Cat and Mouse: A Lesbian Romance Spanking Novella

Cat and Mouse: Chapter 4

Between the rigors of attending classes, studying for exams, and just keeping on top of all their homework, Lauren and Cassidy knew all too well just how precious a night off could be. As a result, they tended to seize any chance to go out and have fun together whenever their schedules (and budgets) would allow for it, and as March gave way to April and they found themselves hurtling toward the end of winter semester, they both decided they could use a break. And so, after some discussion over where they’d have the most fun, and a quick check of their finances to make sure they could actually afford to enjoy themselves, they hopped into Lauren’s car and drove down to Pinball Jerry’s Arcade and Pizzeria.

They’d both driven by the place a handful of times before without ever stopping to check it out. Its unassuming exterior and pot-hole ridden parking lot had always made it seem like a rundown dump, but they’d recently heard good things about it from some of their friends, and as they pushed their way out of the cold and into the confluence of high-tempo arcade game jingles and Top 40 hits being blasted over tinny speakers, they knew they’d made the right call for how to spend their evening.  The inside of Pinball Jerry’s was an absolute love letter to the video arcades of the late 80s and early 90s. It was lit by a charming combination of warm incandescent bulbs offset by splashes of bright neon that painted the vinyl records adorning the walls in whimsical hues of blue, green, and red. Its floors were a mixture of exposed brick and cheap carpet covered in zany patterns ripped straight from an episode of Saved by the Bell, and the mouth-watering scent of hot pizza hung thick in the air all around them as they approached the front desk and paid for smartcards. The building itself was divided into two distinct sides, one dedicated to prize games like ski-ball and UFO cranes where you could win a small stuffed animal, as well as more modern games like Mario Kart and the latest iteration of Street Fighter. While the other side was populated by a more eclectic mish-mash of retro beat-em-ups, 2D fighting games, and even a few relics from the dawn of the early eighties. These antiques weren’t really much more than a novelty since they weren’t all that fun to play, but Cassidy and Lauren still thought it was neat to see some of them in person and pretend for a moment that they’d traveled back in time to an idealized version of a bygone era.

After starting the night off in the modern section of the arcade, winning a few tickets here and there and competing at anything that had a multiplayer mode, Lauren and Cassidy decided to take a break and catch their breath in the “restaurant” that sat situated between the two sides of the arcade. Calling the little eatery a restaurant was definitely a stretch considering it was really nothing more than a scant handful of metal and plastic tables and chairs scattered haphazardly in front of a high bar that only served overpriced slices of greasy “artisan” pizza and craft beer. However, while the food itself didn’t seem particularly tasty to either of them, the nostalgic atmosphere of the arcade more than made up for it, and they decided to splurge and treat themselves to what was on tap.

“Just so you know, Cassie. You’re getting a spanking when we get home.”

Lauren didn’t bother to lean in or keep her voice down as she said it. Instead making the declaration with the same casual nonchalance she might have used when asking her girlfriend how her day had gone, or discussing their plans for the weekend, before taking a long pull from the neck of her beer and smirking.

“Oh my god, shhh! Someone might hear you!” hissed Cassidy, nearly choking on the bite of pizza she’d just taken as she kept her eyes trained ahead on her wickedly-smiling girlfriend in front of her so she wouldn’t have to know for sure if anybody actually had heard her. The arcade was far from empty that evening. There were plenty of people milling about the bar, and even more who seemed to be carrying on loud conversations at the tables around them, and the last thing she needed was for any of them to overhear how she was going to be going to bed with a sore seat that night.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about them,” dismissed Lauren with a casual wave of her hand, not bothering to adjust her volume in the slightest. “I’d be much more concerned about that cute little butt of yours, and how red it’s going to be by the time I’m finished with it if I were you.”

“But why am I going to get a spanking?” whined Cassidy, still refusing to tear her gaze away from Lauren as she kicked her feet at her under the table. “I’ve been good all night!”

Lauren snorted at that.

