Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter 26

Tris looked up from the fire into the waiting silence. She had forgotten what was asked as she watched the flames. “I need a few hours to think, and then I’ll be ready to speak of our next move.” She stood and stalked out into the night. Behind her, she knew the others watched her and worried.

It rankled that she was healing so slowly while the others seemed to just spring back to their normal selves. The dried blood in the special tea Drianne had given Tyra to help her heal helped some, but it wasn’t doing the trick. She needed something fresh to completely heal and she didn’t want to take it.

“Tris, you can’t keep pushing your body this way. Why don’t you just do what you know you have to?” Noshtra said, coming from the shadows and falling in step with her heart sister.

“What do you know of it?” Tris asked, angry that Noshtra was sticking her nose into matters that didn’t concern her.

Noshtra smelled Tris’s anger, but that was nothing new. The two of them had grown up together and the she-wolf knew when it was safe to push and when it was time to back off. “I know that the Circle whispers about how long it’s taking for you to return to normal. I know that Drianne is angry with you for taking more on your shoulders than you have to. I know that Chaos is sticking his nose into our affairs more than he should.”

“Chaos? What does he have to do with anything?” Tris demanded, sitting down on a fallen tree and pulling one knee up to her chest. Noshtra sat down and faced Tris.

“He came while you were cleansing the power you stole. He spoke with Airidon and Tyra about their roles in Sandeenai. I don’t like him and I don’t trust him, Tris. Why do you insist on maintaining a speaking relationship with him? Why not rip his heart out and devour it?”

Tris stared at Noshtra with cold eyes for a very long time before answering. “He is a god, Noshtra, and I was raised to respect all the gods, even if I don’t personally worship them. At least he is taking an interest in what happens, which is more than I can say for some of the gods and goddesses who seem content to just watch and bewail the fact that no one seems to remember them anymore.” Tris said softly and then shook her head. “I’m sorry, Noshtra, I shouldn’t take out my frustration on you. It isn’t your fault things are as messed up as they are. You are probably right, I should stop fighting destiny and just go hunt. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Wrapping her magic around herself, Tris left Taniry and went to Nasinih and the Samtin forest. She knew that no Dryads remained, but she wanted to relax in the peace of Greenbough’s glade all the same. The sounds of Handsome’s elite stomping through ground she considered hallow was enough to trigger her anger and blood lust. As she hunted them, they spoke loudly of their plans should they be the ones to capture Tris and her group and it made her stomach churn.

Tris didn’t realize that some of the Druids remained behind to protect the ancient trees and heard a scream from one as the patrol found their special living place. Racing through the trees, Tris stopped at the edge and saw two of the troops trying to drag a woman from a simple cottage. It reminded Tris of too many things to hold back her rage any longer.

“Tris is in danger.” Jehro said, tossing his wooden bowl aside. He felt her rage and for one second, saw through her eyes the troops dragging the woman from the cottage. He didn’t have to say more and suddenly Tyra’s magic enveloped him and the entire Circle stood next to the cottage in the Samtin forest.

“Glenrose!” Fini called out, recognizing the woman who was now standing by a tree, panting for air and staring at the sight before her. Fini rushed to her side and looked to see Tris ripping the heart out of a man dressed in Handsome’s colors and eat it while choking another with her other hand. Blood ran down her hands and arms and chin as she devoured the two troops who dared to disturb the peace of the Druids living here.

A clash of steal behind him and Fini knew that the others had joined the fight and pulled Glenrose to safety back in her home. Inside, he found not only her but several others hiding there. “You stay in here and be quiet. I’ll let you know when it’s safe again.” He gave Glenrose a tight smile and then drew his own sword and went back outside to join the battle.

Tris wasn’t aware when the others joined her in battle, but then she was standing face to face with Airidon and froze. She took a step back and turned to face Jehro. Both men were watching her, waiting for her reaction. She looked down at herself and shrugged. Without a word, she walked into the trees and changed into some clean clothing and washed the blood from her face and hands.

