Burning Vengeance

Chapter 15.

"What is this, some kind of fucking trick?"

"It's pure power." She grins.

"It is. Power you should fear, Killian." Alarik finds a tattered blanket and pulls it around her body.

"Power I should fear, huh?" His grimace slowly melts into a sinister smile. He closes the gap between them and grabs her arm. "Is that what you'd call this?" He holds her arm up to the light, the bandage burned away to reveal her Dragon's Mark.

"That.... that's nothing. It's a tattoo. Nothing more."

"A tattoo that glows and protects you from fire that should've melted the flesh from your bones? No, I know exactly what this is. And exactly who gave it to you." Blood pounds in her ears as Killian turns to face Alarik, sadistic pleasure on his face. "To think, brother. The answer to your downfall was here the whole time, right in front of me." He squeezes her arm tighter, pulling her to him and sniffs her neck.

"Get away from her!" Alarik's eyes blaze a furious blue as he lunges for Killian, tackling him to the ground. Killian is strong, but Alarik is stronger. He punches his twin brother again and again and again.

Thinking fast, Fay grabs one of his torture devices and stabs him deep in the back of the knee. "Agh!" He goes rigid on the floor, giving the pair a chance to escape.

Alarik grabs her hand. "Run. Now." They sprint from the cell, Alarik's firm grip like a beacon in the dark.

"Get them!" Killian's bellow alerts dozens of guards. They pour out into the hall, their furious gazes shifting as they grow in size.

"Alarik, how are we-"

"Come on!" Alarik kicks into a higher gear, practically dragging her through the torrent of shifting enemy dragons.

She finally sees the door at the end of the tunnel, their one and only path to freedom. "We'll never make it!"

"We will. Just jump when I tell you to."

"Jump? But-"

Alarik begins to darken and shift, his draconic eyes flashing blue as he kicks the door down.

They're on the edge of a sheer mountain cliff and Alarik leaps off of it. "JUMP!" Suddenly, he transforms, his sleek, powerful dragon back perfectly poised to catch her mid-air.

Behind her, Killian's enormous red dragon rampages through the hall, his mouth open, his fangs craving her blood.

Fear grips her and she stops moving. She can't bring herself to leap from the cliff. "I can't! I can't!" Alarik roars and she hears an edge in it. Frustration.... or horror. Before she can react, Killian is upon her, his massive, sword-like fangs hurtling straight for her. "No!" She puts her hand up to shield herself, but it's no use. A huge fang slices right through the dip in her fingers. "Ahh!" She closes her eyes and waits for the worse, for the sickening crunch as he crushes her whole body, but it doesn't come. When she opens her eyes, she finds Alarik's jaws clamped against Killian's, barring him from killing her. "Alarik!"

Alarik shoves his twin brother back and takes her in his mouth, flying away as she hangs on to his fang, trying hard not to get swallowed. Spotting a small crevice in a snow-capped hillside, Alarik lands and spits her out, a slobbery mess.

"We should be safe here."

Through the mouth of the cave, she watches iridescent lights dance in the sky. It's like nothing she's ever seen. "Wow."

Alarik turns her to face him, gripping her shoulders. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not going to need to tan."

"Joking at a time like this?" A winded laugh leaves Alarik's mouth as he looks her up and down. "I can't believe it. You.... you were caught in his flames, you should've-"

"I should have died, I know."

"My God, Fay." His hand skates down her blackened Dragon's Mark.

"Maybe it was some kind of real miracle. Maybe something just saved me. Something I can't explain, or-"

"I don't care what it was." Alarik pulls her into a bruising hug, holding her fast to his body as he buries his face in her shoulder. "I don't care. As long as you're safe, is all that matters."

She feels his broad arms shake as he holds her. "For a second, I really thought I lost you, Fay. I thought...."


After a long moment, he releases his grip on her, looking down at his mark on her arm. "Whatever this new power of yours is, it won't protect us from Killian knowing about this now. He'll try to expose you to get to me."

She remembers what he said about her. "Alarik, what did he mean when he called me your 'missing scale'?"

At her question, he turns away. He walks to the mouth of the cave, watching the lights dance over the endless mountain peaks. "Every dragon has a weak spot. A literal, physical weak spot. One missing scale, where they can be stabbed or killed."

"That sounds dangerous."

"It is. That's why it remains a secret, even between family members." He turns back to her, his eyes glinting in the dim cave light. "A dragon only reveals his missing scale to the one he trusts most in this world." Alarik takes a step toward her, then another, slowly backing her up against the stone cavern. "He only reveals his missing scale to the one he cares about. The one he can't stop thinking about." Her breath catches as Alarik takes her hand in his. He softly slides it up her body. "Can I show you mine, Fay?"

"No." The word flies from her mouth before she can stop it and she pulls her hand away.

Alarik looks away. "I see."

"Please, Alarik. It's not because it doesn't mean anything to me. It's just that the knowledge.... it scares me."

"And you think it doesn't scare me?" He slams his hand into the cave wall, shaking it as he stares at her, confessing something she can't dare to believe. "The way I feel about you, it terrifies me."