“Good? Is that what you’d call the way you’ve been acting ever since you started winning those games?” She made a sharp gesture toward the side of the arcade they’d spent the better part of the last hour in. “And what about all those red shells you kept shooting at me, hmm? Do you really call stealing my spot in first place over and over again ‘being good’?”

“Oh come on, that was just a little friendly competition,” protested Cassidy, unable to quite stop herself from giggling at the memories of Lauren howling in over-exaggerated fury as she lapped her in their final race. “Can’t I have another chance, pretty please?”

She’d discovered recently that she could sometimes talk her way, at least partially, out of a spanking if she turned on the charm and threw in a little (or a lot) of begging. It didn’t always work, and more often than not it backfired in spectacular ways that left her sore well into the next morning, but that just made it all the more fun as far as she was concerned.

“Hmmm, well…” Lauren pretended to think about it as she took a bite of her own slice of pizza and washed it down with another pull from her beer.

There was no way she was going to let Cassidy off without a spanking. It had been way, way too long since she’d really made her girlfriend howl; nearly five whole days, in fact. Even so, she’d been hoping that she’d be able to maneuver her into trying to wriggle her way out of getting her tail toasted if she brought it up where lots of people would be able to hear her talking about it, and she was thrilled that she’d been so obliging. She’d spotted an arcade cabinet out of the corner of her eye when they’d first done their initial tour of the place after arriving, and the sight of it had planted the seed of an idea in the back of her mind. Now it had sprouted, and was about to bear fruit.

“I’ll tell you what, cutie pie,” she began, letting her voice slide into that deceptively casual nonchalance she used whenever she was about to spring something extra mean on her girlfriend that she knew they’d both enjoy. “You’re definitely going to get a spanking when I get you home, there’s no way I’m changing my mind about that. But… in the interest of giving you a fighting chance to not spend all day tomorrow looking for excuses to avoid sitting down, we’ll make a game out of it.”

Hooking a thumb over her shoulder toward a quiet and lonely corner of the arcade deep in the warren of 90s era beat-em-ups and fighting games, she let a confident smirk quirk up one corner of her mouth. “There’s a Mortal Kombat 2 machine over there, and you and I are going to play it. Every match we’ll wager something about your spanking. If I win, it happens, but if you win, it doesn’t. Sound fair?”

Sensing that she’d just been maneuvered into a trap, but not seeing any way to back out gracefully now, Cassidy did her best to ignore the butterflies performing aerial acrobatics inside her stomach.

“Um… okay. You’re on!”

After filling a disposable plastic cup with tokens from a change machine beside the bar, all the other games they’d played up until then had used a more modern card reader system for charging their players, the two of them retired to their dusty little corner of the arcade and squared up in front of the Mortal Kombat machine they found there.

“Alright, for the first match we’ll keep things simple,” said Lauren, feeding tokens into the machine while Cassidy stood by nervously flexing her fingers and popping her knuckles. “If I win, your panties are coming off. If you win, they stay up. How’s that sound?”

“Works for me,” replied Cassidy, rolling her shoulders to loosen up as a fresh surge of hope welled up inside of her. She’d kicked Lauren’s ass at Street Fighter not more than half an hour earlier, surely she’d be able to hold her own at this game too. Of course, she hadn’t actually touched a Mortal Kombat machine in well over a decade and a half, but that should hardly matter… right? “Get ready to lose, bossy boots.”

Unfortunately for her, Cassidy soon realized that while Lauren may have sucked at Street Fighter, she was no slouch when it came to Mortal Kombat.

“My mom used to drag me and my brother with her to the bowling alley every Wednesday for league night,” she explained, smiling smugly to herself as she finished royally trouncing her girlfriend. “She’d give us each a five, and we’d kill time in the little arcade they had there while she and her friends bowled. They didn’t have much, but they did have an MK-two machine.”

“You know, you could have mentioned that earlier,” grumbled Cassidy, still reeling from how quickly the two rounds she’d just played had gone. Lauren had been absolutely ruthless with her. She hadn’t stood a chance.