When she returned, the others were there, waiting for her with Glenrose. “I offer you peace, Glenrose.” Tris said softly, remembering the woman from before joining with the rest of the Circle.

Glenrose smiled at Tris and offered her a hand of friendship. “I offer you peace as well, Trisinda Jaqukwen. I had not thought to see you again, but I am glad this night that I have. You have saved us and those we protect. Thank you. I see you have also found the kinsman we spoke of.”

Tris smiled at Fini and nodded. “Yes, Finbrahner is an integral part of our family. Will you be safe now?” Fini blushed at Tris’s praise and ducked his head.

“That patrol found us by accident. We are normally hidden from sight. We will be safe for now.” Glenrose said and looked around at the others. Then she looked back at Tris. “You are missing someone? I have heard on the wind of the return of a single Dryad….”

“Drianne is back.” Tris confirmed with a nod. “She was needed. Meckin is…away at the moment.”

Glenrose nodded as well. “Go in peace, Trisinda and champions of Serenity. You have the blessings of the Druids.”

Jehro grabbed Fini’s arm. “That was Glenrose. We just rescued THE Glenrose. Can you believe that?”

Fini looked down at Jehro and sighed softly. Sometimes, the Chameling could be as annoying as the Siblen. “Yes, Jehro, that was Glenrose. When the battle is over, I’ll even introduce you to Greenbough, if he will speak with you. Now, please, let go of my arm and let’s go home. I don’t want my bread to burn.”

Tris heard that last and shook her head with a soft chuckle. “Let’s go home then so Finbrahner doesn’t burn his bread.” She teased, her old bounce back in her step and her color once again returned. Airidon and Tyra shared a look. Tris had needed to hunt and they had to figure out why so it wouldn’t be repeated again.

Chaos watched the hunt as well. He frowned at how badly Tris needed to hunt and the change in her. Was it the evil she took into her body or was it something else? He would have to study it further.

He stepped into a twisted castle where nothing was as it seems. “Mhahluh? I need to ask you something.” Chaos called out and waited while the god took form from one of the many sculptures decorating the main hall.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Chaos?” Mhahluh asked in a whispery voice.

“I want to know more about your children.” Chaos said simply.

Mhahluh laughed. “No, you want to know more about Serenity’s champion, Trisinda Jaqukwen.” The god of demons, sacrifice, and art said with humor flashing in his burning eyes. “I can only speak for her Demon side, you must speak with Quaird about her Elven side.”

Mhahluh waved his hand and an intricately carved table and chairs appeared and delicately painted china was set out on it. Mhahluh took a seat and waited for Chaos to do the same. Then he poured out a blood red tea and lifted the cover off of deathly pale cookies.

“What is it you want to know about her Demon heritage, Chaos?” Mhahluh said as he took a drink of his tea.

“Why did she need to hunt after that last cleansing she did? Why didn’t the herbs themselves help her?” Chaos said and took a sample of both the cookie and tea. He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “These are good, surprisingly.”

The god of Demons rolled his eyes. “Chaos, why are you so surprised by the quality of my refreshments? Am I not the god of art? And is not cooking an art?” Mhahluh said softly and then sighed again. “As for Trisinda and her need to hunt, all I can surmise is that she has repressed her Demon nature for so long in trying to be more human for those she chooses as family that it cried out to be satisfied. She has to ingest flesh and blood regularly or she sickens, it’s just part of who she is. Until those around her fully accept that and allow her to do that without judgment, she will continue to deny her Demon side and weaken.”

Chaos thought about it and nodded. “Thank you, Mhahluh, for the insight. I will do what I can to help them come to terms with her Demon nature a little sooner than later. We can’t have Serenity’s champions weakening, especially with the upcoming final battle with Dreybrenic.”

Mhahluh lifted his eyebrows again in surprise. “You are looking forward to that? I thought you wanted it stopped?”

