Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 9 The First Kiss... And Another

We were late for lunch which means we were almost a half hour late for Archery. Nate tried to hide his disappointment with a warm smile.

"Hey guys," he called out. "Welcome to archery. For those who have been with us for the last month, go ahead and grab your bows, quivers, and arrows and head out to your targets! Don't forget your arm guards or your finger guards. Don't want you getting burns! All those of you new to archery, please follow me!"

Ethan and I were surprised that Mercy and Jake were both in our little group.

"Okay, guys, we are gonna go over some safety procedures. First off should be a no brainer, don't get in front of anyone who is shooting. Second, wear your guards on your arms and fingers if you don't want to get blisters or burns. Also, don't point at anything that isn't your target. We don't want any accidents around here. And lastly, don't ever shoot straight up," he finished.

He showed us how to nock the arrow, aim and shoot.

After he was satisfied with our demonstrations he smiled. "Kay, the targets are over there. You all have your bows and arrows. If you need any help, just give me a shout. Other than that, be careful, have fun, and go for it, guys!"

As we all turned to leave, Nate caught my arm and pulled me aside. I would have been doing my little happy dance, except he felt sad and uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Ethan told me what happened with Ben," he said in a rush.

My face burned with embarrassment. It wasn't that I minded him knowing, but I wanted to be the one to tell him about it.

"Nate, I-"

In a move so fast, I barely saw it, Nate lowered his face to mine and swept me in his arms. He placed a soft tentative kiss on my lips. It was over way too fast for my liking. He leaned back searching my eyes, unsure.

"I know!" he tried to reassure me, "I'm not blaming you. It's just..." I could feel the deep seeded anger and mistrust he felt toward Ben pouring from him. He sighed in frustration, and raked his fingers through his shaggy hair.

I smiled up at him. "I know," I whispered. And I did. I could feel his anger, and his protective nature. I could feel his caring. "I'm still not sure why Ben is fixated on me, and not one of the other girls, but it isn't because he cares about me."

"He is Dangerous, Melissa. I wish more than anything that I could take you and your brother away from here, but I can't. I wish..." he couldn't finish, but I felt his irritation at being unable to protect me the way he wanted.

Normally I'd just laugh at the idea of having someone protect me. I don't need a guys help. But not this time. It was like I couldn't keep Ben's hands off me.

I lifted my hand to his face, grazing my palm against the scruff on his jawline. He placed his hand over mine, closed his eyes, and leaning into me. "There is nothing I would like better than to have you take me away from this place," I said.

"You are different from all the other girls here, Melissa. You are special, everyone can tell. That is why Ben want's you so bad. But that's not why I want you," whispered Nate, urging me to understand.

"I'm not special. My parents can't stand me, and if I don't straighten up by fall, they plan on sending me to some boarding school. They only want Ethan," I tried to laugh through the pain. But all I could do was choke before I started crying.

"Tell me," he spoke softly into my ear as he gathered me into his arms.

"I've never been good enough or whatever. I don't know. Ethan has always been the "good child" and I have always been the "bad child." I'm honestly not sure why they kept me around so long. I don't even know when it started. All I know is that Ethan has been the only one who loved me my whole life," I sobbed.

"Shhh, Mel," he whispered as he softly rubbed my back. "What are you going to do when you go back home?" he asked. I could feel his nervousness. He took a quick glance around us, but no one seemed to be needing his help, or even paying attention to us. Relief flooded him.

"I don't know. I turn 18 next month, then I will probably run away from home. They can't keep me anymore. Ethan was planning on going to college and we were going to get a place together. Maybe I could get a job, or three. I've never been good at anything other than painting..."

"I don't believe that for a second. First off, I've never known anyone who could keep her wits about her the way you do when you are backed into a corner. You are very clever. And whether you know it or not, there is power that radiates off you. You have your own special brand of magic..." he said nuzzling my neck.

"I don't have any magic!" I giggled.

"You must, because I have never been this crazy about a girl before in my life! The only thing I've been able to think of since I saw Ben put his hands on you is putting me in his place," he whispered.

At that, my breath caught, and I looked up into his eyes. I've never seen such an honest desire in my life. Placing both my hands on his face, I pulled him down to me.

His first brush of his lips was soft and sweet. Gentle and testing, even unsure. They lingered that way for a moment before it changed to hunger.

Man, I couldn't breathe! I have never felt emotions like this before. The longing, desire, protection, and love... I could feel him. His emotions were strong enough to drown in. My emotions mirrored his. All I could think about was how to make this kiss last forever.

He slipped his tongue between my lips, and I gasped. Fireworks were flashing brightly colored lights behind my eyelids, and the sound of an old music pouring from my heart mixed with the rushing of my blood filled my senses. I was hyperaware of everywhere my body touched his. His fingers dug into my hair while he pulled me even closer to him, deepening the kiss. Never have I ever been kissed like this. Our mouths and tongues danced together in perfect harmony. I moaned in pure bliss.

"Ahem!" Ethan practically shouted to get our attention.

While Nates lips reluctantly left mine, he made no move to let me go. In fact he wrapped both arms around me, pulling me securely to his body, which I was completely okay with, since I probably wouldn't be able to stand after that kiss.

"Hey, Twix," I said playfully.

"Hey, Lissa. So how's archery going?" Ethan's sarcasm dripped from each word.

"I dunno. It seems like I made a bullseye!" I smiled up at the most adorably dazed face I'd ever seen. Desire still hummed off him, along with frustration.

Ethan grunted loudly. "Nate, I know I can't keep you from my sister, but if you hurt her..."

"You don't have to worry about that, Ethan. I could never hurt her!" Nate assured him.

"Yeah, well. I'd rather it be you than Ben! I like you. You are honest and seem to actually care about what my sister wants... Just don't make me watch!" he begged.

Nate chuckled. "Deal!"

I sighed, "I guess it's about time for us to rejoin the rest of the group."

"I guess so," he reluctantly agreed. "I hope I can get you alone again soon, my butterfly."

My heart thrilled at the pet name. "Butterfly?" I asked.

"Butterflies start off as caterpillars. Only when they are forced change are they able to fly. And you will fly, Melissa," he whispered.

I looked at him, knowing that he was a big reason for the changes going through me.

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