Camp Mirror Lake

Chapter 10 Secrets I Never Knew About Me

The energy from the kids at campfire was more subdued than the night before. In fact, that whole "off feeling" was getting worse as we all gathered round the campfire.

Besides the campers, there was a strange darkness rolling off Ben, aimed directly at Nate. Nate just felt frustrated and angry. They were both up front with Jen sitting between them. Jen almost looked like she had ants crawling up and down her skin with all the tension; but I really couldn't tell more than that, other than they were all staring at me.

Huh... I wonder what happened? I already knew they didn't like each other, but this was way worse than the last time they were together!

"Welcome back to campfire!" Roared Jack.

There was a smattering of applause and cheers, but not much. I must not have been the only one that felt like a bucket of ice was dumped down my back.

"Jen will be leading us in the camp cheer!" Announced Jack.

Jen came to stand up by Jack. She still looked like the super peppy cheerleader. But in front of the fire she looked like a super peppy cheerleader demon! The thought wasn't surprising, but it did kinda freak me out! I mean, no one want's to have a demon cheerleader glaring at them, when they are standing right in front of you.

There was NO WAY I was chanting that crap!

"Mirror Lake, Mirror Lake," she chanted with all the campers.

Except this time I noticed Nate wasn't actually chanting... But he was still staring at me, and the vibes he was throwing at me were almost desperation. He was really worried about something.

"From night to day and wrong to right," she cheered bouncing on the balls of her feet. I can't believe the amount of energy she puts into this creepy chant!

"The strength of spirit, from us take," she beamed right at me. Her eyes flashed red just like Ben's had the day before. Was it a trick of the light? Ether way, I was nearly scared out of my mind now!

"Seize us now without a fight!" She finished.

Okay... That last line!? Who in their right mind would want to be seized? More to the point, why the heck would they give up without a fight? I wouldn't! I'd fight or go down trying!

But maybe they weren't in their right minds...

"Thank you Jen," roared Jack again, to a less than enthusiastic crowed.

In fact "less" was probably right. They all felt less somehow... Like they were missing a part of them. Does that even make any sense? Maybe this place is just making me not right in my mind and every one else is just fine!

"For tonight's story, we go back to the world of magic..." announced Jack. The surrounding silence was complete. While the rest of the campers may have felt "less," Jack somehow felt "more." For some reason that didn't seem like a good thing!

"Once, magic was safe," he started. "There were families, and love. Each creature had it's mate, and in love they created their off spring."

The campers were quiet and all we could hear was the crackling of the campfire. There were no crickets or frogs or owls. It was like nothing existed outside our little bubble next to the campfire.

That was a scary thought!

"One day, a great evil came to the land of magic."

Something was sending me warning bells again. And it was coming from Jack.

Nate caught my eye and I felt an urgency and pain coming from him. But I didn't have the context for the emotions. I could also pick up his need to protect me, and his tenderness toward me. His sweetness was a balm to my nervous energy.

His lips on mine flashed to my mind. The thought was coming from him! I've never been able to read minds, that was always my brother. But tonight I was reading Nate's, and his thoughts sent butterflies swirling in my belly.

I'd been so distracted from his thoughts, I barely heard the next part of Jack's tale.

"It was getting too dangerous to have children. The parents would not be able to protect them anymore. So it was decided to send them away for their protection," Jack continued.

Red glaring lights flashed off in my head. THIS IS A LIE!

"Among the children that were sent away, were a pair of royal twins; The prince and princess of the woodland fairies. Along with their great abilities to help growth and healing, this pair had the abilities of telepathy and empathy. They were in danger from those who would destroy all magic, and so were kidnapped and hidden away for their own safety..." Jack continued his hypnotic tale.

Dread filled my belly. I looked back at my brother and he looked back at me. Beads of sweat dotted his shocked, pasty face. This story was about us!

I turned around and found Nate's face. It was full of understanding and pain. I could feel he still wanted to protect me and my brother. But it was more than that. It seemed a part of his duty to protect us warred with the part of him that loved me. He still wanted me, even though it would be dangerous for him, in more ways than one.

I turned my head and was met by Ben's eyes. Ben still wanted me too, but it wasn't the way Nate did. I could feel the hunger for power, that now made more sense. I could see the smirk on his face. He knew that I understood what I was, now. This was what he had meant, for me to be his queen.

The only problem with that was, there was, I was not cool with letting him have me! I could feel his power, but it wasn't as strong as Jack's. But he craved more. He wanted mine! Yuck! His soul felt slimy, like algae at the bottom of the lake...

"So, they were all sent away to be protected inside the bubble dome..." Jack finished with a great bow.