“And you could have asked,” countered Lauren with a smirk. “Now I do believe I will be taking those panties of yours, cutie pie. Go on, take em’ off, we don’t have all night you know.”

She turned to face her girlfriend and held out her hand, palm up, crooking her fingers expectantly.

“What?” moaned Cassidy, her hands flying back to the seat of her skirt as if to protect what lay hidden beneath its woolen pleats. “But you said that was for later!”

“I do believe my exact words were, ‘If I win, your panties are coming off’. I never said specifically when that would be. You know you really ought to clarify things before you make a bet, hon,” taunted Lauren, her smirk turning into something decidedly more predatory as she loomed over Cassidy. “Now are you going to be a good girl and pay up? Or do I need to do it for you?”

Lauren made no move toward Cassidy other than to waggle her fingers at her in mock-impatience, but the gleam in her eye made it perfectly clear that she had zero qualms about shoving her over the front of their arcade cabinet and baring her butt right then and there if she didn’t make up her mind soon. Trying to put at least a semi-positive spin on things, Cassidy found herself reasoning that at least if she were the one to take off her panties, there wouldn’t be any chance of her skirt “accidentally” being flipped up in the process.

“Ugh, fine,” she huffed.

Pouting just as hard as she could muster, she cast a quick peek around to make sure that nobody was looking their way just then. Then, with an overwrought sigh she bent her knees slightly and leaned forward, slipping her hands beneath her skirt. Doing her best to keep her movements smooth and inconspicuous, she gripped either side of the elastic waistband of her panties, and with a low whine of mortification, pushed them off of her hips and halfway down her thighs. Gravity mercifully took over from there, and as she straightened up, the loose material slipped down past her knees to pool around her ankles. Blushing scarlet, Cassidy rested one palm on the cabinet in front of her for support, and did her best to untangle her panties from around her high-tops as quickly as possible. This proved to be a bit more difficult than she’d originally anticipated however, but three quick hops, and one near fall to the ground that was only prevented by a timely hand from Lauren flying out to grab her butt, later, she had the warm fabric of her seafoam-green panties balled up tight in her fist. Now blushing scarlet, Cassidy fixed her girlfriend with an even harder pout, and then deposited them into Lauren’s waiting palm.

“Thank you very much, cutie pie,” she crooned, stretching her prize between her hands and admiring it thoughtfully for several excruciatingly humiliating seconds before folding it into a neat little rectangle and setting it carefully next to their cup of tokens in front of the arcade cabinet’s video display. She gave her girlfriend’s forfeited panties a loving pat, and then fished out four more tokens for them. “Now then, I think for this next match we ought to decide just what it is I’ll be using to tan that cute little bare caboose of yours with.”

Four more very one-sided matches Later, Cassidy’s thighs were squirming and her heart was racing as Lauren laid out the final results of their “little wagers”.

“Let’s see,” she said as she finished typing the last few details into her phone so she wouldn’t forget. “When we get home, you’re going to get a spanking with… my belt, and my hand of course. For as long as I want, and… as hard as I want, while… bent over the back of the couch. Oh, and of course we can’t forget that after I’ve finished painting your back porch red, and believe me, it’s going to be very red, you’re going to spend… fifteen minutes standing in the corner. Oh boy, now doesn’t that sound like just so much fun, Cassie?”

Truth be told, it actually did sound like a lot of fun to Cassidy, but the cool fingers of the air conditioned breezes circulating through the arcade that had been tickling her between the thighs for the last fifteen minutes as her naked cheeks shifted nervously beneath the pleats of her suddenly much too short feeling skirt, were tempering her anticipation with a healthy amount of dread. She definitely wouldn’t be having any fun sitting for her lectures tomorrow, that was for sure. Why couldn’t the university invest in some chairs with actual padding? Geez.

Swallowing hard, she managed to flash her girlfriend a wry grin. “I’ve heard of being a sore loser before, but this is kind of ridiculous, don’t you think?”

