Burning Vengeance

Chapter 16.

Hundreds of dragons and human slaves gasp at the sight of her.

"Yes, look. Look at what our pathetic false king has done with disgusting creature." Alarik shakes with rage. Killian drags a cold finger down her arm with a taunting grin.

"Get off of me!" She tries to rip herself from Killian's grasp, but he's too strong. He squeezes so tight she fears her bones might snap.

"Nice try. But you're still a weak, pathetic human." He forces her down on her knees. "A pathetic human that my brother had no business mate bonding with."

Alarik grits his teeth, his hands balling into shaking fists. Dragons all around him whisper and glare. "Disgusting..... weak..... unbelievable...."

"Please, it's not what you think! This was against Alarik's will!"

"The only thing worse than Alarik bonding with you willingly is succumbing to you without consent!"

"Wait. That's not what I meant, I-"

The dragons shout, spewing spiteful insults. The humans gape in horror. "I always knew you were a traitor, Alarik. Deep down, I knew it." Celeste steps out of the crowd, milking her performance for all it's worth.

"Celeste, you speak that way to your husband?"

Celeste barks a harsh, theatrical harsh laugh at her accusation. "He's no husband of mine." She gets in Fay's face. "It's one thing for him to name you his little mistress. But to think he took you as his secret mate? It makes my stomach turn." She spits at her and Alarik rises to his full height, furious.

"Don't you-"

"Careful, brother. Do you really want to defend her after everything you've done?" Killian walks up to Alarik, his red eyes blazing. "After all, you not only marked this vile slave, you hid it from your people as well."

The whispers rise, growing colder and harsher, churning into a cyclone of hatred. "He, what? No.... how could he?"

"Look at her arm." Killian grabs her again, brandishing her flesh for all to see. "The mark is well inlaid into her skin. It has been hidden beneath that bandage for weeks. Your so-called king has deceived you all."

Alarik stumbles back, his throat rising and falling as his worst fear materializes. His subjects spit venomous words at him, throwing things and half shifting in their wrath. "You defiled your sacred office! False king!"

Alarik turns away, his whole body shaking with shame.

"You know what, Killian would be a better king."

"Fay..." everyone, including Alarik, turns to her in shock.

"It's true. Because he is as revolting as the rest of you. That makes him the perfect candidate. He's precisely what you all deserve. Once he's finished terrorizing humans, he'll come for you too."

Killian shoves a guard at her and she's grabbed. Four more descend on Alarik. "I want them in the darkest pit this castle has to offer."

"Rrrah!" Alarik moves to attack Killian, but a dozen more guards pile on and haul him away before he can.

The cell they're shoved into is lit only by a few dim candles. The air is thick with the pain that its walls have witnessed.

"Get off of me!" Alarik thrashes like a feral animal. His captors clamp metal cuffs around his wrists, chaining him to the wall. When the metal hits his skin, he slumps, as though his strength is suddenly sapped from him.

"You look good like that, Alarik, chained up like the dog you are." Killian steps into the cell, his smile darker than the prison cell. "Doesn't he look good like that, Fay? Almost like you, a dirty little human, his sexual fantasy come to life." He threads his hands through her hair.

Alarik snarls. "Don't fucking touch her!"

"It's alright, Alarik. I am used to senseless brutality. He's nothing compared to my father."

"Comparing me to a mere human? I'll show you the difference between him and I."

"Threaten her again and I'll-"

"You'll, what? Hm?" He rounds on Alarik, grabbing him by the throat and his nails draw blood. "Look around, little brother. You've lost. You heard your people. They want nothing to do with you."

"That's because they're blind to how much of a monster you are. How you'll destroy them with your lust for power."

"Keep talking. I dare you." Killian turns to her, a black aura wrapping around him with such sinister strength it makes her heart skip. "Right now, I'm feeling generous. But that could easily change." He crouches before her. "See, come morning at my coronation, you will both be executed."

"You bastard."

"And I plan for you to die first, Fay. I like the idea of my brother writhing in the pain of your loss." He drags his thumb over her bottom lip. She fights angry tears from falling. "But keep running that pretty little mouth of yours and I'll keep you alive far longer than you'd like to be." To make his point, he lifts his hand, the same way he did when she was tortured in his castle.