"The way you.... feel about me?"

"Yes. You are my weak spot, Fay." With that, Alarik sweeps her into a crushing kiss, his lips steady and earnest against hers. She can't help it or hold back. She melts against him, his words ringing in her ears.


His tongue delves deep into her mouth. He can't get enough. He gathers the cloth she's wrapped in and slowly slides it up her thighs. "Is this okay?"

"Alarik, it's more than okay."

"Thank God, because I can't stop myself."

Something primal in her twists and churns at his touch. It urges her on with a fire that she lost control of the moment his lips touched hers. Her eyes never leaving his, she slowly unties the cloth that covers her body. When she lets it fall to the ground, Alarik's chest rises, his whole body answering at the sight of her. "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on." She parts her lips in a silent invitation. Alarik takes it, thrusting his tongue into her waiting mouth. She slips her hands up his tight draconian clothing, peeling it slowly off of his chiseled chest. Alarik slides his big, calloused palms up over his breasts. He squeezes when she grips the clasp on his pants, halting her. "Me first."


"No, I finally have you all to myself. I'm going to take my time with you." His thumbs move over her nipples and she gasps. "All the time I want." Alarik's lips move against her neck, his teeth grazing the softest parts of her bare skin. He sucks the flesh beneath her ear, sending shivers of pleasure across her skin, only breaking away for a moment when he hears her moan. "You're so small. So fragile."

"I can handle you just fine."

"Are you sure about that?" He bends, wrapping his hot, strong mouth around her nipple. An explosion of bliss travels from his flicking tongue, through her chest, straight to her heart. She bucks against him. A low growl rumbles from his Herculean body. He backs her up against the cave wall, the blue-green light of the sky dancing on his face. Then he kisses her way down her stomach, bending to part her thighs. "Let's see how well you handle me here." His eyes glint blue, an unquenchable thirst in his gaze. He leans in close, his hot dragon's breath traveling over her throbbing center of pleasure.


"Tell me, Fay." His voice is lower now, rougher and more serious than before. He slides his hands up, spreading her legs with unending patience, until her soft, aching entrance is exposed to him. "Can I taste you here?" He drags his tongue slowly up the entire length of her thigh, the tingling sensation spreading to her very core. "Say I can."

"Alarik, let's slow down. This is too intense."

He sits up, pulling away to give her space. "If that's really how you feel, I can stop."

"No, wait." She reaches out, pulling him back. "I don't want to stop, not completely."

"Good, I don't either." He grabs her wrists with sudden fervor, pinning her to the cave wall. "I need to claim you. Really claim you."

"Alarik, you're mine to claim."

He huffs, rolling his hips so his strained, slick cock presses up between her thighs. "Let's make this bond complete."

But a harsh, piercing dragon's roar tears them from their moment of bliss, plunging them back to their harsh reality.

"What was that?" They inch to the edge of the cave and peer out. What she sees makes her heart stop.

An army of dragons, thousands deep, streak through the air, led by the horrible red monster that is Killian.

"They're heading for the castle, for our homeland." Alarik quickly hands her his shirt. "Here. Put this on. And use the blanket to wrap your arm. We have to go."

She pulls on Alarik's shirt and creates a makeshift bandage from the blanket. As she does, he shifts. "I'm ready. Let's go." She vaults onto his back and he leaps into the air as fast as his wings will allow. Alarik streaks through the night sky faster than she's ever seen, his eyes blazing bright blue. She leans down and speaks into his ear. "Alarik, I'll defend these people right alongside you." He lets out a grateful growl, pushing himself even harder to fly faster.

When the castle comes into view, it is already entrenched in dragonflame. She can hear the distant screams of the attacked. They fly through a burning hole in the roof and land in the center of the great hall.

Killian's forces are everywhere, attacking hundreds of dragons and human slaves alike. Some fight, others flee in fear.

"Alarik! Where have you been?" Celeste rages through the chaos, flanked by elder dragon advisors.

Alarik mutters to Fay under his breath. "I need to deal with this. Stay close and stay safe."

As he's pulled away by Celeste, she moves to follow him, but she stops. Making a decision, she runs in the opposite direction. She winds through the twisting castle, dodging gruesome duels and burning rooms, descending deeper and deeper. She finds a dank, disgusting work room where a cluster of slaves sit huddled in the corner, shaking.

"Fay?" Theo emerges from the frightened crowd, overjoyed to see her.

"Theo, thank God you're okay!"

"I am. Some of these people aren't though. We need to get them to safe-"

Before Theo can finish, someone rams into her with pure malice. "Fay!" Her sister, Gemma, knocks Fay to the floor, her hands clasped tight around her throat. "There you are, you murdering dragon whore. Do you have any idea what I've been through because of you?"

"G-Gemma...." Fay tries to pry her hands away, but isn't able and the girl squeezes tighter.

"You condemned me to do something as lowly as laundry. Me? You evil cunt!"

"Get off of her!" Theo tries to pry Gemma off of her, but the girl elbows him in the nose.

