Can't Help Falling For You

Chapter Breaking Up is Hard to do

“Blaine I understand that you might be a little overwhelmed about moving to a new city, and because of that you're feeling insecure, but why is it that every week it seems we are arguing about the same things over and over? I'm not sure I can take this much longer. I love you, I do, but this thing between us? It's not healthy right now. You make me feel guilty for being happy and confident. For having friends and doing well in college. It shouldn't be this way Blaine. It shouldn't be this hard. If we really love each other as much as we say we do then surely we wouldn't be fighting this much...” Kurt sat on the couch of his apartment, his eyes filling with unshod tears as he looked across at Blaine; who had just spilled his guts out to Kurt, explaining how insignificant he had felt to the chestnut haired boy these past few weeks.

“What are you saying Kurt?” Blaine asked, his voice wobbling a little as he crossed his arms over his chest to hug himself, making himself even smaller then he already was.

Kurt sighed and stood, making his way over to Blaine with resignation in his eyes. “I think we should take a break.” Blaine's throat tightened as he heard those words. Kurt didn't want him anymore. Kurt had finally realised that he didn't love Blaine, that he wasn't good enough for him.

“ don't want...” The tears started flowing down Blaine's face, everything that he had been feeling, all his insecurities, his fears, they had all come true with just one sentence from Kurt. He had lost the boy forever. The pain he was feeling inside his heart was indescribable, this aching pain filling his insides till he felt like he was going to burst, to shatter from the hurt.

“Blaine I'm saying we need space from each other. I'm not saying it has to be forever, just for now.” Blaine nodded, the tears still flowing. He couldn't speak right now or even truly hear Kurt's words. All he could think was how Kurt didn't want him any longer.

Sniffling a little, he finally responded. “Goodbye Kurt.” Running, he raced down the stairs of the apartment building and out onto the street, weaving his way through the crowds of New Yorkers, none of which seemed to even notice Blaine's plight, as he made his way to the subway and home.

Sam had thought a lot about what Mercedes had said to him about waiting to have sex till she was married. He cared about her very deeply but he didn't think he could wait for years till Mercedes was ready to get married. He wasn't ready for that type of commitment. He wanted so much to say he would wait but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. So when Mercedes had gotten back from work that day Sam had asked her if they could talk, taking her hand and leading her to the couch in the living room.

“So what is it that you want to talk about Sam?” Mercedes asked cautiously, watching as Sam wrung his hands nervously. “Baby, just talk to me.”

Sam bit his lip before shuffling himself on the couch till he was facing Mercedes head on. “I... I don't think I can wait Cedes. I'm sorry. I want to but... I don't know how long I can wait and you don't know how long it will be till you want to get married...”

Mercedes stopped Sam from rambling by holding her hand up to stop him. “Sam, Sam, Stop. It's ok. I understand that you can't wait for something that might not ever even happen. I wasn't expecting for you to wait for me at all Sam. This is just something that I feel is right for me. It's fine really.” Mercedes consoled the blonde haired boy, patting his hand with her own before placing her fingers through his and squeezing his hand gently.

“Can we stay friends though?” He asked, looking at her longingly, trying to emulate his best friend’s puppy dog eyes. It worked, to a degree... Mercedes smiled warmly at the boy. She just couldn't stay mad at Sam for long, no matter what he did.

“Of course. We'll always be friends, no matter what. And you and Blaine don't have to move out, you can stay here on the couch or bunk with Blaine, whatever you feel most comfortable with.” She told him, looking a little sad at the end of what was yet another short lived relationship between them both.

“Thanks Cedes. You're the best, you know that right?” Sam smiled his classic toothy grin and she giggled loudly. Sam knew then and there that they would be fine in the end. It wouldn't be too awkward between them; they were too good friends for that.

“Of course.” She primly replied and they both burst into giggles.

Sam finished packing the last of his things. Mercedes had gone out again to get them all takeaway so that Sam could get his things together without her interfering. He was really glad Mercedes had been so cool about the whole thing and they could still be friends despite what had happened between them recently. He was moving his things into Blaine's room since there was nowhere else to put them, but he would be sleeping on the couch cause Blaine only had the one bed and Sam, although comfortable with Blaine being gay didn't think Kurt would like the thought of them sleeping in the same bed. He knew Blaine wouldn't mind him moving his stuff around to accommodate Sam's things and so he was busy placing his things into the chest of drawers beside Blaine's clothes, that he had shuffled to the left hand side, when Blaine stumbled in, his eyes rimmed red from crying.

“Sam, what are you doing?” He asked almost angrily, but biting his lips after so Sam knew he hadn't meant to snap. Whatever it was that had made Blaine angry was probably the thing that had upset him. Sam hoped it wasn't to do with Kurt because he knew the boys had been squabbling quite a bit lately.

Sam sat on the end of Blaine's double bed and sighed heavily. “Um, well Mercedes and I we decided it was best if we were just friends. I just couldn't wait for Mercedes to be ready to marry Blaine. It was too much. I mean what if she never wanted to get married, then where would I be?” Blaine came to perch on the end of the bed, patting Sam's leg in sympathy.

“Probably very desperate and jerking off in the bathroom every ten minutes?” Blaine joked as he half smiled, his right lips curling up and his nose wrinkling up in that adorable way that Sam knew only Blaine's nose did.

“Ha ha, very funny, let's all joke about how horny Sam is right now.” Sam bumped his shoulder with Blaine who chuckled lightly but the laughter didn't reach his eyes, which looked almost hollow to Sam. “Blaine, are you ok?” Blaine bit his lips again, a sure sign that he was thinking about how to reply, Sam knew him better then he realised. But Blaine only hummed and nodded, his eyebrows shooting up as he plastered his fake grin on his face. Sam knew it was his fake grin because there were no teeth involved. When Blaine smiled properly his teeth were always on show. Obviously Blaine was not willing to share his news quite yet and Sam had to respect his privacy. His friend was clearly hurting and he was going to be there for him. That's what best buddies did. They helped each other out, no matter what. Well no one was going to say that Sam wasn't a good buddy to have. No way.

“Well if you feel like talking I'll be downstairs on the couch, or my new home as I'm going to call it.” Sam stood up and squeezed Blaine's shoulder before heading downstairs to leave Blaine with his grief. Whatever it may be.

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