Can't Help Falling For You

Chapter Down in Greenwich Village

The two boys jogged through the park early one spring morning. Sam was deep into describing his latest modelling drama, thinking that Blaine was hanging off every word. But he wasn't. He was too busy day dreaming over his friends striking eyes and golden hair that shone in the dawn's first rays. Sam had done so much for him over these past weeks. He had been there through everything. Blaine was falling hard and he couldn't seem to do anything to stop it. Sam was the one person he could rely on through it all, through the good times and the bad. He had patiently listened to him blather on and on about all his problems with Kurt, never looking bored or uninterested. He had pushed him into eating healthier and he had lost so much weight that he was back down to his original size again. He had had to start wearing belts to keep his trousers up. He was more toned then he had ever been before, the beginnings of chiselled abs were starting to form. Blaine had never had abs before. Ever. He felt better about himself than he had in years and it was all because of his best friend. The guy who understood him better than anyone else in the entire universe. Sam never made fun of his dorkiness or his eccentricities. He respected and cared for him no matter what. He loved him, all of him and never tried to change him. He had repeatedly told him that he didn't care what weight Blaine was, he would still be his best buddy. Blaine's heart was beginning to thrum whenever his friend was around. He knew that it was a difficult position to be in. After all Sam didn't and couldn't feel the same way back but it felt so good to have someone care so much after everything with Kurt that Blaine had let his feelings grow and grow till they had reached these epic proportions. He was pretty sure he was in love with his best friend. He loved Sam. Was in love with him and he knew he was in so deep now that he might never be able to come back from it. He couldn't lose Sam though, and so he had kept it very quiet. It had to be unrequited. He tried to tune himself back into the conversation that so far he had been able to get away with stating only a few grunts and hums in the right places, but he just couldn't concentrate as he watched his friend’s kissable full lips talk at him.

Sam was livid. Who did those modelling agency people think they were anyway? He had spent the better part of an hour explaining to his friend about what they thought Sam's shortcomings were. Which was quite a lot from the sounds of it. Unless he had most of his kit off they didn't seem interested. “So anyway, then they told me that I didn't have the right look for a businessman. I can look like a businessman can't I Blaine?” Sam looked down at his friend waiting for an answer, his eyes looking at Blaine for guidance.

“Uh huh.” Blaine replied non committedly but Sam didn't really notice because he was so mad right now. Blaine's eyes were still glued to his friend’s lips and thoughts of kissing them popped back into his head. That had been all he had been able to think of for almost a week now. How much he wanted to kiss those big, soft lips of his.

“That's what I said. All they need to do is give me the clothes. I can rock any look but they won't give it to me. They think I'm not the 'academic smart' look, whatever that means...” He grumbled blackly thinking back to the meeting he had had with the modelling agency yesterday. For some reason they didn't seem to take him seriously. He didn't understand it at all.

“Yeah...” Blaine responded, looking up dreamily at his friend spoke to him. Sam stopped and frowned. Was Blaine not listening? He looked completely out of it. They had been jogging for quite some time now, maybe it had gotten too much for his little friend?

“Blaine are you listening?” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Blaine carry on jogging till he realised Sam had stopped and did likewise, looking puzzled as to why they had stopped.

“Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry Sam I was in another world. So they won't let you do the shoot? Why?” Blaine asked him, coming up beside him and giving him a supportive look.

“Because they don't think I look 'business' enough.”

Blaine frowned at Sam's words. At least his friend didn't think he couldn't do it. “But that's stupid. When you've got the clothes on you will.”

“Dude, that is totally what I said.” Sam threw his hands up into the air in a frustrated manner. He didn't understand why they all couldn't see it. Blaine could and Blaine was smarter than the whole lot of them. Maybe that was why he could see it and they couldn't? Sam watched as his friend got the look of determination that he always got on his face when he decided that he was going to do something. Well if Blaine was getting onto the case he could rest easy. Blaine was nothing if not a superhero when it came to sorting his problems out. He was awesome in that way. He always helped Sam out when it came to his dreams and wishes. That's why he was Sam's best friend.

“Well then we need to show them what they are missing out on. I'll take you shopping this afternoon if you want and we'll show them that you, Sam Evans, can rock the business look.” Sam smiled widely down at his friend. He knew Blaine would come through for him. He always did.

“Thanks Blaine. You're awesome.” Sam walked over to the smaller boy, giving him a tight, sweaty hug. Sam thought he might complain but instead he heard a soft hum from his friend, almost like a cat's purr. Well if Blaine was happy then he was happy. Sam was just glad he could make his little friend smile again. Blaine looked up at him with his huge, sparkling, golden eyes; the grin on his face bigger then Sam had seen in years, not since Blaine and Kurt had only just started dating. Breaking off the hug Blaine started to jog again, looking back expectantly for Sam to follow, his eyes shining in mirth. Sam beamed back and started to jog after him.

