Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 3

I’m quiet on the drive to school. Rhys had to pick me up because something happened with Arden and he didn’t have time to get me. Usually Arden stays at my house, but last night he decided to go home and I’m glad because otherwise he would’ve been with me this morning when Daisy and Yasmin showed up.

I haven’t been able to get the image of Yasmin out of my head.

Travelling with Rhys is fine. It gives me time to think because he isn’t one for small talk. I gaze out the window and think about her. I was coming back into the house after working out in the garage.

Her adorable Labrador came right up to me waiting for pats. The moment she came around the corner I froze. I continued to pat the dog, but I slowly took her in. She must be new because I’ve never seen her before, but at the same time, she was so familiar.

I close my eyes and lean my head against the car window, imagining her standing there in her Disney princess pjs, looking adorable with messy hair piled on top of her head and an oversize hoodie swallowing her body.

I instantly felt drawn to her. The minute her blue eyes latched on to mine I saw everything.

I saw her hurt and anger, the sadness, and the pain.

Some of the emotions in her eyes are ones I recognise.

For a moment I let her see me as well. I let my guard down and let her in.

I inhale, wishing I could still smell her. She smelt like strawberries and cream. I wanted to pull her to me and hold her close. When she started shaking, I just wanted to wrap my arms around her.

I’ve never had these kinds of feelings; I’ve never wanted to hold a girl before. I don’t date. I don’t do relationships.

Yasmin has me intrigued. She almost knocked me off my feet. She seemed so timid and quiet. I could tell she was standoffish at first. I want to see what she’s like when she’s comfortable.

I don’t know what I’m going to do when I see her again.

There’s no doubt that I will see her again. I don’t think I could stay away even if I wanted to.

I open my eyes as Rhys pulls into our usual park in the back. Rhys drives a sleek Lexus. His car is tame compared to Arden’s obnoxiously large SUV.

Arden comes from old money. His family name is pretentious thanks to his grandfather and great grandfather. His dad continued the legacy and then built a real estate empire that takes him and his new wife away for long periods of time, leaving Arden and his sister at home alone.

Even though Arden has a massive house and staff, he still chooses to spend most of his time with me in the lesser part of town.

My dad died when I was four. Mum never dated again. Her focus has been raising me and my friends and keeping a roof over our heads. My grandfather on dad’s side moved in a few years ago to help out.

Our friendship is different. The money doesn’t come between us. I don’t have a lot but we make do. Arden is constantly buying us stuff and helping out. At first we argued about it, but I came to realise that was just who Arden is. He looks after his family.

We met in preschool and have been friends ever since. Sharing a birthday sealed our friendship. We turn 18 in two weeks. He’s planning “our” party. I honestly have no fucking idea what he is going to do.

I lean against Arden’s SUV. Rhys joins me, followed by our honorary female group member Ally. We wait for Arden to join us. He doesn’t keep us waiting long.

“You guys are not going to fucking believe what happened this morning.” He says while straightening his vest. A vest that’s not part of the school uniform but he wears it anyway because that’s just what he does. He even paired it with a bowtie today. Jesus Christ, he is obviously ready to kick this term off with a bang.

Arden is the dictionary definition of over the top. If you looked it up, there would be a picture of him and his fucking bowtie.

“Your doctor called, and you have the clap again?” I ask.

“Your swimmers finally broke through the latex and a baby mamma showed on your doorstep?” Ally questions.

“You looked in the mirror this morning and decided today was the day you finally come out of the closet? Congrats bro, I always knew the constant stream of pussy was just a front.” Rhys deadpans. It causes Ally and I to laugh and Arden to throw a punch in his shoulder.

“You motherfuckers. All of you,” He says staring us down individually but then landing on Rhys. “Especially you. I’m not gay and you know it, but if I were you’d definitely be my type.” He says as he winks at Rhys. Rhys just rolls his eyes at him.

“Right, so no, I don’t have an STD, no one is pregnant, and I’m not gay. BUT when I got in my car this morning there was a surprise in the back seat. A very unwelcome surprise. Stacey was in there topless. The girl can’t seem to take a hint. I actually think she might be stalking me now.”

