Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 18

The faint hum of electricity and the smell of disinfectant alerts me to the fact I’m in hospital. Why am I in the hospital? What happened?

I slowly open my eyes; the room is cast in darkness with a soft glow of light coming from above and below the curtain. I can feel Chase rubbing his thumb along the top of my hand. I gently squeeze his hand to let him know I’m awake. Slowly, I turn my head to face him.

He looks exhausted.

“Hey Pretty Girl. You gave us all quite a fright,” he whispers. I can see the worry on his face. His voice even portrays his concern.

“What happened?” I ask. My voice comes out dry and croaky. Chase holds up a cup with a straw to my lips. I take small sips, letting the icy cold liquid soothe my dry mouth and throat.

“Your sugars dropped dangerously low.”

“I didn’t feel any different,” I reply. it’s true. One minute I was fine, and the next I wasn’t. Usually with a hypo I get some sort of sign.

“The doctor said it likely happened quickly if you didn’t notice the symptoms. You passed out. Millie called me freaking out.”

Oh god. Poor Millie.

“How long have I been out?” I ask. I haven’t had an episode this bad since I first got diagnosed. I never wanted Millie to witness that again. My heart swells knowing the Chase and our friends were all there.

“Only a few hours. The docs gave you a sedative to keep you asleep while they gave you some IV fluids and glucose. They want to keep you overnight for observation and to make sure you don’t crash again.” Chase links his fingers with mine and gives them a gentle squeeze.

Jesus. It must have been bad if they are keeping me overnight.

“Arden is having you moved to a private room soon. He’s also organised for Julia’s Endocrinologist to come and see you in the morning. He’d like you to consider getting the sensor.” Chase sighs. The exhaustion is evident.


“It’s part of a continuous glucose monitoring system. It gets installed just under the skin and checks your sugars every 10 seconds. Julia has one. He said it helped not having to prick her finger and the app alerts her when her blood sugar drops or spikes,” Chase explains sounding very much like Arden. I love that he’s been making an effort to learn as much as he can.

“Can I think about it?” I ask quietly. I skipped over it in my research because there was no way I’d be able to afford to do it without getting help from Dad.

“Of course, the specialist will discuss it with you tomorrow.” Chase places a gentle kiss on my lips. “How are you feeling?”

“Like crap. I feel wrung out.”

“The doctor said that’s normal.”

“Where’s Millie? Is she okay?” I ask. Chase is the only person in my room. It surprises me because Arden isn’t the type to leave until he sees for himself that I’m okay.

“She’s shaken up, but she’s okay. Ally has taken the girls to Arden’s for the night.”

“Where’s Arden?”

“He’s gone to get dinner for us. He’ll be back soon. Mum forced him to leave for a bit.”

I don’t know what I did to deserve to have these people in my life. I just know that I’m incredibly lucky.

Not long passes before Mumma Nat walks into my cubicle, followed by Arden.

“You gave us quite the scare,” she says coming up to me and pulling me in for a hug. I relax in her arms and let her hold me. This is what it feels like to have a mum. It’s new for me. I don’t hate it. I just don’t want to get attached.

What if something happens with Chase and I?

Will I be able to walk away from these people?

Mumma Nat pulls away and Arden is standing there with his arms out waiting for his turn. His hug is brief and very un-Arden.

“I’ve taken the food upstairs. Your room is ready,” Arden says just a ward clerk arrives with a wheelchair.

“My shift is finished. But I’ll be back in the morning,” Mumma Nat says. “Are you staying here?” Nat asks Chase.

“I’m not leaving,” he replies.

“We figured as much. It’s against hospital policy, but I’ve pulled some strings,” Mumma Nat says. “I’ll leave you guys to go and get settled. Make sure you try and eat something. See you both in the morning.” She kisses my forehead and hugs Chase and Arden on the way out.

The boys follow behind the ward clerk as he takes us upstairs. I’m rolled into my own private room that has a couch, TV, bathroom, and massive window. On the couch is a pile of blankets and pillows. I guess they really did know Chase was going to stay with me.

The nurse comes in to check my obs. My sugar is still sitting at 5.1, which is low considering I’m on my second bag of glucose. She makes her notes and says she will let the doctor know, but they would like me to try and eat something. It will help.

Arden hands a container of food to both Chase and I. I open it, and the smell of honey chicken hits me. Mushu’s. My favourite.

“Thank you,” I say picking up my fork and stabbing a piece of chicken.

We pretty much eat in silence. Once I’ve finished half the container of chickeny goodness, I put the container on the table and lay back.

“Where’s Rhys?” Curiosity getting the better of me. I know he still isn’t my biggest fan, but I knew he was with them this afternoon. I don’t think he hates me enough to not come to the hospital.

Or does he?

“Hayden blew up a public toilet.” Arden answers.

“He did what? How? What the fuck?” How does a fifteen-year-old blow up a toilet? More to the point, why did he want to blow it up?

“He blew up one of the toilet cubicles at Main beach. No idea why, that kid is trouble with a capital T. Rhys had to go home to make sure his dad doesn’t kill him this time,” Arden says while still eating.

“What do you mean this time? Has he blown up a toilet before? Is this a habit?” I need to talk to Millie, tell her to stay away from Hayden.

“Not a toilet. But he has a history of vandalising property. Usually it’s just tagging buildings, although last year he set their pool house on fire,” Arden explains. What the hell?

“Don’t forget the time he turned the public pool green with dye and covered Mr William’s car in plastic wrap,” Chase adds.

“Wow.” I have no idea how else to react. I knew he was a bad boy; I just wasn’t expecting that.

“Yeah, most of the time his pranks are harmless, but on the odd occasion it goes wrong. I’m not sure how long their dad can keep getting him out of trouble.”

Chase finishes his food and comes to sit beside me on the bed. I scoot over giving him room. He lays back and wraps his arms around me, allowing me the opportunity to snuggle closer.

“Alright kids, I’ve got a hot date. I will see you both tomorrow,” Arden says. He starts to clear away the empty food containers.

“Who with, Chuck?” I ask genuinely curious.

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell,” he says with a wink. Before I can respond, he’s out the door.

“A gentleman my ass.” I laugh. I can feel Chase’s chest rise with his silent chuckle.

“Hey Chase?”


“Are you sure it’s okay if Millie and I stay with you?” I ask. Millie and I discussed it. She’s disappointed in Dad. She wants to stay with me, although she is happy here in Canary Bay and would rather not have to move next year. I told her we would discuss it again closer to the end of the year. All I can hope is that Dad comes around.

“Of course. You are both welcome for as long as you need. I like the idea of having you beside me every night.”


Could he be any more perfect?

“Thank you. I like sleeping with you; you make the night terrors go away.” I let my vulnerability show in my words. Chase knows I don’t sleep well. But he’s never asked why. He’s waited until I’m ready to talk about it.

“When Mum died, I started waking up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, heart racing. Some nights I’d wake up crying or screaming. The doctor said it was just triggered from the emotional trauma of losing my mum. Over the years, I learnt how to function on a few hours sleep a night. They disappeared for a while. But they had started to come back recently. When I stay with you, they go away. The last two nights have been torture. You’ve spoilt me. I’m scared I’ll get used to it and then it will all be gone.”

“I’m not going anywhere. Whatever happens Yasmin, I’m always going to be there. It’s fate. We’re meant to be. We were always destined to be a part of each other’s lives. There have just been some roadblocks that were outside our control. But now we’re in charge of our own lives and I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, until YOU decide you no longer want me,” Chase says with so much conviction that I believe every word.

It’s in this moment I realise.

I’ve fallen in love with Chase.

And that scares the shit out of me.

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