He realised with a start that Blaine understood him better than anyone. He understood that Sam was actually nowhere near as confident as he made out, that he was insecure in his looks and smarts. Blaine had told him once that he was special and smart, just not book smart. He was people smart. That had made Sam really, truly see Blaine as his best friend for the first time. He always made Sam feel like he could accomplish anything he set his mind on, no matter what it was. That he was capable of whatever he wanted to do. So what if he didn't get great grades at school, that didn't make him dumb. Blaine was always there to chivvy him on, no matter what and Sam couldn't put into words how much that meant to him. He looked across at his contented looking friend and his breath hitched into his throat, making him stop running. He had never before seen quite how beautiful Blaine actually was. His eyes that seemed almost to be made out of liquid and forever changing colour to suit Blaine's mood; the long, dark eyelashes that framed his eyes making them look big, vulnerable and innocent. He had never noticed how his eyes crinkled up adorably when he smiled widely. It seemed to light up his whole face. The dark curls that fell down into his eyes gave his face a softness Sam had never seen before. His cute little ears and his button nose. They were all beautiful. Sam's heart began to pound in his chest as he took in his friends face and how exquisite it really was. His eyes went wide when Blaine stopped, looking back at him bemused.

“You ok Sam?” The blonde blushed furiously, nodding his head. He was confused about why he suddenly had these thoughts pop up into his head, I mean it was Blaine, not some hot chick. He tried to shrug off this weird feeling he had in the pit of his stomach, like there was a fire raging in it and it was out of control. It was making his stomach tingle all over and his heart hammer at a stupidly fast pace. The fire seemed to be growing as he carried on jogging next to his friend and it didn't seem to be going away...

“You almost ready B?” Sam called through Blaine's bedroom door. That afternoon Blaine had helped him out by picking out the most amazing business outfit at the shops. Just as he had said he would. Because of it Sam had managed to land the job of modelling the business wear. He would be eternally grateful to his friend. Since he owed Blaine big time he wanted to give him a treat and so he had decided to take Blaine out to a gay bar that the boy had been mentioning an awful lot recently down in Greenwich village.

“Yeah, I'll meet you downstairs!” Blaine called out from behind the door and Sam, content in his reply ambled downstairs to wait for him. Blaine preened in front of his mirror trying to get his hair just right. The blonde had mentioned how he loved Blaine's curls after their jogging session today and that he should stop wearing so much gel. He wanted Sam to like how he looked and so he had put a lot less gel in his hair, leaving the curls freer, more like waves in his hair. They weren't bouncing around his face since he hated that, but he let it curl more than he had in years. When he was satisfied that every curl was in place perfectly he smiled at himself in the mirror thinking that he looked really good. He had bought himself a navy shirt earlier when Sam had been trying on suits and the cut perfectly showed off his trim figure. That paired with one of his favourite pairs of Capri pants and loafers and he felt more like himself again then he had in a while. He left his room, wondering down the stairs and tried in vain to figure out where Sam might be taking him that he had to get dressed up for. He had interrogated Sam the whole taxi ride there and only when they stepped out of the car did he actually see where they were. The dark haired boy squealed in delight and leapt into Sam's arms as the taller boy laughed loudly.

“Oh my God Sam, I've wanted to come here for ages! Kurt never seemed to want to go though...” Blaine jumped up and down in excitement and Sam couldn't help but think that Blaine was utterly adorable right at this current moment. He looked like a kid that was about to unwrap a mound of presents. He smiled down at his golden eyed friend and felt as his heart skipped a beat. Sam, not being able to take the strength of his feelings any more, had to look away, his emotions vexing him as he tried to forget what his heart was telling him.

“Well you deserve it. You totally helped my get that gig for the business suits. Plus, I think you need to have a little fun, let down your hair a little. Well, not your hair obviously because that's not moving anywhere with all that gel on it...” His grinned cheekily and Blaine playfully whacked him on the arm.

“Ok, ok, I get it. I use a lot of gel. Thanks Sam...” Blaine gave Sam a pointed look, his eyebrow raising as he pouted a little. Sam almost laughed at how cute Blaine was, even when he wasn't trying to be. They queued up, getting in rapidly and went straight over to the bar. They had both agreed they were going to have fun tonight and what better way to have fun then to drink a little. Sam ordered them beers and two shots of whiskey each. By the time they had downed their shots and drank their beers both boys were buzzing, although admittedly Blaine more so then Sam.

“Let's dance Sammy. I wanna dance!” Blaine yelled over the music and Sam smiled, pulling the more than willing boy onto the dance floor. They whirled and jumped on the floor to the faster songs, only leaving once a slower song came on. Blaine pulled his friend off the dance floor, going directly to the bar and more drinks...

