
Chapter 2

The feast of Chinese take-away covered all of Wendi’s eight seater dinning table. Plastic containers had been over filled with their contents, leaving a variety of sauces oozing down the side and onto the paper plates we had to put under them. We were all paranoid about getting some sweet n sour stains on the pale wood surface as her Mum would kill us if that happened; despite it technically being her fault for filling them so much.

The Chan’s ran the local Chinese restaurant and most Friday nights, they were happy to have all of us girls take over their house for dinner. What they probably wouldn’t be thrilled about was Rachelle stealing a bottle of vodka from her older brothers hidden stash in the bottom of his wardrobe. Should they find out, they would also never suspect that their daughter; quiet, shy Wendi, was the one who had encouraged her to do it. The second Wendi’s sister Lily left to go join her parents for a shift at the restaurant, the vodka was out and so were the shot glasses.

“So, week one of Blake Boy watch. Any one seen the convict?” Becky managed to get out as she shoved a whole spring roll into her mouth.

“Michael.” I corrected, hating how they decided to nickname him the convict. What if he ever heard?

“Oh, right!” She nodded, “Michael, our mystery convict!”

Rolling my eyes at her, I reach for the prawn crackers which Rachelle snatches from my reach.

“So, I was talking to Mrs. Lewis when Mum stopped to get coffee after school from her cafe, and she asked me about the three new boys in town. She thinks they all have the prettiest eyes and so I asked her what she meant by, all.” Turning to me, I freeze as her eyes lock onto mine. “Long story short, she then tells me my best friend, the girl I’ve known all my life and then some, has been seen meeting up with our mystery convict, twice this week!”

Everyone brought into her drama and gasped dramatically.

I only groaned.

“Explain!” Wendi boldly exclaimed, pointing her own spring roll at me like some kind of threatening weapon.

“I swear he is stalking me!” I argue, “Anywhere I go, he is there!”

“Why haven’t we been told?” Helena snaps, flicking her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder.


“She is holding out on us! You want him all to yourself!” Peta then declares teasing me, before dropping her chopsticks in frustration. “I mean really Sarah, I totes get it. I saw him the other day too, just. Hot!”


“I think Sarah should do two shots!” Wendi slides over one of the shot glasses and Rachelle opens the vodka. I like her better when she is that quiet, shy girl.

“I can’t. I have to pick up Danny later and listen to me! They’re bad news. I don’t know Michael, I don’t like Michael and yeah, I guess he is, well no, he is hot, but there is just something strange about them. It’s not attractive!”

“So you do think he is hot?” Peta asks.

That’s all they hear. They don’t care about the stalking part, which I could be over-reacting about, but ever since that morning I met him, he really has been everywhere.

Tuesday he was at the beach again, so I changed my run to after school, which then had me nearly being hit by his car as I went towards the main street of town. Thursday he came into the grocery store when I went in with Mum, and then just happened to go into the news agency when I did too.

Even this morning he was waiting out the front of our house when I went to leave for school. Technically that was for Danny, as he was giving him a lift and had already picked up Jake. Either way, I didn’t want him knowing where I lived. Stupid really considering Danny had become friends with his brothers.

“You have to get Danny later, from their party! Oh my god, can I come?” Rachelle begs, nearly hyperventilating.

“I hate you all.” I mumble, focusing on my honey prawns instead.

They carry on, worse than the group of gossipy seventy year old women that meet every Saturday morning at Mrs. Lewis’s cafe. Rachelle declares there is something wrong with me, and maybe there is.

Maybe this is one of those ‘high-school’ moments Danny keeps telling me I should be having, aren’t bad boys supposed to be irresistible? My friends think so, each with their own fairy tale of taming the wild child within and judging by the popularity of them, half of the school thinks the same way.

The girls have gone through three quarters of the bottle when Jake rings. It’s not even ten o’clock and everyone goes quiet as I answer.


“Hey babe, how you doin?” He greets, his voice a little slow.

“What do you want Jake?” It’s too early for them to be wanting to be picked up.

“You!” Jake laughs, before the rustling of the phone has me holding it away from my ear.

Rachelle grabs it, throwing it on speaker and through the static, all we can hear is something about, not my sister. Becky laughs. Wendi decides to take another shot.

“As I was saying, I want you,” he pauses, “to pick us up. Dan is wasted, like it’s embarrassing to be seen with him kind of wasted.”

“Alright. I’ll be there soon.” I hang up and look at my audience. “What?”

“I call shotgun!” Rachelle is grabbing her shoes and running to the front door before I can blink.

“If you want to go so badly, why didn’t you just go. It was an open invite party?” I question.

