Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled

Chapter Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter 27

The next morning, Tris woke early and started breakfast. She couldn’t help but think about the look on Tyra’s face when she spoke of Catira. Did the people of Taniry feel the same as Catira? That they were second place or last place when it came to the importance of the world as a whole?

Airidon joined her a few minutes later and watched as Tris stirred the pot of cereal slowly, her mind somewhere else. He touched her on the arm and was surprised when she startled. “Tris?”

Reaching out, Tris touched his face softly. “I was just thinking, Airidon. You come from Taniry, do you feel that Taniry is forgotten in the big picture of Sandeenai as a whole?” Then Tris looked at what she was doing and quickly added a couple of handfuls of fruit and some herbs to the pot and then allowed it to cook without agitating it.

The warrior gathered his lover into his arms and held her, a smile on his face. “No, we don’t, Tris. In fact, when it comes to the world order, no place is more important than Taniry but we keep that quiet so we aren’t flooded with the unwashed masses from Nasinih. Where do you think the majority of the metal to make weapons and armor and tools comes from?” Airidon kissed the top of Tris’s head and then whispered. “And where else in the entire world is there a haunted forest that keeps the beasties from attacking us?”

Tris sat up and mocked punched her lover in the shoulder. “My forest isn’t haunted, although I do keep the beasties, as you call them, from attacking into the rest of Taniry.” Tris felt Airidon shudder. “You found that out staying here. Just think if even one of those beasts from the frozen wastes made it into the fertile lands south of us?”

“Honestly, I don’t think anyone realizes just what it was you did up here all these years. But what stopped them from coming down before?” Airidon asked. The memories of the last hunt the Circle had still haunted him.

It had been just a couple of days before the last attack on Handsome when the alert went up. It wasn’t the first one, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last one. A beast from the frozen wastes had made it into the forest and was heading south. Airidon and the Circle had only fought three of them since arriving half a year ago, but Noshtra and Drianne both assured them all this was a light year for the incursions. Tris wouldn’t talk about it; it was just something she did. Noshtra said that you very rarely saw the same kind of beast twice in a row and that normally, they became progressively worse throughout the year. The beast they fought a month earlier was definitely not something Airidon ever wanted to face again.

It had scales and fur in patches that made it look diseased in pale shades of white, cream, and a shade that Tris called ice blue. Small blackish brown horns that looked like thorns grew out of many places on its body. The body itself appeared almost human, but it had claws like the scorpion instead of hands and cloven hoofs instead of feet. It didn’t have two eyes, it had spider eyes and instead of a mouth, a stinger with a long flickering tongue that dripped a yellowy substance that burned like acid. Shrina had said that if you crossed a human, lizard, wolf, and spider, this is what you might have gotten.

Korol and Fini had both gotten injured by it when they tried to corral it into a blind valley. Then Tris had come in from behind it and drove her sword through its neck joint. It didn’t roar or yell or even whimper, it had cried like an infant which unnerved them all the more. Airidon remembered the look on Tris’s face as she pulled her sword out and then in a single swing, took its head. She was used to this and while it wasn’t easy, she had become immune to the tricks of the beasts.

Tyra had screamed when the head flew off and turned into a swarm of nasty biting flies. Tris yelled for a containment field around the body as she shot a flaming arrow into the swarm and it burst into flame. Tyra didn’t understand why Tris wanted the body contained until the swarm was gone, then the body turned into a writhing mass of serpents. Airidon had fired a second flame arrow into the mass of undulating snakes that weren’t snakes and watched as they too burst into flame and smoldered. When the two smokes joined, it formed a shadowy creature.

Shrina asked if it would ever die and Tris told Shrina to concentrate on the shadow of the beast and not the form itself. Airidon came to realize that Tris had been better prepared for battle with Handsome than any of the others as protector of Taniry from the frozen wastes. She had to battle these beasts on her own, using a mixture of magic and weapons to do it. Shrina jumped back with a shriek as the shadow of the beast reached out to her and then Tris plunged her sword into the heart of the shadow and a wispy cry was heard before a spot of greenish blood appeared on the ground.

Tris cleaned her sword and sheathed it. Then she created a fire on the blood spot and burned the area black and littered it with stones before declaring it completely dead. While she was healing Fini and Korol, she made a single comment. “I wasn’t always so good about making sure each and every form was destroyed. Where do you think the burrowing snake spider came from?”

Tris looked at Airidon as he asked the question and shrugged. “I don’t know. Drianne said that the beasts didn’t start making their way from the frozen wastes until after Handsome started making his bid for Emperor when I was still an infant. She guessed that the beasts are reacting to his tampering with the balance of Sandeenai and if it can be restored, the beasts will be content to stay in the wastes.”

