Can't Help Falling For You

Chapter Finding Forgiveness

Sam watched Blaine fondly as the golden eyed boy stood beside him in the entrance of Grand Central Station, rocking back and forth on his feet impatiently as they both waited for Tina's train to get in. Blaine was adorable. He couldn't stand still for a second. He loved to be always doing something, never standing still for any length of time. Being forced to wait for Tina's train, which had been delayed was a trial for him and it was all Sam could do not to chuckle as his boyfriend jiggled and sighed by his side. When Sam caught sight of their close friend, he could see Blaine visibly relaxing out of the corner of his eyes as he waved enthusiastically at the petite Asian.

At seeing them both she rushed to greet them, dumping her bags ceremoniously down on the ground in front of Sam's feet and flinging her arms out wide. “Hey guys! Come here, I want a hug my favourite boys.” Sam scooped up both Blaine and Tina, enveloping them all in their usual trio hug. It felt good to be back together the three of them and none of them wanted to be the first to break the hug. Finally, Tina reluctantly wormed her way out of the two boy’s arms, with Blaine pouting petulantly as she did. She watched avidly as Sam took Blaine's hand and the smaller boy beamed up lovingly into Sam's eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that they were in love with one another. “You two look so cute together. And now just think, I can be both of your hags and live vicariously through you since I'm doomed to an existence of loneliness.”

Blaine, being Blaine, hated when Tina put herself down and slid his arm around her waist, squeezing her gently and laying his head on her own, which caused Tina to snuggle into Blaine's embrace. Sam knew this meant he would be taking her bags. That's right, bags. Even though she was only going to be with them for three days. Sighing, he started to pick them all up. “Aww, don't say that Tey. You'll find the right guy, I know it. All the ones that don't like you are idiots.”

“They totally are; you have awesome boobs.” Sam interjected and Blaine glared at him whilst Tina sniggered.

“Sam...” Blaine berated him, making he and Tina giggle loudly. Shaking his head, Blaine eventually joined in. They were both as mad as each other, but he loved them both anyhow.

“God it's good to be back with my boys.”

“We've missed you too Tey Tey.” Blaine leant down to kiss Tina on the cheek and she smiled in return at the golden eyed boy. Blaine turned and smiled widely at Sam, making the blondes heart melt. How could just the act of seeing Blaine's crooked smile make him turn into jelly? He was completely gaga for him. He couldn't help it. Never in a million years would he have thought he would have ended up with this energetic, slight, petite, dark haired boy but he had and he could not be happier. It had been fate after all and Sam decided that fate had been very kind to him. Very kind indeed.

“Shall we get going then?” He asked them both, now that he had all of Tina's things in his hands. God they're already gossiping. It's so cute... He followed them both as they exited, their heads down together as they caught up with all the latest drama from the fellow former glee club members.

Tina had to admit, she had been extremely surprised when Blaine had called her up to tell her about he and Sam getting together. It wasn't that she thought that they wouldn't be good together, she thought they were perfect for one another. She just never thought it would happen. She thought Blaine loved Kurt too much and that Sam would never even consider Blaine in that way. But she had been completely wrong. As usual. This time she was really happy that she had been wrong. She had watched them both together all of yesterday as they showed her around some of the sights of New York and their cute little apartment. Blaine looked positively brimming with love and felicity and the pride in Sam's eyes was enough to start making her sniffle. So when she had heard of their troubles she had been surprised. Well, she wasn't actually surprised at Kurt's behaviour, he could be like that if he felt he had been wronged in some way, but Mercedes had been a complete shock. So much so that she couldn't get it out of her mind. That was how she found herself standing in front of Cedes apartment building, her finger poised over the doorbell. Taking a deep breath, she rang it and waited for her old friend to come to the door. Not knowing that Tina was here in New York, Mercedes looking very surprised when she opened the door. “Surprise!”

“Oh my God Tina! What are you doing here?” She embraced Tina tightly and the two girls greeted one another before Mercedes led the younger girl into the living room, a large smile on her face. Tina looked around the bright, funky looking design and knew this was definitely Mercedes through and through. She wondered briefly how Blaine had coped. He would have hated living with this décor. She couldn't help but smile as she thought back to Blaine showing her their classic looking apartment, classy and simple, just as Blaine liked it. He wasn't one to overdo anything. It wasn't to say that he didn't like bright colours, God he wore enough bright clothes to make that point, Tina just knew he preferred simplicity when it came to his home.