“Because you losers are all here and wouldn’t have gone with me!” She sighs.

“I would have!” Peta argues.

“No, you would have been keen as and then bailed last minute in case your Mum found out!”

Rachelle has a point. Peta is all talk, because the one time she did go through with something, her Mum found out and threatened to take away her allowance. That’s kind of a big deal because her allowance now, is more than any of us could earn actually working. Her parents are winemakers and own one of the largest wineries in this region, which definitely had its perks.

“Would not.” She mumbles, knowing Rachelle is right.

“Come on Sarah! Let’s go!” Rachelle is bouncing up and down by the door while Becky, Wendi and Helena are whispering over the vodka.

“Okay, okay, thanks for dinner Wendi!” I grab my things and Rachelle’s, before following her out.

“Hey Sarah, what about Jake?” Helena comes out after us.

“What about him?”

“If you’re so anti the Blakes, isn’t he really, the next best thing?”

When did my friends get so boy crazy?

“No.” I answer unimpressed.

“No.” Rachelle answers with me. “Give the girl some credit, she can get a Blake no worries.”

“What is with your obsessions about them?” I practically scream at them.

“Fresh meat.” They all say in unison.

“Get in the car Rachelle. Thanks Wendi, bye guys!” I’m in the car before they can say anything else.

I turn the radio on loud so I don’t have to hear any more from Rachelle. Not that it matters, she is too busy primping her hair and going through my bag for lipstick or what ever else I have in there she can use. We’re nearly there when she finally turns down the volume.

“They’re just joking around Sar, and between us, I agree. They are, strange, aren’t they?” She admits.

“I wonder why he went to jail?” I give in, willing to gossip and tell her about the scars I saw on his back.

“Drugs,” She nods, so sure of her answer. “Did he have tattoo’s too?”

“Not that I saw.”

“I love a guy with tatts. How long until Danny gets one?”

“He won’t, you know how he is with pain!” I laugh.

“Oh there is the turn!” She points at the open gate and I turn the Jeep down the gravel driveway that winds through a paddock towards the house.

Already the steady thump of music invades the car and a giant bonfire lights up the whole area in a surreal orange glow. I love bonfires, and at the end of every winter we have a big one out at Peta’s farm. Instantly I smile at the memories of it all, and Rachelle mistakes it as me getting excited to be here.

I find a place to park and get out, breathing in the familiar smell of bush smoke before Rachelle takes my arm in hers and we head towards the mob of people near the fire. It was the usual high school party scene, underage drinking with shy girls getting confidence boosts from jelly shots and testosterone fueled boys getting into fights. There is singing and chatting, a few are dancing with their drinks up in the air.

No one seems to be in the house, spread out in the yard and the strip of paddock that runs alongside an impressive shed. We say hi to the people we know as we pass them, refuse the beers thrown our way and pause as a few of the guys from school yell insults at each other to try and impress some girls who are more interested in what is coming out of the stereo.

“We should totes come next time, I miss our bonfire night.” Rachelle sighs.

Looking around, it doesn’t actually seem as bad as I was expecting. Maybe I am too judgmental, so I agree. “You know what, maybe we will!”

She grins excitedly, and starts to search the crowd; probably for the Blakes, while I look for Danny and Jake. Seeing some of our other friends, she goes to talk to them while I head up towards the shed.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you tonight, Bright Eyes.” Michael greets, appearing out no where.

“Have you seen Danny?”

“Sarah!” Jake calls, coming out of the shed.

Michael glances over his shoulder while I quickly step around him, and never have I ever been happier to see him. “Where’s Dan?”

“Passed out, come here!” He waves me over and daring to look back, Michael has once again disappeared. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Never mind, come on, let’s get him home.” Jake keeps me close as we go inside.

It’s a pretty decent set up with a pool table and TV. There is a fridge too, and some old mismatched sofas. Some people are playing a car racing game on the Playstation, while a few girls are daring each other to do tequila shots. Danny is passed out on a bean bag in the corner, where a few other guys I recognize from his group at school are sitting on milk crates passing around a joint.

“C’arn Benno, help me get Dan to the car.” Jake orders, slapping the only guy I don’t know in the back of the head.

“Alright, alright!” He mutters, and stops as he see’s me, instantly grinning. “Who, are you?”

“Dan’s twin.” Jake answers for me.

“Oh, right, Sally hey?”

“Sarah.” I correct.

He only laughs, and helps Jake lift Danny, with one arm slung over each other their shoulders. Danny groans, and wakes up enough to acknowledge the fact I am there now and I end up following behind them as Jake finds my car. I haven’t seen him this out of it for sometime, and we just get Danny in when Justin appears.