Ally starts laughing. “She pulled a Brooke on you.”

“A Brooke?” he asks.

“Brooke does the same thing to Lucas in One Tree Hill to get his attention and she was desperate to try anything to get your attention.” Ally can barely contain her laughter. Arden just stares at her confused.

I roll my eyes at him. Arden gets stalked at least once a year. Every girl tries to tie him down, but much like me, Arden doesn’t date. He just sleeps around like the man whore that he is. Most girls try to date him for his money.

Stacey is a girl he slept with a month ago. She just happens to keep popping up everywhere we are. I’m beginning to wonder if she has a tracker on his car. Because he usually sleeps at my house, so how did she know he was at home?

“How did she get in? Did you forget to lock the gate again?” I ask.

“No, asshole, I locked the gate. Martha let her in. She told her that she was here to give me an assignment we worked on over the break. So not only did I have to get her to put her shirt on and get her out of my car and off my property, but I also had to talk to Martha. She now knows that no one is allowed in with out my say so. You guys all have your own code so no one else should be showing up unannounced. Hopefully.” He finishes dramatically. He pretends to be annoyed but honestly, he thrives on the attention. I just worry one day something serious may happen.

I look at the time on my phone and nod towards the school. We need to start heading it. The last thing we need is to be late on the first day. Although Mr. Williams would let it slide.

As we start heading in the direction of the gate, I hear her before I see her.

“Crap, shit, mother-trucker.” She kind of squeals as she stops herself from falling over.

I stop walking and turn around, admiring her from the distance. The school uniform looks good on her. The blazer shows off her curves.

My eyes travel down, appreciating the fact I can see her body and she isn’t swimming in pjs and a hoodie. I take in her long, toned legs covered in stockings and stop at her feet. She’s wearing red Converse sneakers. I smile at that. Every girl in our grade except for Ally wears fuck-me heels. They try to stand out without realising it just makes them all look the same.

She stops swearing as she finds her balance and glances around. Her eyes find mine and even at this distance I can see the anxiety she is trying to hide.

It’s mixed with embarrassment at almost falling flat on her face in the middle of the parking lot. That would be embarrassing any time, but especially on your first day.

I can feel the pull. I want to move closer to her. I want to ease some of her anxiety like I did this morning. But before my feet take me over there, Arden speaks breaking the spell.

“Whoa, who’s that?” He asks. I’m not ready to tell them that I know her. For the first time in forever I want to keep this secret from my friends because I know they are going to put shit on me when they find out I might have feelings for a girl I barely know.

I school my features and turn around to the group. “No idea, she must be new.”

Ally looks from me to Yasmin and back to me. “I call bullshit. I need a cold shower, BOB and maybe a pregnancy test. You guys just totally eye fucked each other across the parking lot. I know you Chase, and that isn’t no one.” Ally calls me on it. She always does.

The one thing you can always count on is that Ally will call us on our shit and has been known to put us back in our place. She’s a little pocket rocket standing at 5”5 with fiery red hair. She has no filter and will say exactly what’s on her mind, but we love her for it.

I start walking towards the school and glance back to see Yasmin trailing behind, her eyes trained on the ground, probably making sure she doesn’t trip again.

Knowing Ally will keep going unless I say something, I choose to change the topic to see if she’ll take the bait.

“Ally! How many times do I have to tell you that we don’t want to hear about BOB?” BOB is Ally’s ‘Battery Operated Boyfriend.’ Ally is a combination of Arden and I. She doesn’t date but will have the occasional hook-up. She isn’t shy about telling us that this isn’t the Stone Age and she has access to a sex shop online with lots of choices. Ally takes the bait, but her eyes flash to mine and I read the message loud and clear. This isn’t over.

“Gasp… Shock… Horror… Did you guys not know that girls masturbate as well? I didn’t buy BOB because he’s pretty.” She laughs when she takes in the look on Arden’s face.