"Do your worst." Killian flicks his wrist. Her whole body seizes with the brutal sensation of being skinned alive. "Ahh!"

"Fay!!!" Alarik thrashes against his chains, desperate to reach her, cursing his brother with every foul name he can think of.

Just as quickly as it started, the pain stops. Looking almost bored, Killian rises and walks to the cell door, slamming it shut behind him. "Enjoy your last night together. If you thought that was bad, you have no idea what I have planned for you come dawn."

When he finally leaves, she lets out the breath she'd been holding, still trembling from his invisible mutilation.

"Fay, speak to me. Are you all right? What did he do to you?"

She struggles to her feet, stumbling over to Alarik. He catches her in his arms. "Alarik, we need to get out of here. Let's try shifting and blowing this place up with your body."

"No. Fay, listen to me. You're not chained. You need to go."

"I'll go with you. Now do as I said and-"

"It's no use. These chains I'm in are made to hold dragons. I can't use any of my powers."

"You.... you can't?"

He shakes his head. She closes her eyes and tries to summon her own power again. "Well, I'm not a dragon. If I can.....just......" she strains to call forth her power, but nothing answers. She coughs, winded from her attempt.

"I'm so sorry, Fay."


Alarik bows his head, shame and regret falling over him like a shroud. "This whole situation is my fault. If I had just.... never touched you....." he strains at his chains, bruising and cutting his wrists. Her chest tightens. "I marked you, made you a slave, robbed you of your free will. That Dragon's Mark is no different than a slave's brand. I'm sure you're disgusted by it." Her heart slams against her chest. His whole body shakes as he loosens his grip on her, letting her go. "It's okay. I know, you're disgusted by the mark and by me."

"It is a little hard to look at, I won't lie to you." Alarik winces. "But not because I'm ashamed of it. Because everyone else is." He looks up at her. "I hate that this has caused you so much stress and put you in so much danger. That part truly disgusts me."

"Fay, don't worry about me."

"I can't help it. Now, let's get you loose so we can get out of here." She grabs the chain link that is welded into the wall, ripping at it with all her might. She feels her hands bruise. "If I can just find a rock or something, I can-"

Alarik wraps his chained arms around her, pulling her away from her task of trying to free him. "Stop."

"Stop, after what they've done to us? After what Killian said he's going to do to us?"

"Look over there." She follows his gaze to a small crack in the world. "It's not big, but you should be able to fit through there. Now, go."


"Yes. There's no real hope for me at this point. But if you get out, it's worth it to me."

"They're going to kill you, Alarik."

"I know, but you can still survive this."

"No, I'm not leaving without you."

"You have to. It's the only way."

"No, I won't do it! I would rather die with you than-"

"Damn it, listen to me!" Alarik wheels her around with breathtaking strength, pressing her up against the wall. "You have to survive, no matter what."

"Why should I survive without you-"

Without answering, his lips hit hers, the desperation of the moment taking physical form as he kisses her. "Because." It is a single word, but it says everything. She opens her mouth to argue, but Alarik kisses her again, stealing her breath. Her pain, her confusion, it all seems to fall away as their bond ignites. She rocks her hips against his, a motion he matches instantly with a gasp of need. He hardens between her thighs and lifts her up against the wall. "You have to live, Fay, for me." He swears her name into her neck, taking hold there as he pulls at the shirt she wears. She closes her eyes as he sucks hard, scoring her soft skin with his passion. "You have to. I can't see you in pain like that, ever again."

"But, Alarik-"

"No. Never again." His breath ghosts across her lips, his smokey scent washing over her as he wraps a powerful hand around her thigh. "Never again." He begins to raise her leg, spreading her thighs apart.

"Alarik, I'm really okay."

"No. You're not." When her leg is high enough, he slides his hand down the length of it and slips his fingers so close to her aching center. "I know you're just being brave." The growl in his voice makes her gasp, a shiver running up her body as he presses against her, his fingers promising relief. "You don't have to be brave with me." The desire to let go, to give in to him, is almost more than she can bare.

"Alarik, please put me down." She exhales.

He eases her back down on firm ground, until they're both sitting on the prison floor. "I'm sorry. I should've controlled myself."