Breakfast was ready and Tris didn’t wait for anyone else to wake up, she served Airidon and herself a bowl and started to eat. “What do you think of my plan for Catira?”

“I think…” Airidon began and the paused as Shrina stumbled out into the sunlight. Airidon frowned as he looked at the rising sun. It was unusual that Shrina slept this late and was disoriented when she woke. “Shrina?’

The Siblen looked around, blinking a few times, ran her hands over her face and then looked again. “Airidon, is that you? I can’t seem to focus for some reason.”

Tris was instantly on her feet, her hand resting on Shrina’s head. Tris muttered something under her breath and a gray cloud lifted from around Shrina and began drifting away. “Oh no you don’t,” Tris said, sending a bolt of pure energy into the heart of the cloud. A scream filled the cave and the rest stumbled out, weapons drawn and ready.

In his palace, Dreybrenic grabbed his head as the bolt entered his mind and shattered his concentration. Blood trickled from his nose and ears as he fought to maintain the contact with the Siblen. Then a second bolt flashed into his mind and he blacked out.

“What was that?” Korol asked, catching his breath.

“That was Handsome trying a controlling spell. He just didn’t realize how strong a will our friend Shrelannasha has. If she had been of a weak will, he could have taken her over without us knowing and we would have given him our plans without knowing it. It’s how he controls the wizards he steals from Catira and other places.” Tris said and sat back down. “But lucky for us, Shrelannasha isn’t weak willed and all his spell managed to do was make her sleep a little longer and then become groggy.”

Jehro moved over to Shrina and checked her out just to make sure she was okay. When Shrina yelled at him to back off and stop probing her mind, Airidon chuckled, knowing Shrina was just fine. Shrina grumbled as she served herself some breakfast. “Why did he pick me?”

“Because you are annoying and he figured we would kill you just to shut you up.” Korol said as he sat down, sticking his tongue out at the Siblen. Shrina would have thrown her bowl down and jumped Korol had Fini not walked by just then and pushed her back down into her seat.

Shrina glared at Fini and Korol but didn’t say anything as she ate her breakfast. Korol just rolled his eyes and tried to not think nasty things about the assassin.

“I don’t know, Shrelannasha. It could be many reasons, use you to kill us all in our sleep, steal secrets from us, or as Korol said annoy us to the point where we would want to kill you ourselves and thus end the prophecy. He could have just as easily chosen someone else for the same reasons.” Tris said softly as she finished her breakfast and set the bowl aside. “Don’t worry, I made sure no one else was overshadowed by him.”

Tyra sat down by Fini and took the bowl he offered her. “But why now?”

“He wants a way to spy on us as we spy on him but he can’t find a way in here where we live and we can easily get to any place he holds, except for his palace at the moment.” Tris frowned and started working on the blue silk again. “I suppose I should contact Jonas and tell him about Meckin and ask him for help.”

“Who is Jonas, Tris?” Airidon asked, putting his bowl with Tris’s in the stack that needed to be cleaned.

“Meckin’s brother. I met him when I met Meckin north of the Jentro. I saved his caravan from a spell sent by Handsome to kill those with Wer blood.” Tris said as she worked, the frown still there.

“Why would you need to ask Jonas for help, Tris?” Shrina asked, starting to clean up the dirty bowls. It wasn’t a job she liked, but it was her turn.

Tris didn’t say anything for a long time as she worked the silk. Then she said softly. “We need a Wer who knows the old tales so we can get into Handsome’s strong hold. It was Meckin’s job, but he isn’t here right now and we can’t put off planning our final strike until we can find him again.”

When the morning routine was finished, Tris put away her project and looked at everyone. “Let’s say we go shopping. I want to see Catira for myself.”

“Right now? Without a plan?” Shrina asked.

Tris stood and picked up her cloak and looked at Shrina in surprise. “I thought we had a plan. We go to Saldowns, do some shopping, kill the agents of Handsome there and come home. It seems pretty straight forward to me.” She looked around at the others and saw them shrugging. Then they all stood and got ready as well. “Just remember one thing, we don’t know who the agents will be, so be careful as we locate them and take them out. Airidon and I will deal with the garrison there. Got it?”

Everyone nodded and Airidon gave Tris a questioning glance. She winked at him and then wrapped her magic around the group. Tyra, Fini, and Korol appeared in the alleyway behind a bakery. Shrina and Jehro appeared in the shadows near several inns and taverns. Airidon and Tris appeared in the shadow of some of the merchant homes near the garrison.