That made Lauren laugh harder than she’d expected, and even earned Cassidy an affectionate pat to the back of her skirt for her trouble.

“Tell you what,” she offered, keeping her hand on Cassidy’s tush and fiddling with one of her pleats. “If you want, we can play one more match for double or nothing. If you win, no big spanking, but I’m still keeping your panties. But if I win…”

She paused to let the tension build, slipping her hand beneath the other girl’s skirt and giving her right cheek a meaningful squeeze.

“If I win, you and I are going to take a little trip into that party room over there.”

She nodded to her left in the direction of a private room meant for kids to gather for cake and ice cream during birthday parties. The door was ajar and the lights were on, but nobody had been in or out of it since they’d started playing.

“And do what?” asked Cassidy, not quite able to keep the tremor of morbidly-curious excitement from her voice as Lauren lightly raked her nails across her ticklish cheeks.

“That’s a surprise,” cooed Lauren in a singsong voice, letting her fingertips slip tantalizingly close to between Cassidy’s thighs. “Are you in?”

Wriggling in place, trying, and failing, to organize her thoughts into something coherent, Cassidy wilted under her girlfriend’s commanding touch and agreed to play one last match for double or nothing. Which she then lost handily, Lauren taking two Perfect KO rounds in a row off of her without even breaking a sweat.

“Alright, cutie pie, come with me,” she ordered as soon as their match was over, taking Cassidy by the hand and dragging her off toward the private party room to their left before her character had even finished his victory animation, leaving behind their cup of tokens and Cassidy’s panties out on top of the machine without a second glance.

Lauren wove her way around a few scattered chairs and discarded party hats, guiding her girlfriend toward the back of the room where she then casually pushed her over the edge of one of the long plastic tables that ran its length. Moving in no particular rush now, she lifted the back of her skirt, exposing her bare cheeks to the extra-chilly air that hung thick in the empty room, as she took her time to carefully roll up her pleats and tuck them into the back of her waistband to ensure that her skirt wouldn’t inadvertently fall back down into place before she was finished with her. This little precaution hadn’t been lost on Cassidy, but there was nothing she could do about it she knew, and so she just groaned softly and made peace with the fact that if someone were to walk in on them, she would have to be very careful to avoid giving them an eyeful of her round and bouncy cheeks.

Speaking of her cheeks, Cassidy was more than a little surprised when no spanks started to rain down against them. Lauren instead just left her bent over and resting on her elbows, staring at the plain-white tabletop stretched out before her as she listened to her fish around for something inside her purse. Assuming that she was looking for a hairbrush or something else to swat her with, she’d been there when Lauren had bought the biggest, heaviest hairbrush she could find to carry with her in her purse “just in case”, Cassidy closed her eyes and tried not to think too hard about what might happen if someone got curious about the noises that would soon be coming from their little party room.

“Ah!” gasped Cassidy as she reflexively tried to stand up, only to be pushed roughly back down by Lauren, as she felt something ice cold and wet start to dribble down between her cheeks.

“I’ve got a surprise for you, Cassie,” sang Lauren, using the fingers of her left hand to spread her girlfriend’s cheeks wide apart so the icy liquid could more easily trickle down between them.

“Y-You do?” squeaked Cassidy, her face glowing crimson as her mind frantically raced to try and piece together what was happening.

“Tada!” Letting go of her lover’s cheeks, Lauren picked up something from the table and brought it around so that it was only a few inches away from Cassidy’s grimacing face. That something turned out to be a brand new, matte black, silicone butt plug. “Happy four week anniversary, hon.”

“Wha-?” Cassidy’s eyes had grown as wide as saucers at the sight of the plug, while her cheeks clenched and unclenched several times as if trying to imagine what it might feel like to have it thrust snugly between them.

