Cat and Mouse: A Lesbian Romance Spanking Novella

Cat and Mouse: Chapter 3

After sending her girlfriend to bed frustrated to the point of near hysterics and nursing a throbbing behind that was somehow simultaneously both raw and well-cooked, spanking quickly became a regular part of Lauren and Cassidy’s day-to-day routine. Now that the ice had been broken between the two of them with regard to their new dynamic, and they’d proven to themselves that what had happened that night by the pool hadn’t been a fluke, it seemed that barely a day went by that Lauren didn’t find some excuse or another to get her hands on her roommate’s adorable little caboose. Usually Cassidy would say something sassy that she knew would annoy her girlfriend, or she might get caught up in a game on her phone and not be listening when she tried asking her a question, and of course there was her near-perpetual habit of forgetting to toss out her empty soda cans or put her dirty dishes in the sink that always drove Lauren up the wall. All fairly minor things on their own, but more than enough of an excuse for her to take advantage of whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Once Cassidy had nudged her toe just a bit too far over the line, Lauren would spring into action. She’d pluck her phone from her hands and fix her with a grumpy scowl, or quirk an eyebrow at her and glower whenever she thought she was being clever, and the sudden look of apprehension and looming worry that spread across the other girl’s face would make it all too clear that she knew exactly what was about to happen next. Lauren would then grab Cassidy by the scruff of her neck, prop her left foot up on any conveniently low enough nearby surface and drape her girlfriend across her raised knee. If no such suitable spot were available when it was spanking time, she’d usually just make do with tucking Cassidy under her arm as if she were a sack of potatoes, holding her suspended in the air with her left arm cinched tight around her waist like a steel vice. Cassidy would then immediately start to protest that Lauren was being unfair or that this really wasn’t necessary, only to groan in embarrassment as she felt her skirt being flipped up or her pants unceremoniously yanked down off of her round hips. Her frantic whining would then suddenly shift into yelps of surprise and squeals of pain as Lauren’s palm started exploding against the seat of her panties, hard and fast.

Since the causes for these little impromptu discipline sessions were always minor things, Lauren intentionally kept her reprisals on the lighter side as well. She’d usually just dish out about three dozen or so swats to her girlfriend’s wriggling panty-clad rump, always enjoying getting to see the cute pairs of underwear she kept in rotation, or if her pants coming down had managed to partway yank down her panties as well, then it was bare bottom for her. All in all, the spankings themselves weren’t particularly harsh. They were essentially just an excuse for Lauren to embarrass her girlfriend, to reinforce just who was in charge in their relationship, and to get her all hot and bothered, before just as quickly setting her back on her feet and sending her on her way as if nothing had just happened.

Of course that isn’t to say that Lauren wasn’t dishing out more prolonged and intense spankings from time to time as well. While she certainly capitalized on any chance she might get to dust off the back of her girlfriend’s panties, she always kept a sharp eye out for any chance to “properly” discipline Cassidy that might come her way as well. And while those opportunities were certainly rarer than the more plentiful excuses for “attitude adjusters” were, Cassidy still managed to find herself going to bed with a fire-engine red rear end about once a week. Sometimes more if she were unlucky, or just feeling extra frisky.

In fact, one such opportunity presented itself just a few days after Lauren and Cassidy had first said “I love you” to each other.

Pulling open the rickety false-wood doors next to their refrigerator that hid the tiny laundry alcove from the rest of the apartment, Lauren set her basket of dirty clothes down on top of the dryer and moved to throw back the lid of their washing machine. What greeted her as the metal panel pivoted upward was the sight of wet clothes clumped together and clinging to the bottom of the washing drum, sopping wet and reeking of mildew. Wrinkling her nose at the unpleasant smell wafting up at her, Lauren suddenly found herself both annoyed at having to deal with a delay in doing her laundry, again, and elated that a golden opportunity to really tear her girlfriend’s bottom up had just dropped into her lap.

“Cassie!” she snapped, loud enough for the other girl to hear her all the way back in her bedroom with her music pumping as she whirled around from the laundry machine with a low growl. “You’d better get your butt in here right now, missy!”