It was Chaos’s turn to chuckle. “No, Mhahluh, I want it over so that the next step of the prophecy can begin. The unknown is always more exciting than the known.” Then Chaos vanished

When the Circle arrived back in their forest, Tris sat down and shook her head as Fini went straight to his bread to make sure it was perfect. Then she sat back against the backrest Airidon had made her so she could watch the fire in peace.

“You are looking better, Tris.” Shrina offered, wondering how it would be taken.

Tris looked over at the Siblen and then back to the fire. “I feel better, Shrelannasha. There are times when substitutes aren’t good enough. I’m sorry you had to see me that way.”

Korol chuckled softly. “We all have our quirks, Leader Tris. So you need fresh blood every now and then, as long as it isn’t mine, I’m okay with that. But I’m curious; you said something about our next step against Handsome?”

Fini finished taking the bread from the rock cavern he used to bake it and set it out to cool. The smell of fresh bread filled the cave and made everything feel a little more normal. The only thing missing was Meckin and Tris missed his presence with an ache she couldn’t define.

“Yes, Korolwyn, I do know where we are going to strike next.” With those simple words, she had everyone’s attention. Picking up a stick, Tris played with the fire as she spoke. “We have to keep Handsome off balance. We have struck at night and at dawn. We have taken out two targets with power catalysts as well as troops. He is fortifying his last two positions where catalysts are being held. He is also bringing in more captive wizards from Catira to try to rebuild his lost power. What is he not expecting?”

“A birthday party?” Korol offered and then fell silent under the weight of six other pairs of eyes. “Just trying to lighten the mood, everyone has been so grim lately.”

“Catira,” Tris answered her own question. “Handsome will expect us to concentrate our efforts on Nasinih and his strong holds. He would never expect us to stop his slave trade from Catira. It isn’t what he would do and so far, he’s been very predictable. So, let’s push him off balance and see what happens?”

Tyra looked up from what she was doing and wiped a tear from her eye. “Thank you, Tris. Not many people think of Catira and how to help those of us from there. What is our plan?”

“From what you told me of your journey there, Handsome only has a foothold there. The people reject him and only a few support his reign. Those few are located in Saldowns and are in positions of power. It shouldn’t be too hard to take out those few and let the people of Catira fight back as freemen without fear of one of those snakes biting them in the dark.”

“But how do we do that?” Shrina asked, pulling out her many packages. She was looking for something and didn’t care if she made a mess. “Oh, here, I bought you some cloth while I was in Galogosch, Tris. But then you got sick and I forgot.” Shrina handed Tris the bolt of blue silk and watched as Tris fingered the fine material.

“Thank you, Shrelannasha, it’s a beautiful shade.” A very slow smile that hid a secret grew on Tris’s face as she looked at the cloth and then she returned her attention to the Circle waiting her answer.

“We go in the middle of the day, we shop, we get into the places we need to and quietly dispatch those who need it. There aren’t many of Handsome’s troops there, they are all escorting slave ships back to Nasinih from Catira and don’t stick around there. That is why they have those agents in place, to keep order while the troops are used as guards. We find the agents, and I’m sure that Tyrandeannah’s family knows who most of those agents are.” Tris said and pulled out a sharp dagger and started cutting the cloth into patterns that made no sense to those watching her. It looked to random to be anything and Shrina almost took the silk back.

“Any thoughts on this plan?” Tris asked as she finished cutting and pulled out a needle and thread and started sewing up the many pieces.

Airidon watched Tris for a moment and then sighed softly. “We’ve all had a long day. Why don’t we all sleep on it and we can decide tomorrow.”

Chaos watched as the Circle broke up and went to their sleeping rooms. He wondered what would happen with Tris’s idea and he chuckled, knowing as Tris said it she was right, Dreybrenic wouldn’t be expecting it. Chaos debated telling his champion about the planned attack and then decided not to. He knew of something even better waiting for the Circle in Saldowns than an ambush by Dreybrenic Greshinea. It might even be just what Tris needed when it came to her Circle accepting that part of her most found hard to accept.

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