The toy in Lauren’s hand looked to be nearly five inches long and was tapered to a rounded point on one end before gradually flaring out to over an inch and a half wide near the bottom. From there it flared back in to form a thin spiraled neck that was attached to a perpendicular base that would prevent it from sliding in too deep. All in all it was a very impressive looking butt plug, not that Cassidy had ever actually seen one in person before, and had probably cost her girlfriend a pretty penny. Honestly, she was touched by the gesture and the fact that Lauren had even remembered something silly like their four week anniversary. She was also more than a little aroused at the thought of such a special gift, something that very clearly made the statement “I’m in charge here, and your butt belongs to me”. It was the perfect thing to commemorate their budding relationship, and as she got an up close up look at it, Cassidy found herself feeling rather intimidated.

Swallowing a lump in her throat that wasn’t entirely to blame on to the sudden influx of butterflies swirling around inside her stomach, she asked. “Um… i-is that going inside of me?”

It was a silly question to ask she knew, but at that moment it was the only thing she could think of to say.

“It sure is,” confirmed Lauren, patting her head affectionately. She knew that given the circumstances she wasn’t going to get a proper “thank you” from Cassidy quite yet, but she didn’t mind. “And since you’re being such a good girl, I’ll even let you lube it up for me. Say ‘ahhhh’.”

“Wait, wha-?”

Cassidy’s question was cut off mid-sentence as her girlfriend gently, but firmly, took advantage of her confusion to shove her brand new toy in between her parted lips.

“Get it nice and wet for me,” she ordered, dragging her words out melodiously as she carefully turned the plug left, and then right, over and over again. “They only gave us a teeny tiny sample of lube, and I already used all of it up on you just now. So unless you’d like this thing to go in dry, I’d put my back into it, cutie pie.”

That certainly provided more than enough motivation for Cassidy, and she spent what she suspected was probably much longer than was really necessary coating her new present in as much saliva as she could. Running her tongue up and down its length as Lauren insistently slid it in and out of her mouth, smiling all the while as she did so and occasionally making snide observations about how big or long her present was.

“There we go,” she cooed, eventually plucking the plug from between her girlfriend’s lips with an audible “pop” and smirking as a line of spittle clung to its tip from an anchor point on her pouting lower lip. “Now then, if you would be so kind as to reach back and spread those lovely little cheeks of yours for me, we can get this little guy in and move on with our night.”

“I r-really wouldn’t c-call it ‘little’…” gasped Cassidy, her hands pawing desperately at her cheeks to spread them as wide as she could. To her utter humiliation, she found herself unable to resist grinding against the hard edge of the table beneath her as Lauren teased at her back door with the tip of her plug.

“Mmmhmmm?” chuckled Lauren, only half-listening. “Is that so?”

Lauren spent what felt like a very long time easing her plug in, only to ease it right back out again as soon as she’d made any progress. Driving Cassidy up the wall with a whole host of new sensations, she took her time working it deeper and deeper into her, stretching the poor girl’s anus a little wider with each new thrust, but never quite seeming to fully push it home. It was an agonizingly slow and blissful torture for her, and just as Cassidy felt like she was about to climax, Lauren shoved the plug roughly into her, rocking her up onto her tiptoes and forcing her to clamp both hands over her mouth to keep from squealing out loud.


Laruen’s palm bounced four times in quick succession against Cassidy’s naked cheeks, making them jiggle and bounce before she plopped back down onto her heels with a ragged gasp. She then deftly untucked the back of her skirt from her waistband and smoothed it down across her still wriggling hips. She gave her wrinkled pleats a few cursory brushes with her fingertips to get rid of any clinging bits of lint, and then patted her right between her cheeks where her new toy lay nestled.

“Up and at em’, cutie pie,” she ordered, helping Cassidy back up onto a pair of wobbly legs. Not giving her any time to recover her wits, she then threaded her right arm through her girlfriend’s left and steered her out of the party room, flicking the lights off behind them as they left, chuckling darkly all the while. “You and I have some rematches to take care of first before we go home. I can’t wait to see how long you hold onto first place when you’re the one driving around with something shoved up your tail pipe.”

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