"No, it's okay." She feels his grip on her loosen.

"Fay..... I'll..... I'll miss you."

"So, that's it. You're making me go."

"Yes, I have to." His head bowed low, he pushes her to stand.

She sways on her knees, the hunger for him not even remotely quenched. "Alarik, don't turn away from me."

"You know that's not what I'm doing. I'm trying to protect you. Go. You have to."

Squeezing her eyes shut, she fights back tears. After a long, painful moment, she turns to leave. But Alarik doesn't let go of her hand.


His grip on her hand tightens and she turns back to him. "I..... I can't...." he looks up into her eyes with something she's never seen before, an expression she cannot read.

"You can't do it. You can't ask me to go, just admit it."

His hand trembles over hers, warring between squeezing tighter and letting her go...

"Rrr... fuck it." In a flash, Alarik pulls her back down to the ground in a tangled embrace. She's unsure of where his limbs end and hers begin. He kisses her everywhere, moving down, his touch all-consuming. He tears her shirt away as though it is made of paper, bearing her naked body to him.

"Alarik.... I...."

"Fay." He says her name with more depth and sincerity than she's ever heard and their eyes meet. His body pulses through his remaining clothes. She can see the outline of his desire, straining to break free. Reaching up, her fingers brush against the clasp that keeps him caged from her, but he stops her. "No." He presses her down in front of him and reaches for his pants. "I'll do it. You just stay like that." His voice is firm and commanding. She can't help but do as he asks. Staring at her with unbridled heat in his gaze, he loosens his pants and pulls them down. Every rippling muscle ropes down to his rock-hard shaft. She gasps at the size of him, the dark beauty of him. "I can't hold back anymore. I've wanted this..... wanted you.... for so fucking long."

"Alarik, no more words."

"No more words." His hands move to her waist, holding her firm against the ground as his cock throbs against her. Every ounce of her body aches with yearning for him. She can feel how badly he wants this too, how much he needs it. But he stops, cupping her face in his hands. "I'm yours, you hear me?" He takes her in his mouth, kissing her and rocking against her until she whimpers and bucks her hips. "I'm yours, Fay. No matter what they do to me, no matter what happens." He rubs his breathtaking length up and down her slick entrance. "You didn't have a choice before, but I'm giving you one now. Choose me." He flattens her against the stone floor, his formidable form hovering above her, his heat drawing her in like a drug. "Choose me and we'll make this bond whole."

"I choose you, take me. I don't know when they'll come for us and I don't want to miss this chance. It's probably our last." She bows her head against him and he threads his hand into her hair.

"You're probably right." He slowly guides her back down and climbs on top of her. With tender care, he takes her, driving her to climax. But when she finishes, their bond suddenly surges to life with the force of a lightning bolt, shooting from his body into hers.


"Nngh!" They both arch at the power of the pleasure. It rolls through her with more potency than any orgasm. When the electric connection finally ebbs, they collapse on one another, breathless. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. That was intense."

"It was, more than I ever expected." Alarik's chained arms remain wrapped around her as he lowers his lips to the top of her head. "Do you feel any different?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, normally..... once two dragons complete their bond..."

A memory resurfaces in the haze of her aftershock.

She lifts herself as best as she can, turning to expose her back to Alarik. "Is anything there?"



Alarik drags his hand down her bare back, still free of any Dragon's Mark. She shivers.

"I don't know why, but..... it's not there."

"I see. That's disappointing."

"Is it?"

"Yes. I don't know why, but I longed for it. Maybe I just feel incomplete..... deep down....."

"Right...." his hand travels down her spine, then she feels him kiss the back of her neck and he whispers in her ear. "I won't forget you, Fay. No matter what, for as long as I'm alive, I won't forget you."

"Alarik, don't say things like that."

"It's my last chance to say it."

"No, it's not, Alarik. We're going to get you out of this, so don't promise-"

"You have to go now, Fay."

"No. Please, just work with me. We can-"

"Stop it, Fay! You're making this harder! Just go!"

"I told you, no!" She flings her hand out and the candles in the cell surge into violent torches of flame.

"This is...." the flames coil into the air, dancing over her body as if becoming one with her bare flesh. "Fay."

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