Cassidy for her part could immediately sense that something was up when she heard Lauren calling for her. If nothing else, her tone made it pretty clear that she’d just stumbled onto something that had ticked her off but good, and not something Cassidy had meant for her to stumble across either. Swallowing hard, her mouth suddenly dry and her face flushed hot pink, she quickly said goodbye to the friends she’d been chatting with online, saved her progress on her homework, paused her music, and then sprung to her feet. Despite the pressing worry that any more delays would only make things worse for her, Cassidy couldn’t help but linger with her hand on her doorknob as she stared at herself in the mirror beside her dresser. She spent a few precious heartbeats casting a critical eye over her reflection, and after making a couple quick adjustments to her hair and straightening her glasses, she threw open her bedroom door and all but sprinted into the kitchen where she found Lauren waiting for her with her arms folded under her expansive chest and an annoyed scowl plastered across her face.

“Did you need something, hon?” asked Cassidy, doing her best to sound nonchalant and only panting a little bit. Why was it so hot all of a sudden? Was the heater on?

“You wouldn’t happen to remember how long ago it was that you started doing your laundry, now would you?” demanded Lauren, arching a critical eyebrow at her roommate and turning to point at the smelly pile of wet clothes at the bottom of the laundry machine.

Stepping in closer and leaning over the edge of the machine to get a good look at what Lauren was pointing at, Cassidy felt a pit open up in the bottom of her stomach, draining the color from her face as she frantically tried to figure out just how long she’d left her laundry sitting there for.

“Oh shoot! Um… like, maybe a couple of days… ish?”

She could already feel herself starting to squirm with dread as the by now familiar combo of stomach-clenching fear and anticipation started to wriggle itself between her legs and up her spine.

“A couple days?” echoed Lauren, not sounding impressed at all. She let the lid of the washing machine slam shut behind her as she rounded on the other girl with her hands on her hips.

“I think so!” squeaked Cassidy, jumping with the sudden loud CLANK! of metal on metal and inadvertently putting a crack in her girlfriend’s angry mask as the corner of her mouth twitched up in a smirk.

“You think so?” repeated Lauren in a slow deadpan voice, fixing her roommate with a hard stare and watching with barely concealed amusement as she squirmed nervously under the force of her glare.

“Yeah… I’m sorry. I guess it just sort of slipped my mind, my bad…”

“Hmmm, your bad huh?” smiled Lauren, going from frosty to way too casual in the blink of an eye. “Well, I think that since you can’t even be sure just how long ago it was that you started doing your laundry, that neither of us can be one hundred percent sure that what you’re wearing now is all that clean either.”

“In fact,” she continued, stepping in closer and tracing a fingertip down along her girlfriend’s jawline before tipping her head back so that she had to look her in the eye. “I think it would be best if you took all these clothes you’re wearing off.”

Lauren kept her grip on Cassidy’s brightly blushing chin and leaned forward to plant a quick, but commanding kiss on her lips, before adding in a steely voice that made it abundantly clear that she wasn’t making a suggestion.


“But-!” Cassidy began to protest, balling her hands into little fists at her sides and stomping her right foot before she’d even realized she was doing it.

“Cassie.” Lauren cut her off by gently pressing the tip of her index finger to her lips. She kept her voice deceptively casual, but the glint in her eye and the predatory smirk on her face made it very clear just how thin the ice was that her girlfriend was now treading on. “You’re already in enough trouble as it is, cutie pie. Do you really want to make me repeat myself?”

Cassidy’s knee-jerk reaction to this was of course that yes, yes she did indeed want to see what making her grumpy girlfriend repeat herself would get her, but at that moment her eyes just so happened to flick down from her grinning face to catch sight of the wide leather belt wrapped snugly around her waist, and whatever smart-ass remark she’d been preparing to throw back at her died in her throat with a strangled squeak. She remembered all too well just how much that belt had hurt on her bare bottom only a handful of days ago, and couldn’t help but shiver as Lauren’s ominous promise of seeing how many more licks she could take echoed in her ears. Twelve had been bad enough as it was, and as much fun as poking the bear was, she wasn’t quite ready for a repeat taste of Lauren’s belt just yet. Not today at least.