Blaine stumbled back from the toilets and looked around wondering where Sam had gone. He couldn't spot him anywhere in the vicinity of where he left him. Hearing a lot of yelling going on in the middle of the dance floor, Blaine craned his neck around people, trying desperately to figure out what was going on that was causing this much of a racket. He shoved and sidled his way through the crowd, his stomach dropping when he caught a glimpse of blonde locks bobbing above the people surrounding him. If that's Sam... Well Blaine didn't know what he was going to do but he could feel the anger of the green eyed monster sitting on his shoulder in his drink addled mind. When he finally managed to break through the crowds, there was Sam, his chest bare and stripping his jeans off to Sam's patented body rolls. The men around him were hooting and hollering as Sam stripped down to his teeny, tiny boxer briefs that left little to the imagination, causing Blaine to flush at the site. When the man beside him whistled suggestively at the tall blonde, Blaine's glare became full of wrath at the people ogling his friend. Not really thinking straight he stalked unsteadily up to Sam, grabbing his arm tightly, trying to haul him off the dance floor with little success.

“Blainey!” Sam started to wrap his arms around Blaine in a close hug, but the dark haired boy pushed him back, furious at the scene his friend was making. Here he was showing the whole world his flesh and Blaine just couldn't take it. It was too much. He hadn't even seen Sam looking like this. Sam's mine, not theirs. Why can't they go away? He viciously glowered at the gay men surrounding them, telling them with his eyes to back off. That Sam was his, and his alone.

“What the hell are you doing Sam?” Blaine demanded, rounding on the blonde who looked startled at his friend yelling at him with rage in his voice. The smaller boy started pulling Sam away from dance floor, much to the other gay men’s chagrin. He could hear them whine and moan, booing him for taking Sam and his strip show away from them all, as he picked up his friend’s clothes along the way.

When he heard Sam himself whine Blaine whipped round, still seeing red in his state of jealousy. “But I was having fun as White Chocolate...” Sam protested, pointing to the dance floor and the other guys who were watching them both. He wriggled his way out of his friend’s grip and sauntered back to the dance floor, much to the delight of the men who had been enjoying the striptease, if the great cheer was anything to go by. Blaine could feel the sting of tears in the corners of his eyes as he watched his friend go to dance with complete strangers rather than be with him. Face it Blaine, he's not interested in you... Blaine huffed despondently, going to sit down on one of the sofas on the edge of the floor, crossing his arms over himself and sulking as he viewed all the men surrounding Sam, throwing themselves at him. He wished that it could be him and him alone up there, no other gay man in sight. In fact, no one else in sight. He hated how he felt but he just couldn't help it. His heart ached. He wanted Sam. He knew he shouldn't have let himself fall for the handsome blonde but he just couldn't help himself. Sam was one of a kind and Blaine had to sit and watch as everyone other than him got to touch him, caress him, show him how they lusted after him. It wasn't fair...

Sam was having so much fun. He loved dancing. These gay clubs were so totally awesome. They all loved him as White Chocolate. He couldn't really remember how he had gotten down to only his underwear but hey, he was mostly an underwear model anyway so he wasn't embarrassed. As he danced he looked over at his friend and stopped short. Blaine looked miserable and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. Was he the cause of it? He vaguely recollected Blaine looking angry and upset at him earlier. He hated seeing Blaine upset. He was so much cuter when he was smiling. Maybe I should make him smile again? He padded over to his friend, wobbly on his feet from the huge intake of alcohol he had taken.

Leaning in towards his friend, who was looking at him wearily, he whispered in his ear. “Hey Blainey. I'm gonna make you smile. You're sexy when you smile.” At seeing the blush on his friends face Sam grinned widely. His friend seemed to be doing that more and more lately. Sam found it endearing. He walked around the sofa to the back of it, gliding his hands down Blaine's chest, making the boy frown in puzzlement at what Sam was doing. “Relax B, I got you.” The dark haired boy, looking ever more bemused at his friend’s antics could only look on as Sam raked his hands all over his chest, popping the buttons open on his shirt as he did so. He heard the barest of moans come out of his friend as his hands ghosted over Blaine's chest. Walking round slowly and seductively he stopped in front of the smaller boy, his back to him but glancing sexily at Blaine over his shoulder. Blaine was looking directly at his ass which was exactly what Sam wanted. His chest fluttered as he watched the golden eyes drink in his body. It felt really good to have Blaine lusting after him. Arching his back he bent down, giving the smaller boy a full view of his pert, spread ass, wiggling it slowly in front of Blaine's face.