As she took her seat, Mercedes having gone to fetch the two a cold drink, she finally responded to the older girl’s question. “I'm here to see Blam. They are so cute together, you should see their apartment, it's so totally them. They have little plushies of them as Nightbird and Blonde Chameleon on the sideboard that Blaine made and they have some really sweet pictures of them hanging on the walls... and I'm blabbing about things you don't want to know, aren't I?”

She bit her bottom lip as she watched her friends face fall and Mercedes nodded woefully. This relationship had obviously really affected Mercedes. “So they're really happy huh? Well that's great.” She stated quietly as she rolled her glass of drink in between her two hands. Tina got it, she had lost the chance to be with a boy she liked. She wasn't the only one though and she knew there would be others for Cedes. Someone that was perfect for her, just like Sam was for Blaine. Tina wasn't really here to give her sympathy; she was here to point out that she should be happy for her friends.

“Mercedes I really think you should be happy for them. Ok, so it didn't work out between you and Sam, but really if you truly loved Sam would you have been so hesitant about having sex with him? Blaine and Sam? They get each other. They help each other out, they make each other feel stronger and better about themselves. They are a team. A team where both partners are equal. They talk about things and sort them out together. When you meet the right person that will happen for you too.”

Mercedes sat stunned at her friend’s words. Tina was right and she knew it deep in her heart. She had always had reservations when it came to Sam. Blaine had never had those feelings. He simply loved the boy and he probably had for quite a long time, possibly without knowing it. “I... I guess you're right. I wasn't thinking about them and how they would be good for each other, I was being selfish. I... I need to pray about this.” Tears sprang into Mercedes eyes and Tina leant over to give her friend a hug. She wanted her friends to be happy. All of them. As blissful as Blaine and Sam both were now that they were finally together. She had known that they were perfect for one another since the beginning of senior year.

“I hope you find what you are looking for Cedes cause you do deserve to be happy.”

“Thanks Tina.” Wiping her eyes with her finger, Mercedes smiled a watery smile at her friend. Yeah, everything will be just fine. Cedes is a good person, she'll come around.

“This looks like the address Sam text me.” Rachel and Santana looked up at the three story building, it's dark brown colour blending in with the rest of the row that it stood beside. Walking up the few steps to the front door, they pressed the buzzer for the third floor apartment.

They heard a crackle and then a tinny voice came over the intercom, sounding a little like Blaine. “Hello?”

“Hi, it's Rachel and Santana.” They immediately heard a buzz and then the click of the door, which Santana pushed open and began to climb the stairs with Rachel hurriedly following after. Once they had gotten to the third floor the door to the apartment had already been opened and they both stepped through, looking all around them at the new surroundings of Blaine and Sam's apartment. It was a bright sky blue in colour, the furniture a deeper navy and it was kept immaculately. But then Blaine was a stickler for keeping everything neat, tidy and in its proper place. Santana sauntered over to the couch and immediately sprawled over it, making Blaine, who was in the kitchen area with Sam, chuckle. Blaine, the host with the most, came over with glasses of lemonade, enough for them all and the two boys took the chair together, Blaine sitting contentedly in Sam's lap, his legs dangling over Sam's as he laid his head on his boyfriend’s chest. Rachel hovered and then took the other, smaller chair and looked over to Santana who was sipping her drink already. It looked like this conversation would be down to her.

“So, um, we um...” She spluttered out, spots of red caressing her cheeks as she sat opposite the two boys who were nuzzling lovingly. She wasn't at all uncomfortable with them being together, it was just so new and different. She had only ever seen Blaine like this with Kurt and her best friend hated public displays of affection most of the time. He thought it was kinda tacky. Rachel thought they looked kind of endearing though, although felt she might be interrupting something.

“Oh for the love of, spit it out Berry!” Santana drawled loudly, rolling her eyes at Rachel's ineptitude. Harrumphing at the raven haired girl, Rachel sat herself up and sniffed loudly before continuing.

“As I was about to say, we were wondering what's going on with you two and Kurt. Mercedes seemed to know but she wouldn't say anything and Kurt is being very closed lipped about this.”

The two boys looked at one another, seeming to have a private conversation with only their eyes. At last Blaine shrugged and Sam looked at Rachel, responding to her question. “Err well, it's about the fact that Blaine and I are together.”