“Yo, you going?” He asks almost offended.

“Yeah man, Dan’s out of it and I gotta help my Dad in the mornin’ too!”

“Come on, one more drink?” Justin pushes.

Jake looks at me and I close the back door. “I need to find Rach anyway, one drink then we’re leaving or you’re stuck out here.”

Just once I’d like to actually sound seventeen and not like everyone’s wife or mother.

“Cheers Sar, I’ll find you guys.” He follows Justin back towards the shed with Benno in tow and I head towards the fire, which was where Rachelle had been going when I last saw her.

When I do find her, I wish I hadn’t. One hand holds a vodka pre-mix, while the other has a strand of her dark hair twirling around her finger. The fire has her pale skin looking like a much darker shade and when she laughs, her head is thrown backwards in a rather over the top display. Based on her body language alone, she is flirting with him.

“So how old are you?” Even her voice has raised a few notches, and she keeps eye contact as she takes a sip of her drink.

“Twenty two.” He answers, sounding more amused than anything else.

“Oh look, it’s my best friend, Sarah!” Rachelle grins, ditching her hair to grab onto my arm and pull me over. “Sar, this is Michael, Justin’s older brother!”

“We’ve met,” Michael smirks. “Find your brother Bright Eyes?”

“Sarah is fine, thanks, and yes I did. You ready Rach?”

“I prefer Bright Eyes.” He crosses his arms and I notice the bandage on his arm as leans back on heels, clearly enjoying my frustrations. I don’t ask about it; I don’t really care.

“I’d prefer to be at home, but you can’t always get what you want.”

“Cold little thing aren’t you?”

“She just takes some time to warm up to strangers!” Rach elbows me, and looking at her, her message is clear. Be nice to the attractive man. “Dan won’t be waking up any time soon, take five and relax!”

“Yeah, Bright Eyes, relax!” Michael is clearly enjoying this.

“Aren’t you a little old to be hanging around seventeen year olds?” I snap.

“Someone needs to supervise.” He shrugs, “I don’t drink, take drugs or allow anyone to drink and drive. So do I get your approval, Mum?”

I only glare at him. I can’t help it.

“That’s really responsible of you!” Rachelle goes back to the hair twirling.

“I’m glad someone thinks so!”

I roll my eyes and seeing some girls from my history class, go over to say hi. They offer me a seat on one of the logs being used as seating by the bonfire and I’m surprised to find Peta’s cousin, Dylan here too.

He hands me a can of Coke from the esky behind him and we start talking about the exams we have coming up. Every time I glance back to Rachelle, Michael is watching us.


I end up loosing track of time and when Jake does stumble over to me, it’s gone midnight. Dylan goes back to his friends, and clearly Jake had more than one drink during that time. So did Rachelle as I’m left dealing with her trying to stroke my own mess of dark hair as I get her into the front seat.

“You really do have bright eyes Sar. I think he likes you!”

“Who like who?” Danny groans from the back as Jake makes him move to one side.

“Michael likes Sarah. They’re going to be sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i...”

“Rach, shut up!” I snap at her, starting the car.

“What is she on about?” Comes Danny’s cranky voice.

It’s a long ride home thanks to her constant teasing about Michael, and after dropping Jake off, there is no way we can get inside without Rachelle and Danny waking up our parents. It’s Mum who appears first, frowning as she looks at the time; it’s nearly a quarter to two.

“What happened to midnight curfew?” Danny mumbles something and starts the climb up the stairs to his room. “Danny, stop right there!”

“It was my fault, he was asleep in the back of the car at ten.” I tell her and for the first time ever, it wasn’t actually a lie.

“It’s true Mrs. Attwell!” Rach nods, a little too enthusiastically.

“Rach, have you been drinking? Sarah, please tell me you weren’t as well?” Mum looks exhausted and Danny’s bedroom door slams shut.

“Of course not!”

She only sighs, “I believe you. Just, oh what ever. You two, bed. Now.”

Mum leaves us and I drag Rachelle into the kitchen, giving her a bottle of water before going up to my room. She has stayed a million times before, even having PJ’s of her own stashed in my wardrobe. I’ve nearly fallen asleep when she rolls over to face me and if she even mentions the Blakes once, I’m smothering her with the pillow.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve dropped the whole Michael subject. He does seem nice though, I think he likes you.” She yawns.

“Yeah, well, I don’t care. I’m going to get through exams, graduate and have the best summer ever!”

“Me too!” Rachelle agrees before going quiet for a few minutes. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“You know you can.” I tell her honestly.

