Can't Help Falling For You

Chapter The Secret is Out

Everyone had gathered around the table in Rachel and Kurt's Buskwick apartment for their weekly pot roast Monday. Blaine had been persuaded by Sam to attend as he hadn't wanted to go alone, especially since an angry Mercedes would be there too, but he had promised Artie he would be there. So here they both were, sitting next to one another, their secret still safely hidden from all the others. Artie looked relieved that both of them were in attendance, having decided to sit around the corner from Blaine. Blaine hadn't been to pot roast Monday since he and Kurt had split up and he hadn't seen Artie for quite a while. They had both been busy and so catching up with each other had fallen by the wayside. To be perfectly honest Artie was pretty much the only one he had missed who was sitting around the table. Santana had had the sense to state that she was busy working and would not be there. Probably because she didn't want to hear Rachel blathering on any more about her new found fame. Blaine sighed, placing his head in his right hand and played around with the food on his plate with a fork in his left. God does Rachel ever stop talking? Blaine knew the answer to the question, which was no. He really wanted to go home and lay in bed with Sam, or have sex. Anything as long as it only involved him and his gorgeous new blonde bombshell of a boyfriend. He glanced sideways at Sam, who looked about as bored as he felt. His eyes roamed around the table till they landed on Kurt, who was giving him longing looks. Oh boy. Looks like Kurt wants something from me. Well tough, he had his chance. It was so time to go home...

“So anyway then I told the interviewer that...” Rachel carried on, no one looking like they were listening in the slightest. Blaine thought about making excuses for his and Sam's departure. Maybe he would feign illness or something? Then tell Artie to phone him so they could catch up some other time, without Rachel and her constant droning or Kurt's puppy dog eyes.

Kurt, completely ignoring Rachel's incredibly narcissistic tale turned fully to Blaine. Oh jeez, I shouldn't have looked at him. “Blaine can we meet for dinner tomorrow night? There's something I want to talk to you about.” The chestnut haired boy blurted out over Rachel, who gave him an extremely dirty look for interrupting her. Blaine's eyes went wide as he thought quickly for an excuse, any excuse. There was no way he was going to meet up with Kurt alone. He felt Sam stiffen slightly beside him, and he briefly took Sam's hand under the table, squeezing it comfortingly.

“Um, I'm really sorry Kurt but... my mother is in town and I'm having dinner with her tomorrow night.” Sam looked across confused as Blaine told Kurt his white lie. Sam and he had booked a table in a restaurant for tomorrow as they wanted to go out on a proper date rather than sit in their bedroom yet again. Hopefully Sam wouldn't believe that poorly put together excuse but he couldn't think of anything else to say. If he had told Kurt, he didn't want to see him to talk it would have set off a really ugly argument that none of their friends wanted to see. The lie was the best way out of it for all involved.

Kurt face dropped, looking upset but trying to be understanding. Parents were a big thing to Kurt, he would never stand in the way of anyone seeing their parents. That was why Blaine had picked it. “Oh, well say hello to your mum for me. We'll have to meet up some other time.”

“Yeah...” Blaine sighed a little in relief at getting out of talking to Kurt, but he still felt a little ill at ease lying to him directly. He began shuffling uncomfortably in his seat, wishing he were anywhere else. The slight silence that followed was one of the most awkward situations he had ever been in. He actually wished for once that Rachel would start gabbing again.

He watched as Sam leant over to him, whispering quietly in his ear so no one else heard. “Dude, I thought we were having dinner tomorrow night?” Blaine gave him a very pointed look and when Sam's mouth formed an 'o' of realisation Blaine almost laughed out loud in amusement. Sam was so innocent and sweet. He always believed in whatever anyone said. He loved him so much for that.

“As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted...” Rachel began once again and Blaine groaned internally, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. This was going to be a long night if he couldn't think of a way to leave now...