“What is your plan, Tris?” Airidon asked nervously. He didn’t like the gleam in Tris’s eye.

“We are going to get married.” Tris said and started walking down the street. Airidon started choking and Tris turned back to him, impatience on her face. “Not for real, Airidon, but that is what we are going to say to get into the garrison. Use your head man and stay calm.” Tris said in a whisper and then started walking toward the garrison again.

Airidon got himself under control and rushed to catch up to Tris. He thought she was nuts for this, but it just might work.

Tris noticed people staring at her and Airidon as they walked through the shops and wondered why. Stopping at a looking glass seller, she turned to look at Airidon. He looked the same as always and not that different from most of the men walking around. His tunic was yellow over green leggings and he looked clean, but nervous. It must be her she decided and looked in the mirror to figure it out.

Looking at her reflection, she saw a young girl with golden honey colored hair dressed in a purple tunic and green leggings, a blue, green, and purple braided belt around her narrow waist and tying back her hair into a ponytail. She had hidden her obvious Elven looks, so that couldn’t be it.

“Tris, what are you doing? This is a stupid time for vanity.” Airidon said, coming up behind her. “You look beautiful, as usual. Now come on.”

A shop keeper from across the way came from his store with a smile on his face. “Is there a problem here?” He asked.

Airidon felt his jaw drop as Tris turned to the man with a giggle and a blush. “No, I was just making sure I looked pretty for today. I didn’t mean to cause a stir.”

The shopkeeper chuckled and rested his hands on his belt and looked Tris over. “Well, I would say you are pretty enough. Is there a special occasion?”

Airidon flushed as he noticed a small group surrounding them and listened as Tris spun their tale. “Well, no, and yes.” She said in a breathless nervous giggle. Airidon didn’t know how she was pulling it off so well, this was not the Tris he knew; even the spring version of Tris wasn’t giddy like this. “You see, my man here and I was hand fasted and well, we wanted it all formal like, before the babe comes.” She patted her flat belly and blushed again.

The shop keeper’s smile broke into a brighter grin. “A wedding, what a wonderful occasion, it is a cause to celebrate. Why don’t you come to my shop and pick out a ribbon, as a gift, for this special day.” He said and guided Tris toward his shop.

“Tris…” Airidon said, taking a step, unsure.

Tris giggled. “Oh, Airidon, don’t say I can’t have a pretty new ribbon. It isn’t like a few minutes will make that much difference. Why don’t you look at those looking glasses while I pick out something pretty for you? I promise, I won’t take too long.”

Airidon grumbled but waved her on and turned back to the glass shop. The keeper of the glass shop came from his shop at the same time as the ribbon seller, so was next to Airidon when he turned to look at the mirrors. He picked up a hand mirror to show it to Airidon, making sure Airidon could see into the shop across the street.

“That was smart thinking on your friend’s part, a wedding. The ribbon seller has a soft spot for young couples.” He whispered to Airidon. When Airidon looked at him sharply, the man made a gesture like he was pointing out features of the mirror in his hands. “Don’t give it away; he’s one of the Emperor’s men. I’m Andro, Tyra’s cousin. I recognized you from my brother, Jed’s description.”

Airidon watched the mirror as Andro held it for him and felt his mouth go dry as Tris took the pink ribbon she was looking at and twisted it around the man’s neck and pulled him into the back of his shop.

“What is she doing?” Andro hissed in surprise.

Airidon whispered back. “We are here to free Saldowns and Catira of Handsome’s grip.”

Andro looked at Airidon and then to the shop where Tris was coming out, tying a blue ribbon into her hair with a blushing smile. No one had noticed what she had done and Andro was certain a spy for Dreybrenic was dead.

“We didn’t think it would be so soon, but thank you. If that is who I think it is, I’ll go now and meet her when she’s in a better mood. Take the mirror, a gift.” Then Andro slipped back into his shop and closed the door.

Tris frowned as she noticed him leaving. “What was that about, Airidon? He had the look of Tyra, why didn’t he want to talk to me?”

Airidon handed her the mirror and she pretended to be surprised and delighted and then they made their way toward the garrison again. “He wasn’t sure how he would be received, you being a Demon and all and you just killing one of Handsome’s spies.”

Laughing, Tris played her role as the gates of the garrison stood before them. “Silly man, I didn’t spill any blood. We will have to speak with him later then.” Then the guard at the gate stopped them and asked their business. The tale of the wedding brought a smile to the man and he allowed them entry.

The garrison commander himself made an appearance before the young couple, just as Tris had hoped. When the gates were closed behind them and the commander was near, Tris nodded slightly to Airidon and they sprang into motion. The garrison was caught off guard and before any could react, everyone in the courtyard was dead. Airidon blocked the entry of the sleeping quarters, killing everyone who came out.