The campers who had be entranced by the story cheered.

The only thing I could think of was Ethan and I HAD TO GET OUT OF HERE!

Just before I grabbed Becky's arm and high tailed it outta there, Ben caught me.

"Hey, Little Bee. Where do you think you are going?" he smirked.

"Uh, I was just gonna buzz on out of here..." I tried to laugh at my lame joke.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nate tense up, and I could feel alarm rocketing through his entire body. He was worried about me. I knew he wanted to grab me and get the hell outta Dodge...

Well, that's convenient, because I wanted to make a break for it, too! I was wishing more than anything that Nate had stolen me and Ethan away earlier and hidden us somewhere. Anywhere!

Ben grabbed me around my waist and leaned into me, placing his mouth along my neck he mumbled into my skin, "Not so fast, little princess. I've wanted to spend a little time with you."

I could feel rage and jealousy flowing through Nate. Not that I blamed him for that. If I was him I'd be going crazy too!

Slightly distracted by Ben's show of dominance, I gave a yelp as Ben suddenly lifted me up and cradled me to his body as he hurried into the darkening woods.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"Getting you away from your brother and friends... I told you I wanted to spend some time with you... But I needed to get you alone first!" Ben growled.

Okay, so maybe he really was a vampire. I mean he was running with me in his arms and he wasn't even out of breath!


Ben gently let me down, trapping me between his body and a huge tree. "I've been wanting to get you alone since I saw you," he whispered.

"Why?" I finally asked. It had been bugging me from the beginning, but now I had more of an understanding... I just wanted him to confirm it.

"You are so powerful, Melissa," he purred my name as he slid his lips down my jawline.

Please don't kiss me, because there is now way I wouldn't throw up if you did!

"Um, I still don't get it. How does that help you?" I asked.

He ran his hands slowly up from my hips, to my abs, my chest...

I threw up in my mouth as he left them there.

"If you took me as your mate, you could share your power with me," he crooned, nuzzling my neck.

"But how..." the words were lost as it finally hit me.

Ben sent me a heated look as a smirk appeared on his perfect face. "I think you know, beautiful. I can make you mine and we will both rule this world together," he promised.

The thing was, he was telling the truth. This is what he wanted. He wanted me, and the power I had. It would make him more powerful than Jack. With me as his mate, sharing my power, he could rule the world!

What is with all these people who think they need to rule the world??? Do they have nothing better to do than come up with the old "take over the world" scheme???

But at the moment, Ben was working his mouth along my neck and heading downward. I couldn't think with the panic rising! His hands were all over my body and I felt dirty!

Whimpering, I squirmed and tried to push away...

"Yo, Ben!" Shouted Ethan.

"What?" growled Ben.

"Jack is looking for you," Nate announced casually.

I knew better. Nate had been ready to tear Ben limb from limb. But he was trying not to scare me.

A tear leaked down my face. Ben didn't notice, but Nate did. The tension in his jaw and ropes of his corded muscles stood out, but didn't make a move.

"We'll finish this later," he snarled. Then he turned and stocked past Ethan and Nate.

The moment Ben was out of range, Nate gathered me in his arms and held me as a sobbed.

Man, I really am turning into a girly girl!

It felt so good being in Nate's arms. He just held me while I cried.

When I finally got myself under control, I looked up at him, "Thank you," I hiccupped.

"I probably don't have the right to ask you this, but what was it he wanted?" I could tell by the way he questioned it, he probably had a good idea; but maybe he didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"He wanted me to be his mate... " I sobbed.

The word sounded so foreign on my tongue, but something also clicked.

Nate tried to keep the growl in his chest, but some of it leaked out in his frustration.

"And... Did you... I mean, what..." he was stumbling over his words so bad, he couldn't complete the question.

But I knew what he was asking.

"No! I don't want him to be my mate! I'm not sharing my power with him... I want you to be my mate!" I said before my brain could catch up with my mouth.

Nate lost his breath. "Did you really mean that?" his voice was low and smooth.

My stubborn pride would not let me backpedal, when I had said exactly what I was feeling. And yes, I did want him for my mate.

I nodded. "Every word."

Nate bent his head and kissed me so gently, then pulled back slowly. The tender look in his eyes took my breath away. "I would be honored to be your mate," he whispered. "But first we have to get out of here."

"Hey, guys," Ethan interrupted. "Ben's gonna be back any minute. I suggest we leave while we still can!"

"Your brother is right. It's late. We don't want to be out here after lights out. There is a reason for that rule!"

Nate took my hand and laced my fingers with his as he led me back

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