Blaine was so excited. This was his first proper date with Sam. He had dressed up for this evening, wearing a new shirt that he had bought for the occasion, a dark green that bought out the green in his eyes. Sam had even spruced himself up and Blaine had to admit he looked really good scrubbed up. So much so that he couldn't keep his eyes off him. Sam was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he got to spend his life with him. Blaine still felt like it was crazy. How did he get so lucky?

They stepped into the restaurant hand in hand, both with huge smiles on their faces. Going over to the waitress they stood waiting to be placed to their seats.

“Reservation under Anderson.” Blaine told the waitress when she asked for their reservation order. Leading them to their seats, they ended up in a cosy little corner booth at the back of the restaurant which was intimate and romantic. Perfect for the two of them.

“Dude, this place is awesome, how'd you find it?” Sam asked Blaine as they sat, the waitress handing them both the menu and leaving them to look over what they wanted to order.

“Oh I came across it one day when I was going through my 'eating everything I saw' phase.” Blaine explained wryly, giving Sam a beaming smile which Sam returned. The taller boy reached across to take Blaine's hand in his and bought it up to kiss his hand lightly, setting the butterflies in Blaine's stomach afloat.

“Aww, you know I think you look cute whatever.”

Blaine giggled at Sam's sweet words. His eyes sparkled as he looked lovingly into Sam's baby blues. “Really?”

“Yeah, of course. I'd love you even if you were as big as that dude in that film...You know that one where he's like really big and he was eating so much that he exploded...” Sam's arms waved around as he tried to explain this movie to Blaine. Blaine thought it was adorable, even though he had no idea what the blonde was talking about at all.

When Sam stopped talking all Blaine could do was look blankly at his new boyfriend. “...No Sam I can't say as I know what you're talking about...”

“You know, that film. God, who was it I watched it with? Um, Artie I think.” Blaine rolled his eyes. If it was a film with Artie it could be anything that he had gotten Sam to watch.

“Jeez Sam, you watched a film Artie chose? Then I probably have no idea what film it is...”

“Ah well, I would love you even if you were the size of a house.” Sam leant over, pecking Blaine on the cheek and he could feel his cheeks getting warm.

“Aww, thank you Sammy, me too vice versa.” Blaine knew Sam was telling him the truth. He loved him for who he was not what he looked like. Looking down at his menu he realised he could eat what he wanted and didn't need to worry about whether it was bad for him. Besides he had been exercising regularly and this was a special occasion. With delight he looked over the menu, picking out something he knew would be delicious.

Since Blaine was busy with his mother Mercedes had suggested that they both go out for dinner instead. She had been finding it awkward at home lately what with the whole Sam thing and Kurt wanted to be supportive. Plus, he was a little down at not being able to go out with Blaine to talk things over and finally get back together. They arrived at the restaurant that Blaine had raved about, having made a reservation for it a while back before he knew Blaine would be unavailable. Getting placed at their table for two they were left to peruse the menu at their leisure.

“This is such a nice place Kurt, really cosy. I'm sorry that it's me and not Blaine you're having dinner with but I hope I make up for it by being so fabulous.” Mercedes preened and Kurt couldn't help but chuckle at her antics.

“Of course you make up for it! My fabulous best friend. Blaine actually found this place. He wanted to bring me here but we never got round to it so...” Kurt shrugged, picking up his menu to look over the choices. A lot of it looked really high calorific wise. Typical Blaine then. He couldn't resist cheesy things or chocolate covered desserts. He was never satisfied with a salad. Kurt sighed slightly as he scrutinised the salad options and tried to avoid the pastas and risottos.

“God everything looks good on here Kurt.” Mercedes looked up and bit her lip as she saw Kurt looking slightly disgusted over the menu. God he was such a health nut sometimes. Since she had chosen her meal quite quickly her eyes roamed around the restaurant falling on two familiar bodies in the corner, looking cosy and intimate with one another as they sat gazing into each other’s eyes in an extremely loved up looking manner. Gasping, her eyes went round as saucers. “Oh my God... Kurt don't you dare turn round.”