During the fighting, someone was close enough to Tris to scrap his blade across her ribs. As the pain of the wound entered her mind, the Elven part of her hid and the Demon part came out. She grabbed the man with a clawed hand and ripped out his heart, taking a bite of it before turning to attack the next man.

Although she had hunted the night before, it had been too long since her last hunt and the Demon nature still craved more flesh and blood. She became aware of Airidon as the last man fell from her bloody grip to land in the blood soaked mud of the practice yard. Her bright green eyes faded slowly to blue and she took a shuddering breath to calm herself.

“It’s alright, Airidon, I am myself again.” Tris said and called up a bucket of water to clean up with. She threw him a clean tunic as she took one out for herself. When Airidon checked her side, the thin scar from the blade faded and vanished completely. “I haven’t hunted enough lately so I don’t have as strong a control over the blood lust.” She said as she pulled the tunic over her skin, hiding the healed wound.

With a nod, Airidon put on his own clean tunic. “Why do you need to hunt, Tris?” He asked, a little shaky. This was part of his chosen mate that he had trouble with.

Tris thought about it as she looked around at the carnage. Then she looked at Airidon. “To the Demon race, blood and carnage, like this, can be as erotic as sex for Humans. I have to satisfy the Demon in me or it rises up and takes control, so I hunt to provide that release to the Demon blood that flows in my veins. Of course, the Elf in me hides during those times; it takes no pleasure in the destruction of life.” She didn’t let her gaze move from Airidon’s as she explained. “It is what I am and why everyone fears me, as they fear my mother’s people.”

Airidon thought about it and shrugged. He shook his head and chuckled as he dropped some of the exploding pellets around the muddy, body-ridden, grounds of the garrison. “I find being with you much more erotic than battle, no matter how you look at it.”

They walked out of the gate just as the explosion took place, shaking the buildings nearby with the force. They stayed in the protective shadow of the guard tower until it started its lumbering descent into the rubble of the destroyed outpost of the Emperor. Then they ran with the rest of the people into the main merchant square to hear what was happening.

No one voice could be picked out of the hundreds of voices raised in question and fear. Tris stood on a stack of wine barrels and shouted. “People of Saldowns and Catira, hear me!” Some stopped to hear what she had to say. She shouted again. “People of Saldowns and Catira, I stand before you to offer you freedom! I am one of a group who have dedicated their lives to freeing Sandeenai from the evil of the would be Emperor. I offer you the chance to throw off his chains of slavery and stand up with us and others like us and embrace freedom!”

A small circle began to form around Tris as she shouted and more and more people stopped their talking to listen. A single man in the stained robes of a lowly clerk moved from the crowd and stood plainly seen at the edge of the Circle.

Tris looked at him a moment and frowned, but then turned her attention back to those listening to her. “I don’t offer you peace, my friends, I offer you freedom, and there is a difference. Peace means no more fear, no more hatred, no more fighting, no more death, peace means giving up your freedom to someone else to control your actions. I will not do that anyone. Freedom is something to stand up for, to fight for, and to die for. Freedom is not easy and there is always a price. But I stand before you today to offer you the chance for freedom, to choose for yourself how to live. My friends and I have worked to find and get rid of as many of the Emperor’s spies as we can from this city. We have taken out his troops here. It will be up to you to defend your shores from more coming in. For I promise you, he will not give up on this endless source of wizard blood that flows through Catira. He will not give up on the endless supply of young men and women to use as slaves in his dark palace of Hades. He will try to put his chains of slavery back on you.”

A quiet murmur passed through the crowd and then the man stepped forward. He moved the outer robe from his shoulders and revealed a human face that was pinched and crabbed. Those near him fell back in fear. He was known to them as the Emperor’s biggest supporter on Catira and he was the greatest supplier of living flesh to Dreybrenic Greshinea.

Chaos chuckled with glee as he watched everything unfold before him. He had been a little surprised by Dreybrenic’s attempt to take over Shrina, but Tris handled that nicely. Dreybrenic needed to be reminded from time to time that he wasn’t the most powerful being on Sandeenai.

However, Dreybrenic’s attempt was nothing compared to what was happening in Saldowns. Between the Siblen stirring up the inns and taverns and Korol and Fini shutting down the slave pens, the people of Saldowns didn’t know what to think. Then when Tris and Airidon blew up the garrison and Tris made her announcements of freedom, it just added frosting to the already chaotic cake that was Saldowns at this very moment. Chaos couldn’t wait to see what sort of sprinkles ended up on the cake before he could devour it.

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