“That’s what I thought,” crooned Lauren, all smiles and smug satisfaction as she took a step back to cast an appraising look up and down her girlfriend’s body. “Now strip.”

Blushing furiously and wanting desperately to fire back with something sharp and biting, but unable to think of anything right then that wouldn’t just make her sound silly, Cassidy settled for pouting hard at her tormentor before reluctantly beginning to fumble with the clasp on her jeans. It took a couple of tries for her to manage to free her button clasp from its little cloth hook, and as it came free Cassidy could feel that stomach-clenching tension of hers starting to ratchet up several notches. Swallowing hard, she loosened her zipper, and with a fresh blush that did not go unnoticed by Lauren, wriggled and shimmied her hips until they eventually came free of the tight embrace of denim that had been clinging to them just a moment ago. For several agonizingly long heartbeats she just stood there, frozen in time as the reality of what she had coming started to dawn on her, rooted in place before her girlfriend in the middle of their kitchen in her half-zipped navy-blue hoodie and dark gray tank top, black cotton panties with hot pink stitching on full display, and her skinny jeans at half-mast around her knees.

“Oh my god, those are so cute,” cooed Lauren, breaking Cassidy’s trance as she pointed at her panties and smiled. “Please tell me you’ve got a matching bra on!”

“Ugh, I do…” grumbled Cassidy, unable to fully suppress a chagrinned half-smirk of her own as she rested a hand on the edge of their laundry machine for balance and kicked her skinny jeans off at Lauren’s feet. Heaving out a sigh and flashing the other girl a quick wink, she quickly stripped off her hoodie and tank top, dropping them both at her feet as well.

“Tuh-duh,” she proclaimed, spreading her fingers wide and waggling her hands out to either side of her in a half-hearted bit of showmanship.

“Oh, my, god, Cassie you are, adorable.”

Cassidy felt her own smile widen a bit at the sincere praise being lavished on her, though the look in her girlfriend’s eyes only made the twisting in her stomach worse.

“Now lose em’.”

Folding under the weight of Lauren’s expectant stare, Cassidy’s blush returned with a vengeance and she reached behind her to unclasp her bra. It slipped from her shoulders with ease, and fell to her feet where it was soon joined by her panties as she kicked them off to join the rest of her clothes.

“Very good,” smiled Lauren, taking in the erect nipples peeking out from behind where Cassidy’s arms were trying to hide them, and the neatly trimmed thicket of golden curls waving at her from between her squirming thighs. She let the other girl stew for a few moments longer than was strictly necessary, and then gestured down at the small pile of still-warm clothes at her feet, her face taking on a decidedly cruel smirk as she did so. “Now pick those up and throw them in with the rest of your dirty clothes. You’ll be staying like that until the washer’s finished with them, and the dryer has them nice and warm.”

“Fine,” grumbled Cassidy, not quite managing to meet her girlfriend’s eye as she huffed to herself. Bending over, she quickly gathered up her discarded clothes and threw them into the washer on top of her other ones, tossing in a detergent pod after them before moving to close the lid again.

“Don’t forget the fabric softener,” teased Lauren, watching with naked amusement as Cassidy had to raise up onto her tip toes and half-crawl over the dryer to reach the bottle she’d indicated. She quickly dumped a capful of it into the center of the drum, and with another huff let the lid slam shut.

“Uh-oh… That isn’t attitude I’m detecting from you, now is it, cutie pie?” asked Lauren sardonically as she moved past her pouting roommate to pluck up the biggest, heaviest, wooden spoon she could find from the ceramic crock beside their stove. “No matter, I’ve got just the thing to help clear that right up.”

Cassidy’s knees gave a noticeable tremble as she watched Lauren SMACK the oval head of the wooden spoon sharply against her palm, unable to quite stop herself from wincing at the sound its impact made. Yes indeed, she thought to herself as she chewed absently on her lower lip, that spoon would have no problems whatsoever clearing up her attitude. She could feel it disappearing already!