“What?” Kurt turned round and to see Blaine and Sam in the corner looking like they were the only two people in the world. His mouth dropped as his heart twisted inside. Spinning round to face Mercedes again, his face dark with anger, his nostrils flaring he hissed at his friend. “He told me flat out he was having dinner with his mother. He looked me straight in the eyes and said that. What the hell is he doing with Sam anyway? I said we were on a break not broken up.” He practically screeched at the end, his face red with rage.

“I am so sorry Kurt, if I had known...” Mercedes tried to console her friend whilst her heart ached with the knowledge of exactly why Sam didn't want to be with her any longer. He was in love with Blaine.

“It's not your fault Mercedes.” Kurt told her as tears began to form in his eyes from the hurt. “You know this is the second time Blaine's cheated on me. I just... I can't believe he's doing this to me. Again.” Mercedes took his hand in sympathy. She understood exactly how he felt. She felt it too. The betrayal, the hurt. It was almost too much to bear. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted that the two boys were heading their way and she flung the menu in front of her to hide her face.

“Oh crap, hide, they're coming!” She whispered and Kurt, his face crumpling, similarly hid behind his menu, watching over the top as the two boys cuddled in the middle of the restaurant, kissing each other softly. How could Blaine do this to him? He had given Blaine so much. The tears flew down his face as he watched the two of them walk out hand in hand, their hands swinging in between their bodies. When he heard Blaine giggle at one of Sam's atrocious impressions it felt like a dagger to his heart. Blaine had never giggled when he had been with him...

Blaine sat in class getting his trainers on for the training session that he was about to participate in thinking about last night, it had been the most perfect evening, everything had been just magical, when he felt someone hovering over him, bursting him out of his daydreaming haze. Smiling, he looked up to see that it was Kurt and his smile dropped just as suddenly as it came.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Kurt barked at him, his arms folded across his chest as he scowled down at Blaine. Furrowing his brow Blaine, bemused by Kurt's words, questioned him.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me, what are you doing with Sam?” His ex-boyfriend shrieked and Blaine felt his eyebrows shoot up at Kurt's accusations. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? It wasn't any of his business what he did with Sam anyway.

“Excuse me?” Blaine blurted out, feeling the bubbles of anger rise in him.

“Just answer the question Blaine!”

Pursing his lips Blaine took a few deep breaths through his nose to try and keep his temper in check. How dare Kurt demand such things from him? “It's none of your damn business what Sam and I are doing, we're not together any more Kurt or had that titbit of information just seem to fly out of your head this morning?” Blaine spat out standing up to start his stretches, thinking that the conversation was over. Well, as far as he was concerned, it was.

“How has 'we're on a break' become 'we're not together any more' Blaine?” Kurt accused him and Blaine spun around, his anger spilling out in droves.

“You broke up with me months ago and don't you dare deny it Kurt because until about three weeks ago you had completely ignored me, let alone wanted to talk to me. People needing 'space' don't do those things Kurt!”

Kurt's shifted into his proud and defensive posture. Clearly he thought he had the moral high ground. Well he didn't. He had broken up with him and hurt him beyond anything he had ever felt before. How dare Kurt suggest he couldn't move on? He had no right. “You're just saying that to justify the fact that you are cheating on me, yet again! Well here's a newsflash for you we are officially broken up as of now.” Kurt pulled the former engagement ring off his finger, one that Blaine didn't even know he was still wearing and flung it full pelt at Blaine, hitting him in the face, causing blood to trickle down Blaine's left temple from a small cut. He bought his hand up to try and staunch the flow, following his ex, not wanting Kurt to get the last word.

“We already were Kurt and for your information I am the happiest I have been in a long time now that I'm with Sam. He makes me feel like I'm the most special person in the world which is something you never did.” He bellowed after, the people in the room stopping to turn and watch as the slanging match grew to epic proportions.

