Can't Help Falling For You

Chapter Twister

Sam closed the front door with a click and stretched upwards like a cat, arching his back. The latest shoot he had been on had been thoroughly exhausting and all he wanted to do was change into something that he could just slob about in and lounge in front of the television. Trudged wearily, he made his way up the steps towards Blaine's room so he could change. Blaine would probably still be at NYADA for the day so he would be safe to change in peace and quiet.

“Ugh, so tired....” Sam mumbled to himself as he sluggishly went up the stairs. Once he reached the top he turned to the left, opening the door to Blaine's room and found the boy in question gloriously naked on his bed, his eyes closed, his face the picture of ecstasy. Sam's eyes roamed down to where Blaine's hands were touching himself, his hand stroking his length fervently. Sam could help but find Blaine's hard, throbbing cock anything but beautiful. He never thought he would think that someone's member would be exquisite, especially not his best friend's, but that was all he could think about as he watched Blaine please himself. Sam couldn't help but stand open mouthed at his friend as he sighed and moaned quietly as he stroked himself quickly, with urgency. Blaine was extraordinary. His compact, tanned body, trickling with drops of sweat that made his skin glisten in the sunlight. His dark curls wild, out of the gel casing, haloing around his head and the dark patch that trailed from his belly button downwards... Sam gulped silently, almost intoxicated by the sight of Blaine.

Blaine sighed blissfully, causing Sam to break himself from his enchantment. He needed to get out of there, and fast. “Sam...” His name escaped the smaller boy’s lips and Sam stopped frozen in place, turning his head to stare at the stunning figure on the bed. Blaine was thinking of him as he pleased himself. It was erotic and sexy and Sam found it seriously hot. It was all too much. Running from the bedroom and into the bathroom panting, his looked down at the tightness in his own jeans.

“Holy shit.” Watching his friend getting himself off had caused him to stiffen so much so that it was becoming really uncomfortable. Unzipping himself he pulled his jeans down along with his boxer briefs, moaning as his length escaped the clothing. Images of Blaine raced through his head and his hand wandered down to stroke himself. Moaning, he quickened his pace, his thoughts filled with his friend and his stupefying body. He could feel the build up inside him as warmth spread through him and before long he came hard, his friends name escaping his lips as he did so...

As he came down from his high he collapsed onto the edge of the bath, gasping heavily. His heart was racing faster than he had ever felt it do before and Sam realised shockingly that this was not normal behaviour for friends. Friends did not think of friends that way. Or jerk off after seeing their friend pleasuring himself. Friends did not constantly think of each other romantically, or that their friends were the most beautiful person on the planet. None of that was normal. No, he was falling for his best friend. He was in love with Blaine...

Blaine hummed contentedly as he skipped down the stairs. This afternoon had been, well, amazing. He didn't think he had ever felt this relaxed before, ever. Not even after having sex with Kurt did he feel like this. Like his whole body was thrumming with pure joy. His love for Sam was so deep now it had gotten to the point where that was all he could think about. Sam kissing him, touching him, telling him that he loved him. After that evening in the gay bar his hopes had sky rocketed. If Sam really wasn't attracted to him at all he would never have given him that mind blowing lap dance. Or told him that he was sexy. It had awakened a hope in him that he had never dared have before. Sam might like him. Sam might like him. Biting his lip to stop himself from giggling his stepped into the kitchen, ravenous after his afternoon delight, so to speak. He found Sam inside fiddling about but not really doing anything, which Blaine thought was a little weird but then it was Sam. Sometimes he did weird things. His lips turned up into a bemused smile and he chuckled aloud, watching as his friend jumped and twisted around rapidly a bit like a deer caught in headlights.

“Hey Sam.” Blaine greeted his friend, his smile wide. He couldn't help but notice that Sam's eyes slid down his body and he frowned a little. Did Sam remember what happened that night now? Blaine's heart sped up at the mere thought of Sam remembering that night in Greenwich village. It had been like a dream come true for Blaine, but had it been for Sam?

“Hey...” Sam gulped nervously and the glass he was holding onto slid out of his grasp, shattering on the floor. “Oh crap.” Sam bent down to pick up the pieces as Blaine stood completely unsure of what was going on. Crouching, he helped Sam pick up the pieces still on the floor and couldn't help but notice that Sam's hands were shaking slightly.

