Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 19

Yesterday we met with the endocrinologist and Yasmin agreed to get the sensor. Arden paid for everything, refusing help from anyone. He just said that it’s what family does. Neither Yasmin nor I argued with him. I really loved that she asked for me to stay with her during the appointments. She said if we were really going to have a relationship, we could learn about the disease together.

It was a lot of information. But I got to ask questions and learnt a lot from the doctor. Some of it was just confirming what Arden had already told me. But the doctor also confirmed that Yasmin has Hypoglycaemia which is why she crashes quickly. The sensor should help prevent her from becoming too hypo.

Everyone, including Julia came over for dinner and we just hung out watching movies. It was nice. I love that she’s letting us back in again. It killed me watching Arden go through losing her when she pulled away.

Yasmin decided she wanted to go to school today. It was incredible waking up beside her. I really tried to convince her to play hooky and stay home with me. But it was a no go.

So now I’m waiting in shop class for her to show up. Ally whisked her away this morning the moment we arrived at school and besides home room, I haven’t seen her since.

Yasmin is usually a little late due to the fact she has to get changed in the main building. All the boys from shop class are standing around talking to Mr Williams. We’ve got an issue. We think it’s in the wiring but we can’t figure it out. We’re discussing the best way to approach the job, well at least we’re trying to.

When Yasmin joins the group, no one else seems to notice her. But I do. She’s listening to everyone’s suggestions.

“Did you check the fuse? She asks. The entire room goes quiet and stares at her. I can see she’s starting to get uncomfortable shifting from foot to foot. Panic starts in her eyes. Could this girl be any more perfect? She’s freaking out because all the attention is on her. For a good reason.

“It’s a new fuse,” one of the boys says. It’s his car we’re working on. He’s probably a little defensive.

“Yeah, but have you checked it in another car? Fuses can be faulty from new,” she responds.

She just came up with a very possible solution for a problem we’ve spent ten minutes debating.

“Fuck me dead. What else are you hiding from us?” Arden asks walking over to her. He lifts her in the air, and she starts to smack his shoulder and laugh. I watch as the tension slowly drains away again. Trust Arden to find a way to lighten her mood, without even knowing he is doing it.

I relax knowing that she isn’t so tense now.

“Good work Yasmin. I think that may solve our problem. Everyone knows what they need to do?” Mr Williams asks while smiling at Yasmin.

Everyone nods and heads off to start working on their projects. I walk over and pull her into a hug.

“You’re amazing.”

She smiles up at me and lifts onto her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on my lips.

“Thank you,” she whispers just before Arden pulls her away.

“I need her help with some designs I’m working on,” he says as he pulls her towards the table at the back of the room.

“Arden you better be helping Chase!” Mr Williams yells.

“I am, I’m staying out of his way,” he throws back at Mr Williams.

I shake my head and walk over to set up my tool kit.

Halfway through the lesson, Yasmin manages to escape from Arden and helps me with the body work on the car I’m working with.

“Arden’s got some serious talent,” She says to me as we work. Last week we spent every lesson working on cars together and every day she shocked me with her skills and understanding. She understands what she is doing and if she doesn’t, she won’t hesitate to ask. I love seeing her get her hands dirty. Unlike Arden.

“Yeah I know. He should be doing a graphic design course instead of shop. But he said he wanted to spend time with me. There was always time for graph classes next year when he goes to uni.”

“That’s sweet. Have you heard back about any of the apprenticeships?” She asks.

“Not yet, but they told me they would make a decision early November. I’m not worried yet.”

“You’ll get something. They are stupid if they don’t see your talent,” she says, stopping what she is doing to look at me to make sure her words sink in. I nod my head. I close the gap between us and give her a quick kiss.

“I know. Are you coming with us to New Hope this weekend to check out houses?” I ask, hopeful that she’ll be coming. If all goes to plan, the house will be as much hers as it is ours.

“Arden offered, but Ally and I are going to stay back. We’re having a girls’ weekend with your mum, Millie and Julia,” she tells me and softens the blow by repeating my action and giving me a quick soft kiss.

“GW is going to New Hope for golf, so it will be a boy-free weekend. As much as I’d love to come with you, I need to do this. We need to make sure that we’re still spending time with our friends separately. I don’t want this to consume us and push other people away at the same time. Plus, this is the first time you’ve all been eighteen in New Hope. Go to a pub, have a drink, play some pool and try to come up with a way to get Rhys out of this shit with Ashley,” she says as she returns to sanding the door she’s currently working on.