“Maybe because you aren't special, Mr 'I Think I'm So Great at Everything'. Well I have a newsflash for you. You're a pathetic, small, narrow minded, lying, cheating, ugly man Blaine Devon Anderson! You will never amount to anything and your relationship with Sam is a joke. Once he's gotten bored of the thrill of being with you he'll dump your ass quicker than Usain Bolt can finish the fifty metre sprint. He only wants to have a little fun; he doesn't want anything serious with you. I mean come on Blaine, really? You think you can score someone like that? Please. You must be deluded.” Blaine's mouth hung open at the hurtful words spilling out of Kurt's mouth. He had always seemed to know exactly what to say to make Blaine feel like complete crap and this was no exception. “It's all in your head Blaine. The whole relationship is a joke.” The first tear fell as he ran out of the room, his heart ripping apart at the thought of Sam not wanting him, not loving him. What if Kurt was right and Sam left him? He was nothing special after all.

Mercedes sat in front of Sam who was playing one of his many video games. “Sam I think you and Blaine need to move out of the apartment.” She told him straight out. She had thought long and hard last night, mulling over what she should do, but she couldn't let them stay. It was too much for her, the two of them being together. This was her home and she no longer felt comfortable in it. Not when they were together, in that way.

“What, why?” Sam inquired looked confused and a little disquieted.

“Because Kurt and I, we saw you last night in that restaurant with Blaine. Together. Looking very cosy. I can't deal with the thought of the two of you together, under the same roof as me. I can't do it. I can't think about the fact that the man I love is now gay.” Mercedes looked across at Sam, whose face had become an unreadable mask. He was clearly not happy with what she had stated, but she had to do this for herself, even if that made her selfish.

“I'm not gay Mercedes, I only love Blaine. I didn't set out to love him you know, it just... happened. It was so slowly I didn't even realise till I was already in way too deep.” He explained quietly, his eyes pleading with her to understand. She did not.

“I'm sorry Sam but I'm not changing my mind. This whole thing is completely freaking me out. I can't have the two of you here anymore. I'll give you time to find your own place but once you have, you need to get out.” Not wanting to hear any complaints or whining pleas she stood, making her way towards her own room.

“...Ok...” Sam responded so quietly Mercedes wasn't sure she had actually heard anything at all, or whether her mind was making it up. Whatever it was, she needed them out, whether they liked it or not.

Sam heard the door slam and the pounding of feet up the stairs. Knowing it was most definitely not Mercedes, who was already upstairs doing God knew what, he knew it had to be Blaine. Remembering Mercedes state that both she and Kurt had seen them both in the restaurant last night he swore under his breath when he realised that Blaine was probably upset because of something Kurt had said in spite to him. Making his way up to their now shared room, he knocked quietly on the door to let Blaine know he was entering and went to sit on the bed beside his gorgeous guy.

“Hey honey. What did Kurt say to hurt you?” He started stroking Blaine's back comfortingly as he tried to get out of the dark haired boy what was causing his distress.

“He said that you could never love me and that this is just a bit of fun for you. That when you got bored you would leave me and that I deserved that to happen to me because I'm a cheating, lying whore!” Blaine sat up, sobbing loudly, floods of tears rolling down his cheeks. Sam's heart clenched in his stomach and he felt the brief flicker of hate towards the lean, counter tenor.

“Well none of that's true sweetheart. I love you and everything you are. Don't you ever let Kurt make you think that I don't love you, or that you aren't worthy of me.” Sam sternly told Blaine, who started to slide his arms around Sam's back and lean his head onto his chest. The next time Sam saw that scrawny ass of Kurt's he swore he would kick it all the way into the next week. “Oh honey, I love you so much.” Sam leant his head on top of Blaine's, his love for the golden eyed boy overpowering all his anger inside.

“I... I l-love you too.” Blaine hiccupped, snuggling into Sam's warm, strong and loving embrace. Looking up with his large eyes Sam couldn't help but melt at the beautiful sadness inside.

“You are so beautiful Blaine Devon Anderson.” He pulled Blaine more tightly into his arms, holding him closely and heard him sigh in contentment as he calmed himself down. “We, um... We have to move out though. Mercedes doesn't want us here anymore...” Blaine looking downcast, nodded knowingly. It looked like they would have to find their own place, just the two of them.

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