“I’m scared. Like, the I get nightmares about it kind of scared.”

“About what?”

“Graduation. Growing up. We’re eighteen next year, no more high school. I just don’t know what is going to happen next for me. You have your plans, and you’re family supporting you and, I got a drunk for a Dad who doesn’t even know I exist half the time, and my Mum, well you know how reliable she is. I’ve applied for some scholarships, but what if I flunk my exams? I’m going to end up stuck here!” Her voice cuts out at the end, and my heart breaks for her.

“Rach, I’m scared too! It’s totally normal to be, and no matter what happens, you’re stuck with me. I’m not going to leave you here, and you’re going to get one of those scholarships and even if you don’t it doesn’t matter because you’ll find a way to get where you want to be.”

“Thanks Sar, I want to believe that so bad!” But she can’t, because her whole life her parents have only put her down and that B grade she got in her practice biology exam today only makes her doubt herself even more. “Good night Sar.”

“Night Rach.”

Only now I am wide awake and the future is the last thing on my mind as all I can think about is those stupid Blake Boys.


“Well Sarah, I’m so glad you applied!” Mrs. Johns smiles.

“So, I got the job?” I ask for clarification.

“Of course love, I’ll start you next Saturday. How’s that? Just weekends for now and maybe a Thursday night. I know you have exams starting soon.”

“Great! Yes, thank you!”

We sort out a few minor details and I leave the store feeling amazing. Danny is waiting by the car, looking hungover and manages to smile a little as he see’s me. “Get it then?”

“Sure did. Have you spoke to Baz?”

“Yeah, he has all the paperwork to sign me up as an apprentice. I won’t be able to start until next year, but he’ll get me doing stuff over the holidays so that will keep Mum and Dad off my back. You had breakfast?”

“That’s great Dan. I’m so proud of you!” I give him a hug and despite resisting it, he gives me a quick squeeze back. “It’s like eleven thirty, I’ll shout you lunch!”

We head over to the foreshore area, because I know Rachelle is working at the Fish and Chip shop down there, so ‘my shout’ will actually be on the house, but Danny already knew that.

“How you feeling this morning Danny?” Rachelle greets, too perky for his liking as he barely grunts in response.

I kick him under the table, which at least makes him form words now.

“Fine.” He mumbles, and I kick him again. “Fine, thank you Rach.”

She smirks before looking at me. “Thanks for last night Sar. The usual?”

We nod and she disappears to get our food, while I enjoy the sun and Danny taps away on his phone.

“Think you could drop me at Jake’s after this?”

“Sure!” I tell him, just as the police car appears in the car park.

Constable Edwards gets out and one of the new officers is with him. As soon as they see us, they come our way and Danny hasn’t noticed them yet. He doesn’t until they stop beside our table, not that he acknowledges them.

“Good morning Sarah, Danny.” Constable Edwards greets.

“Good morning!” I smile, as Danny stays busy on his phone.

We exchange the usual pleasantries until one of the passing farmers spots them and comes over soon taking control of the conversation. “You found anything out about Bob’s sheep?”

“Sorry Angus, the ranger said it looks like dogs attacked it. Out of our hands!” The constable sighs, clearly having said this many times before.

“If any of my cattle end up ripped apart, I’ll be taking care of it myself!” He threatens.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. These things happen, just keep an eye out for any strays and call Grant to take care of them if you do!”

“Well my boy, Dave said he saw three vicious looking mutts the other night hanging out by the rear of our property. Grant ain’t doing nothin about that! Useless, all of ya are useless!” He mutters under his breath, carrying on about the government and other conspiracy theories he has about people trying to steal his cows.

“As I was saying, have a good day Sarah. Danny.” The aging Constable heads over to his officer who is now ordering with Sarah up at the counter.

“Surprised he didn’t blame me for it!” Danny snaps the second we’re alone again. “Daniel, where were you when these attacks took place? Are they your dogs causing the attacks?” He mocks.

“Be careful if you and Jake take the bikes out later. Peta wanted to go riding tomorrow too, I wonder if they have heard about what’s going on?”

“Not our problem! He’s probably over reacting, crazy old asshole. Stop worrying so much!”

I ignore him, and come Sunday morning I’m telling Peta about what happened as we get the tack out for her horses. Turns out, she already knew.

“It’s pretty bad. They thought it was foxes, but then Dave saw them and it matched the description of what that old guy up the road said he saw chase his pregnant ewes. Luckily he scared them off with an air gun!” She goes about getting our horses ready. “Don’t worry. They’re miles from here and we’re not going to go too far on the trails today. I’d be more worried about the snakes.”