"Get off of me, slave scum! I'm nothing like you and I won't have your disgusting hands touch me!"

Fay tries to crawl away, coughing, but Gemma yanks her back by her hair, murder in her listless eyes.

"Gemma, this is your last warning."

"Oh, so scary. Well, you don't get a warning. I've dreamed of killing you every night since I got here. First, I'll cut up that pretty little face of yours. Come here!" Gemma starts digging her nails into Fay's cheeks. When she's sure her skin will shatter, something hits the girl's head and she falls. "Agh!"

"Stay down, bitch." Leah stands over Gemma, holding a rusted frying pan.

"Leah, thank you so much."

"It's you who should be thanked, for teaching me to stand up for myself and others." She grips the pan harder, squaring off with Gemma as she staggers to her feet. "You showed me there was another path, Fay. You showed me that I could be strong."


"You piece of -" but Gemma is cut short when the far wall detonates as though blown out by a bomb. Through the wreckage, she hears the ominous boom, boom, boom of massive footsteps.

An enemy dragon roars and plunders into the room, snapping at the slaves as they scream and sprint for the only door. The dragon spits a stream of deadly fire, melting the door into a pool of unsurpassable molten metal.

"We're trapped!" Theo shouts.

"No, we're not." She tries to call up her power, straining to pull it from the deepest parts of herself. Determined, she looks wildly around the room for an answer. She spots the hole the dragon made when he crashed into the room. "There! Everyone, go!" Her and Leah usher the crowd of terrified slaves out through the hole before the dragon can turn around.

"That's all of them. Let's go!"

Theo grabs Leah's hand, pulling her up over the rubble. For a moment, they stare at one another. "Hi. I'm Theo."

"Hi. I'm-" but before Leah can finish, Gemma grabs her and throws her back toward the dragon. "Ahh!"

"Out of my way!"

Leah tumbles straight down, missing the snapping dragon's jaws by only a fraction of a second. "Leah! You have no heart, Gemma!"

"Hearts make people weak. Now, move!" Gemma moves to backhand Fay, just like their father used to, but she catches her wrist.

Fay wrestles her sister as Theo helps Leah to safety. The dragon slowly advances on the sisters.

"Fay! You have to get out of there!"

"I'll be the one getting away." Gemma tears at her hair and bites her, fighting like a feral animal while she screams. "Know what? I don't care that Soren died. I wish neither of you had been born."


"But it's alright. You can join him now." Gemma shoves her down towards the dragon's gaping maw, where fire and fangs await her.

"Fine. You win, Gemma."

"I always do." With a sickening smile, Gemma throws her back into the room with a raging dragon as she climbs to safety. "Spread your legs for him, Fay. Maybe he'll make you his whore instead of his snack."

Gritting her teeth, Fay ducks and rolls right before the dragon spits fire at her. Squeezing her eyes shut, she dives through the molten metal entrance. The liquid metal burns her feet and she screams in pain, but she makes it. Safe on the other side of the door, she collapses, catching her breath. Suddenly, the roof above her shakes and Alarik's unmistakable roar rattles her to the core. She runs at full speed through the castle, blindly dodging danger after danger to reach her Dragon King.

When she arrives at the great hall again, what she sees chills her to the bone. A hundred men have slung heavy chains over Alarik's dragon body, pinning him to the ground.

"What's the matter, brother? Don't like the spelled chains I brought? Do they burn?" Alarik roars and tries to fight the chains, straining as the men below do their best to keep him in place as Killian walks to him. "I don't know exactly how to kill you with those powers you stole from me, but I'll have a lot of fun figuring it out."

Fay looks around the room. All of Alarik's subjects, including Celeste and his advisors, cower in fear. Thinking fast, she picks up an abandoned shoe in the wreckage and throws it at Killian's back. "Hey! You were going to hurt me to hurt him, remember?"

Killian slowly turns to face her, his bloody smile growing into a sinister, unsettling grin. "Oh, how could I forget you, Fay?" As Killian moves toward her, Alarik rockets upward with a burst of remaining strength, breaking his bonds. "Shit." Alarik lunges for his brother, taking him in his mouth and slamming through the castle wall, out onto the grounds.

She runs outside with the crowd of onlookers, expecting to find Killian bit in half, but no.

Killian has transformed and he is locked in a vicious battle with Alarik. Teeth, talons and wings all blur together as the twin brothers seek to destroy one another. Alarik blasts Killian with his blue flame, singeing his shoulder. Killian roars and rears back.

With his king's strength, Alarik lifts Killian into the air and hurdles him into the ground. They both shift back to their human forms.

Suddenly, she feels something heavy appear in her hand out of thin air. The knife. She remembers what Alarik said about weak spots and missing scales.

Raising the dagger, she sprints for Killian, aiming for the top of his spine. "Killian!" But right before the blade meets his skin, he grabs her wrist, forcing her to the ground with immense strength.

"You think it'd be that easy to kill me? Think again."

"No!" Alarik lunges for her, but it's too late.

Killian rips her bandage from her arm and raises it high, bearing her Dragon's Mark for all to see.

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