Santana snorted derisively. “Told you hobbit. Sam's been gay for Blaine since their senior year.”

“Hey...” Sam started to look a little offended, Blaine patting his chest with his hand to calm him down.

“Sam.” Blaine rubbed soothing circles into Sam's chest and the blonde smiled with a dopey grin down at him. The smaller boy sighed and started to try and explain the situation. “Kurt is upset that we've fallen in love with each other and that we're together now. It's not like we did this on purpose to hurt him though, it just... happened. After Kurt dumped me I was really down, he made me feel like nothing and Sam showed me that I was special. That I am special.”

Santana, looking strangely considerate and friendly, sat up and patted Blaine's knee in an affectionate way. “Hey, we get it. You and Lady Lips didn't fit any more. Now you can be giant nerds with Trouty here. Tell me, are those humongous lips good at giving head?” She waggled her eyebrows at the dark haired boy who went bright scarlet and looked anywhere but at the raven haired girl.

“Tan!” Sam shouted, giving her a dark look. Santana smirked at the boys, she had gotten her answer. Blaine had answered it as soon as he had blushed.

“So you're in love with each other?” Rachel dumbly blurted out, only now realising the situation. Santana looked ready to kill the petite brunette, and Blaine was internally thankful that she didn't. He didn't relish the thought of trying to get blood out of their newly acquired carpet.

Looking up at his new boyfriend, Blaine's heart melted when those two baby blues gave him the most loving look in the world. “Yeah.” He breathed out as he leant up to give Sam a deep kiss.

“Ugh, barf. I need to get out of here, it's too disgusting for words. Come on Berry, let’s leave Trouty and Curly Fry to have sex that is gayer than Kurt's boyfriend pillow.” Santana stood up and pulled Rachel to her feet, pushing the small girl out the door and waving their goodbyes. Astounded, Blaine couldn't help but giggle.

“Yeah, Tan can be cool sometimes, can't she?” Sam murmured, placing small kisses down Blaine's neck and making him shiver in delight.

“Very.” Blaine replied, turning to straddle his boyfriend and kiss him to within an inch of his life.

Rachel and Santana had made a deal. They would try and talk Kurt round. After having been to see the two boys it was obvious that they were very much in love and nothing would change that any time soon. Kurt's relationship with Blaine was over, no matter what Kurt felt or thought. Santana had been frank in her feelings that Sam was a better match for Blaine than Kurt had ever been and Rachel, after having seen them both together, had to agree, even though she thought it would hurt her best friend to hear it. A few days after their talk with Blaine and Sam, Rachel decided that the time to speak with Kurt was now. Steeling herself she ambled into his room, drawing the curtain back and looking at him sympathetically. This was going to be hard for him to hear, but it needed to be done. They were all sick of the feud between their friends. “Kurt can we talk to you for a minute?” She shuffled at the edge of his bed waiting for his response.

Kurt glowered at her and put the copy of Vogue he was reading down beside him. “What is it now Rachel? I don't have any more of that moisturiser left, you used it all remember?”

“No it's not that. It’s about Blaine. And Sam.” She almost winced when Kurt's eyes grew ever darker as anger took over his features.

“What about the lying, cheating bastard and his ape like lover?” He spat out, causing Rachel to look around her for support. Thankfully Santana had made her way over to stand beside her, her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised in a pointed way.

“Give it a rest Lady Hummel. You know they didn't do it on purpose to hurt you so stop acting the martyr.” Rachel nodded and continued with her speech before Kurt could stop her in her tracks.

“Kurt if you really stop to think about it, were you really all that happy when you were with Blaine? Like one hundred per cent happy? I mean after you got back together and engaged to him?”

Sitting on his bed stumped by Rachel's open question, left her thankful. At least he was actually thinking about it rather than biting her head off. She could see the anger draining out of him little by little until a resigned look came over his face. “I... I wasn't I suppose. We fought more than we spent time together as a couple. It was different to before... Blaine was always trying so hard to make it work and I wanted him to be honest, just for once. I felt like we were living a lie the whole time and I couldn't bring myself to trust him after... well after the whole Eli C thing. No matter how much I tried I couldn't bring myself to let him in, so I kept pushing him away and arguing with him. I guess that's not really conducive of a good relationship, is it?” The two girls shook their heads sadly and Rachel went over to sit by her friend, taking his hand in her own and squeezing it affectionately.

