in my garage.

The boys must still be getting changed as the only person in the workshop is Mr Williams. I took a lucky guess this morning when I met him in home room that he would be my teacher in shop. He’s older, maybe mid 50’s, on the shorter side, and most of his dark hair has turned grey. He has kind eyes though. I approach his desk in the corner of the room.

“Yasmin. I wasn’t sure if this was a mistake, I checked with the office earlier and they assured me that you requested to take this class. I don’t want to sound like a dick, but do you know anything about working on cars? This module isn’t just the mechanics, but it also touches on the fabrication side of things as well.” He looks a little worried, like he might have offended me.

“I’m not offended; it is a valid question. Yes, I know some things about working on cars. I helped restore my 1968 Volkswagen Beatle. It took years and she isn’t perfect, but she is mine and I am proud of what I achieved. I thought joining this class would help me learn from a professional to help me in the future if I ever decide to restore another car. I’ve already met the criteria to sit my final exams and graduate. I just wanted to do something I like before I commit to four plus years of law school.” He’s taken aback but recovers quickly. It’s evident that I’ve surprised him.

“I’d love to see your car one day Yasmin. You’ll have to bring her in to show us. I’m honoured that you want to join my class to learn. I’m happy to have you here. Who knows, you might be able to help keep these little shits in line.” He says as his smile reaches his eyes. In this moment, I believe him. He really is happy to have me in his class.

“Thanks Mr Williams. I can’t make any promises though.”

“You will be just fine. You handled Arden this morning. It was nice to watch someone else put him in his place. Unfortunately, this week you will have to do your induction before you can start working and some general knowledge tests just so I can get a feel for your level. Most of these boys have been in my class since they started high school.” I knew this was a possibility when I researched it. I was informed there would be an induction. It’s workshop policy.

I stand there and look around the workshop while he shuffles some papers on his desk to find the things I will need. The workshop looks new, it has modern equipment with good quality tools scattered around the workbenches and toolboxes.

A commotion behind me causes me to turn around. I smile when I find Chase very obviously checking me out. It seems he stopped suddenly because Arden ran into his back.

“What the…” he starts to say before he follows Chase’s gaze. The biggest grin appears on Arden’s face. “Surprise!” he says to Chase before backing away slowly and not breaking eye contact with him.

“You knew?” Chase glares at him.

“Yep, Ally messaged me earlier. She wanted to warn me.” A mischievous gleam in his eyes. He quickly turns around and heads straight for me, putting his arm around my shoulders. Glancing down at me he quietly whispers, “This is going to be fun. Play along, please?” He’s asking for trouble. He’s pushing Chase’s buttons; I just don’t know why. There’s something going on that I don’t know about.

Arden speaks louder this time. “Shorty, you can come and sit with me. Sorry Mr Williams but I just can’t with oil and grease today. This is a new coverall and I’d like to enjoy it for at least one day.”

Chase shoots daggers at his friend and I try to turn a little to check out Arden’s coveralls. Yep, definitely new, not a spot of oil or grease present.

Wait. Are they designer? Holy shit.

“I’m not that short. You can only sit with me if you promise to do half work?” I say jokingly. I’m 5’9 but Arden towers over me, kind of like Smalls does. Chase is tall but Arden is the tallest of his friends I would say at least 6’3 maybe even 6’4.

“Done. Let’s go.” He grabs my hand and the paperwork Mr Williams is holding and pulls me to the desk at the back of the workshop.

“Arden! You need to help Chase.” Mr Williams says sternly, tapping his foot with his hand on his hip.

“Nah, I’m good. Chase is fine without me,” He responds while dropping onto the high stool at the desk. I sit beside him and look over at Chase. He still looks like he wants to murder Arden but when he looks at me, he mouths “good luck” and turns towards a Ford Ranger on the hoist.

What the hell?

Arden puts the induction manual in front of me but keeps the general knowledge test.

I’m surprised. I didn’t expect him to help me willingly. I guess he really doesn’t want to get dirty.

We work quietly for about 15 minutes before Arden leans back, making it obvious he’s finished helping and wants to talk.

“Who are you?” he says breaking the silence in our bubble. Around us I can still hear the workshop, but I had been zoned out while I was working.

“Excuse me?” Not sure I heard him correctly.

“Who. Are. You?” He says, enunciating each word.

“I’m Yasmin, but you already knew that. Stop beating around the bush. Just ask the question you really want to know.” I say looking over at him.

He’s handsome in the preppy playboy style. His hair is dirty blonde and slicked back. His eyes are grey with flecks of blue. Besides being tall, he is lean and muscled. I can see why all the girls want to bone him. I’m just not one of them. From what I’ve seen so far, he’s also a joker and charismatic. A dangerous combination.

He looks a little nervous. Good. It’s about time someone else feels nervous. I’ve had my wall up all day. It’s exhausting but I refuse to back down and show a weakness.

“Spit it out Arden.”

“I guess it’s a rhetorical question. I’m thinking out loud. You’re full of surprises,” he says glancing over his shoulder, my guess looking to see where Chase is. “Ally likes you; she doesn’t let girls get close to her; she’s been used too many times by girls to get to us.” Ally mentioned earlier what it was like to be the only female member of their group. She also tried to press for information about how I knew Chase. She wasn’t buying that we didn’t know each other.

“Something must have happened between you and Chase because I’ve known him since he was five and I’ve never seen him act like he has today. He’s growled at me not once but twice. I kind of like seeing someone else get under his skin. But regardless of that, you still marched your ass up to me to put me in my place, and I have to admit it did turn me on a little,” he adds a wink. His smile gives him away. He’s joking.

I look around for Chase. My eyes seek him out of their own accord. He’s underneath the car, working away. I silently wish I was over there helping. Arden keeps talking.

“I’m worried because you’ve been here all of two minutes and I don’t know if I should hate you or hug you.” I tilt my head trying to see what he sees.

I think I understand. He’s worried. I know he’s overprotective of Ally—they all are. Ally told me as much.

I think he’s worried about Chase as well? But I can’t be sure. Surely Chase has been interested in other girls before.

I’d be an idiot to try and hide these feelings. I want to hold onto them tight. I want to experience good. For so long it has just been Millie and me. I wonder what it’s like to have friends my age. If anything happens though, I need to make sure everyone knows that Millie will always be my priority.

“Look, I’m just going to be honest with you. I understand what you’re trying to say Arden, but I don’t know what I can say to put your mind at ease. I’m in a new town, and I don’t know anyone. I’ve never had friends my own age.” I wait for him to comment but he doesn’t.

“This is new to me. I can’t deny there was an instant attraction with Chase, and I like Ally. She’s funny and makes me laugh. I need to laugh, Arden, otherwise I’ll lose myself again. But I can’t let you all in. I can’t let you in because what if you hurt me? Or worse what if I hurt Chase, Ally, You? Even Rhys? I won’t do that to you guys. It’s clear you’re like family. I don’t want to ruin that. I have my sister Millie to focus on, she needs me, and I need to be there for her as much as I can until I leave for Uni next year. This scares me as much as it scares you.” I swipe a lone tear off my cheek, ducking my head so he doesn’t see.

I was brutally honest; I meant every word I probably should have held back a little. I’m scared and I just let him peek into my world. Now he will think I’m crazy and never let me near his friends again.

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