Closing the distance on her suddenly dry-mouthed roommate, Lauren took her by the shoulders and effortlessly spun her around to face the washing machine she’d just slammed shut not a moment earlier, and with a light shove between her shoulder blades, tipped her over it. Cassidy let out a small “oomph” and gasped as her tummy and bare breasts came into contact with the way too chilly metal of the machine beneath her. How could something indoors be so cold?

“Spread your legs for me, hon,” ordered Lauren, sliding the head of her wooden spoon between Cassidy’s legs and rapping it back and forth against the insides of her thighs.

Those minor swats stung like the dickens, and increased the other girl’s squirming tenfold as she hastened to obey, parting her legs as wide as she could in an attempt to flee the sharp stinging rapidly turning her inner thighs a light shade of pink.

“Very cute,” cooed Lauren, stopping only after a few final, extra-mean swats along the inside of Cassidy’s legs. She then let the spoon trail up first one thigh, and then the other, before stopping to rub it along the parted lips of her sex. That certainly got a reaction out of the other girl, but before she could start enjoying it too much, Lauren snatched the spoon away and then brought it back down in two quick snaps to either cheek. “Now you stay like that until I’m finished. Is that clear?”

“Yes, yes, yes, I hear you!” Cassidy hastened to reassure her, frantically waving her tush from side to side as much as her spread-eagle stance would allow her to as she hissed in a breath through clenched teeth. Holy crap that stupid spoon stung way more than a hand did.

“Good,” snapped Lauren, punctuating her remark with four more hard swats before pausing to rub the spoon in slow circles across her handiwork. “Because if you break position, I’m not going to stop until I’ve broken this spoon on your butt.”

She popped Cassidy half a dozen more times in half as many seconds, and then leaned over to whisper in her ear, tapping the spoon menacingly between her cheeks. “And after that, I’ll find something nice and big to fuck this tight little ass of yours with.”

That certainly got a reaction from the poor girl as Lauren felt her cheeks clench involuntarily against her spoon. Smiling, she planted a quick kiss on Cassidy’s cheek, savoring the mingled looks of fear and morbid curiosity playing across her features as she stood up. “Or maybe I’ll just do all that anyway. You’re awfully cute when you’re crying, you know.”

Swallowing hard, Cassidy just smiled nervously back at her girlfriend and surreptitiously moved to better plant her feet against the linoleum. While what Lauren had just threatened her with sounded rather enticing, the burning in her rear end and down along the insides of her thighs from the two dozen or so swats she’d gotten so far from that spoon gave her pause, and she quickly decided she’d do her best to stay in position for now. That spoon stung enough as it was already. There was no need to see how much worse it could be with Lauren swinging for the fences.

Seeing that her threats had had the desired results, and only feeling just a little disappointed that she probably wouldn’t be able to make good on them, never mind the fact that she wasn’t even sure if she even could break a wooden spoon across her roommate’s soft and jiggly tush without hurting her way more than she ever would want to, Lauren set to work seeing just how much she could make her dance with her legs spread over a shoulder’s width apart. Keeping a casual eye on the digital clock display on the front of their microwave, she spent the next five minutes bouncing the head of her wooden spoon with lightning fast elbow and wrist movements against every available inch of her girlfriend’s cheeks, the backs of her thighs, the extra-tender insides of her legs, and every now and then tantalizingly close to her swollen and dewy lips.

She knew that if she popped her there, even lightly, that she could get Cassidy to break her position in a heartbeat. But while the prospect of plowing her in her adorable ruby-red rump while she lay bent over and trapped against their washing machine certainly had its appeal, she also knew that it wasn’t exactly something she could actually handle quite yet either. Lauren was familiar enough with the realities and mechanics of anal sex to understand that she’d need to ease her lover into that particular area of fun far more gently than that. But even so… there was nothing holding either of them back from taking advantage of the more traditional uses of a strap-on.

And so, with an evil grin spreading wide across her face, Lauren let fly with an abrupt upward swat directly between her girlfriend’s legs, and the rest of their afternoon was history.

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