“Oh my G... Sam what are you?” Blaine whispered out, his hands gripping the seat he was on tightly. He almost giggled as he saw the boy gulp, his eyes blown and his hands twitching, wanting desperately to touch Sam. As he heard the music start he stood up, turning and rippling his body to the beat, getting closer and closer to Blaine, whose eyes were wide and his mouth hanging open. Sam bent down to the boy, his face inches away as he slid his hands up Blaine's thighs.

“Shh, I'm making you happy. Did you know you have very pretty eyes? I like your eyes. They're like honey.” Many of the gay men in the club that were nearby had spotted what was going on and had started egging Sam on, watching lustily as he rippled his body ever closer to Blaine. The smaller boy blushed but the ever increasing smile on his face showed Sam that he was loving the performance. “Woo, yeah! I'm doing the sexy lap dance on my sexy friend!” Sam yelled out and the crowd cheered. Blaine seemed to be oblivious to the people surrounding them however, his eyes solely on Sam and Sam alone. The blonde briefly traced his hand over Blaine's jeans near the zipper, feeling the boy’s length starting to stiffen under them before coming to straddle him completely, rutting against the golden eyed boy in time to the music, circling his hips occasionally for a change in the rhythm. Sam smiled widely as he brushed his hands through his friend’s hair, feeling the short, sharp pants of Blaine's breath tickle his face and his eyelids flutter as small groans came out of his mouth. Sam by this point was as hard as his friend underneath him and his thrusts into Blaine became harder and faster in his bid for his pleasurable release. Grabbing Blaine's right hand, he placed it on his ass and moaned aloud when his friend squeezed it firmly. Alcohol addled and in need of release, his pace increased causing the lust filled boy under him to pant audibly. Sam, wanting to give his friend delight like he had never felt before, at last felt Blaine stiffen underneath him and it was not long before Sam too felt an explosion wash over him as he came, the smaller boy still holding onto his right butt cheek. All he could hear was cheering surrounding them both as he slumped down onto Blaine, his head resting on the smaller boy’s shoulder.

“Told you I could make you smile.” Sam whispered and he heard Blaine giggle, his grin getting wider. “I'm tired, can we go?”

“Yes.” Blaine stated rather quickly and tugged for Sam to get off of him, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the exit as fast as his legs could carry him, still holding onto Sam's discarded clothing...

Blaine stood in the kitchen, his smile wide as he made pancakes for both himself and Sam for breakfast. Sam had been amazingly sexy last night and Blaine was still humming from the high of pleasure from the night before. Sam had literally given him the most mind blowing lap dance he had ever had. The fact that it had been the only lap dance he had ever had was beside the point. It had still been mind-blowing. He was humming to himself when the boy in question came in, his blonde hair sticking up all over the place. At least he had changed his underwear...

“Um... Hey Sam.” Blaine mumbled, his heart hammering as he remembered the events of last night. Would Sam be ok with what happened? Blaine cared about him so much, he couldn't imagine his life without Sam in it. He didn't want to. His friend had been so good about Blaine's sexuality. He had never made a big deal about it but after last night, Blaine was not so sure.

“Hey Blainey! Have fun last night? God I must have been wasted, I do not remember half of what happened. I do remember having a really good time though. Do you know where my jeans went dude?” Blaine's eyes bugged out of his head. He had taken Sam's messed up jeans off, after having dressed him outside the club last night of course, putting them in the washing machine alongside his own pair that had been equally as messed.

“Um, I put them in the wash cause you stained them. I hope you don't mind...” Blaine trailed off, his voice small and uncertain as he carried on flipping pancakes onto a plate.

“Oh, cool. Thanks. Must have spilt something on them. Are those pancakes for me?” Blaine couldn't stop his lips curling up at Sam's childlike expression as he stared in hope at the pancakes in front of him. Blaine slid the plate across to Sam. He watched as Sam picked up his fork and started wolfing the pancakes down just on their own. He was so completely and utterly cute.

“Sam, do you?” Blaine bit his lip to stop himself. What if Sam didn't remember last night? He did say he couldn't remember some of what happened. Could that include giving his best friend a lap dance?

“Do I what?” He asked around the pancake in his mouth.

“Oh... err...” Blaine really, truly thought about telling Sam about what had happened between them, but he didn't want things to get awkward. So he stayed silent. He decided that that might be the best policy. Because what Sam didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? “Do you want lemon and sugar or syrup?”

“Lemon and sugar please. Thank B, you're the best.” Blaine chuckled as he passed over the lemon he had sliced in half and the sugar bowl. He stared as Sam squeezed the lemon juice over his food and sighed quietly, a dreamy expression coming over his face. He remembered how Sam's hands had felt when they had slid down over his chest. How sensual he was as his body rippled in front of his eyes. It had been thrilling and carnal and he had loved it. It was a good fantasy and one he would keep all to himself...

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