“Not helping!” I sigh, and go over to Kingston to give him a carrot. “Be nice to me today buddy, none of that jumping crap you did last time!”

The chestnut gelding had got spooked the last time I rode him, and took off back home by taking a shortcut. The shortcut included jumping over all the paddock fences and when I finally got some control back of him, I ended up falling on my ass outside the stable because he decided to move side wards when I was dismounting. Peta, thought it was hilarious and even now she giggles at the memory.

“Your face was priceless!” She laughs, “Come on, I have a family thing on for lunch. We can only go for a couple of hours.”

Kingston and I follow Peta and Daisy out of the stables and down the driveway, taking a turn as we hit the first row of vines we travel single file down the aisle. Before long we’ve made it to the fence and Peta opens the gate that gives us our freedom.

We’re still in her families property, but these trails can be used by anyone. The bush has been kept in its most natural state. Cockatoos chatter from high up in the trees and the last of the morning fog has finally disappeared. Kingston is behaving and as we ride, Peta and I throw revision questions for Chemistry at each other. She kept one hand on Daisy’s reins and the other produced another of her flashcards. I really don’t know how she did it.

“When determining the heat of combustion of three different liquid alkanols, what is the independent variable?” She calls out.

“Too easy, the type of alkanol used!”

“I think if we keep going over these things, we’re going to go insane. How about a race?” Her smile is wicked and I stupidly agree.

Kingston on the other hand, not so much. That is until Daisy has us eating her dust and the monster horse lurches forward with no warning and I’m once again left gripping onto leather, hair and what ever else I can get a hold on. I scream without meaning to do it and that only makes Kingston go even faster.

“Pull the reins!” Peta yells from behind me.

“What do you think I’m doing! Stupid crazy horse!” I scream.

In that moment, Kingston seems happy with his new first place rank and rather than flat out galloping, his pace evens out so it’s like we’re flying. His hooves cut into dirt without remorse, and I’m finally able to enjoy the ride, leaving my terror behind me. This time I scream with joy and trying to remember some of what Peta had taught me about riding, stick my butt up in the air and position myself just right to make it easier on both of us. No wonder she loves horses so much.

Daisy catches up and we find a slower pace before bringing them back down into a walk.

“Let’s turn around, I wish we could stay out all day!” Peta sighs.

“I know!” I agree, grinning like a lunatic as the adrenaline from what could have been another near death experience still thumps within my veins.

Unexpectedly, Daisy stops. Her large nostrils flare slightly, snorting loudly as her ears perk and she focuses on the bushes to our left. Kingston does the same for about a second before he backs up.

“Now what?” I grumble at him, trying to urge him forward.

“Snake. Let him go.” Peta tells me, letting Daisy do the same, “I don’t know how, but they sense them and-”

She stops as we both freeze at the sight of the husky, or maybe malamute, that appears from the bushes. The dog doesn’t look bothered about us being there at all, and the only people around that have a dog anywhere near similar to this one is the Shelton’s, and they have two Samoyed’s. All along its back, brown and black fur mix with the not very fluffy cream coat. It looks healthy enough, yet it’s legs are rather long and lanky; it’s tail doesn’t have that curling shape to it either.

Kingston pawed at the dirt, unimpressed with the new arrival and all the dog in response is lick it’s lips. Cold blue eyes meet mine and there seems to be something almost amused on it’s face, if dogs can look that way. I’m pretty sure I read once that you shouldn’t make eye contact with an aggressive animal as it will make it see you as a threat, but I can’t look away, at least until Peta gasps as two more join it.

“Do you think these are-” I whisper, glancing at her. What happened to those dog attacks being miles from where we are?

“I hope not. If we run, they’ll probably chase. King might get a hit in, but Daisy has been around too many dogs to send a kick their way!” Her fear is obvious.

“I don’t want to hurt them!” Feral or not, the thought of the horses and the dogs being hurt makes me feel sick.

One growls and it’s the smaller reddish brown that starts to slink towards as, which has the horses willing to retreat. Before he can get too close, the first one leaps forward, stopping it and with a howling yap sound, the trio move off.

“Go!” Peta declares the second they disappear into the bushes again and as Daisy springs forward, Kingston follows.

We don’t stop until the gate is securely closed at the vineyard. Peta and I don’t say a word to each other until we’re back down at the stable and just because we’re home, and ′safe’, it doesn’t stop their howls from following us inside. Neither of us knew of dogs ever howling like that; like wolves. Maybe I do worry too much, but I just have a feeling it won’t be the last time we see them.

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