“Girls masturbate? Like as in all girls?” Arden asks stunned. I shake my head. He isn’t that stupid. He’s playing Ally.

“Shut up douche canoe.” She throws over her shoulder as she powers ahead of us, heading to her locker.

We make a quick stop at our lockers before heading to home room.

Walking in just before the bell rings, Arden, Rhys, and I sit in our seats at the back of the room. Ally storms in and takes her seat across the aisle from us. No one else ever sits in the back row. They’re all either scared of us or trying to screw one of us. There doesn’t seem to be an in between.

Mr Williams walks into the classroom, and we all quiet down. He’s my favourite teacher. He teaches Arden and I in auto shop class. My happy place is working on cars. It calms me, and I like to keep my hands busy.

Arden hates the class; he knows what to do but won’t do it without complaint. He only took the class so he could be with me. I don’t mind because he has an awesome talent for design. I fix things and he takes them to whole new level with his design and art.

“Good morning everyone. Not that I really care, but I trust you all had a good break. You know the drill.” He says as he hands out the notices in the front row and they’re passed back.

Mr Williams doesn’t stand there and drone on. He gets straight to the point and then lets us talk. Five minutes later, the class erupts in quiet chatter, and I hear a faint knock at the door.

Shifting slightly, I see her when Mr Williams opens the door. I don’t hear what he says but he moves aside, and she enters the room. I try not to stare at her, but it’s hard.

Ally is already on to us and I don’t want to make it more obvious. I’m pretty sure Arden is clueless, and Rhys probably noticed, but he won’t say anything until he has to.

Mr Williams clears his throat and Yasmin’s cheeks flush as she looks at the floor. “Everyone this is Yasmin. Today is her first day, so please be nice and make her feel welcome.” He narrows his eyes at us in the back corner.

Arden doesn’t miss the look or the chance to rile up Mr Williams.

“I take offence. I feel like you were just implying that I’m not nice. I’m always nice. I’m the poster boy for nice.” Arden speaks with his signature dramatic flair. Mr Williams rolls his eyes and ignores him.

Sometimes that’s the only thing you can do.

He turns to Yasmin and tells her to take a seat anywhere. Of course, Arden hears that.

“You can sit here,” he says loudly as he pushes his chair backwards and motions to his lap.

I can’t stop my response. I growl under my breath.

He doesn’t miss my reaction. He turns to me and raises his eyebrow and quietly says, “I thought you didn’t know her.” I can see the humour in his eyes.

Asshole baited me.

He wanted a reaction. Which means he noticed in the car park as well. “Later,” I mutter to him watching Yasmin make her way across the room. I see her transform, her wall firmly in place. She marches straight up to Arden puts her hands on the desk in front of him and leans forward.

Giving us a full view of her chest.

“Chuck Bass called; he wants his bow tie back.” She doesn’t falter, looks him dead in the eye and winks.

The classroom erupts in a chorus of laughter. I nearly fall off my chair. No one besides us and Ally ever puts Arden in his place. It’s refreshing. The girl in front of me is slightly different to the one I met this morning. I can see some of her shyness, but she’s putting on a front. Standing her ground from the start. Letting people know she won’t take crap.

“You wound me,” Arden responds as he holds his hand over his heart. I notice Rhys is glaring at her. It causes me to sit a little straighter. That can’t be good, Rhys is broody and scary as hell. Him not liking someone never ends well for the other person.

Before I can overthink it, Ally pipes up.

“Yasmin, come sit with me. It’ll be nice to talk to a girl who doesn’t want to bone Arden.” She speaks loud enough to draw the attention of the other girls in the room. She gets many death stares, her dig obviously hitting its mark.

I relax a little as I watch Yasmin make her way to Ally and pull out the chair on the side farthest away from us.

Ally looks at me and winks.

Arden smirks and Rhys cools his expression. I know he’ll tell me what’s on his mind later. After looking around at my friends, I cast a quick look at Yasmin. She’s relaxing and chatting to Ally.

Ally says something and Yasmin smiles.

I’m fucked.

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