“You know what you need to do, right?” She inquired, hoping he would. He sighed and nodded tiredly and she could feel the relief lifting her spirits, making her feel lighter than she had in quite some time. Hopefully the worst was behind them. Blaine was a reasonable person, a forgiving one even. He would accept Kurt's apology. Things might be weird between them for some time but maybe one day they would be able to be the friends they had started out as being. At least she had done her part.

Anxious, his stomach turning over again and again, Kurt made his way up the steps of the address Rachel had given him earlier that day. It was strange for him to be visiting Blaine in his own place. They had been together for so long, now they were separate in more ways than one. He buzzed the intercom, hearing Blaine's voice on the other end.

“It's me. Can I come in?” His heart stopped briefly as he waited with baited breath for Blaine's response. Would he let him in? He couldn't blame him if he didn't. He had been rude, nasty and not very supportive. When the door clicked open he allowed himself to smile briefly. Maybe Blaine would forgive him after all? He walked up the three flights, seeing his ex-boyfriend standing by his front door, a hesitant look on his face.

“Hi.” Blaine chewed his lower lip before holding the door open to let Kurt in. “Sam's not here right now.” Kurt nodded. That was probably a good thing. Blaine might forgive him, but he wasn't sure Sam would. He followed Blaine inside and sat next to him on the couch, turning his body to face him. This was it. The moment that he had been dreading. Admitting he was wrong, and that he had been at fault. It had been hard for him to accept, but he had made himself realise this conclusion over the last few days.

“I want to apologise for what I've said to you recently, it's been cruel and untrue. Sam's a really good person and you two look like you are very much in love. Well the last time I saw you, you were anyway. I was jealous. I wanted that for myself and to see you that joyful with another person, to see that another person could give you what I couldn't? It really hurt.”

Blaine, giving Kurt large, puppy dog eyes replied quietly. “I didn't ever mean to hurt you Kurt, but you really hurt me too, you made me feel like crap and that's something that might take a while for me to forgive.”

“I know and I don't blame you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I know you would never hurt me intentionally, but it still hurts a lot nonetheless. I can't say that I'm happy about this thing between you two, but I'll try to be understanding of it from now on. I won't shut you out or lash out at you anymore.”

Seeing Blaine's lips curl into a smile caused a lump to develop in his throat. He couldn't deny that he still had feelings for Blaine, but he looked so much brighter now that he was with Sam. A sharp pain entered his heart at the realisation that Blaine would never love him in the same way ever again. He had been a fool and it had cost him Blaine. “Thank you Kurt.”

“Don't thank me. Please, I'm doing this more for me then for you. I can't move on till I accept this, so really I'm being selfish.” He shrugged Blaine off as the younger boy tried to hug him, tears stinging the corners of his eyes when he saw the hurt in his ex's eyes.

“Even so Kurt, thank you.” An awkward silence hung in the air as they sat together not knowing what else to say. Everything had changed between them, it would take a long time for them to be able to be friends. Finally, Kurt couldn't stand this oppressive atmosphere a moment longer, he had to leave. Getting up, he dusted off his trousers and gave Blaine one final wry smile before leaving the apartment and Blaine for good.

Blaine had to admit, he had been flabbergasted that Kurt had showed up on his doorstep, but he was even more shocked at the apology and acceptance from him. Whatever had been said to him, presumably by Rachel and Santana, it had definitely had an effect. Blaine hated fighting with anyone and had probably let Kurt off more quickly than he should have done, but he just wanted things to go back to normal in their friendship group. Or at least as normal as they could get. He picked up his phone from the coffee table and sent a text to Sam about it all.

You'll never guess who was just here.

Hearing the door open he rushed to Sam's side.

“So who was just here?” Sam looked up from his phone, having just read his text and looking curious.

“Kurt. He apologised and everything.”

“Really?” Sam didn't look too convinced, but that was ok. He would come around; Blaine was all too sure about that. “Are you sure it was genuine?”

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure Sammy. So now we can be together with nothing standing in our way. No fighting, no exile and we can do this whenever we want.” Blaine reached up on tiptoes to place a small, sweet kiss on Sam's lips and the blonde smiled widely.

“Well, that sounds great.” Picking Blaine up, he carried him over to their bedroom, the smaller boy giggling all the way.

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