“Are you ok Sam? Do you want a drink?” Sam only nodded so Blaine took that as a sign to get drinks ready. Once Sam had finished sweeping up the smaller shards with a dustpan and brush he stood hovering next to Blaine, and the smaller boy raised his eyebrow as he looked up to the blonde, wondering what the hell was going on in his head. He was definitely acting strange, even for Sam.

“Um, do you wanna play video games?” Sam asked, shuffling next to Blaine. He frowned up at the boy but excepted his offer. Sam didn't often ask Blaine to play video games with him. Artie was more his video game partner. But he would do anything for the tall blonde that was his best friend so he followed him into the living room to play Call of Duty or some other random game where you had to kill things.

They were halfway through a particular level when Sam's stomach gurgled loudly, making the smaller boy snicker softly. Sam it seemed was always hungry. “Are you hungry Sammy? Do you want to order pizza?” Blaine paused the game and asked the blonde beside him warmly, his gaze softening. He wanted to reach out and card his hands softly through the light halo on top of Sam's head. It looked so soft and silken, nothing like his own hair. Sam nodded his head, rubbing his stomach a little and pouting like a small child, reaching over to grab a takeaway leaflet from the table next to the couch. Handing it to Blaine, the smaller boy rolled his eyes but tapped out the number of the pizzeria into his phone and ordered their usual. Blaine knew exactly what Sam wanted and as he stated the order a huge grin came over his face. Nothing excited him like pizza did. Well, not to Blaine's knowledge anyhow. Once he got off the phone, being told it would take about half an hour, he shuffled himself back to face the screen, ready to kill some more people and looked over expectantly.

“It's ok to start again?” Sam pointed to the screen and Blaine nodded, trying not to sigh. He was bored. These games were all the same to him. Killing things just wasn't fun to him. His concentration wavering, he dared to peek sideways at Sam. The boy was so exquisitely, breathtakingly beautiful. His fair hair, golden as the sun, and his sky blue eyes. Blaine decided that blue was his favourite colour of all time. Light blue, the colour of a bright, clear blue sky with no clouds and the sun beaming down on him. That was Sam. He hadn't even realised that he had completely forgotten the game and was staring outright at his friend by this point. All his thoughts were of warm sunshine and bright blue that went on and on forever.

Sam frowned. Blaine's character on the screen was just standing there like an idiot and he kept dying. Groaning, he paused the game, turning to glare at his friend, who had some sort of dopey grin on his face. “Dude you just died, like about fifteen times, what are you doing?” Blaine's eyes went wide and he shook his head a little, as though coming back to life. Had he just been staring at me? Sam felt a flutter in his stomach at the thought, but pushed it down. He couldn't let Blaine know about these weird feelings he was starting to have for him. Could he?

“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm, erm, getting a little bored...” Blaine blushed furiously as he started fiddling with his controller in his lap, not daring to look back up at Sam now that he had been found staring at him with his puppy dog eyes. Sam almost laughed at how obvious Blaine was sometimes. It was cute.

“Sorry dude, I forgot you're not really into Call of Duty.” Sam got up, switching the game off before he got the most amazing idea in the world. He looked over at a puzzled looking Blaine as the excitement flowed off him in droves. He had stopped off at a charity shop the other day and bought quite possibly the best game in the whole world. “Hey I've got the perfect game for us to play ever! I found it in a charity shop the other day.” He raced over to one of the cabinets in the room, revealing his slightly battered box and proudly showing it to Blaine. Twister. Blaine however looked a little sceptical and Sam couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He thought it would be the most awesome game in the world, why wasn't Blaine happy?

Blaine's stomach dropped as Sam revealed this awesome game of his. “I don't know Sam...” Blaine started to say, grimacing at the box in front of him. The last time he had been forced to play Twister had been with Becky Jackson. That was something he really wished to forget forever. That had been the night he had seen his best friends making out. Something about that made him feel nauseous and not quite right, even to this very day. It had been one of the most disgusting sights he had ever seen. Plus, it should have been him, not Tina. The green eyed monster had surfaced with a vengeance on that night and Blaine had had a hard time bringing it back down again. After that, Twister was not his most favourite game in the world. The thought of Tina kissing Sam, ugh. He shuddered at the thought. He loved the girl, but that had totally been wrong.

“But this is like the perfect game for us. I get to have fun and you get to intertwine your body with a hot dude, namely me.”

Blaine blinked up at the blonde as images popped up into his head and he felt his face get very warm in the process. Their two bodies intertwined, hot, sweaty, naked... He wasn't sure when that last part popped into his head but before he could stop himself he had already blurted out an answer. “Sure! Let’s do it.”