I think I just fell in love with her even more. I love the fact that she is trying to build and maintain relationships with the girls, while pushing me to spend some quality time with the boys.

“Sounds like you girls will have lots of fun.”

“Not as much as you’re going to have trying to keep Arden in line.” She laughs. “I’ll miss you though.”

“I’ll miss you as well. Promise to call this time? Text messages just weren’t enough while you were at the hotel,” I say again letting my voice tell her just how much I missed her.

“Deal,” she says before returning her focus on the car.


The rest of the week passes quickly. We said our goodbyes to the girls before Arden, Rhys and I all hopped into Arden’s car and started for New Hope.

I’m looking forward to spending some time with the boys even though I’ll miss Yasmin. I know she was right.

“Guess what happened last night?” Arden asks as we turn out my street.

“What?” Rhys and I say at the same time.

“Chelsea and I were getting down and dirty in the car at the lookout and Stacey showed up.”

“What the fuck dude? I have to sit on this seat.” Rhys whines from the back seat.

I can’t help but laugh. “As in on purpose?” I ask Arden. Stacey is becoming more and more of a problem.

“Sure seemed like it. It was one a.m. There’s no other reason she had to be there,” he tells us. Unbelievable. I don’t understand why Arden insists on hooking up with girls at the lookout. He has a perfectly good bed.

“Do you want me to talk to Dad about a restraining order?” Rhys asks. Arden didn’t like this suggestion the first time Rhys offered, and it’s understandable. But Stacey is becoming a problem.

“Do you think he can find a way considering she hasn’t actually done anything yet?”

“The key word being yet. It’s escalating. We need to put a stop to it,” I comment.

“Yeah Dad will find a way. I’ll talk to him when we get back.”

“Thanks man.”

“I think she might have a tracker on your car,” I say.

“I agree,” Rhys says, leaning between the seats to look at Arden. “There’s no way she could know where you are if she didn’t.”

“When we get home, I’ll go over it to see if I can find it,” I add.

“Bitch is crazy.” Arden says.

“Yeah, did you actually sleep with her? Was it your dick that threw her over the edge?” Rhys laughs.

“No asshole, I didn’t sleep with her. Could you imagine what she’d be like if I did?” Arden visibly shivers.

“I’d rather not.” I say, connecting my phone to the car speakers and turning on some Hilltop Hoods.

“Argh…” Rhys moans from the backseat as we pull up to the hotel.

“What’s wrong?” Arden asks.

“Nothing.” Rhys grumbles.

I check my phone and see that there’s a message in our group chat from Yasmin.

As soon as I open it I can’t help myself. I start laughing, knowing exactly why Rhys was groaning. I flash Arden my phone when he looks at me oddly after he parks the car.

He joins me in laughing.

“This isn’t funny.” Rhys moans grabbing his bag from the seat beside him and exiting the car as quick as he can.

Yasmin sent a photo of both her and Ally. They’re both wearing tight fitting dresses that show off all their curves, fuck me heels that make their legs look longer. Yasmin looks fantastic. Although I prefer her the way she is every day, it’s nice to know what she looks like dressed up.

Their hair and makeup is done and they each have a drink in their hand with the caption: Wish you guys were here.

It’s funny because Yasmin had already told me they planned on getting dressed up to drink at home. They aren’t going anywhere because they want to hang out with Mum, Millie and Julia. Rhys doesn’t know that though.

I’d put money on the fact that he thinks the girls are going out.

I shoot Yasmin a quick text while we head into the hotel following Rhys.

Chase: You look beautiful. I wish I was there to peel you out of that dress.

Yasmin: Raincheck?

Chase: Fuck yes, I’ll hold you to that. Was your plan to frustrate Rhys?

Yasmin: You better 😛 Maybe… Did it work?

Chase: You and Ally are evil. But yes, it did work.

Yasmin: Good, he needs to suffer a little.

Chase: Why?

Yasmin: Just because.

Chase: Do I want to know?

Yasmin: Probably not.

Chase: Okay well I have to go; Arden is trying to convince us to go to the bar downstairs. Pace just arrived.

Yasmin: Have fun. I’ll call you before I go to bed xo

Chase: Behave

Yasmin: I can’t make any promises xo

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