“Alright!” Blaine bit his lip as he watched Sam's spectacular body setting up the mat and he almost groaned aloud. He would be playing Twister with that. How was he going to get through a whole game without wanting to pin his friend to the ground and rip his clothes off? He wasn't sure he was going to be able to do this... “Ok, I'll start!” Sam spun the arrow and they both waited for it to land. Sam in excited anticipation, Blaine in vague horror. “Left hand yellow.” Sam placed his hand down on the board and the game began. Well here goes nothing... Blaine shuffled up to the board spinning his go and the game started...

“Sam you can't go there!” Blaine yelped as Sam tried to take over his spot. The boy had managed to slide underneath him, his face upwards and facing Blaine's. He wiggled his eyebrows and it was all Blaine could do not to collapse on him. He spun the arrow and moaned loudly when it landed on quite possibly the worst place possible. “Right leg blue.” Blaine would have to turn over. Flipping himself over he realised all too late that his butt was directly in Sam's face.

“Wow, Blaine, this close your ass is amazing!”

“Sam!” Blaine giggled, feeling a warmth spread through him at the attention Sam was giving him. It felt so good. Was it wrong to enjoy it this much? Blaine told himself it wasn't. What was wrong with liking Sam compliment him on his body? Nothing, that's what.

“No seriously, Tina's right, it looks like it's good enough to eat.” Blaine gasped as he felt Sam bite his ass playfully and he couldn't help but collapse on top of him, giggling. He felt Sam slide up alongside him, pinning him down and he squealed before he even realised he had done it. Using all his strength he rolled Sam over, both boys laughing as they started play fighting for dominance. Sam won in the end, but mainly because Blaine let him. He loved the feeling of Sam's strong thighs straddling him as he sat on top of his stomach. His heart was thumping dangerously fast as the butterflies in his stomach fluttered nervously inside. Sam's face was one of nerves as well and he couldn't help but wonder what that meant. Did Sam have feelings for him after all?

“Sam I...” Blaine was stopped abruptly as Sam's lips crashed against his own. Sam's plump, soft lips. The lips he had been dreaming of for a long time now. Moaning, Blaine felt Sam's tongue flicker against his lower lip and he opened his mouth greedily, deepening the kiss between the two as his eyelids fluttered closed. He could feel his whole body hum in delight as they passionately kissed one another. His body closing the gap between the two of them. When a knock came on the door and Sam pulled back, all Blaine could do was whimper at the loss of Sam's lips against his own. He sighed languishingly. Thank you pizza delivery guy for ruining what was possibly the single most heart stopping moment in his life...

“I'd better get that, it's probably the pizza guy.” Blaine told Sam in a husky voice he wasn't used to. He had never sounded like that after Kurt had kissed him. But then Sam was without a doubt the best kisser on the planet. He started to get up, not quite being able to believe what had just happened between the two of them. Sam just kissed me. He KISSED me! And it was perfection. Opening the door, the pizza guy stood looking faintly bored. Blaine couldn't really blame him; he hadn't just been kissed to within an inch of his life by the hottest guy in the universe. “Order for Anderson.”

“Yeah thanks.” Sticking his hand in his back pocket he recovered his wallet and handed the man his money, with a little extra. He probably needed the extra with the job he was in.

“So, what do you wanna watch?” Sam called out as Blaine ambled back into the living room. It was as though nothing had just happened between them as the blonde sat flicking through the channels on the television, not finding anything worth watching on any of them.

“Um...” Blaine hesitated, looking at Sam longingly. Really all he wanted to do was go back to kissing him again.

“Jeez Blaine. Can we eat before making out again?” Sam rolled his eyes but a big smile was covering his face as he watched Blaine's face light up. “You could put on Gilmore Girls if you like, there's nothing on.”

“Really?” Blaine's golden eyes widened in delight and he rushed upstairs to get the DVD box set. He had originally intended it to go to Kurt as a present and apology gift but since he sent it back, Blaine had hung onto it. I mean, come on, some of the guys were really hot in it! He set it up and went over to join Sam on the sofa, not really sure if the other boy would let him snuggle. Blaine adored snuggling, but he hardly ever got to do it with anyone. Kurt had never been big on snuggling.

“Come here you!” Sam pulled him into his arms with a squeak and he wriggled into the best position on Sam's chest. He could feel his friend's chest, (could he still call him that?), pounding underneath his head. Humming happily in Sam's embrace they sat eating their pizza and watching Gilmore Girls, completely content with one another.

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